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Oracle® Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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19 Working with the Lists Service

Use the task flows provided through the Lists service to create, publish, and manage lists in WebCenter Spaces. Create lists from prebuilt templates or create your own custom lists. When you create a list, it becomes available in the Oracle Composer Catalog (for more information, see Section 4.2.3, "Introducing the Oracle Composer Catalog"). You can add your lists from the Catalog to any page in the group space in which it was created.

The Lists service is available only in group spaces.

This chapter describes how to use the features offered through the Lists service. It contains the following sections:


This chapter is for users interested in creating, populating, revising, importing, exporting, and removing lists and filtering list data.

Your application administrator has the authority to expose or hide a particular service's task flows. Tasks discussed in this chapter are not available to you if the relevant service is hidden.

19.1 What You Should Know About the Lists Service

The Lists service provides a means of creating, publishing, and managing lists (Figure 19-1).

Figure 19-1 A List Shown in a List Viewer Task Flow

List shown in a List Viewer task flow

Lists are useful for many group space activities, such as tracking issues, capturing project milestones, publishing project assignments, and much more. The lists you create in WebCenter Spaces can be simple, single-column lists or more complex tables. For example, you can start with a list of team members, and then include columns for contact information, project role, and links to relevant documents, such as any plans or proposals associated with a team member.

The Lists service is exclusive to the WebCenter Spaces application, and, within the application, lists are scoped to group spaces. That is, you can create lists only in group spaces. You cannot create or post lists in personal spaces. The lists you create in a group space are unique to that group space. One group space cannot consume the lists created in another group space.

Create and populate lists using the Lists service's two task flows: List Manager (create and populate) and List Viewer (populate). Users must have appropriate permissions to perform actions on lists.

Use the List Manager task flow (Figure 19-2) to create and revise lists and list data and to view all of a group space's current lists.

Figure 19-2 The List Manage Task Flow

List Manage task flow

The List Manager provides templates for rapid creation of lists and tools for designing and revising list structure. If you prefer, you can create a list from the beginning, adding and configuring all the columns yourself. For more information, see Section 19.2.2, "Creating and Managing Lists."

The List Viewer task flow (Figure 19-3) provides a means of placing a particular list on a group space page.

Figure 19-3 A List Shown in a List Viewer Task Flow

List shown in a List Viewer task flow

The List Viewer provides easy access to all the tools required for creating new list rows, revising list data, importing/exporting list data, filtering list data, obtaining a list RSS feed, and linking to other WebCenter Spaces objects from the list and from a list row.

Additionally, the List Viewer provides access to customization and personalization tools that enable you to control the look of a particular list instance and the data it shows. For example, use list personalization and customization settings to provide a transparent band of color at specified intervals to list rows or columns or to apply filters to list data. For more information, see Section 19.2.4, "Personalizing and Customizing Lists."

See Also:

For information about the differences between customization and personalization, see Section 7.2, "Customizing and Personalizing Page Content."

Use the List Manager and the List Viewer to add and revise list data throughout the life of the list (for more information, see Section 19.2.3, "Adding and Managing List Data"). Add and revise content directly within the task flows, or use the list Export/Import feature to send list data to an Excel 2007 file, revise it there, and then import it back into the original list in WebCenter Spaces (for more information, see Section 19.2.6, "Exporting a List to a Spreadsheet and Importing an Exported List").

Both the List Manager and individual group space lists (which are each rendered in a List Viewer task flow) are available through the Oracle Composer Catalog:

Through its tight integration with the Links service, the Lists service provides the opportunity to associate other WebCenter Spaces items with an entire list or an individual list row. Linking enables you to associate documents, notes, and URLs with a list or a list row. For more information, see Chapter 18, "Working with the Links Service."

The Lists service additionally provides RSS feeds for all lists and for individual lists. For information about the Lists service and RSS, see Chapter 23, "Working with the RSS Service."

19.2 Working with Lists Service Task Flows

This section provides information about using the features available through the List Viewer and List Manager task flows. It contains the following subsections:

19.2.1 Viewing Lists

You can view all of the lists associated with group spaces to which you have access. You can view the lists associated with a group space on its Lists page. Additionally, you can view all of a group space's lists in the List Manager task flow. The List Viewer task flow displays an individual list.

See Also:

For illustrations of Lists service task flows, see Section 19.1, "What You Should Know About the Lists Service."

This section describes how to view lists on the Lists page.

To view a list on the Lists page:

  1. Log in, and go to the group space that contains the list you want to view.

  2. Click the Lists tab to bring the Lists page forward.

    If the Lists tab is not available, see Section 2.4, "Hiding, Showing, Opening, and Closing Pages."

    Alternatively, go to a group space page that contains a List Manager task flow that displays the list you want to revise.

  3. From the Lists panel, select the list you want to view (Figure 19-8).

    Figure 19-8 Selecting a List to View in the List Manager

    Selecting a list in the List Manager
    Description of "Figure 19-8 Selecting a List to View in the List Manager"

    List details appear to the right.


    The Lists panel comes with a Refresh icon, which you can click to refresh the display of lists.

    Refresh icon on a list

19.2.2 Creating and Managing Lists

The List Manager is a list creation environment that provides all the tools required to create meaningful lists (Figure 19-9).

Figure 19-9 The List Manager Task Flow

List Manager task flow

This section describes how to create, edit, copy, and delete lists in the List Manager. It includes the following subsections: Creating a List

Create lists rapidly with a list template, or create a custom list from the beginning. List templates provide preset columns, which you can use "as-is" or as a starting point for developing a custom list.

Additionally, you can create custom lists (Custom List) that have the number of columns you choose (up to 30) with whatever column titles you provide.


If you plan to create lists, your assigned application role must include Create permission. If you plan to view lists, your role must include View permission. Out of the box, the roles Participant and Moderator have these permissions.

See Also:

For information about WebCenter Spaces seeded user roles, see the "Default Policy Store Permissions for WebCenter Spaces" section of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter.

To create a list:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space where you want to create a list.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists toolbar, click the Create a new list icon (Figure 19-10).

