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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer Plus
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Schedule Wizard dialog: Schedule tab

Use this dialog to specify when you want the scheduled workbook to be processed. For example, you might want to process a workbook at 1.00 a.m. when the network has spare capacity.

This dialog is also displayed as:
Copy Scheduled Workbook dialog: Schedule tab
Edit Scheduled Workbook dialog: Schedule tab

For more information, see:

"What are scheduled workbooks?"

"When to use scheduled workbooks"

"About how scheduled workbooks are processed"

When do you want to schedule this workbook?

Use these fields to specify when you want Discoverer to process the scheduled workbook.

How often do you want to schedule this workbook?

Use these fields to specify how often Discoverer processes the scheduled workbook.

Do you want to keep all versions of results?

Use these fields to specify whether to store scheduled workbook results sets or over-write the previous scheduled workbook results set each time Discoverer produces a new set. If a report is processed frequently, using this option might require a large amount of database space - contact the Discoverer manager for more details.

How long do you want to keep the results?

Delete results after _ days

Use this field to specify how long you store the latest scheduled workbook results set. For example, if you process a weekly report, you might delete the results after seven days to minimize the amount of database space used.