Setting Up Transcripts

The PeopleSoft Transcript feature enables you to define multiple types of transcripts, at varying levels of security, formality, appearance and function. This chapter provides an overview of transcript levels and discusses how to:

See Also

Producing Transcripts

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Transcript Levels

On various pages throughout your Student Administration system, you are prompted to select the transcript level for which you want to print information. The transcript level you select determines the type of transcript on which the information appears. Transcript levels are hierarchically based on the two-digit numeric code in the value column of the translate table for the field TRANSCRIPT_LEVEL. The following table lists the transcript levels and their values in the translate table, and describes each one.

Note. Information in the table about the Advising Report applies only if you set up for COBOL based transcripts, using the Transcript Type component (TSCRPT_TYPE).

Transcript Level



Not Print


Do not print the information on any transcript.



Print the information on the official transcript, the unofficial transcript, and the student life transcript.

Includes all information that is flagged throughout the system as Official, Unofficial, Student Life, and Degree Progress. Can include an Advising Report if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box.



Print the information on the unofficial transcript and the student life transcript.

Includes all information that is flagged throughout the system as Unofficial, Student Life, and Degree Progress. Can include an Advising Report if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box.

Stdnt Life (student life)


Print the information on the student life transcript.

Includes all information that is flagged throughout the system as Student Life and Degree Progress. Can include an Advising Report if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box.

Degr Prog (degree progress)


Print the information on the degree progress transcript, which can include academic advisement information in addition to a transcript.

Does not include a transcript. Includes an Advising Report only if you select the Advising Report or Special Advising Report check box. The advising report is ordered and evaluated for each student by career.

When you generate transcripts, the system includes the applicable information for all transcripts types with a value on the translate table greater than or equal to the transcript level you select. For example, if you select Official, the system includes the applicable information on all transcript types. However, if you select Stdnt Life, the system only includes the applicable information on student life transcripts and degree progress transcripts.

Transcript level values are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Transcript Type Security

You can assign different levels of transcript type security to each user in your organization. Transcript type security authorizes users who have access to the transcript request pages to create transcript requests only for those transcript types for which they have security.

See Also

Setting Security for Transcript Types

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Transcript Notes

To set up transcript notes, use the Transcript Notes Table component (TSCRPT_NOTES_TBL).

Use the Transcript Notes Table page to define transcript notes that can appear alongside a particular student enrollment record. Transcript notes only print on a student's transcript when you both attach the predefined note to an individual student's enrollment record and process a transcript type for which the Print Transcript Note check box is selected. Typically, transcript notes are generic enough that they can be reused for multiple students' enrollment records. You can attach notes to a student's enrollment record using either the Transcript Note link on the Enrollment Request page or the Transcript Note fields on the Student Enrollment 3 page.

See Also

Understanding Class Enrollment Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Transcript Notes

Page Name

Definition Name



Transcript Notes Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Transcript Notes Table, Transcript Notes Table

Define transcript notes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Transcript Notes

Access the Transcript Notes Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Transcript Notes Table, Transcript Notes Table).

Effective Date

Enter an effective date for this transcript note. The effective date defines when the status you select is valid.


Select a status for this transcript note. Select Active when adding a new transcript note. The Inactive option should only be used if your institution will no longer use this transcript note.


The description is used for system related display purposes only. The description does not appear in the transcript.

Short Description

The short description is used for system-related display purposes only. The short description does not appear in the transcript.

Transcript Note Sequence Nbr (transcript note sequence number)

The transcript note sequence number enables you to create multiple note lines under one note ID. When you select a transcript note to appear on a transcript, all notes under the note ID appear.

Transcript Note

Enter the transcript note in the free-form text field. This text appears on the student's transcript when you both attach the note to a student's enrollment record and process a transcript type for which the Print Transcript Note check box is selected.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Transcript Text

Use the Transcript Text page to define transcript text for a specific student. Unlike transcript notes, which are predefined and attached to students on the enrollment request pages, transcript text is created for a specific student and is not necessarily associated with a specific enrollment record. After you create transcript text for a student, it always appears on transcripts with the transcript type you specify, or on a transcript that is at or above the transcript level you specify. No options at the transcript type setup level enable you to inactivate or hide transcript text. You can limit when and how the transcript text appears by using the filtering options on the Transcript Text page to specify valid transcript types, levels, and relative positions for the transcript text.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Create Transcript Text

Page Name

Definition Name



Transcript Text


Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Text, Transcript Text

Define transcript text for a specific student.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Transcript Text

Access the Transcript Text page (Records and Enrollment, Transcripts, Transcript Text, Transcript Text).

Print Loc Seq (print location sequence)

Enter the print location sequence to identify the order in which notes appear within a print location. The default is 1, and each additional row increases by one.

Relative Position

Select the relative position of the note within the chosen print location. You are prompted from the translate table. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Values include:

After: Select this value if you want the transcript text to appear immediately after the specified print location sequence. In the previous example, the text "Excess credits from SMCC consolidated into one course, General Education Excess" would appear immediately after the Transfer Credit - Courses section on the transcript type of ALLOF.