    Figure 19-10 The Create a New List Icon

    Create a new list icon
  3. In the resulting Create List dialog (Figure 19-11), enter a name for the list in the Name field.

    Figure 19-11 Create List Dialog

    Create List dialog
  4. Optionally, in the Description field enter a description of the list.

    In a completed list, the description appears between the list title and list data.

  5. From the Template menu (Figure 19-12), select a template or select Custom List to omit using a template.

    Figure 19-12 Template Menu

    Template menu

    Choose from:

    • Custom List—To create a list without using a template.

    • Issues—To create a list of, for example, project issues. By default, this template provides the columns Subject, Assigned To, Comments, Closed, and Links.

    • Milestones—To create a list of, for example, project milestones. By default, this template provides the columns Date, Description, Status, and Links.

    • Objectives—To create a list of, for example, project objectives. By default, this template provides the columns Title, Description, and Links.

  6. Click OK.

    The new list appears in the List Manager column of lists.

You may now revise default list columns and add new columns to the list by clicking the Edit list icon. For more information, see Section, "Editing List Structure." For a custom list, you must add columns to the list before you can add rows. Editing List Structure

When you edit list structure, you can revise everything about the list. For example, you can change column details; remove, add, and rearrange columns; and rename or redescribe the list.

This section describes the various tasks you can perform while editing a list structure. It contains the following subsections: Renaming a List and Revising a List Description

To rename a list and revise a list description:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space where you want to rename a list or revise a list description.

    For information about navigating to the List page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list you want to change and click the Edit list icon (Figure 19-13).

    Figure 19-13 The Edit List Icon

    Edit list icon

    The List Manager enters edit list mode (Figure 19-14).

    Figure 19-14 The List Manager in Edit List Mode

    List Manager in Edit List mode
  3. Click the Edit link to the right of the Name field.

    The Edit List dialog opens (Figure 19-15).

    Figure 19-15 Edit List Dialog

    Edit List dialog
  4. Revise the List name and description.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.

  6. Click the Close button in edit list mode to return to the List Manager default mode. Adding Columns to a List

This procedure is useful when you create a custom list or you want to alter a default list structure. This section describes how to add columns to lists. A list supports up to 30 columns.

To add columns to a list:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space where you want to add columns to a list.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list to which to add columns and click the Edit list icon (Figure 19-16).

    Figure 19-16 The Edit List Icon

    Edit list icon

    The List Manager enters edit list mode (Figure 19-17).

    Figure 19-17 The List Manager in Edit List Mode

    List Manager in Edit List mode
  3. Under Columns, click the Create button (Figure 19-18).

    Figure 19-18 Create Button in Edit List Mode

    Create button in Edit List mode

    The Create Column dialog opens (Figure 19-19).

    Figure 19-19 Create Column Dialog

    Create Column dialog
  4. In the Name field, provide a name for this column.

  5. From the Data Type dropdown list, select the type of data you want to enter in this column.

    The data type you select affects which column detail fields appear in the dialog (see Table 19-1 and Table 19-2). It also affects the type of validation that is run on column data when you and other authorized users add list rows. For example, if you select a Date data type, and a user enters text that is not in the Date format, WebCenter Spaces returns an error.

    Table 19-1 lists and describes the data types available to list columns, and provides the additional details that appear for each type.

    Table 19-1 Data Type Selections for List Columns

    Data Type Description Comments


    Requires column entries to be text strings

    Additional column details include (for descriptions of additional column details, see Table 19-2):

    • Required

    • Default Value

    • Maximum Length

    • Allow Links

    • Link Window


    Requires column entries to be numbers

    Additional column details include (for descriptions of additional column details, see Table 19-2):

    • Required

    • Format

    • Default Value

    • Minimum Value

    • Maximum Value

    For Format, select from:

    The Number data type supports numbers from ±1.79769313486231570e+308 with 14 to 15 significant digits.Foot 1 


    Requires column entries to be dates in the format specified in a given user's WebCenter Spaces preferences

    Additional column details include (for descriptions of additional column details, see Table 19-2):

    • Required

    • Format

    • Default Value

    For Format, select from:

    • Date—For requiring a date.

    • Time—For requiring a time.

    • Date and Time—For requiring a date and a time.

    The Default Value field includes a date picker, which you can use to select a default date in the correct format. The current date has a box around it, for example, May 8th in the following figure.

    Date picker

    This field does not require leading zeroes, for example, it does not require 05/04/2009. Instead, you can use 5/4/2009.


    Requires column entries to be either TRUE or FALSE.

    Additional column details include (for descriptions of additional column details, see Table 19-2):

    • Default Value

    TRUE or FALSE is rendered as a checkbox. Checked equals TRUE; cleared equals FALSE.


    Requires column entries to be valid user names

    Additional column details include (for descriptions of additional column details, see Table 19-2):

    • Required

    • Default Value

    The Default Value field includes a Find user icon, which you can use to locate and select a default user. Click the Find user icon, and in the resulting dialog, enter—minimally—two consecutive characters from the name of your search target (the search term do finds both condoleeza and doug). Click the Search button, and all names in your company LDAP directory that match your search criteria appear in the results area. Select a user, and click OK to populate the Default User field with your selection.

    The list column contains a presence indicator next to the user name.

    A presence indicator

    Click the presence indicator to open a context menu with options for making contact with the person instantly. For more information, see Section 17.2.1, "Viewing the Status of Other Users."

    Footnote 1 Number data-type columns adhere to the range and precision specified for the 8 byte IEEE 754 double data type. When the maximum number of significant digits is exceeded, the number is rounded.

  6. After you select a data type, enter values for the remaining fields.

    Table 19-2 lists the possible remaining fields and their associated data types.

    Table 19-2 Column Details That May Follow the Data Type Detail

    Column Detail Description Associated Data Type(s)


    Select this checkbox to require that data is entered in this column.

    String, Number, DateTime, Person


    Use this pick list to specify the format for column values. For more information, see Table 19-1.

