Preparing to Track Student Data

Using Student Records, you can set up, track, and view non-course related student data.

This chapter lists common elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Transcript Level

Select the transcript level on which you want the given data to print. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Degr Prog (degree progress), Not Print, Official, Stdnt Life (student life), and Unofficial.

See Also

Understanding Transcript Levels

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Academic Standing

To set up academic standing, use the Academic Standing Table component (ACAD_STDNG_TBL) and the Academic Standing Rule component (ACAD_STDNG_RULE).

With academic standing action codes and rules, you can create sets of guidelines for every academic career within your institution. You can then use these codes and rules to assign academic standing to students, either by running the Acad Standing/Honors Awards process (SRPCEASD) through the Academic Standing/Honors and Awards page to evaluate students' academic standing, or by entering academic standing codes directly onto a student's term history record through the Academic Standing page.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Tracking Student Data

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Academic Standing

Page Name

Definition Name



Academic Standing Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Academic Standing Table, Academic Standing Table

Define academic standing action codes for every academic career within your institution.

Academic Standing Rule


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Academic Standing Rule, Academic Standing Rule

Create academic standing rules. Academic standing rules are keyed by academic career, so define a broad description for an academic standing rule (such as Undergraduate Rules or Graduate Rules). Within each rule, you create detail lines that correspond with academic standing action codes that you define.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Standing/Honors

Link academic standing rules to academic programs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Academic Standing Action Codes

Access the Academic Standing Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Academic Standing Table, Academic Standing Table).

Creating academic standing action codes is a precursor to defining academic standing rules. Therefore, to define academic standing action codes, you must think about how they can be used in the rule sets for the academic standing process.

For example, suppose that students at your institution receive two warnings before being placed on probation and the warnings are of different degrees. That is, if students receive a second warning it is more severe. In this case you would define two different academic standing action codes for warnings because you want to distinguish them. Later, you define rule details for these codes, and for all other academic standing action codes defined on this page.

Note. If you want to inactivate an academic standing action code that is attached to an academic standing rule, delete the code where it is attached to the rule on the Academic Standing Rule page and enter a status of Inactive on the Academic Standing Table page.

Academic Standing Action

Enter an academic standing action code.

Academic Standing Status

Select an academic standing status. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Dismissed, Good Standing, Probation, and Subject to Dismissal.

You can have many academic standing action codes that contain the same academic standing status. For example, DIS1, DIS2, and DIS3 can all contain a status of Dismissed.

Formal Description

Enter a formal description. If you choose to have the academic standing action appear on a student's transcript, the system displays the formal description.

Internal Description

Enter a description to be used for internal purposes only.

Transcript Level

Select the transcript level on which you want the academic stranding to print. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. These translate values can be modified. The delivered values are Deg Prog (degree progress), Not Print, Official, Stdnt Life (student life), and Unofficial.

See Also

Understanding Transcript Levels

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Academic Standing Rules

Access the Academic Standing Rule page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Academic Standing Rule, Academic Standing Rule).

Academic Standing Rule

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies this academic standing rule code.

Effective Term

Select the effective term of the rule. When the system uses the rules that you define here in the Academic Standing process, it verifies that the rule is effective within the term for which the process is running.

Seq No (sequence number)

Enter the sequence number order in which the system evaluates the rule. Sequence your rules from the most severe academic standing action to the least severe. After a student's academic standing matches one academic standing rule, the Academic Standing process applies the academic standing action code to the student's record and moves on to the next student.

Academic Standing Action

Enter the academic standing action code that you want the system to post to students' records if the rule is satisfied. The system populates the Academic Standing page with the appropriate code once you run the academic standing process.

Cumulative GPA, Current Term GPA, Cumulative Units Passed, Current Units Passed, Cumulative Units Attempted, Current Units Attempted, and Academic Year GPA

These criteria form your rules. For each criterion that you choose to use in this rule, select a qualifier: Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than, or Less Than or Equal To. Do not modify these values. Then, enter the numeric value for each criterion. In the preceding example, the cumulative grade point average must be less than 2.000 and the current grade point average must be less than 2.000.

