Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface ApplicationPool

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public interface ApplicationPool

This is the ApplicationPool interface. It needs to be implemented by any class that is intended to provide a customized pool interface. Look at ApplicationPoolImpl for the default implementation.
View Implementation of ApplicationPool View Implementation of ApplicationPoolImpl

Method Summary
 void addSessionCookie(SessionCookie cookie)
          Add an existing session cookie to the pool.
 void checkin(ApplicationModule instance)
          Deprecated. Replaced by: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int).

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie.SHARED_UNMANAGED_RELEASE_MODE) instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

 java.lang.String checkinWithSessionState(ApplicationModule appModule)
          Deprecated. Replaced by: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int).

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie.SHARED_MANAGED_RELEASE_MODE)

instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie

for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

 ApplicationModule checkout()
          Deprecated. Replaced by: ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule().

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.useApplicationModule()

instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

 ApplicationModule checkout(java.lang.String sessionId)
          Deprecated. Replaced by: ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule().

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.useApplicationModule()

instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie

for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

 void commitAndSyncCache(ApplicationModule instance)
          Given an intitial Application Module instance, synchronizes the caches of all Application Module instances in the pool.
 ApplicationModule createNewInstance()
          Deprecated. Replaced by ConnectionStrategy.createApplicationModule(SessionCookie, EnvInfoProvider). All extending logic that was implemented here should be implemented in a custom ConnectionStrategy class that extends: DefaultConnectionStrategy.

 SessionCookie createSessionCookie(java.lang.String applicationId, java.lang.String sessionId, java.util.Properties properties)
          Create a session cookie for access to this pool.
 void dumpPoolStatistics( pw)
 SessionCookie findOrCreateSessionCookie(java.lang.String applicationId, java.lang.String sessionId, java.util.Properties properties)
          Returns the specified session cookie.
 SessionCookie findSessionCookie(java.lang.String applicationId, java.lang.String sessionId)
          Returns the specified session cookie.
 java.lang.String getApplicationModuleClass()
          Return the class name of the application modules being managed by the pool.
 int getAvailableInstanceCount()
          Returns the available number of instances in the Application Pool.
 int getAvailableNumPools()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getAvailableInstanceCount()
 ConnectionStrategy getConnectionStrategy()
          Get the application module strategy that will be used to create, connect, disconnect, and reconnect the application module.
 java.lang.String getConnectString()
          Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be acquired from the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_CONNECT_STRING_PROPERTY key.

 long getCreationTimeMillis(ApplicationModule instance)
          Gets the time when the app module was created (in milli-secs).
 java.lang.String getEnvAppModuleClassName()
          Return the name of the ApplicationModule class that is managed by this ApplicationPool.
 java.lang.String getEnvConfigurationName()
          Return the name of the BC4J configuration that was used to initialize the pool environment.
 java.util.Hashtable getEnvironment()
          Returns the Hashtable that was used to initialize the Context for the application module instances.
 int getInitPoolSize()
          Get the initial number of application module instances which will be instantiated in the application pool.
 ApplicationModule getInstance(int index)
          Deprecated. Implementation detail. This method has been made protected. Pool clients should not access pooled instances directly. Use ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule() to acquire ApplicationModule instances instead.

 int getInstanceCount()
          Returns the number of instances that the Application Pool has created.
 int getMaxPoolSize()
          Get the maximum number of application module instances which may be referenced by the application pool.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the pool's name.
 java.lang.String getPassword()
          Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be acquired from the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY key.

 java.lang.String getPoolName()
          Deprecated. Replaced by getName().
 SessionCookieFactory getSessionCookieFactory()
          Get the factory that will be used to create new session cookie instances.
 long getSignature()
          Return a signature for the application pool.
 Statistics getStatistics()
          Returns the pool statistics.
 long getTimeToCreateMillis(ApplicationModule instance)
          Gets the time that it will tke to create the application module (in milli-secs).
 java.util.Hashtable getUserData()
          Returns the User Data hashtable.
 java.lang.String getUserName()
          Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be acquired from the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_USERNAME_PROPERTY key.