    Number, DateTime

    Default Value

    Optionally, provide a default value for the column entry.

    All data types

    Maximum Length

    Enter the maximum number of characters for this column entry. This includes character spaces.


    Minimum Value

    Indicate the lowest number that can be entered in this column.


    Maximum Value

    Indicate the highest number that can be entered in this column.


    Allow Links

    Specify whether to allow column data to be hyperlinked. Specifying Allow Links enables the user to enter both a column value and a URL. If a URL is specified, the column value is rendered as a hyperlink.


    Link Window

    Indicate how a hyperlink on column data should open.

    Choose from:

    • New Window—The link opens in a new browser tab or window.

    • Current Window—The link opens in the current browser window.


  7. Click OK to save your changes and exit the dialog.

  8. Click Close to exit List Edit mode. Revising List Column Details

You can revise every detail of a list column. That is, you can rename the column, change the column data type, require a value, or remove a value requirement. Keep in mind, however, if you change a column data type, any values currently entered in the list column are either converted to the new data type or removed irrevocably.

For example, if you move from a String data type to a Number data type, values that can be converted to a number are retained; other values are removed. Before any values are removed by the change, you are asked for confirmation. In contrast, if you move from a Number data type to a String data type, all values are retained.


Validation occurs only on data entry. If a user changes column details after values have been entered for the column, the existing values are not affected (that is, validated) even if they do not meet the new column detail conditions on the columns.

If you want to validate new list data, you can export the list data to an Excel spreadsheet and then import it. On import, all rows are validated. The rows that fail validation are noted. You can fix invalid rows in the spreadsheet and import again.

To revise list column details:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space where you want to revise list column details.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list you want to change and click the Edit list icon (Figure 19-20).

    Figure 19-20 The Edit List Icon

    Edit list icon

    The List Manager enters edit list mode (Figure 19-21).

    Figure 19-21 The List Manager in Edit List Mode

    List Manager in Edit List mode
  3. Under Columns, select the list column you want to revise and click the Edit button (Figure 19-22).

    Figure 19-22 Edit Button in Edit List Mode

    Edit button in Edit List mode

    The Edit Column dialog opens (Figure 19-23).

    Figure 19-23 Edit Column Dialog

    Edit Column dialog
  4. Edit column details as you prefer.

    For information about column details, see Section, "Adding Columns to a List."

  5. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.

  6. Click the Close button to exit edit list mode. Rearranging List Columns on All Instances of a List

You can rearrange list columns in the list structure, affecting all instances of a list, by clicking rearrange icons or by dragging and dropping. This section describes how.

See Also:

For information about rearranging column order of a particular list instance in your view or everyone's view, see Section, "Changing Column Order on a List Instance."

To rearrange columns on all instances of a list:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space where you want to rearrange list columns.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list you want to change and click the Edit list icon (Figure 19-24).

    Figure 19-24 The Edit List Icon

    Edit list icon

    The List Manager enters edit list mode (Figure 19-25).

    Figure 19-25 The List Manager in Edit List Mode

    List Manager in Edit List mode
  3. Under Columns, click an icon under the Reorder column to move a column higher or lower in the order of columns.

    Moving a column higher causes it to appear further to the left in column display order. Moving a column lower causes it to render further to the right.

    Alternatively, drag and drop a column higher or lower in the column hierarchy.

  4. Click the Close button to exit edit list mode. Deleting a List Column

To delete a list column:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space where you want to delete list columns.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list you want to change and click the Edit list icon (Figure 19-26).

    Figure 19-26 The Edit List Icon

    Edit list icon

    The List Manager enters edit list mode (Figure 19-27).

    Figure 19-27 The List Manager in Edit List Mode

    List Manager in Edit List mode
  3. Select a list row, and click the Delete button (Figure 19-28).

    Figure 19-28 Delete Button

    Icons under the Reorder column
  4. In the resulting confirmation dialog, click the Delete button to complete the deletion. Copying a List

You can use an existing list as a template simply by copying it. First, copy the list, and then edit the copied list as you like.

To copy a list:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space that contains the list you want to copy.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list you want to copy.

  3. Click the Copy List icon (Figure 19-29).

    Figure 19-29 The Copy List Icon

    Copy List icon

    A copy of the list becomes available for selection in the Lists panel (Figure 19-30).

    Figure 19-30 A Copy of a List

    A list copy

See Also:

For information about changing the list name or description, see Section, "Renaming a List and Revising a List Description." For information about revising list structure, see Section, "Editing List Structure." Deleting Lists

To delete a list:

  1. Go to the Lists page of the group space that contains the list you want to delete.

    For information about navigating to a Lists page, see Section 19.2.1, "Viewing Lists."

  2. In the Lists panel, select the list you want to delete.

    To select multiple lists, use Ctrl-click; to select a range of lists, use Shift-click.

  3. Click the Delete List icon (Figure 19-31).

    Figure 19-31 The Delete List Icon

    Delete List icon
  4. In the resulting confirmation dialog, click the Delete button.

    After confirmation, the deleted list is removed from the Lists panel.

19.2.3 Adding and Managing List Data

Once you have created a list structure, you can add data to the list. This section describes how to add, edit, and delete list data. It includes the following subsections: Adding Data to a List

This section describes how to add data to a list. When you add a new row, it is created after the selected row. If no row is selected, it is created as the first row. When you save your changes, the list data is refreshed and the rows are displayed in sort order (for more information, see Section, "Sorting List Data on a Column"). You can add one or multiple list rows before you add content, or you can create a list row and add content to it right away.

To add data to a list:

  1. Go to the List Viewer task flow that displays the list you want to populate with data, and click the Edit List Data icon to open the list in edit mode (Figure 19-32).

    Figure 19-32 Edit List Data Icon on a List

    Edit List Data icon on a list


    You can also enter list edit mode by selecting Edit from the Actions menu or by pressing Crtl+E.

  2. Click the Add a New Row icon to add a row to the list (Figure 19-33).

    Figure 19-33 Add a New Row Icon

    Add a New Row icon


    You can also start the add-row process by selecting Add Row from the Actions menu or by pressing Ctrl+I.