Before: Select this value if you want the transcript text to appear immediately before the specified print location sequence.

Print Location

Enter the print location of the text. Print location values are delivered with your system and you can view them on the Print Area Table page. Modifying these values requires programming effort. The system uses this value in conjunction with the relative position value to determine where to print the transcript text. If the Transcript Type or Transcript Level that you specify is associated with a transcript type that has the Print Location set to Do Not Display, then the transcript text does not appear on the transcript. The transcript type setup is the overriding rule. Print Location values are: Academic Program, Academic Standing, Cumulative Stats, Degrees - External, Degrees - Local, Enrollment, Milestones, Student Personal Data, Term Honors, Term Statistics, Transcript Print Date, Transcript Recipient, Transcript Request Reason, Transcript Requester, Transfer Credit - Courses, Transfer Credit - Others, Transfer Credit - Tests, and Withdrawal Info.

Note. Transcript text associated with a print location of Academic Program appears on the transcript only if the associated transcript type is configured such that the academic program prints in the Transcript Header. To review a particular transcript type's setup data, access the Transcript Type - Program page.

Note. Transcript text associated with a print location of Institution Data appears differently on transcripts printed through Crystal than it does on transcripts you view online. Transcripts printed through Crystal always display institution data in a reserved area in the header of the transcript (upper left corner). This reserved area has a limited number of lines of text. For this reason, we have inactivated the Institution Data value. Any transcript text created with a print location of Institution Data prior to PeopleSoft Student Administration 8 remains in the database, and print as always. However, no new entries with a print location of Institution Data can be made. To review the setup data for a particular transcript type, access the Transcript Type - General page.

Note. Transcript text associated with a print location of Student Personal Data does not appear as expected for transcript types for which student personal data is set to print in the page header. This is because the page header has a limited number of text lines available for printing. Therefore, transcript text associated with student personal data and a transcript type with student personal data printing in the page header, will instead print the transcript text in the first lines of text in the body of the transcript. To review the setup data for a particular transcript type, access the Transcript Type - General page.

Note. Transcript text for all types of Transfer Credit must be associated with a transfer model. Because the model can be applied to multiple articulation terms, the effect on printing associated with transcript text is significant. Therefore, transcript text associated with a transfer credit model can be printed successfully only when the transfer credit is configured to print in the transcript header or transcript trailer. Transfer credit that is configured to print in the enrollment detail or enrollment trailer does not display any associated transcript text. To review the setup data for a particular transcript type, access the Transcript Type - Transfer/Test/Other Credits page.


Enter the institution for which you want to create the transcript text. The institution value determines which transcript types are available in the Transcript Type field.

Model Nbr (model number)

Based on the print location you select, the system prompts you for additional information. For instance, if you select a print location of Transfer Credit - Courses, the Model Number field appears. If you select a print location of Milestones, the Milestone Number field appears, and so on.

Text Seq Nbr (text sequence number)

The system populates the text sequence number to 1 by default. You can insert text rows and increase the text sequence number. The sequence number determines the order of printing on the student's transcript before or after a print location.

Transcript Level

Select either a transcript level or a transcript type, but not both. Select a transcript level to determine the types of transcripts on which the system will include this transcript text.

Depending on the transcript level you select, the system prints the transcript text on transcript types set to the same level, and all other greater numbered transcript types on the translate table. For example, if you select Official for your transcript level (which has a level value of 20 in the translate table), the system prints the transcript text on all transcript types that have transcript levels of 20 to 80. However, if you select Stdnt Life for your transcript level (which has a level value of 60 in the translate table), the system prints the transcript text only on those transcript types where the transcript level is set to Stdnt Life or Degr Prog (degree progress), levels 60 - 80. The only exception to this rule is Not Print.

If you select Not Print, the transcript text never prints.

Transcript Type

Select a transcript level or a transcript type. Enter a transcript type if you want the text to appear only on the type you specify.

Flexible Transcript Type

Select a flexible transcript type, which are dynamically created transcripts.

Transcript Text

Enter your free-form text in the Transcript Text field. This text appears on the student's transcript.

Note. If you use the Historical Course Enrollment page for conversion purposes, and want to display term statistics for those enrollments, use transcript text for those statistics. Otherwise, display summary statistics that you converted using the transfer credit process.

See Converting Student Records Data.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Transcript Print Areas

To set up transcript print areas, use the Transcript Print Area Table component (TSCRPT_PRT_AREA).

Transcript print areas are associated with codes that define areas of the transcript on which various types of transcript data appear. Print area values are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Review Transcript Print Areas

Page Name

Definition Name



Transcript Print Area Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Transcript Print Area Table, Transcript Print Area Table

Review delivered transcript print areas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Transcript Print Area Table

Access the Transcript Print Area Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Transcript Print Area Table, Transcript Print Area Table).

Print Area Code

An acronym that defines the transcript print area.

Sort Print Area, Secondary Print Area

The values in these fields determine how the system sorts the print areas on the transcript.


Text used on the Transcript Type component to determine print detail.

Short Desc (short description)

Value used internally by system processes. Not visible on any pages.