Use the last prompt box to add the connector for the rule: And, Or, and blank for none.

You can skip any criteria and only enter information in the criteria pertinent for your rule. See the examples to understand the sequencing of rules.

Note. For the Academic Year GPA field, the system looks at the term for which academic standing is being processed, determines the academic year in which the term falls based on the value in the Term/Session Table component, determines the student's statistics from all terms in that academic year, calculates the student's grade point average, then compares the student's grade point average against the value that you enter on this page.

Exclude No GPA Attempted Units

Select this check box in order to exclude from reporting all classes that were attempted, but are not included in the student's GPA (for example, Pass/No Pass courses, W grades, and so on). The grade's corresponding Include in GPA check box on the Grading Scheme Table page must be cleared (not selected) in order for the system to exclude it from processing. Clear this check box in order to include in your report all attempted coursework, regardless of the assigned grade.

Any Academic Standing Set

Select if it does not matter what academic standing action codes students can have on their records prior to this rule evaluation. The other fields on the page become unavailable for input.

No Academic Standing Set

Select if the student's record should possess no academic standing action code.

Prior Term Academic Standing

Select any academic standing code that the student must possess in a prior term to satisfy the rule. For example, in the preceding page shot, the student must possess the PRB1 (probation 1) code in addition to meeting the grade point average requirements.

Note. By selecting the No Academic Standing Set check box and selecting prior academic standing values, the academic standing rule reads as an OR statement. For this rule to apply, the student's record must either possess the academic standing values for the prior term that you select, possess no academic standing action code, or have no prior term for comparison.

Example of an Academic Standing Rule

Suppose that you defined seven different academic standing action codes for undergraduates. Because you want to use all of these codes in the Academic Standing process, you have eight rule detail lines in your academic standing rule, each line numbered from sequence number 10 (being the most severe academic standing action code) to sequence number 90 (being the least severe academic standing action code).

The following examples demonstrate some ways to set up academic standing rules.

The Sequencing of Rule Details

The Academic Standing Rule page looks like the following for the Dismissal 2 action:

On this page:

The Academic Standing Rule page looks like the following for the Probation 2 academic standing action code:

On this page:

Least Severe Rule Detail

In your rules, the least severe rule detail line is one for Warning-may be placed on prbn (warning-may be placed on probation).

The Academic Standing Rule page looks like the following for this rule:

On this page:

Good Standing Rule Detail

In your rules, the last rule detail line is one for Good Standing.

The Academic Standing Rule page looks like the following for this rule:

On this page:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Academic Standing, Honors, and Awards Rules to Academic Programs

Access the Standing/Honors page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Standing/Honors).

Academic Standing

Academic Standing Rule

Select the academic standing rule for this academic program.

Calculate in Batch Only

Select to calculate academic standing through a background process using the Academic Standing/Honors Awards page. If you select this check box, the system does not calculate academic standing dynamically, such as when you post grades.

Clear to have the system call the academic standing process when posting or changing a grade on the Quick Enrollment or Enrollment Request pages, and when posting a grade on the Grade Roster page. The academic standing process inserts an updated academic standing row, viewable on the Academic Standing page of the Term History component, except when a student's class is graded with a grade that count towards GPA and then later changed to a non-GPA grade. In such a scenario, you must manually update the student's academic standing on the Academic Standing page.

Obey Fully Graded Date

Select to calculate academic standing only when grades are posted on or later than the fully graded date. The system does not calculate academic standing if this check box is selected and grades are posted before the student's fully graded date. You define the default fully graded date on the Academic Term Calendar 3 page in the Academic Calendar component and an individual student's fully graded date on Term Control Dates page in the Term Activation component.

Associate with Academic Prog (associate with academic program)

Select to associate the academic standing rule only with students in this academic program. This is especially useful for students who might be in multiple academic programs; you might want to apply different academic standing rules with different academic programs. If you do not select this check box, the system associates the academic standing rule with the student's academic career.

