Building Your Recruiting Structure

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Your Recruiting Structure

To set up your recruiting structure, use the Region component (REGION_TABLE), Region Postal component (RGN_POSTAL_TABLE), Region SetID Effective Date Update component (RUN_AD505), Recruiting Category component (RECRUIT_CAT_TABLE), Recruiting Center component (ADM_RECRCTR_TBL), and Application Center component (ADM_APPLCTR_TBL).

An admissions recruiter can be anyone in your campus community (for example, staff, faculty, student, and alumni) who helps with the recruiting and admissions process. Recruiters can recruit at different levels. For example, they can recruit by region, career, program, or plan and sub-plan. You can assign recruiters to prospects and applicants. You can assign recruiters, prospects, and applicants to geographic regions and various recruiting categories to match recruiters to prospects.

This section provides an overview of building your recruiting structure and discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Region Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospect/Applicant Recruiting, Region Table

Define the geographic regions that your academic institution uses for recruiting and admissions.

Region Postal Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospect/Applicant Recruiting, Region Postal Table

Define postal codes for use in your region tree. You can define any number of postal codes for your regional recruiting purposes. Postal codes are used as the detail values, or leaves, of your region tree.

It is vital to keep the region postal codes that you define on this page synchronized with the detail values on your region tree. Plan out your postal code values and enter them here before entering them into the region tree.

Region SetID Effdt Update (region setID effective date update)


Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Region SetID Effdt Update

Run the Region SetID Effdt Update process, which activates region trees.

Recruiting Category Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospect/Applicant Recruiting, Recruiting Category Table

Set up your recruiting categories.

Recruiting Center Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospects, Recruiting Center Table

Create the admission recruiting centers for your institution.

Application Center Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Applicants, Application Center Table

Set up your application centers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Region Codes

Access the Region Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospect/Applicant Recruiting, Region Table).

A region can be a continent, a country, a state, a portion of a state, a mix of states, or any regional grouping that is for recruiting. You can link applicants, prospects, schools, and recruiters to geographic regions. Use this linkage for informational purposes and for assigning recruiters to prospects and applicants according to where the person attends school or resides. Regions are required if you plan to use PeopleSoft Tree Manager to assign recruiters to prospects and applicants. Plan your regions and your region tree before defining codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Region Trees

Before assigning recruiters to regions, set up a region tree for your academic institution using PeopleSoft Tree Manager. This section covers setting up region trees for your recruiting structure.

A region tree is a detailed and hierarchical representation of all the geographic regions that you use for recruiting purposes. Each region is represented on the region tree as a node that appears hierarchically. A city can reside within a county, a county within a state, and a state within a country. However, the lowest level on the tree must be postal code ranges.

Your system uses region trees when you assign recruiters to prospects and applicants. The region tree hierarchical structure enables you to include and exclude recruiters from a variety of regions within your recruiting structure. For example, you can have a West Coast recruiter who does not go to the state of California, except for the city of San Jose, but only for the postal code range of 95000-95199 within that city. In other words, you assigned the recruiter to the West Coast region but excluded her from the California region. Then you assigned her to the San Jose region but excluded her from every postal code range except 95000-95199.

You assign a region to applicants in the Application Entry component, to prospects in the Prospect Data component, and to recruiters in the Recruiters component. When you assign recruiters to individual prospects and applicants (also in the Application Entry and Prospect Data components) the system uses the region tree to match recruiters to prospects and applicants, based on where they reside on the tree. For example, suppose that you assign an applicant to the region San Jose. Suppose further that you don't have any recruiters assigned at that level, but that you do have recruiters assigned to the region Santa Clara County. San Jose is a lower node of Santa Clara County. Thus, recruiters assigned to Santa Clara County are responsible for San Jose, and any other lower-level node on the region tree.

Using region trees, you can also assign recruiters to prospects and applicants in batch, using the Recruiter Assignment process. This process matches recruiters to prospects and applicants based on the postal code of the prospect's or applicant's home or last school attended.

Entering Regions in the Region Table Page

Although you can define new regions directly in PeopleSoft Tree Manager as you build your region tree, plan and define your regions in advance on the Region Table page. That way, all regions are available as you build your tree. You can always add additional regions through Tree Manager. When you define regions, print your region codes so that they are available while building your tree. You can also draw a map of your tree and include the actual region codes. Having a printed code list is valuable because you cannot prompt for defined region codes in PeopleSoft Tree Manager. Also, you are less likely to create duplicate or similar codes if you have a printed list.