Note. The values on the Transcript Print Area Table page are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Transcript Types

To set up transcript types, use the Define Transcript Type component (SSR_TSCRPT_TYPE).

This component enables you to define various types of transcripts for your institution, each type with its own unique purpose, design, and formality level.


Use this component to set up for COBOL based transcripts.

See Also

Producing Academic Advisement Transcript Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can create transcript types, you must create academic careers. In addition, if you want to create an academic advisement report that references a special requirement usage (one other than standard), you must create requirement usage values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define Transcript Types

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Transcript Type - Basic Data


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Basic Data

Define transcript types, associate service indicators, specify transcript levels, define self-service availability. Typical transcript types include official, unofficial, graduate, undergraduate, NCAA, and continuing education.

Define Transcript Type - Careers


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Careers

For transcript types with a Detail Organization value of by Career, define all possible careers that this transcript type can report. When you run the transcript request process for this transcript type, the system generates transcripts. Transcripts are processed for each career specified, that matches a career of the student.

Define Transcript Type - General


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, General

Define the print areas and details about appearance for types of information such as institution, student, print date, and reason.

Define Transcript Type - Degrees/Program


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Degrees/Program

Define the print areas and details about appearance for academic program related elements.

Define Transcript Type - Enrollment/Statistics


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Enrollment/Statistics

Define the print areas and details about appearance for enrollment information.

Define Transcript Type - Transfer/Test/Other Credits


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Transfer/Test/Other Credits

Define the print areas and details about appearance for transfer, test, and other credits.

Define Transcript Type - Test Scores


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Test Scores

Define the print areas and details about appearance for test scores.

Define Transcript Type - Special GPA


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Special GPA

Define the print areas and details about appearance of Special GPAs.

Define Transcript Type - View Sort


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, View Sort

Display the sorting order for how the transcript type information appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Transcript Type Basic Data

Access the Define Transcript Type - Basic Data page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Basic Data).

Enter an Academic Institution and an alphanumeric Transcript Type code (one to five characters in length).

You should not define a Transcript Type of ALL because this value is used on the Transcript Type Security page to grant users access to all transcript types.

See Setting Security for Transcript Types.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date that determines when this transcript type is available on the batch and online transcript request pages.


Enter a description. This information does not appear on the transcript. It is for related display purposes.

Formal Description

Enter a formal description. This information appears at the beginning of the transcript.

Transcript Level

Enter the transcript level that you want to associate with this transcript type. Transcript level is hierarchical and based on the two-position numeric code in the value column of the translate table. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires substantial programming effort.

See Understanding Transcript Levels.

Detail Organization

Select how the system sorts information on the transcript. Values are:

by Career: Select this value to sort information by the student's academic career, and then by term. For instance, if the student has an undergraduate and graduate record, the system first displays all of the academic career information that matches one academic career, and then all of the academic career information that matches the other career. Within each academic career grouping, information is ordered by term. The system determines the order in which academic career records appear on the transcript by referencing the sequence number of each academic career on the Careers page. Those academic careers with the lowest sequence numbers print first, and so on. The system only seeks and evaluates the academic careers on the Careers page that match the student. Be sure to enter all possible academic careers that you want to capture and report with this transcript type.

Chrono: Select this value to sort information chronologically. For example, all academic careers in which the student has been active (that are also listed on the Careers page) print in chronological order, by term.

Note. If you set up for COBOL based transcripts, using the Transcript Type component (TSCRPT_TYPE), the Chrono setting is not intended for use with the advising check boxes. Advising reports always print by academic career.

Term Activated Careers Only

Select this check box to exclude career data from printing on the transcript for which a student has no academic history, such as those careers added to students for prospect records.

The following warning applies if you set up for COBOL based transcripts, using the Transcript Type component (TSCRPT_TYPE):

Warning! If your institution produces Academic Advisement reports for students who are not term-activated (for example, for prospective transfer students), this check box should be cleared for the transcript types associated with these report types.

Allow XML Output File

Use this check box to create your own XML file for testing.

If you select the Allow XML Output File check box, the Output XML File and Output File Path fields appear on the Process Transcripts page when you select a value of Generate and Print Transcript, Print Transcript, or Request, Generate and Print in the Process Action field on that page.

FERPA Information

The message that you define in this field prints in the header of the transcript when the FERPA check box is selected for a student on the FERPA page (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Biographical (Student), Student FERPA, FERPA).

If the field is left blank, nothing prints on the transcript for FERPA.

Check Service Indicators

Select this check box to have the transcript process identify indicators (holds or positive services) that you specify in the Service Impacts fields.

Service Impacts

Select the service impacts that the system evaluates in the transcript process. If the system finds on a student's record a service indicator with any one of the up to three service impacts you list, the system does not generate a transcript for the student. Instead, the system generates an error message in the transcript output. Service impact values are defined on the Service Impact Table page.

Allow Student Self-Service

If you select this check box and the transcript level is Official, the system generates a request for this transcript type on the Request Official Transcript self-service page. Select this check box for only one transcript type per institution.

