Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Interface KeyAttributeInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
Char, Date, DBSequence, Number, Raw, RowID, Timestamp, TimestampLTZ, TimestampTZ

public interface KeyAttributeInterface

Implemented by domain classes, instances of which could be an attribute of a oracle.jbo.Key

This interface is used by Key serialization to come up with a string representation of the key that is of a reasonable length. By default the key uses java-serialization to convert an attribute value into bytearray. But that ends up creating a large string, which gets unmanageable when Web/HTML/JSP UIs have to display the key/use the key in URLs. The intent here is to get a shorter but meaningful String representation of this object.

Note that another requirement of this interface is that the domain class should have a public default constructor, so that the framework can call Class.newInstance() to create an instance of this domain class and set the byte array from a key into this instance using setBytes method.

JDevloper 3.0
See Also:

Method Summary
 byte[] getBytes()
          Converts this attribute value into a byte-array.
 void setBytes(byte[] bArr)
          Passes in the bytes that represent the value of this object.

Method Detail


byte[] getBytes()
Converts this attribute value into a byte-array. For domains that extend oracle.sql.* classes, this method is implemented by a baseclass. For others, this method needs to return a byte-array representation of the value held in the domain object.

a byte array representing this object


void setBytes(byte[] bArr)
Passes in the bytes that represent the value of this object. For domains that extedn oracle.sql.* classes, this method is implemented by a base-class.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


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