    The new row is added after the selected row. If no row is selected, it is added as the first row (Figure 19-34).

    Figure 19-34 A Newly Added Row

    A newly-added row
  3. Add data to the new row.

  4. For each new row, click Add a New Row and add data.

  5. When you finish adding rows and data, click Save to save your changes and exit list edit mode.

    If you click Close, instead, the Lists service checks for unsaved changes and prompts you to save or discard the changes.


    To save, you can also select Save from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+M. To close, you can also select Close from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+Q.

When you save your changes, the list data is refreshed and the rows are displayed in sort order (for more information, see Section, "Sorting List Data on a Column"). Editing List Data

When a list is in edit mode, you can edit one or multiple list rows. In edit mode, you can initiate a row edit simply by clicking within the row. You can continue to click in rows and edit row content until you exit edit mode.

To edit list data:

  1. Go to the list that contains data you want to edit, and click the Edit list data icon to open the list in edit mode (Figure 19-35).

    Figure 19-35 Edit List Data Icon on a List

    Edit List Data icon on a list
  2. Click a list row to revise its data (Figure 19-36).

    Figure 19-36 A List Row in Edit Mode

    A list row in edit mode
  3. Continue clicking rows and revising data until you are finished.

  4. Click Save to save your changes and exit edit list mode.

    If you click Close, instead, the Lists service checks for unsaved changes and prompts you to save or discard the changes.


    To save, you can also select Save from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+M. To close, you can also select Close from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+Q. Creating Hyperlinks on List Data

Use the hyperlink feature to add link targets to list data. Unlike the Links service, which is accessed through the Links icon, the Lists service hyperlink feature provides a means of creating link directly on list data.

To create a hyperlink on list data, the list column must be of the type String and must be configured to allow for the creation of hyperlinks (for more information, see Section, "Adding Columns to a List").

To create hyperlinks on list data:

  1. Go to the list on which to create hyperlinks.

  2. Click the Edit List Data icon to open the list in edit mode (Figure 19-37).

    Figure 19-37 Edit List Data Icon on a List

    Edit List Data icon on a list
  3. Click the Edit Column Link icon next to the relevant data (Figure 19-38).

    Figure 19-38 Edit Column Link Icon

    Edit Column Link icon
  4. In the resulting Edit Column Link dialog, enter the target URL (Figure 19-39).

    Figure 19-39 Edit Column Link Dialog

    Edit Column Link dialog
  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save to save your changes and exit edit list mode.

    The affected list data now behaves as linked text (Figure 19-40).

    Figure 19-40 Hyperlinked Text

    Hyperklinked text

    If you click Close, instead, the Lists service checks for unsaved changes and prompts you to save or discard the changes.


    To save, you can also select Save from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+M. To close, you can also select Close from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+Q. Refreshing List Data

All lists come with a Refresh icon, which you can click to refresh the display of list data.

Figure 19-41 Refresh Icon on a List

Refresh icon on a list Deleting List Rows

You can delete one or multiple list rows in one operation. Note that, selecting a row and clicking Delete marks a list row for deletion. The row is removed from your view, but the list data continues to exist in the WebCenter repository. The actual delete takes place when you save the change.

To delete one or multiple list rows:

  1. Go to the list with rows to delete.

  2. Click the Edit List Data icon to open the list in edit mode (Figure 19-42).

    Figure 19-42 Edit List Data Icon on a List

    Edit List Data icon on a list
  3. Select one or more rows to delete.

    In Windows, use Ctrl+click to select multiple rows. In UNIX, simply click multiple rows. In both operating systems, use Shift+click to select a range of rows.

  4. Click the Delete button above the list (Figure 19-43).

    Figure 19-43 The Delete (List Row) Button

    Delete (list row) button

    The selected rows are marked for deletion removed from your view of the list.

  5. Click Save to save your changes and exit edit list mode.

    If you click Close, instead, the Lists service checks for unsaved changes and prompts you to save or discard the changes.


    To save, you can also select Save from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+M. To close, you can also select Close from the Actions menu, or press Ctrl+Q.

19.2.4 Personalizing and Customizing Lists

You can personalize your own view of a list instance, or you can customize a list instance, affecting everyone's view. Personalizations involve changes made in page view mode; while customizations involve changes made in page edit mode (that is, in Oracle Composer). Everyone can personalize their own view of a list; but page edit privileges are always required for list customization.

A second instance of a list is not affected by the customizations or personalizations you make to the first instance. For example, imagine that you have placed the Issues list on both the Sales page and the What's New page. If you sort the list by the Number column on the Sales page, the Issues list is not automatically sorted by Number on the What's New page.

While customizations affect everyone's view of a list instance, your own personalizations are layered over list customizations. For example, someone may customize a list containing columns A, B, and C, so that column C is first in list column order (C, A, B). You can then personalize the list so that column A is first in list column order in your personal view of the same list instance (A, B, C).


In page edit mode, you see only customizations. In page view mode, you see personalizations layered over customizations. If the same property is set in both customization and personalization, the personalized value takes precedence.

Personalizations and customizations do you apply to lists when viewed through the List Manager task flow.

See Also:

For more information about personalization and customization, see Section 7.2, "Customizing and Personalizing Page Content."

This section describes various personalizations and customizations you can make to a list instance. It contains the following subsections: Sorting List Data on a Column

By default, list data is sorted by create date. You can control the sort order of list data by clicking sort icons in each column's header. You can perform an advanced sort using View menu options. This section describes regular and advanced sorting. It includes the following subsections:


To sort list data on a column in your view, perform the actions described in this section in page view mode. To sort list data on a column in everyone's view, perform the actions described in this section in page edit mode.