If you select this check box and the transcript level is Unofficial, the system displays this transcript type on the Unofficial Transcript self-service page. You can select this check box for multiple transcript types.

If you select this check box and the transcript level is Degree Progress, the system displays this transcript type on the View Degree Progress Report self-service page, and the Evaluate Transfer Credit - Process a Degree Progress Report page. You can select this check box for multiple transcript types.

Allow Advisor Self-Service

If you select this check box and the transcript level is Unofficial, the system displays this transcript type on the View Advisee Information self-service page (unofficial transcript). You can select this check box for multiple transcript types.

If you select this check box and the transcript level is Degree Progress, the system displays this transcript type on the View Advisee Information self-service page (degree progress report). You can select this check box for multiple transcript types.

This check box does not have any use with a transcript level of Not Print and Stdnt Life (student life).

Information for Students

This free-form text appears to students for the respective transcript type on the View Degree Progress Report self-service page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Academic Careers to Transcript Types

Access the Define Transcript Type - Careers page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Careers).

Note. If the Detail Organization field on the Basic Data page is set to Chrono, no fields appear on the Careers page. All student information, regardless of career, prints chronologically by term.

Seq Nbr (sequence number)

The system populates this field for the first row with a value of 1 and increments each additional row by one. Sequence number indicates a unique row of information and the order in which academic career information appears on the transcript. For example, if a student is active in two academic careers (Undergraduate and Graduate), the transcript type setup such as that shown in the exhibit would produce a transcript where the student's Undergraduate (Seq Nbr 1) transcript or degree audit appears first, then a section break, then the student's Graduate (Seq Nbr 2) transcript or degree audit appears. The order in which a student becomes active in a career has no effect on transcript print order. Career print order is always specified by the transcript type sequence.

Academic Career

Enter all possible careers that this transcript type can report. Use multiple rows as necessary. When you run the transcript request process for this transcript type, the system generates individual enrollment detail or degree audits for each career in which the evaluated student is active. For example, if you have ten careers specified for a single transcript type, and you run the transcript type for a student who has one career that matches one of the careers specified, and another career which does not match, only enrollment detail associated with the matching career appears. The other non-matching career's enrollment detail or degree audit information does not appear. Academic career values are set up as translate values and are defined on the Academic Career Table page.

Formal Description

The system populates the formal description by default. You can change this value. This description appears on the transcript.

If you set up for COBOL based transcripts, using the Transcript Type component (TSCRPT_TYPE): Advising reports are processed for each career in which the student has a current program action of activate, data change, plan change, program change, or readmit. A transcript type can have multiple academic careers linked to it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Student and Institutional Information

Access the Define Transcript Type - General page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, General).

Note. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

Institution Data Print Area

Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays academic institution data. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header.

Institution Data Print Seq (institution data print sequence)

The system populates the print sequence by default. The print sequence determines the order in which institution data information appears within the print area. You can change the value. In the example, both student and institution data prints in the page header area. However, the institution data prints first and the student data second because of the print sequence numbers.

Print Institution Address

Displays the institution address in the area specified.

Print Institution ID

Displays the institution ID in the area specified.


Student Personal Data Name Usage

Specify the logic that the system uses to select the name printed on the transcript.

Student Personal Data Print Area

Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays student personal data. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header.

Student Personal Data Print Seq (student personal data print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which student personal data appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Print Student SSN (print student social security number)

Displays the student's social security number in the area specified.

Print Student Birthday

Displays the student's date of birth in the area specified.

Print Student Address

Displays the student's address that corresponds with the setting in the Home Address Type field on the Names/Addresses Page.

Address Usage

Specify the logic that the system uses to select the address printed on the transcript.

Print Student Sex

Displays the student's gender in the area specified.

Print Campus ID

Displays the student's campus ID in the area specified.


Print Date Print Area

The date on which the transcript is generated (and not necessarily printed). Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays print date information. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header.

Print Date Print Seq (print date print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which print date information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Requester Print Area

The last name, first name of the user who created the transcript request. Select the print area to indicate where the system displays requester information. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header.

Requester Print Seq (requester print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which requester information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Reason Print Area

The reason for the transcript request as specified in the Request Reason field on the Request Header page. Select the print area to indicate where the system displays request reason information. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header.

Reason Print Seq (reason print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which request reason information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Recipient Print Area

Recipient is the name of the institution, department, or individual that receives the transcript. You must enter send to information during the transcript request process in order to specify this. Select the print area to indicate where the system displays recipient name information. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header.

Recipient Print Seq (recipient print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which recipient information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Basis of Admission Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays basis of admission information. Values are Do Not Display, Transcript Header, and Page Header. If you select Transcript Header or Page Header, the system displays basis of admission information for students who have the Include in Transcript check box selected on the Basis of Admission page.

Basis of Admission Print Seq (basis of admission print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which basis of admission information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Degree and Program Data

Access the Define Transcript Type - Degrees/Program page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Degrees/Program).

Academic Program Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays academic program information. Values are Enrollment Header, Enrollment Trailer, Transcript Header, and Do Not Display. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort. Depending on which print area you select, the system selects an option in the What to Print group box.

