Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Class OLiteSQLBuilderImpl

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.CommonCriteriaAdapter
      extended by oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
          extended by oracle.jbo.server.OLiteSQLBuilderImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
CriteriaAdapter, SQLBuilder, ViewCriteriaAdapter
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OLiteSQLBuilderImpl
extends BaseSQLBuilderImpl

OracleLite specific implementation of the SQLBuilder interface.

JDeveloper 3.0

Field Summary
          OLite specific error code for resource busy exception.
protected static java.lang.String ORACLE_ROWID_COLUMN
          Oracle specific column name for ROWID.
Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
Constructor Summary
protected OLiteSQLBuilderImpl()
          This is a singleton class.
Method Summary
protected static java.lang.String addSqlTypeText(java.lang.String sqlText, java.lang.String inputType)
          A helper method for getTables.
protected  int bindWhereAttrValue(EntityImpl entityContext, DBTransactionImpl trans, java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl attrDef, int bindIndex, boolean skipNull)
          Binds an attribute value to the Statement's WHERE clause parameter index dealing with Null values appropriately.
 java.lang.String buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement()
          Returns a statement that returns a date that is 'x' number of days apart from the specified date.
protected  boolean capabilityCanReuseLockStatements()
          Cannot reuse lock statements for OLite database .
 java.lang.Object doLoadFromResultSet(java.lang.Object theTypeFactory, java.lang.Object theElemFactory, java.lang.Class theJavaType, byte attrLoad, java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, DBTransactionImpl trans)
          Loads an object from a result set.
 java.lang.String getBaseTable(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String name)
          Unroll any synonyms that may be present, and get the real objectname.
 java.lang.String getClauseForDateLiteral(java.util.Date date)
          Creates a database platform specific clause for converting a date string literal to date datatype.
 java.lang.String getCreateSequenceInsertTriggerSQL(java.lang.String triggerName, java.lang.String tableName, java.util.ArrayList sequenceNames, java.util.ArrayList colNames)
          This method is not implemented for OLite SQLBuilder.
 java.lang.String getCreateSequenceSQL(java.lang.String sequenceName, int startVal)
          This method is not implemented for OLite SQLBuilder.
 java.util.ArrayList getDBOperationList(java.sql.Connection connection, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String packageFilter, java.lang.String operationFilter)
          Return a list of packages visible in this connection.
 java.util.ArrayList getDBPackageList(java.sql.Connection connection, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String packageFilter)
          Return a list of packages visible in this connection.
 java.lang.String getDbTimeQuery()
          Returns a SQL statement to obtain the current time from the database.
 java.lang.String getDbType()
          Returns a string uniquely identifying this type of SQLBuilder.
 int getDefaultBindingStyle()
          Default binding style for this SQLBuilder is JDBC.
 java.lang.String getDropSequenceSQL(java.lang.String sequenceName)
          This method is not implemented for OLite SQLBuilder.
 java.lang.String getDropTableSQL(java.lang.String dbObjectName)
          Returns a SQL statement that drops a specified table.
static SQLBuilder getInterface()
          Gets the singleton instance of this class.
protected  java.lang.String getJDBCDriverClassName(java.lang.String url)
          Concrete implementations of SQLBuilder must elect a default driver name.
 java.lang.String getPersistManagerClassName()
          Returns the name of default PersistManager class name.
protected  java.lang.String getSqlVariantLockTrailer()
          This defines the string that will be post-fixed to SQL statements to have the rows locked - if the DB is incapable of this then it should return null.
protected static java.lang.String getTableListSqlStatement(java.lang.String _defaultUserName, java.lang.String userName, boolean bTable, boolean bAlias, boolean bView, boolean _bSnap, boolean bCount)
          A helper method for getTableListSqlStatement.