When your WebCenter Spaces application is running against an Oracle database, a click on a column header in the List View results in a linguistic sort based on your locale. For non-Oracle databases, the sorting is based on the linguistic sorting specified in the database (collation in the case of SQL Server). This means when you connect to a WebCenter Spaces instance in different languages, list rows are sorted according to the default collation of the database, regardless of the language your application is currently using. Sorting List Data Using Column Icons

To sort list data on a column using column icons:

  1. Go to the list where you want to sort data.

  2. Go to the column you want to use to control the sort, roll your mouse over the column header, and click the Sort Ascending icon to sort the list in ascending order (1, 2, 3, a, b, c); or click the Sort Descending icon to sort the list in descending order (c, b, a, 3, 2, 1) (Figure 19-44).

    Figure 19-44 The Sort Icons on a List Column Header

    Sort icons on a list column header


    You can also sort list data on a column by selecting a column and then selecting Sort and then Ascending or Descending from the View menu. You can right-click a column and select these options from a context menu. Performing an Advanced Sort of List Data

The View menu provides an Advanced option that presents another way to sort list data.

To use the Advanced option to sort list data:

  1. Go to the list where you want to specify a sort order.

  2. From the View menu, select Advanced to open the Advanced Sort dialog (Figure 19-45).

    Figure 19-45 Advanced Sort Dialog

    Advanced Sort dialog
  3. From the Sort By dropdown list, select the column to be considered first in sorting list data.

    The Sort By and Then By fields are arranged in order of precedence, with Sort By considered first, and Then By in second and third positions.

  4. Select either Ascending, to sort list data on the selected column in ascending order (1, 2, 3, a, b, c), or Descending, to sort list data on the selected column in descending order (c, b, a, 3, 2, 1).


    Currently, you can sort against only one column. Look to future releases for this feature to be fully realized.

  5. Click OK.


You can access the options described in the section by right-clicking a column and selecting from a context menu. Resizing List Columns

You can control the width of a list column by dragging it wider or by setting a specific column width through a dialog.


To resize list columns, the list must contain at least one row.

To resize list data on a column in your view, perform the following actions in page view mode. To resize list data on a column in everyone's view, perform the following actions in page edit mode.

To resize list columns:

  1. Go to the list where you want to resize columns.

  2. Resize columns using one of the following methods:

    • Click and hold on a column splitter, and drag it to make the column wider or narrower (Figure 19-46).

      Figure 19-46 Column Splitter

      Column splitter


      After you personalize a list by resizing list columns in page view mode, select a list row. This triggers a server request, which is required to make your personalization persist across your browser sessions.

      If you navigate away from the page without performing such a server request in the list view, the column size is lost and reverts back to the previous size when you return to the page.

    • In the list, select the column to resize.

      From the Format menu, select Resize Columns (Figure 19-47).

      Figure 19-47 Resize Columns Option on the Format Menu

      Resize Columns option on the Format menu

      In the resulting dialog, enter a column width and select a unit of measure (Figure 19-48).

      Figure 19-48 Resize Column Dialog

      Resize Column dialog

      Choose from:

      • Pixels—To express column width in a specified number of pixels.

      • Percent—To express column width as a percentage of the total list width.

      Click OK.


    You can access the options described in the section by right-clicking a column and selecting from a context menu. Changing Column Order on a List Instance

You can rearrange the order of list columns by dragging a column and dropping it to the desired position or through a reorder dialog. You can rearrange columns only when you are customizing or personalizing a list view. This feature is not available in the List Manager task flow or on the Lists page.


To change column order in your view, perform the following actions in page view mode. To change column order in everyone's view, perform the following actions in page edit mode.

To reorder columns by dragging, the list must have at least one row.

To change column order:

  1. Go to the page that contains the list instance you want to change.

  2. Rearrange list columns using one of the following methods:

    • Click and hold on a list column title, and drag and drop it to the desired location.

    • Select Reorder Columns from the View menu.

      In the resulting dialog, select a column and click a Move icon to the right of the list of Visible Columns to reposition your selection (Figure 19-49).

      Figure 19-49 Reorder Columns Dialog

      Reorder Columns dialog

      Repeat until you have columns arranged in the desired order.

      Click OK.


    You can access the options described in the section by right-clicking a column and selecting from a context menu. Freezing a Column Position

When a list is too wide to display all of its columns in one view, you can scroll the list left and right. If there is a column you always want to keep in view, you can use column freezing to hold a column in place during scrolling. Freezing causes a selected column to hold its position while the columns to the right of it scroll by. You can set Freeze on one column on a given list instance. Freezing holds the selected column and any column to the left of it in place.


To freeze a column position in your view, perform the following actions in page view mode. To freeze a column position in everyone's view, perform the following actions in page edit mode.

To freeze a column position:

  1. Go to the list with a column you want to freeze.

  2. Select the relevant column by clicking its header.

    The Freeze icon becomes available.

  3. Click the Freeze icon (Figure 19-50).


    You can also freeze a column by selecting it and then selecting Freeze from the View menu.

    Figure 19-50 A Selected Column and the Freeze Icon

    A selected column and the Freeze icon

To unfreeze a column, select it as described in step 2, and click the Freeze icon again.


You can access the options described in the section by right-clicking a column and selecting from a context menu. Wrapping Column Data

Use the Wrap feature to control whether to allow column data to wrap in a selected list column. Data that wraps breaks onto additional lines if it would otherwise exceed the column width. Data that does not wrap, shows only as much data as fits into the current column width (note that you can widen the column to view the data if you prefer, see Section, "Resizing List Columns").

To wrap column data:

  1. Go to the list in which to wrap column data.

  2. Select the relevant column by clicking its header.

  3. Click the Wrap icon.


    You can also wrap data by selecting the column and then selecting Wrap from the Format menu.

    You can access the options described in the section by right-clicking a column and selecting from a context menu.

    If any data was previously truncated, it now appears in the row with line breaks to accommodate the column's width.

To turn wrapping off, select the relevant column and click the Wrap icon again. Applying Color Banding to List Rows

Color banding refers to a transparent overlay of color applied at specified intervals to list rows or columns. When you define color banding on a list, you specify whether to apply color banding and how often to apply it.

You can easily enhance the readability of a list by applying row or column color banding (Figure 19-51).

