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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility User's Guide
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A Repository Creation Utility Screens

This appendix contains screenshots and descriptions for all of the Repository Creation Utility screens:

A.1 Welcome Screen

rcu welcome screen
Description of the illustration welcome.gif

This is the first screen that appears when RCU is started.

Click Skip This Page Next Time if you do not want to see the Welcome screen the next time you start RCU.

A.2 Create Repository Screen

rcu operations screen
Description of the illustration create_repository.gif

Select Create to create component schemas in the database.

Select Drop to remove component schemas from the database.

A.3 Drop Repository Screen

rcu operations screen
Description of the illustration drop_repository.gif

Select Create to create component schemas in the database.

Select Drop to remove component schemas from the database.

A.4 Database Connection Details Screen

rcu database connection details screen
Description of the illustration database_details.gif

The following database types are supported:

Specific database requirements for the various schemas can be found in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements document, available on Oracle Technology Network:

For certified database versions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Certification Matrix, also available on Oracle Technology Network:

For Oracle databases, specify the following connection credentials:

For Microsoft SQL Server databases, specify the following connection credentials:

Click Next when you are finished entering the connection credentials for your database.

The following screen appears, indicating the progress of the installer establishing the connection with the specified database.

checking prerequisites for database connection
Description of the illustration database_prereqs.gif

If an error occurs while the connection is being established, the error message(s) appear in the Messages field on the Database Connection Details screen.

Click OK to dismiss this screen.

A.5 Select Components Screen (for Create Operation)

Below is the Select Components screen if you selected Create on the Create Repository Screen.

rcu select components screen
Description of the illustration select_component_create.gif

The following topics are covered in this section:


You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are installing; you will need this information during the configuration phase of Fusion Middleware product installation. Oracle recommends that you write these values down.

A.5.1 Create Prefixes

Prefixes are used to create logical groupings of schemas in a database. For example, if you want to create two versions of the MDS schema in the database, you can use different prefixes to uniquely identify each one (for example, TEST_MDS and PROD_MDS).


The Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) component cannot be prepended with a custom prefix; there can only be one repository for this component per database.

If you want to create a new prefix for your schemas, select Create a New Prefix and specify a new prefix name in the field. The prefix name must be a minimum of one character in length and cannot exceed 12 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) in length. Prefixes should not start with a number. No whitespace or special characters are allowed.

The default new prefix is DEV_. If DEV_ already exists as a prefix, then DEV1_ is used; if DEV1_ exists, then DEV2_ is the default, and so on.

Use existing prefixes to add additional components to an existing repository in the database. To use an existing prefix, select Select an Existing Prefix and choose a prefix from the drop-down list.

A.5.2 Select Components and Dependencies

When you select a component, any other components that may be required by the component you select are also selected. For example, if you select SOA Infrastructure, then all schemas in this category are selected along with the Metadata Services schema. The Metadata Services schema is required by each component in the SOA Infrastructure schema.

If a component has a plus sign (+) next to its name, then there are sub components available. Click on the plus sign (+) to expand the category to view all sub components. If you want to select a component with all its subcomponents, click on the top-most box with the plus sign (+).

A.5.3 Specify Custom Schema Names

Click on the name of any schema in the "Schema Owner" column to change the name of the schema. Schema names can only contain alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) and are case-sensitive.


The Oracle Internet Directory (ODS) component cannot be prepended with a custom prefix; there can only be one repository for this component per database.

A.5.4 Check Schema Prerequisites

Click Next when you are finished specifying your prefix, schema names, and selecting components. The following screen appears, indicating the progress of component prerequisite checking before the schemas are created.

checking prerequisites for component selection
Description of the illustration select_component_prereqs.gif

If an error occurs during the prerequisite checking, the error message(s) appear in the Messages field on the Select Components screen.

Click OK to dismiss this screen.

A.6 Select Components Screen (for Drop Operation)

Below is the Select Components screen if you selected Drop on the Create Repository Screen.

rcu select components screen
Description of the illustration select_component_drop.gif

First, select the prefix associated with the schema(s) you want to drop.

Then, select the component(s) whose schemas you want to drop.