Exclude Term Category 1, Exclude Term Category 2, and Exclude Term Category 3

Select the terms in which the system does not calculate academic standing. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.


Honor Award Rule

Select the honor award rule for this academic program.

Calculate in Batch Only

Select to calculate the honors and awards in batch through the Academic Standing/Honors Awards page. If you select this check box, the system does not calculate honors and awards dynamically, such as when you post grades.

Obey Fully Graded Date

Select to calculate honors and awards only when grades are posted on or later than the fully graded date. The system does not calculate honors and awards if the Obey Fully Graded Date check box is selected and grades are posted before the student's fully graded date. You define the default fully graded date on the Academic Term Calendar 3 page in the Academic Calendar component and an individual student's fully graded date on Term Control Dates page in the Term Activation component.

Associate with Academic Prog (associate with academic program)

Select to associate the honor/award rule only with students in this academic program. This is especially useful for students who might be in multiple academic programs; you might want to apply different honor/award rules with different academic programs. If you do not select this check box, the system associates the honor/award rule with the student's academic career.

Exclude Term Category 1, Exclude Term Category 2, and Exclude Term Category 3

Select the terms in which the system does not calculate honors/awards. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values.

Honor and Award Date Flag

Select the date type that the system posts to students' records for their honors and awards. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values with some programming effort. Values are System Date and Fully Graded Date.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Honors and Awards

To set up honors and awards, use the Honors/Awards Table component (SA_HONORS_AWARDS) and the Honors/Awards Rule component (HONOR_AWRD_RULE).

Honors and awards include internal and external awards that you want to record for students. With honor and award codes and rules, you can create sets of guidelines for every academic career within your institution. You can then use these codes and rules to assign honors and awards to students, either by running the Acad Standing/Honors Awards process (SRPCEASD) through the Academic Standing/Honors and Awards page to evaluate students' honors and awards, or by entering honor/award codes directly onto a student's record through the Honors and Awards page.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Tracking Honors and Awards

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Honors and Awards

Page Name

Definition Name



Honors/Awards Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Honors/Awards Table, Honors/Awards Table

Define honor and award codes for internal and external awards.

Honors and Awards Rule


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Honors/Awards Rule, Honors and Awards Rule

Create honor and award rules.



Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Standing/Honors

Select honor and award rules and parameters for this academic program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Honor/Award Codes

Access the Honors/Awards Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Honors/Awards Table, Honors/Awards Table).


Indicate whether the honor or award relates to an external organization or your internal institution.


Enter the grantor of the honor or award.

Transcript Level

Select the transcript level on which you want the honor or award to print. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. These translate values can me modified. The delivered values are Degr Prog (degree progress), Not Print, Official, Stdnt Life (student life), and Unofficial.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Honor Award Rules

Access the Honors and Awards Rule page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Honors/Awards Rule, Honors and Awards Rule).

Define rules for every honor and award code that you want to use in the Honors/Awards process. Honor and award rules are keyed by academic career; therefore, create a broad description for your honor and award rules (such as Undergraduate Rules or Graduate Rules). To define honor and award rules, name the rule, define parameters for the rule, and select the academic standing codes that a student must currently possess in order for the rule detail line to be satisfied. Every rule detail line can have current academic-standing code requirements. For instance, you can require that in addition to other criteria you defined, the student possesses the academic standing code of GOOD to meet the requirements for the Highest Freshman GPA Award.

Honor Award Rule

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies this honor and award rule code.

Effective Term

Select the effective term for the rule. When the system uses the rules in the Honor/Award process, it verifies that the rule is effective within the term for which the process is run.

Honor/Award Group

The default honor and award group number is 01. Group awards together that are mutually exclusive, because the system processes honors and awards by group, and within a group by sequence number.

For example, the President's Award and the Dean's List honors are mutually exclusive. If students are granted one award they are not granted the other. By grouping the awards together, you prevent the system from granting a student both awards.

