Tracking Supporting Prospect and Applicant Information

This chapter lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Note. Recruiting and Admissions shares functionality with PeopleSoft Campus Community. For this reason, many of the pages covered in this chapter are documented in their entirety in PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community Fundamentals 9.0 Peoplebook

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you begin entering supporting information for a prospect or applicant, you must enter prospects and applicants into your database.

See Also

Adding and Updating Applications

Adding Prospects Through the Create/Update Prospects Component

Click to jump to parent topicTracking Supporting Information for Prospects and Applicants

This section discusses how to track and view the following information for prospects and applicants:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Track Supporting Information for Prospects and Applicants

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Interests


  • Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Academic Interests

  • Student Admissions, Application Entry, Academic Information, Academic Interests

Record a person's external subject areas of interest, whether your institution offers them. You can also record the person's level of academic interest. For example, Pre-Law could be a person's first priority and Technology could be the person's second priority. You can use this information for recruiting purposes by determining what areas you offer that are similar to the person's preferences. This information is also valuable for reporting and academic program planning purposes.

Test Results


  • Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Test Results

  • Student Admissions, Application Entry, Academic Information, Test Results

  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Results or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Results

  • Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Test Results

Enter test scores and related test information for a person manually. You can also load various test information into this page through an external test score load. Test results are stored under a person's name and can be used when evaluating any application for the person. Link test scores to an application on the Application Materials page.

Test Summary


  • Student Recruiting, Prospect Summaries, Academic Test Summary

  • Student Admissions, Applicant Summaries, Academic Test Summary

  • Records and Enrollment, Transfer Credit Evaluation, Academic Test Summary

  • Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Academic Test Summary or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Academic Test Summary

View a summary of academic test information for prospects and applicants. This page includes information such as test score and data source.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Academic Interests for Prospects and Applicants

Access the Academic Interests page (Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Academic Interests).

Effective Date

Enter the effective date if it is different than the current date. The current date is the default. The effective date defines when the information you enter is valid.

Use Priority

Select this check box to prioritize a person's academic interests.

The default for this field is selected if you enabled the Use Priority Academic Interest feature on the Installation Defaults - AD page.

Subject Area

Enter a subject area. Define external subject areas on the External Subject Table page.


The description for this subject appears.

If the person expressed an interest for which no subject area code is defined, leave the Subject Area field blank and enter a free-form.

Data Source

Select a value to indicate how this information was provided to your institution. For example, you might have received this information directly from the applicant or through a data load. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter a priority level (for example 1, 2, 3). 1 is the highest priority.

The default for this field is selected if you have enabled the Use Priority Academic Interest feature on the Installation Defaults - AD page.


Click this button to go to another component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Electronic Addresses for Applicants

Use the Electronic Addresses page to enter or update electronic addresses for a person. To navigate to the Electronic Addresses page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Addresses/Phones, Electronic Addresses.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Extracurricular Activities for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Extracurricular Activities page to record information regarding a person's external interests. To navigate to the Extracurricular Activities page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Participation Data, Extracurricular Activities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Honors and Awards for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Honors and Awards page to record a prospect's or applicant's honors and awards. For example, an external honors could be National Merit Finalist or Valedictorian. Internal honors and awards could be a scholarship for an incoming applicant or the Dean's List for a matriculated student. To navigate to the Honors and Awards page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Participation Data, Accomplishments, Honors and Awards.

See Also

Tracking Honors and Awards

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Languages for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Languages page to enter, update, and view language proficiency information. To navigate to the Languages page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Personal Attributes, Languages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Names for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Names page to enter, update, and review name information. You can store various names for a person, such as their primary name, preferred name, former name, and maiden name. You can also search on these names using the Search/Match feature. When generating letters, you can specify the specific name that you want to use.

To navigate to the Names page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Names.

See Entering and Updating Prospect Biographical Details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Publications for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Publications page to enter, update, and review publication information. For example, a person might have written a book, produced a video, or published a thesis. To navigate to the Publications page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Participation Data, Accomplishments, Publications.

See Also

Entering Publications Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Relations with Your Institution for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Relations With Institution page to enter, update, and review information regarding relationships a person has with your institution. The status you designate here is reflected on the Search/Match Results page. There is a mass change definition delivered with your system that can update and move multiple peoples' status as a background process. To navigate to the Relations With Institution page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Relationships, Relations with Institution.