protected static java.lang.String getTableListSqlStatement(java.lang.String _defaultUserName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String nameFilter, boolean bTable, boolean bAlias, boolean bView, boolean _bSnap, boolean bCount)
          A helper method for getTableListSqlStatement.
 java.util.ArrayList getTables(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String defaultUserName, java.lang.String userName, boolean bTable, boolean bAlias, boolean bView, boolean bSnap)
          Return a list of tables visible in this connection.
 java.util.ArrayList getTables(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String defaultUserName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String nameFilter, boolean bTable, boolean bAlias, boolean bView, boolean bSnap)
          Return a list of tables visible in this connection.
 java.lang.String getTypeMapName()
          The default type map for a OLite database is OLITE.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          Gets a string describing the version of this implentation of this interface.
 boolean isDisplayBindValueUI()
          For Oracle database the test SQL wizards provide additional functionality to bind the parameters with test values.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.BaseSQLBuilderImpl
baseBuildSelectList, bindDeleteStatement, bindEffDtDateDayAddStatement, bindInsertStatement, bindOptUpdateWhereClause, bindParametersForStmt, bindParamValue, bindRangePagingParams, bindUpdateStatement, bindWhereClause, bindWhereClause, buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause, buildDefaultViewObjectFromClause, buildDefaultViewObjectWhereClause, buildDeleteStatement, buildInsertStatement, buildOptUpdateWhereClause, buildRangePagingQuery, buildSelectList, buildSelectString, buildSelectString, buildUpdateStatement, buildWhereClause, checkTableNameForQuotes, compareFetchedValue, containsTableAlias, convertFlags, convertValueToStorageType, convertValueToWhereFragment, convertValueToWhereFragment, createHandleForCancellableStatements, doEntityDML, doEntitySelect, doEntitySelectForAltKey, doLoadBulkFromResultSet, doLoadFromStatement, doPreparedStatementDefineColumnType, doPreparedStatementDefines, doRefreshSQL, doRegisterDefaultDriver, doStatementSetBindingStyle, doStatementSetBindingStyleDefault, doStatementSetRowPrefetch, dumpConstraint, executeBatch, findTableAliasInSQLExpr, formatAttributeValue, generatePKBasedRef, generateRefAndOID, generateRowID, getBindingStyleValue, getColumnNameWithFormatForQuery, getConstraints, getConstraintsList, getCurrentDbTime, getFormattedLHSCompareFragment, getFormattedLHSCompareFragment, getFormattedLHSCompareFragment, getFormattedRHSCompareFragment, getFormattedRHSCompareFragment, getFormattedRHSCompareFragment, getLockTrailerIsAtEnd, getMaxTableNameLength, getNestedTables, getQueryHitCountSQL, getQuotationMarkLeft, getQuotationMarkRight, getROWID, getSchemaList, getSchemas, getSupportsAliasInUpdateStatements, getTableList, getTableList, getTables, getTables, getViewCriteriaAdapter, getViewCriteriaClause, getWarningText, getWhereFragmentFromVO, invalidDatumFactoryUsage, isConnectionAlive, isCriteriaItemOuterJoined, isDataSourceJTABased, isLHSFragmentOptional, isNCharType, isNewLineAllowedInSQL, isStreamType, jdbcClientSideSecurity, lookupDataSource, needsQuotedTableName, populateCompOpers, populateJboTypeMapEntries, processClauseForSubQuery, processClauseReplaceTableAliases, processException, registerDatabaseChangeListener, releaseSavepoint, rollbackToSavepoint, setSavepoint, setSessionTimeZone, setupBindVarExtendedData, shouldPutJoinConstraintInFromClause, shouldSkipDML, supportsReturningClause, supportsRowNumQuery
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.CommonCriteriaAdapter
cleanUpTemporaryBindVariables, cleanUpTemporaryBindVars, convertCriteriaItemToWhereFragment, convertOpandRHSToWhereFragment, convertValueToWhereFragment, correctOprandLiteral, createTempBindVar, createTemporaryBindVar, getCriteriaClause, getCriteriaClause, getOptionalItemClause, isCharType, isDateType, isNumericType, parseOperatorAndValueFromItemValue, shouldUseTempBindVariableForValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.SQLBuilder
isCharType, isNumericType

Field Detail


OLite specific error code for resource busy exception.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String ORACLE_ROWID_COLUMN
Oracle specific column name for ROWID.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected OLiteSQLBuilderImpl()
This is a singleton class.