Academic Program Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which academic program information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Print Plans with Program

Select this check box to display all the academic plans associated with each of the student's reported programs.

Print Subplans

Select this check box to display all the subplans associated with each of the student's reported programs.

What to Print

The system selects a What to Print option and a Program Status to Include check box based on your choice of academic program print area. You cannot override these defaults.

If you select Enrollment Header, the system selects the Active Program for Term option and the value of Active for the Program Status to Include field.

If you select Enrollment Trailer, the system selects the Changes in Program Status option and the appropriate academic program status values become available for selection in the Program Status to Include group box. Select the appropriate academic program status values.

If you select Transcript Header, the What to Print group box becomes available for entry, and you can select which information to print. In addition, the Program Status to Include group box becomes available for entry. Select the appropriate academic program status values.

Program Status to Include

Select the appropriate check boxes to indicate the program statuses that the system includes. Values are Active, Discontnd (discontinued), Admitted, Waitlisted, Completed, Suspended, Applicant, Prematric, LOA (leave of absence), Dismissed, Cancelled, and Deceased.

Local Degree Print Area

Local degrees are degrees that a student obtains at your institution. Select the print area to indicate where the system displays local degree information. Values are Enrollment Header, Enrollment Trailer, Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

Note. If you configure Local Degrees to print on the transcript, the system displays all degrees for the student across all of the student's careers, regardless of whether or not the degrees were earned in association with the specific career for which the transcript is reporting.

Local Degree Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which local degree information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Other Institution Attended Print Area

The system extracts information for other institutions attended from the student's education component. Select the print area to indicate where the system displays other institutions attended. Values are Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer and Do Not Display. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

Other Institution Attended Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which other institution attended information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

External Degree Print Area

The system extracts external degree information from the student's education component. Select the print area to indicate where the system displays external degree information. Values are Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

External Degree Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which external degree information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Print Honors

Select this check box to display honors that the student received from other institutions.

Milestones Print Area

Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays milestone information. Values are Do Not Display and Transcript Trailer. Print area values are delivered with your system on the print area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

Milestones Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which milestone information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

See Setting Up Milestones.

Print Honors

Select this check box to display any student honors on the transcript.

Sort Milestones by Program

Select this check box to sort and display milestones by academic program on the transcript.

Scholarships and Grants Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays scholarship and grant information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values require a substantial programming effort. Values are Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display. The system extracts other institution-attended information from the student's admissions record.

Scholarships and Grants Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which scholarships and grants information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Enrollment and Statistics Data

Access the Transcript Type - Enrollment/Statistics page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Enrollment/Statistics).

Enrollment Print Area

Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays enrollment information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires substantial programming effort. Values are Enrollment Detail and Do Not Display.

Enrollment Print Seq (enrollment print sequence)

The print sequence determines the sequence in which enrollment information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change this value.

Term Title to Use

Select the type of term title that you want to appear on the transcript. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values requires a substantial programming effort. Values are Long Description and Short Description.

Course List Sort Order

Select the course list sort order in which the system displays courses within a term. You can select to sort by Session Number and Subject Area or Subject Area and Course Catalog Number.

Session Title to Use

If you select a course list sort order of Session Number and Subject Area, the Session Title to Use field becomes available for entry. Select the Long Description or Short Description of the session title that you want to appear on the transcript.

Include Historical Enrollment

Select this check box for the system to display historical enrollment information that was entered into the Historical Course Enrollment page and its corresponding table.

This information is separate from the usual student enrollment data.

See Creating Historical Enrollment Records.

Note. If you select the Include Historical Enrollment check box, be sure that you set the Last Term for Historical Enrollment field to the latest term possible for historical enrollment records on the Academic Career Table page.

Also note that term 0000 does not allow historical enrollment data to print on a transcript. If you want historical enrollment data to print on a student's transcript, you must select a term value other than 0000.

See Describing Academic Career Parameters.

Print Course Topic

Displays course topics associated with specific courses.

Print Course Attributes

Displays the course attributes associated with specific courses.

Print Contact Hours

Displays the instructor's contact hours.

Print Instructor Name

Displays the instructor name for each class.

Print Transcript Notes

Displays the transcript notes attached to student enrollment records.

Print Class Dates

Displays the class begin and end dates if set on the term/session table.

Print OEE Class Dates (print open entry/exit class dates)

Displays the student's unique begin date for each Open Entry/Open Exit class taken.

Obey Enrllmnt on Transcript Dt (obey enrollment on transcript date)

Select this check box for the system to display all enrollment information that is fully enrolled as of the transcript create date. The fully enrolled date is defined on the Academic Term Calendar 3 page. The date is set by default to the student's term activation record during term activation. You can manually change the date on a per student basis. The transcript process looks at the date on the student's term activation record. If you do not select this check box, all enrollment information that exists at the time that the transcript is processed appears on the transcript.

Obey Fully Graded Date

If you do not select this check box, partially graded terms and sessions print on the transcript.

Select this check box for the system to only display classes with fully graded dates less than or equal to the run date.