Seq No (sequence number)

Enter the sequence in which the system evaluates the rule. Sequence your rules from the most restrictive to the least restrictive.

In our example, the President's Award has a sequence number of 10 and the Dean's List honor has a sequence number of 20. The President's Award is more restrictive than the Dean's List honor, so it is sequenced first. The Dean's List honor is slightly less selective, so it is sequenced second.


Select the honor and award code that the system posts to students' records if they satisfy the rule. Define honor and award codes on the Honors/Awards Table page. The system populates the student Honors and Awards page with the appropriate code when you run the Honors/Awards process.

Cumulative GPA, Current Term GPA, Cumulative Units Passed, Current Units Passed, Cumulative Units Attempted, Current Units Attempted, and Academic Year GPA

These criteria form your rules. For each criterion that you choose to use in this rule, select a qualifier: Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than, or Less Than or Equal To. Do not modify these values. Then, enter the numeric value for each criterion. In the preceding example, the cumulative grade point average must be greater than or equal to 3.750 and the current grade point average must be greater than or equal to 3.750.

Use the last prompt box to add the connector for the rule: And, Or, and blank for none.

You can skip any criteria and only enter information in the criteria pertinent for your rule.

Note. For the Academic Year GPA field, the system looks at the term for which academic standing is being processed, determines which academic year the term falls in based on the value in the Term/Session Table component, determines the student's statistics from all terms in that academic year, calculates the student's grade point average, then compares the student's grade point average against the value that you enter on the page.

Any Academic Standing Set

Select if the student would be eligible for this honor or award no matter what his or her academic standing.

No Academic Standing Set

Select if the student would be eligible for this honor or award only if he or she was not assigned an academic standing code.

Current Academic Standing Values

Select the academic standing values a student must possess to satisfy this rule. Define academic standing values on the Academic Standing Table page. In the preceding example, the student must possess the academic standing code of GOOD to satisfy the rule. Define academic standing values on the Academic Standing Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking Honor Award Rules to Academic Programs

Access the Standing/Honors page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Academic Structure, Academic Program Table, Standing/Honors).

See Also

Linking Academic Standing, Honors, and Awards Rules to Academic Programs

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Special Grade Point Averages

To set up special grade point averages, use the Student Special GPA component (SPECIAL_GPA_TYPE).

Every institution has its own unique way of calculating grade point averages. Special grade point averages are averages that you define for your institution that differ from the cumulative grade point average. You can enter special grade point averages for a student's academic program, academic plan, or academic subplan. You can then use these special grade point averages to meet your institution's analysis and reporting needs.

This section lists the page used to set up special grade point averages.

See Also

Tracking Special Grade Point Averages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Special Grade Point Averages

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Special GPA


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Grading, Student Special GPA, Student Special GPA

Define the types of grade point averages (GPAs) that your institution tracks by entering an effective date, status, and description for each GPA type.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Committees and Committee Members

Use committees to indicate advisory roles. Committees can be faculty standing committees, dissertation committees, thesis committees, and so on. Because committees are discussed in more detail in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Campus Community 9.0 PeopleBook, we only review them briefly here.

To use committees and committee members:

  1. Define committee types and the roles of committee members on the Committee Table page.

  2. Assign specific committees to the committee types that you defined on the Committee Table page.

  3. Assign committee members to specific committees on the Committee Members page.

See Also

Managing Committee Data

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Milestones

To set up milestones, use the Milestone Table component (MILESTONE_TBL) and Milestone Template component (MILESTONE_TMPL).

Milestones are non-course related but vital requirements that a student must complete toward degree progress to graduate. You might be able to relate milestones most easily to graduate student progress, but your institution might also use milestones for undergraduates as well. After you define milestones, you can assign milestones and advisors to a student, as well as record the student's completions of milestones and attempts to fulfill them, by using the Student Milestones component.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Tracking Milestones

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Milestones

Page Name

Definition Name



Milestone Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Milestone Table, Milestone Table

Define milestone codes and their grading bases, and define the levels of the milestone.