Method Detail


public static SQLBuilder getInterface()
Gets the singleton instance of this class.

a SQLBuilder object.


protected java.lang.String getJDBCDriverClassName(java.lang.String url)
Description copied from class: BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Concrete implementations of SQLBuilder must elect a default driver name.

Specified by:
getJDBCDriverClassName in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
url - JDBC Connection url.
the default driver class name based on the url and database flavor.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Gets a string describing the version of this implentation of this interface.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getVersion in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
a String containing the version.


public java.lang.String getDbType()
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Returns a string uniquely identifying this type of SQLBuilder. Examples are: "Oracle", "OLite", "SQL92".

Specified by:
getDbType in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getDbType in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
a String containing the Database type.


public java.lang.String getTypeMapName()
The default type map for a OLite database is OLITE.

Specified by:
getTypeMapName in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getTypeMapName in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
PropertyConstants.OLITE constant.


public java.lang.String getPersistManagerClassName()
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Returns the name of default PersistManager class name.

Specified by:
getPersistManagerClassName in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getPersistManagerClassName in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
a String containing the Class name.


public int getDefaultBindingStyle()
Default binding style for this SQLBuilder is JDBC.

Specified by:
getDefaultBindingStyle in interface SQLBuilder
getDefaultBindingStyle in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
a SQLBuilder.BINDING_STYLE_JDBC constant.


public java.util.ArrayList getTables(java.sql.Connection conn,
                                     java.lang.String defaultUserName,
                                     java.lang.String userName,
                                     boolean bTable,
                                     boolean bAlias,
                                     boolean bView,
                                     boolean bSnap)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Return a list of tables visible in this connection. Same as getTables(Connection, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) with no filter on the table name.

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
getTables in interface SQLBuilder
getTables in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
conn - the connection object.
defaultUserName - the user name of the connection. This is will also be treated as the schema name for non-oracle databases.
userName - the user name for which the tables need to be listed.
bTable - flag to include Table objects in the list.
bAlias - flag to include Synonyms in the list - Oracle database only.
bView - flag to include View objects in the list.
bSnap - flag to include Materialized View objects in the list.
an ArrayList containing String objects.


public java.util.ArrayList getTables(java.sql.Connection conn,
                                     java.lang.String defaultUserName,
                                     java.lang.String userName,
                                     java.lang.String nameFilter,
                                     boolean bTable,
                                     boolean bAlias,
                                     boolean bView,
                                     boolean bSnap)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Return a list of tables visible in this connection.

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
getTables in interface SQLBuilder
getTables in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
conn - the connection object.
defaultUserName - the user name of the connection. This is will also be treated as the schema name for non-oracle databases.
userName - the user name for which the tables need to be listed.
nameFilter - the filter for the name of the table to be listed.
bTable - flag to include Table objects in the list.
bAlias - flag to include Synonyms in the list - Oracle database only.
bView - flag to include View objects in the list.
bSnap - flag to include Materialized View objects in the list.
an ArrayList containing String objects.


protected static java.lang.String getTableListSqlStatement(java.lang.String _defaultUserName,
                                                           java.lang.String userName,
                                                           boolean bTable,
                                                           boolean bAlias,
                                                           boolean bView,
                                                           boolean _bSnap,
                                                           boolean bCount)
A helper method for getTableListSqlStatement. Generates the SQL statement for selecting different object types from the database.