Setting Up Postal Codes on the Region Postal Code Table Page

Before you can define postal code values (detail values) on your tree, you must set up all of your postal codes on the Region Postal Table page. To verify that a detail exists on the Region Postal Table page, right-click that detail in the region tree. If you receive a message that the value is not found, then you must go to the Region Postal Table page and set it up. It is extremely important to keep the region postal codes on the Region Postal Table page synchronized with the detail values of your region tree. Postal codes cannot overlap regions. If you enter the zip + 4 postal code for prospect or applicant addresses, include the four digit extension when defining your postal code ranges for the regions. Example: The begin postal code should be defined as 914360000 and the end postal code should be defined as 914669999.

For manual and batch recruiter assignment, the number of numeric digits in the postal code ranges of a region tree should be the same. For instance, if you have set up a region tree with five digit postal code ranges, such as USA94000 - USA95599, ensure that you do not define a nine digit postal code range for the same region tree.

If you have set up a region tree with five digit postal code ranges, the system uses the first five digits of the applicant's or prospect's home or school postal code.

If you have set up a region tree with nine digit postal code ranges, the system uses the nine digits of the applicant's or prospect's home or school postal code. If the applicant's or prospect's postal code consists of five digits, the system adds four zeros to the applicant's or prospect's postal code to make it nine digits for the assignment process.

If the applicant's or prospect's home or school postal code consists of a dash, the system removes the dash before comparing the postal code with the region tree's postal code ranges.

Defining a Region Tree for Recruiting and Admissions

You base your region tree on a special tree structure, shipped with Recruiting and Admissions, called REGION. This structure uses the country and postal code of either the applicant's school or the applicant's home address as detail nodes of the tree and the structure looks to the regions stored in the region table for all other tree nodes.

To set up your region tree, select Tree Manager, Tree Manager. Search for a Tree Name of REGION. Select a delivered REGION tree. Then select the Save As link on the page.

The Tree Definition dialog box opens. The following values should appear:

Delivered Region Tree Examples

Recruiting and Admissions comes with three sample region trees that you can view to get an idea of a finished region tree. Each one is named REGION; they are listed, in order, under the following setIDs:

The following is an example of part of the delivered GLAKE region tree.

See Also

Setting Up Region Codes

Recruiting Prospective Students

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Tree Manager

Enterprise PeopleTools PeopleBook: Tree Manager, "Printing a List of Regions"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicActivating Region Trees

After you create a region tree or update an existing tree with a new effective date, you must activate it by running the Region SetID Effdt Update process.

Note. Region trees do not work unless you run this process.

Access the Region SetID Effdt Update page (Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Region SetID Effdt Update).

As Of Date

Enter a date equal to the effective date of the region tree.


Enter the institution for which the region tree will be used.

SetID for Region

Enter the setID that was used when creating the region tree.

Click the Run button and select AD505 to run the process. The process activates the most recent region tree with an effective date that is less than or equal to the date entered in the As Of Date field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Recruiting Categories

Access the Recruiting Category Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospect/Applicant Recruiting, Recruiting Category Table).

Warning! You must create a recruiting category of REGN (region) so that you can use the flexibility of regional recruiting assignments. To automatically assign recruiters to prospects and applicants by region, define a REGN code in this table. The description can be anything, but the code must be REGN.

Recruiting categories enable you to track prospect and applicant interests. By assigning prospects and applicants to recruiting categories, you can give them the proper attention during the recruiting and admissions processes. You link recruiters to recruiting categories when setting up recruiters.

Recruitment Group

Assign the recruiting category to a recruitment group. Values are Academic, Alumni, Athletics, Music, Region,and Special. Recruitment groups are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Important! Do not change or delete the translate value Region. It is required for automated region and recruiter assignment.

Move to Application

Select to copy this recruiting information to the application record when the prospect who is assigned to this category becomes an applicant.

Academic Career Indicator

Select to limit the recruiting category to one career. For example, you can create a recruiting category called EXTV for those prospects who are currently business executives and define it so that it is only available to your BUSN (graduate business) academic career. Enter the career to which you want the category limited in the Academic Career field.