Click Next when you are finished. The following screen appears:

checking prerequisites for component selection
Description of the illustration select_component_drop_confirm.gif

Click OK to continue. The following screen appears:

checking prerequisites for component selection
Description of the illustration select_component_prereqs.gif

If an error occurs during the prerequisite checking, the error message(s) appear in the Messages field on the Select Components screen.

Click OK to dismiss this screen.

A.7 Schema Passwords Screen

Below is the Schema Passwords screen.

rcu select components screen
Description of the illustration schema_password.gif

There are three ways to specify schema passwords on this screen:


You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you will need this information during the configuration phase of Fusion Middleware product installation. Oracle recommends that you write these values down.

A.8 Map Tablespaces Screen

rcu map tablespaces screen
Description of the illustration map_tablespace.gif

This screen only appears if you selected the Create option on the Create Repository Screen. The following topics are covered:

Click Next when you are finished with your tablespace information. The following screen appears, asking you to confirm the creation of tablespaces for any new schemas.

map tablespaces confirmation screen
Description of the illustration map_tablespace_confirm.gif


RCU only creates tablespaces for those components associated with RCU.

Click OK to continue. The following screen appears, indicating the progress of the tablespace creation.

validating and creating tablespaces
Description of the illustration map_tablespace_creating.gif

Click Stop to cancel tablespace creation. When the tablespaces are created, click OK to dismiss this window.

A.8.1 Default Tablespace Mappings

The default tablespace mapping for each component is shown in Table A-1.

Table A-1 Default Tablespace Mapping

Component Schema Owner Default tablespace Temp Tablespace

AS Common Schemas

Metadata Services




Audit Services




Enterprise Scheduler Service




Identity Management Schemas

Oracle Internet Directory




Oracle Identity Federation




Oracle Enterprise Content Management Schemas

Oracle Information Rights Management




Oracle Imaging and Process Management




WebLogic Communication Services Schemas





SIP Infrastructure Subscriber Data Service




SIP Infrastructure Location Service




SOA and BPM Infrastructure Schemas

SOA Infrastructure




Business Activity Monitoring




User Messaging Service




WebCenter Suite Schemas

Portlet Producers




WebCenter Spaces




Oracle Content Server 10g








Discussions Crawler




Wiki and Blogs




Portal and Business Intelligence Schemas









In the Default Tablespace and Temp tablespace columns, you can click on the tablespace cell to select from a list of available additional tablespace names.


OID tablespace names cannot be user specified.

A.8.2 Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces

To change the default tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in the "Default Tablespace" column, then select the tablespace name you want to use from the drop-down list. You can have your components use as many or as few tablespaces as desired to suit your configuration.

To change the temporary tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in the "Temp Tablespace" column, then select the tablespace name you want to use from the drop-down list.

A.8.3 Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces

Some components have additional tablespaces associated with their schemas. If this is the case, the Additional Tablespaces button will appear on this screen. If none of the selected components have additional tablespaces, then this button will not appear.

To view additional tablespaces associated with the selected components, click the Additional Tablespaces button. You will see a screen similar to the following:

additional tablespaces screen
Description of the illustration map_tablespace_addtnl.gif

Only those components with additional tablespaces as defined in the configuration files will appear on this screen.

To change the tablespace you want to use for a component, click in the "Tablespace Name" column and select the tablespace you want to use from the drop-down list.

Click OK when you are finished.

A.8.4 Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

To manage your tablespaces and datafiles, click the Manage Tablespaces button. You will see a screen similar to the following:

maange tablespaces screen
Description of the illustration map_tablespace_manage.gif

The following topics are covered in this section:

A.8.4.1 Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces

Only tablespaces that will be created by RCU can be modified or removed. Tablespaces that existed before RCU was launched are visible on this screen but are grayed out and cannot be modified or removed.

Only tablespaces that are used by a component are created. You can specify a new tablespace here, but unless it is actually used by a component it will not be created.

To modify a tablespace, select the tablespace name on the left-hand portion of the screen, and edit the following fields as necessary:

  • Name

    Edit the tablespace name this field to change the name of your tablespace.

  • Type

    Specify whether you want this tablespace to be a temporary tablespace or permanent tablespace.

  • Block Size (KB)

    Specify the block size (in Kilobytes) to be used for data retrieval.

  • Storage Type

    Select Use Bigfile Tablespace if you want to create a bigfile tablespace; this is typically used if you have single large files instead of multiple small files. Select Use Automatic Segment Space Management if you want to use bitmaps to manage the free space within segments.