_defaultUserName - the user name of the connection. This is will also be treated as the schema name for non-oracle databases.
userName - the user name for which the tables need to be listed.
bTable - flag to include Table objects in the list.
bAlias - flag to include Synonyms in the list - Oracle database only.
bView - flag to include View objects in the list.
_bSnap - flag to include Snapshot objects in the list.
bCount - flag to retrieve the number of objects that will be fetched based on the object type flags.
a SQL Statement that could be used to fetch the list of objects from the database.


protected static java.lang.String getTableListSqlStatement(java.lang.String _defaultUserName,
                                                           java.lang.String userName,
                                                           java.lang.String nameFilter,
                                                           boolean bTable,
                                                           boolean bAlias,
                                                           boolean bView,
                                                           boolean _bSnap,
                                                           boolean bCount)
A helper method for getTableListSqlStatement. Generates the SQL statement for selecting different object types from the database.

_defaultUserName - the user name of the connection. This is will also be treated as the schema name for non-oracle databases.
userName - the user name for which the tables need to be listed.
nameFilter - the filter for the name for which the tables need to be listed.
bTable - flag to include Table objects in the list.
bAlias - flag to include Synonyms in the list - Oracle database only.
bView - flag to include View objects in the list.
_bSnap - flag to include Snapshot objects in the list.
bCount - flag to retrieve the number of objects that will be fetched based on the object type flags.
a SQL Statement that could be used to fetch the list of objects from the database.


public java.util.ArrayList getDBPackageList(java.sql.Connection connection,
                                            java.lang.String userName,
                                            java.lang.String packageFilter)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Return a list of packages visible in this connection. Invokes getDBPackageList(Connection conn, String userName).

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
getDBPackageList in interface SQLBuilder
getDBPackageList in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
connection - the connection object.
userName - the user name for which database packages need to be listed.
packageFilter - the filter the database packages need to be listed.
a ArrayList containing String objects.


public java.util.ArrayList getDBOperationList(java.sql.Connection connection,
                                              java.lang.String userName,
                                              java.lang.String packageFilter,
                                              java.lang.String operationFilter)
                                       throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Return a list of packages visible in this connection.

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
getDBOperationList in interface SQLBuilder
getDBOperationList in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
connection - the connection object.
userName - the user name for which the database functions and procedures need to be listed.
packageFilter - the filter the database packages in which the functions and procedures need to be listed.
operationFilter - the filter the database functions and procedures need to be listed.
a ArrayList containing String objects.


protected static java.lang.String addSqlTypeText(java.lang.String sqlText,
                                                 java.lang.String inputType)
A helper method for getTables. Adds a clause to select a different object type to the list.

sqlText - a String containing a list of object types included so far.
inputType - a new object type to be added to the list.
an updated object type list.


public java.lang.String getBaseTable(java.sql.Connection conn,
                                     java.lang.String schema,
                                     java.lang.String name)
                              throws java.sql.SQLException
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Unroll any synonyms that may be present, and get the real objectname.

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
getBaseTable in interface SQLBuilder
getBaseTable in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
conn - the connection object.
schema - the database schema.
name - the name of the potential synonym.
a String containing the real table name. Note that even if the argument is a table name it may be altered to enforce consistent naming convention. For non-Oracle databases the name is returned unaltered.


protected int bindWhereAttrValue(EntityImpl entityContext,
                                 DBTransactionImpl trans,
                                 java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt,
                                 AttributeDefImpl attrDef,
                                 int bindIndex,
                                 boolean skipNull)
                          throws java.sql.SQLException
Description copied from class: BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Binds an attribute value to the Statement's WHERE clause parameter index dealing with Null values appropriately. The attribute value is not yet poupulated in the Entity definition it is fetched and then bound.

bindWhereAttrValue in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
entityContext - the entity object.
trans - the transaction object.
stmt - the Statement object carrying out the SQL.
attrDef - the defintion of the attribute to which the value belongs.
bindIndex - the parameter index in the PreparedStatement.
skipNull - indicates if the null values need to be bound or skipped.
a new bind index value so that this method can be invoked in a loop.


protected boolean capabilityCanReuseLockStatements()
Cannot reuse lock statements for OLite database .

capabilityCanReuseLockStatements in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl


public java.lang.Object doLoadFromResultSet(java.lang.Object theTypeFactory,
                                            java.lang.Object theElemFactory,
                                            java.lang.Class theJavaType,
                                            byte attrLoad,
                                            java.sql.ResultSet rs,
                                            int index,
                                            DBTransactionImpl trans)
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Loads an object from a result set.