Academic Career

If you want this category to be available for only one academic career, select the Academic Career Indicator check box and enter the career here. If you want this recruiting category to be available to all careers, clear the Academic Career Indicator check box and leave this field blank. This field determines the recruiting categories that appear in the Recruiting Category field on the Application Recruiters and Prospect Recruiters pages. Define academic careers on the Academic Career Table page.

Note. When assigning a prospect or applicant to a recruitment group and category, you can indicate a further level of a person's interests by using a recruitment subcategory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Recruiting Centers

Access the Recruiting Center Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Prospects, Recruiting Center Table).

The recruiting center helps to identify the prospects and recruiters who belong to a particular recruiting office. If you process applications in the same office as you process prospects, your application and recruiting centers are probably identical. If you have a decentralized recruiting structure, you can create a recruiting center for each office so that you can identify which office has responsibility for a specific prospect or applicant.

Academic Career

Select an academic career if you want this recruiting center associated with only one academic career. If you want the recruiting center available to all academic careers, leave this field blank.

See Also

Defining Recruiters

Securing Recruiting and Admissions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Application Processing Centers

Access the Application Center Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Recruiting and Admissions, Applicants, Application Center Table).

Note. You assign applications and link recruiters to application centers. This helps you to identify the applications and recruiters who belong to a particular admissions office.

Application centers are where admissions applications are processed. By defining application centers, you can track which office is handling a specific application. This is especially useful if you have decentralized processing for academic careers.

Academic Career

Select an academic career if this application center is for only one academic career. If you want this application center available to all careers, leave this field blank. Define academic careers on the Academic Career Table page.

Application Fee Code

Select the appropriate application fee code for this application center. Define application fee codes on the Application Fees page in PeopleSoft Student Financials. If you do not charge an application fee, you can leave this field blank.

Deposit Fee Code

Select the appropriate deposit fee code used for this application center. Define deposit fee codes on the Deposit Fees page in Student Financials. If you do not charge deposits, you can leave this field blank.

Calculate Deposit Fee in Batch

Select if you want to allow users to save applications without calculating a deposit fee. When you enter a status of Admitted on the Application Program Data page, the system does not prompt you to calculate the deposit. Rather, you use the Deposit Fees Calc (deposit fees calculation) batch process (SFPBADEP) to calculate the deposit fee. This enables you to automate the deposit fee calculation process.

If you clear this check box, the system does prompt you to calculate a deposit fee when you enter a status of Admitted on the Application Program Data page.

See Also

Defining Recruiters

Entering Application Program Data

Securing Recruiting and Admissions

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Recruiters

After you have set up recruiters and related items such as regions, region trees, and recruiting categories, you can identify and manage recruiters.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

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Before you can identify a person as a recruiter, he or she must first exist in your system.

To see if the recruiter is already in your system, select Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Search Match.

If you discover that the recruiter does not yet exist in your system, you can quickly add a record by choosing Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Add/Update a Person.

See Also

Using Search/Match

Adding an Individual to Your Database

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Identify Recruiters

Page Name

Definition Name





Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiters

Designate a person as a recruiter or to update a recruiter's information.

Recruiter Categories


Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Categories

Assign recruiting categories to recruiters. This aids in recruiter assignment. You also assign recruiting categories to prospects and applicants, enabling you to match appropriate recruiters to prospective students.

Recruiter Regions


Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Regions

Link recruiters at the career level to specific geographic regional assignments. You can also use this page to exclude recruiters from certain regions or external organizations.

For example, you can assign a recruiter to the Texas region, but exclude him or her from Abilene and Waco. You also link prospects and applicants to geographic regions, enabling you to match appropriate recruiters to prospective students.

Recruiter Centers


Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Centers

Link a recruiter to the appropriate recruiting and application centers, which is beneficial for grouping and reporting purposes. You can link prospects to recruiting centers and applicants to application centers.

Recruiter Programs


Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Programs

Link recruiters to academic programs and academic plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Recruiters

Access the Recruiters page (Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiters).

Recruiter Type

Select a recruiter type for this person. Values are Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Student. Recruiter types are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Recruiter Role

Select one or more recruiter roles for this person. In our example, John Chavez is both an evaluator and an interviewer. Add as many recruiter roles as are relevant to this person. A recruiter can recruit for more than one career. Add the recruiter again, only select the relevant academic career when prompted.