To add a tablespace, click Add and specify the same details as above (for modifying a tablespace) for your new tablespace.

To remove a tablespace, select the tablespace name from the navigation tree, then click Remove. This tablespace will not get created.

A.8.4.2 Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles

In the Datafiles section, specify the datafiles that make up the selected tablespace. Select one of the following for more information:

A. Adding a Datafile

To add a datafile, click the icon with the plus sign (+):

Description of icon_add_datafile.gif follows
Description of the illustration icon_add_datafile.gif

The Add Datafile screen appears:

Description of map_tablespace_add_datafile.gif follows
Description of the illustration map_tablespace_add_datafile.gif

Provide the following information:

  • File Name

    Specify the name of the datafile.

  • File Directory

    Specify the location where this datafile will reside.

  • Size

    Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

  • Select Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND) if you want to automatically extend the size of your datafile when it becomes full. In the "Increment" field, specify the size by which your datafile should be increased each time it becomes full. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

  • If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this value in the "Maximum Size" field.

A. Modifying a Datafile

To modify or edit a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile name you want to edit, then click the icon with the pencil:

Description of icon_edit_datafile.gif follows
Description of the illustration icon_edit_datafile.gif

The Edit Datafile screen appears:

Description of map_tablespace_edit_datafile.gif follows
Description of the illustration map_tablespace_edit_datafile.gif

Provide the following information:

  • File Name

    Specify the name of the datafile.

  • File Directory

    Specify the location where this datafile will reside.

  • Size

    Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

  • Select Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND) if you want to automatically extend the size of your datafile when it becomes full. In the "Increment" field, specify the size by which your datafile should be increased each time it becomes full. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).

  • If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this value in the "Maximum Size" field.

A. Deleting a Datafile

To delete a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile name you want to delete, then click the icon with the "X":

Description of icon_remove_datafile.gif follows
Description of the illustration icon_remove_datafile.gif

A.9 Summary Screen (for Create Operation)

Below is the Summary screen if you selected Create on the Create Repository Screen.

summary screen
Description of the illustration summary_create.gif

Review the information on this screen, and click Create to begin schema creation. The operations summarized on this page will be performed when you click Create.

While the schemas are being created, you will see the following progress screen:

repository creation summary screen
Description of the illustration summary_create_progress.gif

Click Stop if you want to stop creating the schemas.

A.10 Summary Screen (for Drop Operation)

Below is the Summary screen if you selected Drop on the Create Repository Screen.

summary screen
Description of the illustration summary_drop.gif

Review the information on this screen, and click Drop to begin the operations summarized on this page.

While the schema(s) are being dropped, you will see the following progress screen:

repository creation summary screen
Description of the illustration summary_drop_progress.gif

Click Stop if you want to cancel the operation.

A.11 Completion Summary Screen (for Create Operation)

Below is the Completion Summary screen if you selected Create on the Create Repository Screen.

rcu repository creation complete screen
Description of the illustration completion_summary_create.gif

Note the log file names for each component that are visible in the "Logfile" column.

The main RCU log and component log files are written to the following directory on UNIX operating systems:


On Windows operating systems:


If there were any problems encountered during schema creation, you can troubleshoot the issue using the log files. For more information, see Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Repository Creation Utility".

If errors are encountered during a Create operation, or if a Create operation fails for any component, the Cleanup for failed components checkbox appears on this page and is selected by default. If selected, RCU will perform cleanup operations for the component that failed during the Create operation. If you choose not to select this checkbox, you can cleanup the failed component at a later time by performing a Drop operation for the failed component(s).

Review the information on this screen, then click Close to dismiss this screen.

A.12 Completion Summary Screen (for Drop Operation)

Below is the Completion Summary screen if you selected Drop on the Create Repository Screen.

rcu repository creation complete screen
Description of the illustration completion_summary_drop.gif

Note the log file names for each component that are visible in the "Logfile" column.

The main RCU log and component log files are written to the following directory on UNIX operating systems:


On Windows operating systems:


If there were any problems encountered during schema creation, you can troubleshoot the issue using the log files. For more information, see Appendix B, "Troubleshooting Repository Creation Utility".

Review the information on this screen, then click Close to dismiss this screen.