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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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New Link dialog

Use this dialog to create a drill link or edit an existing drill link. For example, you might want to create a drill link on a worksheet item called Region to display a worksheet containing more detailed Region information.

This dialog is also displayed as:
Edit Link dialog

For more information, see:

"About user defined drill links"

Link From:

This read-only field shows the name of the item currently selected on the worksheet. To create a drill link from a different worksheet item, click Cancel and select a different worksheet item first.

What would you like to name this link?

Use this field to enter a descriptive name for the drill link. This name is displayed in the list of drill links on the "Manage Links dialog".

Note: You must enter a unique name before you can save the drill link details.

Hint: If you enter an instruction on how to use the drill link into this field, the instruction appears in the worksheet as:

For example, you might enter 'Click here to connect to the Products Web site', or 'Click here to display the Products worksheet'.

Where do you want to link to?

Use this list to select a link type, as follows:

Note: If you are editing a drill link, this field is grayed out. To create a drill link of another type, click New Link on the "Manage Links dialog" and create a drill link.

Destination: URL

Use this field to specify the Internet page address you want to drill to (if you selected URL in the Where do you want to link to? field). For example,

Note: The URL that you enter must be syntactically correct and must be prefixed with HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or a protocol authorized by the Discoverer manager.


Use this field to insert (at the cursor position the Internet page address in the Destination field) a value that you specify. This field enables you to create a dynamic Internet page address incorporating worksheet item values.

For example, you might want to display an Internet page for a particular store by incorporating the currently selected worksheet value into an Internet page address. In other words, if you select the drill link for the New York store, you link to the Internet page for the New York store (for example, To create this dynamic Internet page address, you might do the following:

Note: This button is only displayed when you select URL in the Where do you want to link to? field.

Destination: Destination Workbook

This field displays the name of the currently selected workbook. To link to a worksheet in a different workbook, click Browse to display the "Choose Worksheet dialog".


Use this button to display the "Choose Worksheet dialog", which enables you to locate and select a worksheet to display when the link is selected.

Note: This button is only active when you select Worksheet in the Where do you want to link to? field.

Destination: Destination Worksheet

Use this drop down to select the worksheet in the currently opened workbook you want to drill to. To link to a worksheet in a different workbook, click Browse to display the "Choose Worksheet dialog".


Use this button to display the "Parameters dialog", which enables you to select a parameter or parameter value to refine the worksheet displayed when the drill link is selected, as follows:

Note: This button is only active when select Worksheet in the Where do you want to link to? field and the selected worksheet contains one or more parameters.