See Also

Managing Relationships Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Relationships for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Relationships page to enter, update, and review information regarding relationships a prospect or applicant has with any person in your database. For example, a prospect or applicant could have a friend or a relative in the database. The Relationships page can store data for people who already exist in the system (those who have an ID) or for people who do not exist in the system. If you enter information on this page for people who do not exist in the system, the system creates a new ID. To navigate to the Relationships page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Relationships, Relationships.

See Also

Managing Relationships Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Residency Data for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Residency Data component to enter, update, and review residency information for a person.

See Also

Entering Residency Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Student Group Involvement for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Student Groups page to enter any student groups that your institution has defined to which this person belongs. To navigate to the Student Groups page, select Records and Enrollment, Career and Program Information, Student Groups.

See Also

Tracking Student Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Work Experience for Prospects and Applicants

Use the Work Experience page to enter, update, and review work experience information you might have for a person. To navigate to the Work Experience page, select Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Work Experience.

See Also

Tracking Work Experience

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTracking Test Results for Prospects and Applicants

Access the Test Results page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Test Results or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Test Results).

Test ID

Enter the test you are recording. Define tests on the Test Tables page.

Checklist Item Update

Select this check box to indicate that the checklist related to this row of data is updated when you run the Checklist Item Update Automated process. When you save the page, the system selects this check box automatically. To clear this check box, save the page, clear the check box, then save the page again.

Test Date

Select the date on which this test was taken. The value you enter here populates the corresponding field in the bottom region of the page.

Data Source

Select how this test information was reported. For example, the data could have been self-reported or received from a testing agency. The value you select here populates the corresponding field in the bottom region of the page. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Acad Level (academic level)

Select the applicant's academic level at the time this test was taken. This level can be different from the applicant's current level. The value you enter here defaults to the corresponding field in the bottom region of the page. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.


Enter the first test component. Values for this field are determined by the test ID that you enter. Define test components on the Test Component Table page and link them to tests on the Test Tables page.

Score %tile (score percentile)

Enter the score, percentile, or both for this test component.

Test Date

The system automatically populates this field from the value you entered in the Defaults for Components group box. You can edit the date if necessary.

Data Source

The system automatically populates this field from the value you entered in the Defaults for Components group box. You can edit the value if necessary.

Acad Level

The system automatically populates this field from the value you entered in the Defaults for Components group box. You can edit the value if necessary.

Letter Score

Enter a letter score for this test component, if applicable.

Date Loaded

The default for the loaded date is your system date. Edit this field if necessary. If this information is electronically loaded, this field is automatically populated with your system date the day the data is loaded.


The LSAT 3-Year Test Index appears if this information has been loaded.

Stnd Admin (standard administration)

The system selects this check box by default, which indicates that this test was administered in a standard way. Clear this check box if the test was administered in a nonstandard or non-timed way.


Click this button to go to another component for this record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Academic Test Summary Information for Prospects and Applicants

Access the Academic Test Summary page (Student Recruiting, External Test Score Processing, Academic Test Summary or Student Admissions, External Test Score Processing, Academic Test Summary).

Test ID and Test Component

Enter the test ID and test component about which you want to view summary information.

Date, Score, or Test

Select the order in which you want the summary information to appear (for example, by date, score or test).


Click to access information that matches your search criteria.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Event and Meeting Summary Information

Use the Person Event Summary page to look up summary information regarding events and meetings for any prospect or applicant in your database. To navigate to the Person Event Summary page, select Campus Community, Campus Event Planning, View Event Information, Person Event Summary.

See Also

Reviewing Events, Meetings, and Attendees

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Schools by Groups

Use the Organization Groups Summary page to view schools or any type of organization, in groups you designate. You can display the list in the order you choose. To navigate to the Organization Groups Summary page, select Campus Community, Organization, Review Organizations, Organization Groups Summary.

See Also

Reviewing Organization Data

Click to jump to parent topicViewing an Account Summary

You can view a summary of a applicant's account history through a PeopleSoft Student Financials inquire page. Use the Customer Accounts page to view a applicant's account history.

See Pages Used to View Application History.