 void initialize(java.lang.String poolName, java.lang.String applicationModule, java.lang.String connectString, java.util.Hashtable env)
          This initializes the ApplicationPool.
 boolean isAvailable(ApplicationModule appModule)
          Deprecated. Implementation detail. This method has been made protected.
 void releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie cookie, boolean manageState)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.3

Use releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie,int) instead. If state management is required then invoke:

releaseApplicationModule(cookie, SessionCookie.SHARED_MANAGED_RELEASE_MODE)

Otherwise invoke:

releaseApplicationModule(cookie, SessionCookie.SHARED_UNMANAGED_RELEASE_MODE)

 void releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie cookie, int releaseFlags)
          Mark the session's application module as available for reuse by other sessions.
 void releaseInstances()
          Deprecated. Replaced by: ResourcePool.removeResources(). Method

may be confused with releaseResource.

 java.lang.Object removeResource(java.lang.Object resource)
          Remove the resource from the application pool.
 java.util.ArrayList removeResources()
          Remove all of the pool application module instances that have been created so far.
 void removeSessionCookie(SessionCookie cookie)
          Destroy a session cookie.
 void setAvailable(ApplicationModule appModule)
          This method may be used by clients if they are manually populating the pool with application module instances using createNewInstance() to notify the pool when a new instance is ready for use by other threads.
 void setConnectionStrategy(ConnectionStrategy strategy)
          Set the application module strategy that will be used to create, connect, disconnect, and reconnect the application module.
 void setPassword(java.lang.String sPassword)
          Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be set in the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY key.

 void setSessionCookieFactory(SessionCookieFactory sessionCookieFactory)
          Set the factory that will be used to create new session cookie instances.
 void setUserData(java.util.Hashtable data)
          Replaces the userData with the new Hashtable.
 void setUserName(java.lang.String sUser)
          Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be set in the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_USERNAME_PROPERTY key.

 ApplicationModule useApplicationModule(SessionCookie cookie, boolean checkout)
          Returns an application module for the specified session cookie.
 boolean validateSessionCookie(SessionCookie cookie)
          Validate that a session cookie is a valid handle for this pool.
 boolean validateSessionCookieInPool(SessionCookie cookie)
          Validate that a session cookie is a member of this pool.

Method Detail


void initialize(java.lang.String poolName,
                java.lang.String applicationModule,
                java.lang.String connectString,
                java.util.Hashtable env)
This initializes the ApplicationPool. The Pool name should be unique with respect to any other pools. An exception will be thrown on any errors such as duplicate pool name or mismatched information within the connectInfo parameter.

poolName - the name of the application module pool.
applicationModule - name of the application module for which the pool will be created.
connectString - the connection string to use to connect to the database.
env - name of the hash table containing the environment variables for the selected platform.


java.lang.String getApplicationModuleClass()
Return the class name of the application modules being managed by the pool.


java.util.Hashtable getEnvironment()
Returns the Hashtable that was used to initialize the Context for the application module instances.


void setAvailable(ApplicationModule appModule)
This method may be used by clients if they are manually populating the pool with application module instances using createNewInstance() to notify the pool when a new instance is ready for use by other threads. Pool clients should not use this method after an application module has been set available for the first time.

appModule - the application module which will be made available


ApplicationModule useApplicationModule(SessionCookie cookie,
                                       boolean checkout)
Returns an application module for the specified session cookie. If the session has not already checked out an application module instance and the checkout flag is true then the application pool should checkout an application module instance for the specified session.

The requesting thread may obtain an application module with the state from a previous request by passing the previous request's cookie instance. The cookie should be used by the pool to re-create an application module state from a previous request.

If an "empty" session cookie is specified then the pool should return a stateless application module instance. An empty session cookie is defined as a cookie that does not reference a previous application module state. Please see SessionCookie.getPassivationId() for more information regarding application state maintenance.