Recruiter roles are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Recruiters to Recruiting Categories

Access the Recruiter Categories page (Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Categories).


Enter the appropriate recruiting categories for this recruiter. Define categories on the Recruiting Category Table page. In the preceding page example, this recruiter is assigned to the High Test Scores and Region recruiting categories.


The group to which this category belongs.

Assignment Stage

For each category, select the appropriate stage of recruiting in which this recruiter is involved. Values are Applicant, Prospect/Applicant, and Prospect. For track and field, basketball, and region, our example recruiter looks at prospects and applicants. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Important! For your regional recruiters, assign a category of REGN. This is important for automatic assignment of recruiters by region.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Recruiters to Geographic Regions

Access the Recruiter Regions page (Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Regions).


Select the stage of recruitment in which this recruiter is involved for this region. Values are Applicant, Prosp/Appl (prospect/applicant), and Prospect. Stage values are delivered with your system as translate values. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.


Select a region for this recruiter. This can be a region where this person recruits, or a region where this person does not recruit. Define regions on the Region Table page.


Choose whether to Include the recruiter in or Exclude the recruiter from this region. If you select Include, the recruiter can be assigned to prospects or applicants in any school in that region. If you select Exclude, the recruiter can not be assigned to prospects or applicants in any school in that region.

Note. First add the regions where this person recruits. Then, if you must exclude the person from certain areas, add those rows last.

External Org ID (external organization ID)

If you want a recruiter to recruit at a school in a region from which he or she is excluded (for example, include a school in an excluded region), or if you do not want a recruiter to recruit at a school in a region in which he or she is included (for example, exclude a school from an included region), enter the external organization ID of the school you are including or excluding. All schools within the postal code range of the selected region are available.

Note. Be aware that you can only exclude or include a school (in the External Org ID field) from a region if the Region value entered is at the lowest level region node on your region tree. If the region value is at any other level, you cannot access the External Org ID field.


The display-only Include/Exclude field (next to the External Org ID field) automatically contains the opposite value of that entered in the Include/Exclude field (below the Region field).

An Example of Including and Excluding Regions and Schools

You can be specific with your regional assignments. In the preceding page example, the recruiter is assigned to the region California. But perhaps this person does not recruit for the Central Coast. To set up this assignment, add a region row that excludes the California Central Coast region. This means the recruiter is now assigned to California, except for the Central Coast region. To further differentiate matters, this recruiter makes an exception regarding the California Central Coast: she recruits at one school within that region. As shown on the preceding page, recruiter John Chavez does not recruit in the California Central Coast. However, he does make an exception for Seaside High School.

Note. The recruiting region assignment structure simplifies your reporting needs. You can assign recruiters to very specific regions and still roll up your reporting to look at broad areas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Recruiters with Recruiting and Application Centers

Access the Recruiter Centers page (Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Centers).

Recruiting Center

Enter the recruiting centers to which this recruiter belongs for each applicable academic career. This assignment enables your admissions office to quickly identify its own recruiters. A recruiter can belong to multiple recruiting centers.

Application Center

Enter the application centers to which this recruiter belongs for each applicable academic career. This assignment enables your admissions office to quickly identify its own recruiters. A recruiter can belong to multiple application centers.

Note. For recruiters to have access to prospects and applicants within the recruiting and application centers that you enter, you must grant the recruiters security access to these recruiting and application centers via the Recruiting Center Security and Application Center Security pages.

See Also

Securing Recruiting and Admissions

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Recruiters with Academic Programs and Academic Plans

Access the Recruiter Programs page (Student Recruiting, Student Recruiters, Create/Update Recruiters, Recruiter Programs).

Associating recruiters with academic programs and plans helps to track academic associations for all recruiters but is especially useful for graduate careers that typically offer many academic programs.

Note. Prospect records use the Last Prospect Date to determine if the program, plan, or subplan should appear in the prompts. If the Last Prospect Date is populated on the Academic Program Table (ACAD_PROG_TBL), Academic Plan Table (ACAD_PLAN_TBL), or Academic SubPlan Table (ACAD_SBPLN_TBL) and the date is less than or equal to the current date, the system does not display the value in the prompt.

Academic Program

Enter the academic programs in which this recruiter is involved.

Academic Plan

Enter the academic plans, within the chosen academic programs, that apply to this recruiter.