Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.adf.model.adapter

Contains the implementation for abstract adapters for various oracle.binding.DataControl implementation shipped with ADF.


Interface Summary
ContextHandler Context handlers creates and stores data control metadata.

Class Summary
AbstractAdapter Abstract base class to adapt a data source into ADF design time.
AbstractDefinition Definition of a data control instance.
AbstractImpl An abstract base class for all metadata driven data control implementations.
AdapterContext Defines the context for an adapter.Adapters can get the information like request, connection informstion etc from this context.
AdapterDataControlDef Definition class for adapter created data controls.
AdapterDCService Provides services to the adapter created data controls for handling collection and bean based data.
AdapterDefinition Adapter definition contains the definitions of the adapters available for the system.
AdapterSortCriteria Sort criteria that can be defined for the data controls.
DataControlFactoryImpl Factory class to create a data control instance from the XML metadata.
DTContext Design time context holds the context information required to get information from the data source to define an instance.
MetaDef This is a helper class that helps to create and modify data control definitions.

Exception Summary
AdapterException AdapterException is thrown from the adapter common runtime layer.

Package oracle.adf.model.adapter Description

Contains the implementation for abstract adapters for various oracle.binding.DataControl implementation shipped with ADF.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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