In order to persist some internal state information, the application pool may mutate the specified cookie. Application pool clients should consequently be careful to reference the cookie value that is returned in the cookie value after checkout has been invoked.

cookie - an empty/previous session cookie


void releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie cookie,
                              boolean manageState)
Deprecated. since 9.0.3

Use releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie,int) instead. If state management is required then invoke:

releaseApplicationModule(cookie, SessionCookie.SHARED_MANAGED_RELEASE_MODE)

Otherwise invoke:

releaseApplicationModule(cookie, SessionCookie.SHARED_UNMANAGED_RELEASE_MODE)

Mark the session's application module as available for reuse by other sessions.

If the managed flag is true then the pool will maintain logical application module state while still sharing an application module resource between sessions.

When an application module is marked available with managed state the application module will be passivated immediately if failover support has been requested (default). If failover support has been disabled, through the jbo.DoFailover system parameter, the application module will not be passivated until it is re-used by a session other than the session releasing in the application module.

Please see SessionCookie for more information regarding session identification and application state tracking.

cookie - a session cookie equal to the session cookie that was generated during checkout
manageState - indicates if the session's application module state should be managed by the pool


void releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie cookie,
                              int releaseFlags)
Mark the session's application module as available for reuse by other sessions.

If the managed flag is true then the pool will maintain logical application module state while still sharing an application module resource between sessions.

When an application module is marked available with managed state the application module will be passivated immediately if failover support has been requested (default). If failover support has been disabled, through the jbo.DoFailover system parameter, the application module will not be passivated until it is re-used by a session other than the session releasing in the application module.

Please see SessionCookie for more information regarding session identification and application state tracking.

The ApplicationPool supports the following release modes:

SHARED_MANAGED_RELEASE_MODE: Release the ApplicationModule for re-use by other sessions. Manage this session's ApplicationModule state.

SHARED_UNMANAGED_RELEASE_MODE: Release the ApplicationModule for re-use by other sessions. Do not manage this session's ApplicationModule state.

RESERVED_UNMANAGED_RELEASE_MODE: Do not release the ApplicationModule for re-use by other sessions. Do not manage this session's ApplicationModule state. This mode would be used if failover is not required.

RESERVED_MANAGED_RELEASE_MODE: Do not release the ApplicationModule for re-use by other sessions. Manage this session's ApplicationModule state. This mode would be used if failover is required for a reserved ApplicationModule instance.

cookie - a session cookie equal to the session cookie that was generated during checkout


java.util.ArrayList removeResources()
Remove all of the pool application module instances that have been created so far.

The remove() method is called on the Application Modules being represented by the application instance class


java.lang.Object removeResource(java.lang.Object resource)
Remove the resource from the application pool.

The remove() method is called on the Application Module being represented by the application instance class


int getInstanceCount()
Returns the number of instances that the Application Pool has created.


int getAvailableInstanceCount()
Returns the available number of instances in the Application Pool.


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the pool's name.


java.util.Hashtable getUserData()
Returns the User Data hashtable. This is a generic container for any settings the user would like to associate with this application pool.


void setUserData(java.util.Hashtable data)
Replaces the userData with the new Hashtable.

data - the new hashtable to use for the environment information.


long getTimeToCreateMillis(ApplicationModule instance)
Gets the time that it will tke to create the application module (in milli-secs).

instance - the application module instance for which you want to know how long it will take to create it.


long getCreationTimeMillis(ApplicationModule instance)
Gets the time when the app module was created (in milli-secs).

instance - the application module instance for which you want to know the time of creation.


void commitAndSyncCache(ApplicationModule instance)
Given an intitial Application Module instance, synchronizes the caches of all Application Module instances in the pool.

This method commits the transaction for instance. Then, it loops through all other instances of the Application Module in the pool and synchronizes their caches with the changes committed by instance. For example:

  // Insert a new row
     row = voEmp1.createRow();

     row.setAttribute("EmpNum", new Integer(9999));
     row.setAttribute("EmpName", "NewPers");
     row.setAttribute("EmpJob", "JOBX");


  // Commit the changes for the specified instance, then sync
  // them with the rest of the Application Module instances.

instance - an instance of an Application Module in the pool.