Milestone Templates


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Milestone Templates, Milestone Templates

Create milestone templates to reduce data entry later on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Milestone Codes

Access the Milestone Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Milestone Table, Milestone Table).

Note. To inactivate a milestone code, remove that code from every milestone template in addition to entering a status of Inactive on this page.

Grading Scheme

Select a grading scheme for the milestone. When you enter the milestone on a student's record, you can override the grading scheme.

Grading Basis

Select a grading basis for the milestone. Link grading bases to grading schemes on the Grading Scheme Table page. You can override this value on individual student records.

Attempts Allowed

Enter the number of attempts students can make at completing the milestone. This field is a default data entry and tracking aid. You can override the attempts allowed on individual student records.

Print Milestone Detail

Select a print milestone detail to indicate if the milestone detail information will appear on the transcript. Milestone detail information includes the details on the Student Milestones page.

Milestone Level

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies this milestone level code. You use milestone levels for detailing the progress of a milestone and for informational purposes. For example, you might define a milestone of Written Comprehensive Exams for doctoral students and have four levels within that milestone to designate the four sets of comprehensives required.

(NZL) Defining Milestones for Unit Standards

When you define a milestone for New Zealand institutions, the Milestone Type field and NQF Detail link are available. Enter milestone type U, and use the NQF Detail page to link NQF codes to the milestone.

See Linking NQF Codes to Milestones.

See Also

Setting Up Transcripts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Milestone Templates

Access the Milestone Templates page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Milestone Templates, Milestone Templates).

If you link a milestone template to only an academic institution and academic career, it can be used as a template for any academic program or plan. If you want a milestone template to be restricted to a specific academic program or plan, enter the program and plan in the search dialog box. When you link milestones to academic programs you are making a template, not a permanent link. This information appears in the Student Milestones component when you copy the template to the student's record.

Milestone Nbr (milestone number)

Enter a milestone number to define the sequence of multiple milestones within a template. The sequence number is for your information only. In our example, sequence numbers for each milestone increase by ten. You can sequence these however you want.


Select a milestone code.

Grading Scheme

The system populates this value from the value entered on the Milestone Table page, based on the milestone code. You can override this value.

Grading Basis

The system populates this value from the value entered on the Milestone Table page, based on the milestone code. You can override this value.

Print Milestone Detail

The system populates this value from the value entered on the Milestone Table page, based on the milestone code. You can override this value.

Attempts Allowed

The system populates this value from the value entered on the Milestone Table page, based on the milestone code. You can override this value.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Extracurricular Activities

To set up extracurricular activities, use the Extracurricular Activity Table component (EXTRA_ACTIVITY_TBL).

You can track both internal and external extracurricular activities for individuals.

This section discusses how to set up extracurricular activity codes for this purpose. You will later use the Extracurricular Activity page to link these codes to students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Extracurricular Activities

Page Name

Definition Name



Extracurricular Activity Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Extracurricular Activity Table, Extracurricular Activity Table

Set up extracurricular activity codes, and define the primacy of the extracurricular activities for your setID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting up Extracurricular Activity Codes

Access the Extracurricular Activity Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Campus Community, Define Campus Community, Setup, Extracurricular Activity Table, Extracurricular Activity Table).

Activity Type

Select the type of activity that you are entering. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these values. The delivered values are Athletics, Club, Employment, Music, Other, Publications, Student Government, Theater, and Volunteer.

Internal and External

Select this option to indicate that this extracurricular activity exists at your institution as well as at external institutions.


Select this option to indicate that this extracurricular activity exists at your institution only.


Select this option to indicate that this extracurricular activity exists at external institutions only.

