Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class GraphicsUtils

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.GraphicsUtils

public final class GraphicsUtils
extends java.lang.Object

GraphicsUtils defines common user-interface related utility functions.

Field Summary
protected static java.awt.Component component
protected static java.awt.MediaTracker tracker
Method Summary
static void centerWindowOnComponent(java.awt.Window window, java.awt.Component over)
          Centers the window over a component (usually another window).
static void centerWindowOnScreen(java.awt.Window window)
          Sets the location of the specified window so that it is centered on screen.
static javax.swing.ImageIcon createImageIcon(java.awt.Image image)
static void drawHighlightBorder(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised, java.awt.Color shadow, java.awt.Color highlight)
          Draws a single-line highlight border rectangle.
static java.awt.Component focusComponentOrChild(java.awt.Component c)
static java.awt.Insets getHighlightBorderInsets()
          Return the amount of space taken up by a highlight border drawn by drawHighlightBorder().
static java.awt.Point getPopupMenuShowPoint(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup, int x, int y)
          Returns a point where the given popup menu should be shown.
static java.awt.Point getPopupMenuShowPoint(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup, java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
          Returns a point where the given popup menu should be shown.
static boolean isAncestorOfFocusedComponent(java.awt.Component c)
static java.awt.Image loadFromResource(java.lang.String imageName, java.lang.Class cls)
          Loads an Image named imageName as a resource relative to the Class cls.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.awt.Component component


protected static final java.awt.MediaTracker tracker
Method Detail


public static void centerWindowOnScreen(java.awt.Window window)
Sets the location of the specified window so that it is centered on screen.

window - The window to be centered.


public static void drawHighlightBorder(java.awt.Graphics g,
                                       int x,
                                       int y,
                                       int width,
                                       int height,
                                       boolean raised,
                                       java.awt.Color shadow,
                                       java.awt.Color highlight)
Draws a single-line highlight border rectangle.

g - The graphics context to use for drawing.
x - The left edge of the border.
y - The top edge of the border.
width - The width of the border.
height - The height of the border.
raised - true if the border is to be drawn raised, false if lowered.
shadow - The shadow color for the border.
highlight - The highlight color for the border.
See Also:
EtchedBorder, BasicGraphicsUtils.drawEtchedRect(java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int, java.awt.Color, java.awt.Color, java.awt.Color, java.awt.Color)


public static java.awt.Insets getHighlightBorderInsets()
Return the amount of space taken up by a highlight border drawn by drawHighlightBorder().

The Insets needed for the highlight border.
See Also:
drawHighlightBorder(java.awt.Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, java.awt.Color, java.awt.Color)


public static javax.swing.ImageIcon createImageIcon(java.awt.Image image)


public static java.awt.Point getPopupMenuShowPoint(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup,
                                                   java.awt.event.MouseEvent event)
Returns a point where the given popup menu should be shown. The point is calculated by adjusting the X and Y coordinates from the given mouse event so that the popup menu will not be clipped by the screen boundaries.

popup - the popup menu
event - the mouse event
the point where the popup menu should be shown


public static java.awt.Point getPopupMenuShowPoint(javax.swing.JPopupMenu popup,
                                                   int x,
                                                   int y)
Returns a point where the given popup menu should be shown. The point is calculated by adjusting the X and Y coordinates so that the popup menu will not be clipped by the screen boundaries.

popup - the popup menu
x - the x position in screen coordinate
y - the y position in screen coordinates
the point where the popup menu should be shown in screen coordinates


public static void centerWindowOnComponent(java.awt.Window window,
                                           java.awt.Component over)
Centers the window over a component (usually another window). The window must already have been sized.


public static boolean isAncestorOfFocusedComponent(java.awt.Component c)
returns true if the component of one of its child has the focus


public static java.awt.Component focusComponentOrChild(java.awt.Component c)


public static java.awt.Image loadFromResource(java.lang.String imageName,
                                              java.lang.Class cls)
Loads an Image named imageName as a resource relative to the Class cls. If the Image can not be loaded, then null is returned. Images loaded here will be added to an internal cache based upon the full URL to their location. This method replaces legacy code from JDeveloper 3.x and earlier.

See Also:
Class.getResource(String), Toolkit.createImage(URL)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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