ConnectionStrategy getConnectionStrategy()
Get the application module strategy that will be used to create, connect, disconnect, and reconnect the application module.


void setConnectionStrategy(ConnectionStrategy strategy)
Set the application module strategy that will be used to create, connect, disconnect, and reconnect the application module.


SessionCookieFactory getSessionCookieFactory()
Get the factory that will be used to create new session cookie instances.


void setSessionCookieFactory(SessionCookieFactory sessionCookieFactory)
Set the factory that will be used to create new session cookie instances.


SessionCookie createSessionCookie(java.lang.String applicationId,
                                  java.lang.String sessionId,
                                  java.util.Properties properties)
Create a session cookie for access to this pool. Session cookies are used by the application pool to uniquely identify a pool client.

applicationId - an identifier which may be used to uniquely identify this cookie within the context of a session

sessionId - an option identifier which may be used to uniquely identify this cookie across sessions.

properties - an optional properties object which may be used to pass additional creation properties to the SessionCookieFactory.


SessionCookie findOrCreateSessionCookie(java.lang.String applicationId,
                                        java.lang.String sessionId,
                                        java.util.Properties properties)
Returns the specified session cookie. If not found creates a new SessionCookie.


SessionCookie findSessionCookie(java.lang.String applicationId,
                                java.lang.String sessionId)
Returns the specified session cookie. Returns null if to is not registered with this ApplicationPool.


void addSessionCookie(SessionCookie cookie)
Add an existing session cookie to the pool. The session cookie must have been created by a pool instance with the same signature as this pool. This method may be used to add a de-serialized cookie to an existing pool instance.

See Also:
createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties), validateSessionCookie(SessionCookie)


void removeSessionCookie(SessionCookie cookie)
Destroy a session cookie.


boolean validateSessionCookie(SessionCookie cookie)
Validate that a session cookie is a valid handle for this pool. Session cookies may only access the pool from which they were created.

This method only validates that a SessionCookie was created by an ApplicationPool with the same signature as the target ApplicationPool. It is used by the default ApplicationPool implementation to verify that a SessionCookie may be added to the target pool. It does not validate that the SessionCookie is a valid member of the target ApplicationPool. Please use validateSessionCookieInPool(SessionCookie) to validate that a SessionCookie is a member of the target ApplicationPool.

See Also:
getSignature(), validateSessionCookieInPool(SessionCookie)


boolean validateSessionCookieInPool(SessionCookie cookie)
Validate that a session cookie is a member of this pool. A SessionCookie is a pool member if it can be used to acquire and release ApplicationModule instances from the ApplicationPool. SessionCookie(s) are automatically registered as an ApplicationPool member when they are created by that ApplicationPool with createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties). SessionCookie(s) are unregistered as an ApplicationPool member when they are removed from an an ApplicationPool with removeSessionCookie(SessionCookie).


long getSignature()
Return a signature for the application pool.

The pool signature will also be used to determine whether a cookie is a valid handle to the pool instance. The pool signature value should be unique across pools and consistent across VMs.

See Also:


void dumpPoolStatistics( pw)


Statistics getStatistics()
Returns the pool statistics.


int getMaxPoolSize()
Get the maximum number of application module instances which may be referenced by the application pool.


int getInitPoolSize()
Get the initial number of application module instances which will be instantiated in the application pool.


java.lang.String getEnvConfigurationName()
Return the name of the BC4J configuration that was used to initialize the pool environment. The name of the configuration will be a package qualified name. If the pool environment was not initialized by a BC4J configuration then this method will return null.


java.lang.String getEnvAppModuleClassName()
Return the name of the ApplicationModule class that is managed by this ApplicationPool.


boolean isAvailable(ApplicationModule appModule)
Deprecated. Implementation detail. This method has been made protected.



java.lang.String getPoolName()
Deprecated. Replaced by getName().