Figure 19-51 Color Banding on List Rows

Color banding on list rows
Description of "Figure 19-51 Color Banding on List Rows"

You can apply color banding to your personal view of a list instance or to everyone's view of a list instance. This section describes how. It contains the following subsections: Applying Color Banding to Your Personal View of a List

You can apply color banding to list rows or to list columns.

To apply color banding to your personal view of a list instance:

  1. Go to the list you want to personalize with color banded rows or columns.

  2. Click the Personalize icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-52).

    Figure 19-52 Personalize Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Personalize icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The List Viewer enters personalize list mode (Figure 19-53).

    Figure 19-53 List Viewer Personalize List Mode

    Personalize List mode in List Viewer task flow
  3. From the Banding pick list, select a banding style for the list instance (Figure 19-54):

    Figure 19-54 The Banding Pick List

    Banding pick list

    Choose from:

    • Row—To specify color banding on list rows.

    • Column—To specify color banding on list columns.

    • None—To turn color banding off.

  4. In the Interval field, enter the number of rows or columns to skip between color bands.

    For example, when you apply color bands to rows, a value of 1 applies a color band to the second row, fourth row, sixth row, and so on. Figure 19-55 illustrates an interval value of 1.

    Figure 19-55 Color Banding on List Rows

    Color banding on list rows
    Description of "Figure 19-55 Color Banding on List Rows"

  5. Click Save to save your settings and return to the list.

    List data is refreshed, now reflecting your color banding settings. Removing Personal Color Banding

To remove personal color banding from a list:

  1. Go to the list from which to remove color banding.

  2. Click the Personalize icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-56).

    Figure 19-56 Personalize Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Personalize icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The List Viewer enters personalize list mode.

  3. From the Banding pick list, select None.

  4. Click Save to save your settings and return to the list.

    List data is refreshed, now showing no color banding. Applying Color Banding to Everyone's View of a List Instance

When you want your color banding settings to affect everyone's view of a particular list instance, follow the steps in this section.

To apply color banding to everyone's view of a list instance:

  1. Go to the list you want to customize with color banded rows or columns.

  2. From the Page Actions menu, select Edit Page (Figure 19-57).

    Figure 19-57 Edit Page Option on the Page Actions Menu

    Edit Page option on the Page Actions menu

    The page opens in Oracle Composer.

  3. Go to the list instance you want to customize, and click the Edit icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-58).

    Figure 19-58 Edit Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Edit icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The list enters customize list mode (Figure 19-59).

    Figure 19-59 List Viewer Customize List Mode

    Customize List mode in List Viewer task flow
  4. Configure color-banding settings as described in Section, "Applying Color Banding to Your Personal View of a List."

  5. Click Close to exit Oracle Composer. Removing Color Banding from Everyone's View of a List

To remove color banding from everyone's view of a list instance:

  1. Go to the list from which to remove color banding.

  2. From the Page Actions menu, select Edit Page (Figure 19-60) to open the page in Oracle Composer.

    Figure 19-60 Edit Page Option on the Page Actions Menu

    Edit Page option on the Page Actions menu
  3. Go to the list instance you want to customize, and click the Edit icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-61).

    Figure 19-61 Edit Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Edit icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The List Viewer enters customize list mode.

  4. From the Banding pick list, select None.

  5. Click Save to save your changes and exit customize list mode.

    The list refreshes, with color banding removed.

  6. Click Close to exit Oracle Composer. Filtering List Data

The Lists service provides data filtering options for your personal view of a list instance and for everyone's view of the instance. Filtering provides a means of limiting the display of list data to those rows that match your filtering criteria.

Temporary, personal filtering (also called ad hoc filtering) is available with both the List Viewer and List Manager task flows. Custom filtering that affects everyone's view of a list instance is available only with the List Viewer task flow.

This section describes the processes of applying ad hoc, permanent personal, and permanent list filters. It contains the following subsections: Applying an Ad Hoc Filter to a List Instance

Use ad hoc list filtering to easily find a particular list entry or group of entries in a list instance. This section describes how.


Ad hoc list filtering applies only to String data-type values. Columns that use other data-types, such as Date and Number, are not used in ad hoc filtering. For example, if you have dates shown in format dd-mon-yy and you filter on jan, you do not see rows with dates in January.

To apply an ad hoc filter to a list instance:

  1. Go to the list that contains the data you want to temporarily filter.

  2. Click the Filter Rows icon in the List toolbar (Figure 19-62).


    You can also select Filter Rows from the Actions menu.

    Figure 19-62 The Filter Rows Icon

    Filter Rows icon

    The Filter field opens (Figure 19-63).

    Figure 19-63 The Filter Field

    Filter field
  3. Enter your filtering criteria in the Filter field, and click the Filter icon to execute the filter.

    All row details that match the filtering criteria are shown.

  4. Click the Filter Rows icon again to hide the Filter field and remove the temporary filter.


    You can also select Cancel Filter from the Actions menu. Applying a Permanent, Personal Filter to a List Instance

In addition to an ad hoc filter, you can apply a permanent personal filter to your view of a list instance. We use the term permanent to convey the fact that you can keep your list filtered in a particular way for as long as you like. It is still possible to remove such a filter. This section describes how to apply and remove a permanent personal filter.

To apply or remove a permanent filter on your view of a list instance:

  1. Go to the list that contains the data you want to permanently filter.

  2. Click the Personalize icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-64).

    Figure 19-64 Personalize Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Personalize icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The list enters personalize list mode (Figure 19-65).

    Figure 19-65 List Viewer Personalize List Mode

    Personalize List mode in List Viewer task flow
  3. From the Add Filter dropdown list, select a column against which to apply a filter.

    The selected column appears, ready for a filter definition.

  4. Select an operator from the dropdown list, and enter the filter content in the field provided (Figure 19-66).

    Figure 19-66 Filter Operators on a List Column

    Filter operators on a list column

    The filter operators that appear on the dropdown list vary according to the data type of the selected column. Table 19-3 lists and describes filter operators as they apply to different data types.