The fully graded date is defined on the Academic Term Calendar 3 page. The date is set by default to the student's term activation record during term activation. You can manually change the date on a per student basis. The transcript process looks at the date on the student's term activation record.

Withdrawal Information Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays withdrawal information. Values are Enrollment Detail and Do Not Display.

Withdrawal Information Print Seq (withdrawal information print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which withdrawal information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

In the example, the enrollment information appears before the withdrawal information because both types of information have a print area of enrollment detail, and the print sequence for withdrawal information is greater than the print sequence enrollment information.

Term Statistics Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays term statistics information. Values are Enrollment Header, Enrollment Trailer, and Do Not Display. The system calculates statistics when you run the grade posting process. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

Term Statistics Print Seq (term statistics print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which term statistics information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value. In the example, term statistics, term honors, and academic standing print in the Enrollment Trailer area. Term statistics print first because the print sequence is less than both term honors and academic standing print sequence values.

Print Transfer Credit Stats (print transfer credit statistics)

Select this check box for the system to include transfer credit statistics in the display.

When this check box is selected, transfer credit statistics appear separately from enrollment statistics wherever the term and cumulative statistics have been selected to print. In addition, when this check box is selected, the transfer credit is added into the combined statistics for both the term and the cumulative.

Obey Show Stats on Tscript Dt (obey show statistics on transcript date)

Select this check box for the system to display statistics only if the transcript process date is greater than or equal to the show statistics on transcript date value. The show statistics on transcript date value is defined on the Academic Calendar 3 page. The date is set by default to the student's term activation record during term activation. You can manually change the date on a per student basis. The transcript process looks at the date on the student's term activation record. If you do not select this check box, the system displays the statistics as of the last term.

Cumulative Statistics

The Cumulative Statistics group box enables you to determine where the system displays statistics. You can select the Print Cums at Change of Pgm (print cumulatives at change of program) check box. You can also select the Print Cums at End of Tscript (print cumulatives at end of transcript) check box on its own or in combination with the other check box.

Term Honors Print Area

Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays term honors information. Values are Enrollment Header, Enrollment Trailer, and Do Not Display. Print area values are delivered with your system on the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort.

Term Honors Print Seq (term honors print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which term honors information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Academic Standing Print Area

Select the print area in order to indicate where the system displays academic standing information. Values are Enrollment Header, Enrollment Trailer, and Do Not Display. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires a substantial programming effort.

Academic Standing Print Seq (academic standing print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which academic standing information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Transfer/Test/Other Data

Access the Define Transcript Type - Transfer/Test/Other Credits page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Transfer/Test/Other Credits).

Transfer Credits

Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays Transfer Credit information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires substantial programming effort. Values are Enrollment Detail, Enrollment Trailer, Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display.

Note. If you select a value of Enrollment Detail with a Level of Detail field value of Detail, then the system populates by default and makes the following fields unavailable for entry: Print Posted Models Only: Selected; Inter-Career Transfer (Detail to Print): Internal Equivalent Course; Inter-Institution Transfer (Detail to Print): Internal Equivalent Course; and External Organization Transfer: Internal Equivalent Course.

Print Seq (print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which transfer credit information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Print Posted Models Only

If you select any print area other than Enrollment Detail, the Print Posted Models Only check box is available for entry. Select the Print Posted Models Only check box to display transfer credit from posted models only.

If this check box is available and you do not select it, transfer credit from all models (posted, completed, and not posted) appears.

Transfer credit print details are organized in three categories: Inter-Career, Inter-Institution, and External Organization transfers.

Inter-Career Transfer

Transfers from academic career to academic career (or academic program to academic program, same academic career) in your institution. The source of data is the student's enrollment record at your institution.

Inter-Institution Transfer

Transfer between an external institution with which your institution shares a database. The source of data is the student's enrollment record at the external institution, but with a shared database you can bypass the data entry of external courses.

Level of Detail

Select the level of detail to print for each type of transfer. Values are:

Summary: The system only displays total units transferred.

Detail: The system displays the course details, depending upon your selection in the Detail to Print field.

Detail to Print

If you select Detail in the Level of Detail field, the Detail to Print field becomes available for entry. Values are External and Internal, External Courses, and Internal Equivalent Course.

External Organization Transfer

Most transfers fall into this category. Transfers between an external institution and your institution. The source of data is the external organization and is entered as external course work.

Obey External Org Parms (obey external organization parameters)

Select this check box to obey the external organization transfer credit parameters on the Organization Affiliation page. Usually, you select this check box in order for official transcripts to follow the defaults set for printing external transfer information.

Test Credits

Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays test credit information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires a substantial programming effort. Values are Enrollment Detail, Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display.

Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which test credit information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Level of Detail

Select the level of detail to print for test credit. Values are:

Summary: The system displays only total test credit units.

Detail: The system displays the test credit details, depending upon your selection in the Details field.


If you select Enrollment Detail as the print area and a level of detail value of Detail, the system populates the Details field with Internal Equivalent Course. You cannot alter the details value.

If you select Transcript Header or Transcript Trailer as the print area, and a level of detail value of Detail, you can select which details to print. Values are Internal Equivalent Course, Test and Internal Equivalents, and Test Credits.