See Also:


ApplicationModule getInstance(int index)
Deprecated. Implementation detail. This method has been made protected. Pool clients should not access pooled instances directly. Use ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule() to acquire ApplicationModule instances instead.



ApplicationModule createNewInstance()
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
Deprecated. Replaced by ConnectionStrategy.createApplicationModule(SessionCookie, EnvInfoProvider). All extending logic that was implemented here should be implemented in a custom ConnectionStrategy class that extends: DefaultConnectionStrategy.

See Also:
ConnectionStrategy.createApplicationModule(SessionCookie, EnvInfoProvider)


int getAvailableNumPools()
Deprecated. Replaced by getAvailableInstanceCount()

See Also:


void checkin(ApplicationModule instance)
Deprecated. Replaced by: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int).

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie.SHARED_UNMANAGED_RELEASE_MODE) instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

Checks in an application instance that had previously been checked out. This makes the application instance avalable for subsequent checkout requests from this pool.

instance - name of the application module instance to check in.

See Also:
SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int), ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule()


java.lang.String checkinWithSessionState(ApplicationModule appModule)
Deprecated. Replaced by: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int).

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(SessionCookie.SHARED_MANAGED_RELEASE_MODE)

instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie

for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

Check-in the application module as being referenced by the invoking session thread.

This method should be used by pool clients that wish to maintain logical application module state while still sharing an application module resource across requests. The method returns a system generated session id for the check-in that should be used as the unique application module identifier by the client session.

The application module will be passivated immediately if failover support has been requested (default). If failover support has been disable, through the jbo.DoFailover system parameter, the application module will not be passivated until it is re-used by a session other than the session checking in the application module.

appModule - the application module that will be checked in

See Also:
SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int), ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule()


ApplicationModule checkout()
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Deprecated. Replaced by: ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule().

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.useApplicationModule()

instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

Checks out stateless application instance from the pool. If the pool does not have any available instances, it will create a new instance and return it to the request thread.

See Also:
ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule(), SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int)


ApplicationModule checkout(java.lang.String sessionId)
Deprecated. Replaced by: ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule().

Application developers should invoke: SessionCookie.useApplicationModule()

instead of this method. A session cookie instance may be acquired by invoking: createSessionCookie(String, String, Properties).

This change was necessary to support the SessionCookie interface. Please see: SessionCookie

for more information about using SessionCookies with the application pool.

Returns an application module for the specified session. The session id must have been generated by a previous call to: checkinWithSessionState(ApplicationModule)

against this application module pool.

The session id should be used to re-create an application module state from a previous request.

If an unrecognized session id is specified then the pool should return a stateless application module instance.

sessionId - a session identifier from a previous request
See Also:
ApplicationModuleRef.useApplicationModule(), SessionCookie.releaseApplicationModule(int)


java.lang.String getUserName()
Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be acquired from the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_USERNAME_PROPERTY key.

Returns the user name.

See Also:
ConnectionStrategy, EnvInfoProvider, SessionCookie


void setUserName(java.lang.String sUser)
Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be set in the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_USERNAME_PROPERTY key.

See Also:
ConnectionStrategy, EnvInfoProvider, SessionCookie


java.lang.String getPassword()
Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be acquired from the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY key.

Returns the password.

See Also:
ConnectionStrategy, EnvInfoProvider, SessionCookie


void setPassword(java.lang.String sPassword)
Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be set in the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_PASSWORD_PROPERTY key.

See Also:
ConnectionStrategy, EnvInfoProvider, SessionCookie


java.lang.String getConnectString()
Deprecated. This value should be passed to the pool connection strategy as SessionCookie environment or by implementing an EnvInfoProvider. The value may be acquired from the ApplicationPool or SessionCookie environment by using the Configuration.DB_CONNECT_STRING_PROPERTY key.

See Also:
ConnectionStrategy, EnvInfoProvider, SessionCookie


void releaseInstances()
Deprecated. Replaced by: ResourcePool.removeResources(). Method

may be confused with releaseResource.

See Also:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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