Extra Activity Primacy

Enter the primacy number for this extracurricular activity. When you run the Consolidate Academic Statistics process it searches students' extracurricular activity records for only the athlete extracurricular activity. The athlete extracurricular activity is delivered with your system. It should not be modified in any way because it has code attached to it. If the Consolidate Academic Statistics process finds multiple athlete records for a student, it writes the one with the lowest primacy number to the student's consolidated statistics record.

See Also

Consolidating and Reporting Academic Statistics

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Student Groups

Student groups enable you to set up groups (such as Athlete or Freshman) and assign these groups to individuals. Then you can perform actions (such as run reports and processes) on a group, which affects all of the individuals in the group.

This section lists the page used to manage student groups. You will later use the Student Groups page to assign student groups to students.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Manage Student Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Groups


Student Recruiting, Maintain Prospects, Academic Information, Student Groups, Student Groups

Set up student groups (such as Athletes and Resident Assistants) by entering the effective date, status, and description of each student group.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Student Attributes

To set up student attributes, use the Student Attribute Table component (STDNT_ATTR_TBL).

This section provides an overview of student attributes and discusses how to:

See Also

Tracking Student Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Student Attributes

Although student groups enable you track attributes such as participation in clubs, sports, and student government, you might need an additional, more flexible structure that lets you track the attributes of your students based on their career and program. To meet this need, use the Student Attributes feature.

The Student Attributes feature enables you to assign all sorts of attributes to a student within an academic career or program and group together the students with similar student attributes. You can then track and report on the student attribute data. For instance, you can track students that begin their education at the same time as a single cohort by creating a student attribute for undergraduate incoming freshmen and attaching the attribute to the records of these students. You can then use the data for federal reporting and also for institutional research purposes to gain information about the type of students that you have in a particular cohort, such as a student's typical course load or how long it takes a student to complete his or her program and graduate.

You can create multiple attributes and multiple attribute values within a single attribute. Then when you assign these attributes to students, you can attach to their records multiple attributes and multiple values within each student attribute. With this flexibility, your students can belong to as many cohorts as necessary to meet your tracking and reporting needs. You can assign these attributes to students at any time, even during the recruiting and admissions processes because the attributes roll from PeopleSoft Enterprise Recruiting and Admissions to Student Records as part of the student's academic career and academic program.

Use the Student Attribute Table component to define different student attributes and student attribute values. You can create broad student attributes for entire academic careers, then attach single student attribute values to each of those careers. For example, you can create a student attribute for undergraduate students called Student Cohort. You can then create different values for Student Cohort on the Student Attribute Value Table page (such as Fall 2005 Entry Class, Fall 2006 Entry Class, and Fall 2007 Entry Class). In addition, you can create smaller student attributes for individual academic programs. You can also define student attribute values for plans and subplans and group them under a specific academic program.

After you define all your student attributes and student attribute values, use the Student Attributes page to attach these attributes and attribute values to individual students and build reports on the data so you can track statistics such as how many students in a particular cohort graduated in three years, four years, and five years, and how heavy their course load was. The system also reports a primary student attribute as part of the Consolidate Academic Statistics process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Student Attributes

Page Name

Definition Name



Student Attributes Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Student Attribute Table, Student Attributes Table

Define the various student attributes your institution uses for tracking and reporting on different cohorts.

Student Attribute Value Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Student Attribute Table, Student Attribute Value Table

Define the values associated with a particular student attribute.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Student Attribute Codes

Access the Student Attributes Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Student Attribute Table, Student Attributes Table).

Academic Career

(Optional) Select the academic career to which the student attribute is linked.

Academic Program

(Optional) Select the academic program to which the student attribute is linked.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Student Attribute Values

Access the Student Attribute Value Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Student Standing and Awards, Student Attribute Table, Student Attribute Value Table).

Student Attribute Value

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies this student attribute value.


Enter the primacy number for the student attribute. The system uses the number to determine the primary student attribute value it uses when you extract data to report on cohorts. This primacy value has no relation to Financial Aid primacy. The lowest number takes precedence.

Note. Always assign the lowest primacy number to the student attribute value that you want to use for federal reporting of this student attribute.