Note. If you select a level of detail of Summary, regardless of the print area you select, the Details field is unavailable for entry.

Print Posted Models Only

If you select any print area other than enrollment detail, the Print Posted Models Only check box becomes available for entry. Select the Print Posted Models Only check box to display only test credit from posted models. If this check box is available but you do not select it, test credit from all models (posted and not posted) appears.

Other Credits

Print Area

Select the print area where other credit information will print. Print area values are delivered with your system in the Print Area Table page. Any modification to these values requires programming effort. Values are Enrollment Detail, Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display.

Print Seq

The system populates the print sequence by default. The print sequence determines the order in which other credit information appears within the print area. You can change the value.

Level of Detail

Select the level of detail to print for other credit. Values are:

Summary: The system only displays the cumulative total of other credit units.

Detail: The system displays the other credit details, depending upon your selection in the Details field.


If you select Enrollment Detail as the print area and a level of detail value of Detail, the system populates the Details field with Internal Equivalent Course. You cannot alter the details value.

If you select Transcript Header or Transcript Trailer as the print area, and a level of detail value of Detail, you can select which details to print. Values are Internal Equivalent Course, Other Credit and Internal Equivalents, and Other Credits.

Note. If you select a level of detail of Summary, regardless of the print area you select, the Details field is unavailable for entry.

Print Posted Models Only

If you select any print area value other than Enrollment Detail, the Print Posted Models Only check box becomes available. Select the Print Posted Models Only check box for the system to display other credit from posted models only. If this check box is available and you do not select it, other credit from all models (posted and not posted) appears.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Transcript Type Test Scores

Access the Define Transcript Type - Test Scores page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Test Scores).

Test Scores Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays test score information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires substantial programming effort. Values are Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display.

Test Scores Print Seq

The print sequence determines the order in which test score information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

Latest Test Only

Select this check box to only include the student's latest test scores on file in the system.

Test ID

Select the identification number of the tests to be displayed.

Test Component

Select the component of the tests to be displayed.

Data Source

Select the data source of the tests to be displayed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDesignating Special GPA Information

Access the Define Transcript Type - Special GPA page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, Special GPA).

Special GPA Print Area

Select the print area to indicate where the system displays GPA information. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modification to these values requires substantial programming effort. Values are Transcript Header, Transcript Trailer, and Do Not Display.

Special GPA Print Seq (special GPA print sequence)

The print sequence determines the order in which GPA information appears within the print area. The system populates the print sequence by default. You can change the value.

GPA Type

Special GPAs are defined by academic career. Select the special GPAs to be displayed.

Print With

This field identifies whether the special GPA represents a GPA for one term or represents a cumulative GPA. This setup determines where the special GPA will print, with term statistics or with the cumulative statistics.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Data Sorting Order

Access the Define Transcript Type - View Sort page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Transcript, Define Transcript Type, View Sort).

Page and Transcript Header

View the rows that the system displays on the header portion of the transcript, and the order in which they are set to appear.


View the rows that the system displays in the enrollment portion of the transcript, and the order in which they are set to appear.

Transcript Trailer

View the rows that the system displays in the trailer portion of the transcript, and the order in which they are set to appear.

Do Not Display

View the rows that the system does not display in the transcript.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Electronic Transcript Processing

To set up electronic transcript processing, use the TS130/TS131 Setup component (TS130_CONTROL).

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Producing Electronic Transcripts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Electronic Transcript Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



TS130/TS131 Setup


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, TS130/TS131 Setup, TS130/TS131 Setup

Define codes and values that will be reported in the TS130 and TS131 files.

TS130 Setup


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, TS130/TS131 Setup, TS130 Setup

Define reporting code formats and information about the email message the system will generate, such as what goes on the subject line and what the sender email address will be.

TS130 Contacts


Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, TS130/TS131 Setup, TS130 Contacts

Specify the contact information for your organization that you want included in the outbound file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining TS130 and TS131 Controls

Access the TS130/131 Setup page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, TS130/TS131 Setup, TS130/TS131 Setup).


Insert a character that separates values in the output file.

End of Line

Insert a character that ends a line in the output file. This value must be different from the separator value.

Sub-element Separator

Insert a character that the system uses to separate component data structure. This character must be different from the separator and end of line delineators.

Institution Code to Report

Choose the type of code that you report on the ISA segment (Interchange Control Header Data Element Summary) as the Interchange ID Qualifier for the Interchange Sender ID. The values are ACT Code, ATP Code, FICE Code, IPEDS Code, Mutually Defined, Stat Canada College Student, Stat Canada Postsecondary, and Stat Canada Uni Student Inst.

Sending Institution Code

Enter your institution's appropriate code, as determined by the value you select in the Institution Code to Report field.

Sending Status

Select Test Data while the institution is sending test files to trading partners. Select Production Data after testing is complete and TS130 outbound transactions are official.

Acknowledgement Request

Select to request the receiving institution to respond with a TS997 Functional Acknowledgement.