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
doLoadFromResultSet in interface SQLBuilder
doLoadFromResultSet in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
theTypeFactory - a custom factory to be used for constructing new instances.
theElemFactory - currently unused.
theJavaType - the Java datatype of the Object to be created.
attrLoad - specifies if the load type is ATTR_LOAD_EACH, ATTR_LOAD_BULK or ATTR_LOAD_SKIP
rs - the resultset.
index - the index of the object to be loaded.
trans - the reference to the transaction object used to fetch the resultset.
a reference to the object loaded.


protected java.lang.String getSqlVariantLockTrailer()
Description copied from class: BaseSQLBuilderImpl
This defines the string that will be post-fixed to SQL statements to have the rows locked - if the DB is incapable of this then it should return null. Examples are: SQL Server - "WITH (HOLDLOCK)" Oracle - "FOR UPDATE NOWAIT"

getSqlVariantLockTrailer in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
the lock clause.


public java.lang.String getDbTimeQuery()
Description copied from class: BaseSQLBuilderImpl
Returns a SQL statement to obtain the current time from the database.

Specified by:
getDbTimeQuery in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
a String containing the SQL statement.


public java.lang.String getDropTableSQL(java.lang.String dbObjectName)
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Returns a SQL statement that drops a specified table. For Oracle database it also deletes the constraints for the table.

Note: this method is subject to change.

Specified by:
getDropTableSQL in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getDropTableSQL in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
dbObjectName - name of the Table.
the SQL statement as a String object.


public boolean isDisplayBindValueUI()
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
For Oracle database the test SQL wizards provide additional functionality to bind the parameters with test values. For other databases this functionality is not supported.

Specified by:
isDisplayBindValueUI in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
isDisplayBindValueUI in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
true for Oracle, false for all other databases.


public java.lang.String getCreateSequenceInsertTriggerSQL(java.lang.String triggerName,
                                                          java.lang.String tableName,
                                                          java.util.ArrayList sequenceNames,
                                                          java.util.ArrayList colNames)
This method is not implemented for OLite SQLBuilder.

Specified by:
getCreateSequenceInsertTriggerSQL in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getCreateSequenceInsertTriggerSQL in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
triggerName - the name of the trigger.
tableName - the name of the table for which the trigger is created.
sequenceNames - the array of names of the sequence.
colNames - the arrya of names of the column to which the value of the sequence is copied to.
the SQL statement as a String object.


public java.lang.String getCreateSequenceSQL(java.lang.String sequenceName,
                                             int startVal)
This method is not implemented for OLite SQLBuilder.

Specified by:
getCreateSequenceSQL in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getCreateSequenceSQL in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
sequenceName - name of the Sequence.
startVal - the initial value of the Sequence.
the SQL statement as a String object.


public java.lang.String getDropSequenceSQL(java.lang.String sequenceName)
This method is not implemented for OLite SQLBuilder.

Specified by:
getDropSequenceSQL in interface SQLBuilder
Specified by:
getDropSequenceSQL in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
sequenceName - name of the Sequence.
the SQL statement as a String object.


public java.lang.String buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement()
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Returns a statement that returns a date that is 'x' number of days apart from the specified date.

Specified by:
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement in interface SQLBuilder
buildEffDtDateDayAddStatement in class BaseSQLBuilderImpl
A String that contains the necessary SQL.


public java.lang.String getClauseForDateLiteral(java.util.Date date)
Description copied from interface: SQLBuilder
Creates a database platform specific clause for converting a date string literal to date datatype. May be used in date comparisions and other manipulations.

date - The date object that will be formatted and passed as a String
A string representing the clause to be used while building the query statement.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 1997, 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.