    Table 19-3 Filter Operators for List Data Types

    Data Type Description


    Use String data type filter operators to specify that string values in the selected column must:

    • = —Match the characters you specify

    • Starts With—Start with the character(s) you specify

    • Contains—Include the character(s) you specify

    • Ends With—End with the character(s) you specify

    • <>—Contain any string other than the one you specify


    Use Number data type filter operators to specify that number values in the selected column must be:

    • = —Equal to the value you specify

    • >= —Equal to or greater than the value you specify

    • <>—Greater or lesser than the value you specify

    • >—Greater than the value you specify

    • <= —Equal to or lesser than the value you specify

    • <—Lesser than the value you specify


    Use DateTime data type filter operators to specify that date and time values in the selected column must be:

    • = —The same as the date or date and time that you specify

    • >= —More recent or the same as the date or date and time that you specify

    • <>—Any date or date and time other than the value you specify

    • >—More recent than the date or date and time that you specify

    • <= —Preceding or matching the date or date and time that you specify

    • <—Preceding the date or date and time that you specify


    Use Boolean data type filter operators to specify that Boolean values in the selected list column must:

    • = —Match the value you specify

    • <>—Not match the value you specify

    The Boolean value is expressed as a checkbox. A checked box means TRUE or YES; a cleared box means FALSE or NO.


    Use Person data type filter operators to specify that person values in the selected list column must:

    • = —Match the user name you specify

    • Starts With—Start with the character(s) you specify

    • Ends With—End with the character(s) you specify

    • Contains—Include the character(s) you specify

    • <>—Contain any user name other than the one you specify

  5. Click Save to save your filter criteria and return to the list.

    The list is refreshed, now displaying data that matches your filter criteria. Removing a Permanent, Personal List Filter

To remove a permanent, personal list filter:

  1. Go to the list from which you want to remove personal filtering.

  2. Click the Personalize icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-67).

    Figure 19-67 Personalize Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Personalize icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The List Viewer enters personalize list mode.

  3. Click the Remove icon next to the filtering criteria you want to remove (Figure 19-68), and then click Save.

    Figure 19-68 Remove Icon Next to a Filter

    Remove icon next to a filter

    List data is refreshed, now displaying any data previously hidden by a filter. Applying Filters to Everyone's View of a List

If you want the list filters you create to apply to all users' views of a particular list instance, simply create the filters in page edit mode.

See Also:

For information about removing a filter from everyone's view of a list instance, see Section, "Removing Filters from Everyone's View of a List."

To apply filters to everyone's view of a list:

  1. Go to the list that contains the data you want to filter from everyone's view.

  2. From the Page Actions menu, select Edit Page (Figure 19-69) to open the page in Oracle Composer.

    Figure 19-69 Edit Page Option on the Page Actions Menu

    Edit Page option on the Page Actions menu
  3. Go to the task flow instance you want to filter, and click the Edit icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-70).

    Figure 19-70 Edit Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Edit icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The list enters customize list mode (Figure 19-71).

    Figure 19-71 List Viewer in Customize List Mode

    Customize List mode in List Viewer task flow
  4. Create and apply filtering criteria as described in Section, "Applying a Permanent, Personal Filter to a List Instance."

  5. Click Close to exit Oracle Composer. Removing Filters from Everyone's View of a List

To remove a filter from everyone's view of a list:

  1. Go to the list from which to remove a filter.

  2. From the Page Actions menu, select Edit Page (Figure 19-72) to open the page in Oracle Composer.

    Figure 19-72 Edit Page Option on the Page Actions Menu

    Edit Page option on the Page Actions menu
  3. Go to the task flow instance from which you want to remove a filter, and click the Edit icon on the task flow header (Figure 19-73).

    Figure 19-73 Edit Icon on a List Viewer Task Flow Header

    Edit icon on a List Viewer task flow header

    The list enters customize list mode.

  4. Click the Remove icon next to the filters you want to remove (Figure 19-74), and then click Save.

    Figure 19-74 Remove Icon Next to a Filter

    Remove icon next to a filter

    List data is refreshed, now displaying all unfiltered data.

  5. Click Close to exit Oracle Composer.

19.2.5 Sending a Link to a List to Other Users

The list Actions menu includes a Send Mail option for sending a link to a list through a mail message.

To send a link to a list through mail:

  1. Log in, and go to the list instance you want to send as a link through mail.

  2. From the list Actions menu, select Send Mail (Figure 19-75).

    Figure 19-75 Send Mail Option on a List Actions Menu

    Send Mail option on a list Actions menu

    A compose message window opens with the following information:

    • The name of the group space from which the list instance originates

    • A link to the group space

    • The list title and description

    • A link to the list instance

    Users click the link to the list instance to open a view of the list.


    To view the list, users must have access to the group space that contains the list instance.

  3. Compose the message and send as you would any other mail message.

19.2.6 Exporting a List to a Spreadsheet and Importing an Exported List

The Lists service provides a means of exporting and importing lists. If you have View access to the list, you can export it to a Microsoft Excel 2007 format (.xlsx) and revise list data in Excel. If you have Edit access to the list, you can import the revised list back into WebCenter Spaces.

This section describes how to export and import lists and provides information about additional software that may be of use in this process. It contains the following subsections: What You Should Know About Exporting and Importing Lists

Use list export and import to add and revise list rows in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. List structure is preserved during export and import, as are any links you may have associated with the list or list rows.

If, in WebCenter Spaces, you add a link to a row of an exported list, then import the list, the link is preserved. When you export a list with links, only the list is exported, not the links. The list takes with it identifiers that preserve the association of the list with its links. However, if you delete a link on a row in WebCenter Spaces, the link is not restored when the list is imported.

After you export a list, other changes to content in WebCenter Spaces are overwritten when you import the list. Before content is overwritten, a confirmation dialog provides you with an opportunity to stop the import and preserve the WebCenter Spaces changes.

Importing a spreadsheet cannot be used to create a list or modify list structure. You can import a spreadsheet only into the list from which it was exported. However, you can export a rowless list to a spreadsheet, add rows in Excel, and then import it.

You must take care when you export a list not to revise list structure in Excel nor in WebCenter Spaces. You cannot import a spreadsheet if the list structure is changed in WebCenter Spaces after export. You can add and remove list rows in the spreadsheet; such changes are reflected in the list on import.

Adding and removing list columns in the spreadsheet does not affect the list structure. Consequently, when you import a spreadsheet with columns that were removed through Excel, the import succeeds. The columns continue to appear in the imported list; though the deleted column data does not.

When you export a list from WebCenter Spaces, the exported spreadsheet file is in Microsoft Excel 2007 format (.xlsx). To import a spreadsheet, it must also be in this format. If you have Excel 2007 installed, you may export list data to a spreadsheet, edit and save the data in Excel 2007, and then import the spreadsheet.

If you have an older version of Excel installed, you may still use the export/import spreadsheet feature by installing the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats.

You can find the compatibility pack at the following location:

You can find instructions for using the compatibility pack at the following location:

The compatibility pack enables you to save spreadsheets in .xlsx format directly in Excel versions 2000 and 2003. It enables you to convert Excel 2002 spreadsheets in .xlsx format through Windows Explorer.


It is possible to open a spreadsheet in .xlsx format directly in Excel in read-only mode and then save the file in .xls format from Excel. However, this conversion results in data loss that does not occur with the compatibility pack. The resulting file is missing data that is required to import the spreadsheet. Thus a subsequent import of the spreadsheet fails even after conversion back to .xlsx format.

To convert to .xls after export, right-click the exported spreadsheet (an .xlsx file) in Windows Explorer, select Save As, and choose the Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (*.xls) in the Save as type dialog. Open the .xls file in Excel, edit, and save.

To convert the .xls spreadsheet to .xlsx before import, right-click the spreadsheet (an .xls file) in Windows Explorer, select Save As, and choose the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Workbook (*.xlsx) in the Save as type dialog. Now you can import the new .xlsx file. Exporting a List to a Spreadsheet

When you have View access to a list, you can export the list to a Microsoft Excel 2007 formatted file (.xlsx). Exporting enables you to use your Excel skills to easily add to and revise list data. Controls for exporting lists are available in both the List Viewer and List Manager task flows.

To export a WebCenter Spaces list:

  1. Go to the list you want to export, and select Export from the Actions menu.

    Figure 19-76 Export Button on a List

    Export button on a list
  2. Follow your browser's prompts to save the exported .xlsx file to your local file system.


    If you are using Excel 2007, then you can either open the file directly in Excel or save it to the file system. If you are using Excel 2000, then you must save the file to the file system and convert the file in Windows Explorer using The compatibility pack.

    According to the Microsoft support Web site (, you can now use Excel 2002 and 2003 to create, open, edit, and save files to the Excel 2007 (*.xlsx) format.

    The list is saved as an .xlsx file. The file name is the list name, with underscores in lieu of character spaces. For example, my list becomes my_list.xlsx. Importing an Exported List

After you have revised list data and saved it in Excel 2007 (*.xlsx) format, you can import it using controls available in both the List Viewer and List Manager task flows. To import list data, you must have, minimally, Edit permission on the list.

To import an exported list:

  1. Go to the list you want to import, and select Import from the Actions menu (Figure 19-77).

    Figure 19-77 Import Button on a List

    Import button on a list
  2. In the Import from Excel dialog (Figure 19-78), click the Browse button and navigate to and select the revised list file.

    The file must be in Excel 2007 format (*.xlsx).

    Figure 19-78 Import from Excel Dialog

    Import from Excel dialog
  3. Click Import.

    The list is refreshed, now displaying the revised data. List data is validated on import. If any rows contain validation errors, such errors are presented in a dialog and the import is terminated. You can correct validation errors in the spreadsheet and import again.

19.3 Setting Lists Service Task Flow Properties

List service task flows have associated properties, which users with sufficient privileges can access in Oracle Composer. Use properties to adjust task flow appearance and data on a single task flow instance and to wire task flows to each other and to page parameters and page definition variables.

See Also:

For information about wiring pages and components, see Chapter 8, "Wiring Pages, Task Flows, Portlets, and UI Components".

List service Component Properties are presented on five tabs:

Not all components provide the same properties; consequently, not all components display all five tabs.

All properties on the Parameters and Display Options tabs provide access to an editor, which you can use to select or specify a variable value in lieu of a constant value. Click the Edit icon next to a property field to open the editor (Figure 19-79).

Figure 19-79 Edit Icon Next to a Parameter Value Field and the Resulting Editor

Edit icon next to a parameter value field

Use the editor to select predefined values, under Choose a value, or to enter a value or an Expression Language expression, under Type a value or expression. The editor provides a test feature, which you can use to validate your selection or entry. For information about using the editor and for access to a table of common EL expressions, see Section 7.5.5, "Using Expression Language (EL) Expressions with Component Properties."

Many properties are common to all task flows. Additionally, the method for accessing task flow properties is the same from task flow to task flow. Common task flow properties and how to access them are discussed in Section 7.5, "Setting Properties on Page Content."

Some properties are unique to the task flow type. Those properties unique to Lists service task flows are listed and described in Table 19-4. Note that list Parameter values are set automatically and should not be changed.

Table 19-4 Parameters of Lists Service Task Flows

Property Description Associated Task Flow

Show List Name and Description

A Boolean value representing whether to display the list name and description

If no value is present, the list name and description are not shown. Values include true and false. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Lists (List Viewer)

List Scope ID

A unique identifier for the scope containing the list

If no value is present, the current scope is used. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Lists (List Viewer)

List ID

A unique identifier for the list to show

Either List ID or Local List ID must have a value. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Lists (List Viewer)

Local List Customization ID

A unique identifier within the scope for the list customization

This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Lists (List Viewer)

Local List ID

A unique identifier within the scope for the list to show

Either List ID or Local List ID must have a value. This value is set automatically. Do not edit this value.

Lists (List Viewer)