Received Institution Code (ISA)

Choose the type of code that you report on the ISA segment (Interchange Control Header Data Element Summary) as the Interchange ID Qualifier for the Interchange Receiver ID. Values are ACT Code, ATP Code, FICE Code, and IPEDS Code. These values are defined on the Organization Table page for each institution.

Send Institution Code (N1)

Choose the type of code that you report on the N1 segment (Name [Sending/Receiving Institution]) as the identification code qualifier. Values are ACT Code, ATP Code, College Board and ACT, FICE Code, IPEDS Code, Statistics Canada College, and Statistics Canada University.

Sending Institution Code (N1)

Enter the appropriate code for your institution, as determined by the value entered in the Send Institution Code field.

Receive Institution Code (N1)

Select the appropriate code that the institution reports as the recipient in the N1 segment. Values are ACT Code, ATP Code, FICE Code, and IPEDS Code. These values are defined on the Organization Table page for each institution.

Using TS130

Select if you process TS130 outbound transactions for this institution.

Note. If the characters you enter in the Separator, End of Line or Sub-element Separator fields appear within any text that is included in the output file, the receiving institution recognizes the character and inappropriately separates a field or ends a line. Select characters that are not found in any fields or text that is part of the output file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Reporting Codes and Email Information

Access the TS130 Setup page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, TS130/TS131 Setup, TS130 Setup).

External Institution Code

Select the type of code that the institution reports for students' previously attended institutions that are reported for other institutions attended. Values are ACT Code, ATP Code, FICE Code, and IPEDS Code. These values are defined on the Organization Table page for each institution.

Course/Field of Study Code

Select the type of course or field of study code that the institution reports. Values are CIP Code and HEGIS Code. Course codes are defined on the Offerings page of the Course Catalog component and field of study codes are defined on the Academic Plan Taxonomy page.

Lowest Possible GPA

Enter the numeric value for the lowest possible GPA at this institution to be reported in the SUM (Academic Summary) segment.

Highest Possible GPA

Enter the numeric value for the highest possible GPA at this institution to be reported in the SUM (Academic Summary) segment.

Historic Enrol Grade Qualifier

Enter the academic grade qualifier code that you report with historical course enrollments. The codes are based on the American Medical Colleges Admissions Services (AMCAS) grade scale. Please refer to Appendix B of the American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI ASC) X12 Version 4.0 Implementation Guide dated April 1998.

TS130 E-Mail Subject

Enter a free form text that the system uses as the subject line in the email that delivers the TS130.

Email Address

Enter free form text that the system uses as the sender of the TS130 email.

File Name

Enter the file name that you want the system to use for each TS130 file when the system creates the file. The system inserts the control number before the file extension to identify unique files.

Default Path for Output File

Enter the default path to which the system writes the TS130 file at the time it is generated.

Note. Users must have write permission for this specified directory to prevent runtime errors. Also, you must enter the final slash in the file path.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining TS130 Contacts

Access the TS130 Contacts page (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions, TS130/TS131 Setup, TS130 Contacts).

Contact Function Code

Select the function code, which identifies the major responsibilities of the person or office to which the system directs administrative communications about the TS130.


Enter a free form name for the contact.

Communication Type

Select the type of communication that defines the communication number. You can add up to three communication types.

Communication Number

Enter a free form communication number, such as a telephone number.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Data Maps for TS130 Outbound Processing

To report the correct standardized codes in the TS130 output file, users must map their internal values to the correct standard code. For instance, because the Degree table is a user-defined table, users must map an internal value of BA to a standard code of 2.4.

The system uses the Conversion Data Profile found within the EDI Manager to define these values. If you are currently using the TS130 Inbound process, you have already mapped several tables and fields. The TS130 Outbound process uses some of the same profiles, but it requires additional ones.

To set up data maps for TS130 Outbound processing, navigate to the EDI_CONV conversion data profile. Go to PeopleTools, EDI Manager, Convert EDI/PeopleSoft Code, Conversion Date Profile. Enter EDI_CONV in the EC Convert Profile ID field on the search page.

While mapping your internal values to external codes, you might find that you have a many-to-one mapping situation, where multiple internal values could be used to map to the same external code. In this situation, the process picks up the codes for which you selected the Int Deflt (internal default) check box.

We deliver the following convert type IDs, however, users must define the internal and external values for each type:

Convert Type IDs

Internal Values

Maps To

ACAD_CAR: TS130 Course Level per Career



DEGR_HONOR: TS130 Degree Honors



FOS_LEVEL: TS130 Field of Study Level



GRADE_BAS: EDI TS130/TS189 Grade Basis



MILESTONE: TS130 Student Milestone



STDNT_AWRD: EDI TS130 Student Award



TERM_CATEG: EDI TS130 Term Category



Mapping Transcript Type to TS130 Files

While several segments and elements are required with the TS130 file, users can define the overall content that the system reports in the electronic transcript. Depending on the transcript type associated with the electronic transcript request, you can choose what student information gets reported. If a piece of information is set to print as defined by the transcript type, and there is a corresponding functional segment available on the TS130, then the system reports it on the TS130, disregarding the exact print sequence and print area.

Exceptions to the previous rule include: