(NZL) Setting Up Government Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of New Zealand government reporting, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding New Zealand Government Reporting

This section discusses:

SDR Reporting

The SDR is a set of data elements that tertiary institutions in New Zealand must provide to the New Zealand Ministry of Education (MoE). The SDR includes all information that is required by the MoE for funding students and for statistical reporting.

The SDR business process flows like this:

  1. You use the PeopleSoft system to enter and store the SDR data on students, courses, and course enrollments.

  2. You use the SDR Extract component to extract the necessary data that is required by the MoE into five separate text files: student, course enrollment, course register, qualifications, and course completion.

  3. The MoE provides institutions with a Microsoft Access program that validates the text files that you produced through the SDR Extract component.

  4. After you send the validated text files to the MoE, the MoE processes the files and calculates the appropriate level of funding based on the files that your institution provides them.

A key part of the SDR reporting process is the reporting of data that is required by the EFTS (Equivalent Full Time Student) Funding System, through which the MoE provides funding grants for tertiary education providers. The funding, or bulk grant, that an institution receives is determined by a funding formula based on an EFTS unit, whereby 1.0 EFTS unit is defined as the student workload that would normally be carried by a full-time student in a single academic year.

To comply with the EFTS system requirements, institutions must assign an EFTS factor to all eligible courses. This factor identifies the proportion of a normal full-time year's study that the course is deemed to represent. The EFTS factor also depends on the type of course according to ministry guidelines. When students enroll in courses, they generate EFTS units that are equivalent to the factor that is defined for the course. These units, usually based on course characteristics, program characteristics, or both must also be coded using the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education for SDR reporting purposes.

NZQA Reporting

The NZQA is a government body that is responsible for the coordination of national examinations and the National Qualification Framework (NQF). Qualifications are registered at 10 levels, from year 11 of schooling or vocational entry to postgraduate. Educational institutions, primarily polytechnic colleges, need to equate their study offerings to the NQF unit standards. Progression in these unit standards must be recorded and institutions must award students grades not only in their course offerings, but also in these unit standards.

You set up unit standards in your system as milestones. Milestones are then linked to the courses that are offered by your institution. You can link more than one unit standard to a course or one unit standard to many courses. As students enroll in the courses that are linked to the milestones, they are simultaneously enrolled in the unit standard through the enrollment engine.

After enrollments are processed, you can run three different reports to send to the NZQA:

NZVCC Reporting

The NZVCC was established by the Universities Act (1961), which replaced the Federal University of New Zealand with separate institutions. Today, the committee represents the interests of New Zealand's seven institutions: Auckland, Waikato, Massey, Victoria, Canterbury, Lincoln, and Otago.

The NZVCC requests the above seven institutions to provide a data file on destinations of those persons who became eligible to graduate from the New Zealand University system. This information is produced at the end of the year (31 December) or year-end for the institution and is used by the NZVCC in creating a University Graduate Destinations Survey. The University Graduate Destinations Survey includes names and details of all students who completed a qualification in the specified year at the institution. When a student has completed a degree, your institution manually inserts a row in the Student Degrees component.

Ethnicity information is included in the University Graduate Destinations Survey report. Ethnicity codes should already be set up and mapped in your system because this is required for the SDR report.

Before you can generate the University Graduate Destinations Survey report file, you must also enter a valid address type for a student's address and residency data. Valid address types are listed in the Addresses group box on the Campus Community Installation - Names/Addresses page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

In addition to the setup that is described in this chapter, your institution must also set up the following tables for New Zealand functionality:

See (AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL, NLD) Activating Other Student Administration Features.

See (NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Programs.

See (NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Plans.

See Defining Degrees.

See Setting Up Your System for Grading.

See (NZL) Setting Up Statistics New Zealand Ethnic Codes.

See (NZL) Mapping Statistics New Zealand Ethnic Codes to PeopleSoft Ethnic Groups.

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for SDR Reporting

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Funding Category NZL


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, Funding Category NZL, Funding Category NZL

Define funding category codes and their amounts.

Course Classification NZL


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, Course Classification NZL, Course Classification NZL

Define course and program classifications and associate them with funding categories.

MoE Subject NZL


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, MoE Subject NZL, MoE Subject NZL

Define MoE subject codes.

NZSCED Field of Study


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, NZSCED Field of Study NZL, NZSCED Field of Study

Set up the NZSCED (New Zealand Standard Classification of Education) field of study codes by defining the broad, narrow, and detail codes that you will attach to courses for use in SDR Course and Course Register files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Funding Categories

Access the Funding Category NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, Funding Category NZL, Funding Category NZL).

Funding Category

When setting up your funding categories, enter the two-digit alphanumeric code for the funding category.

The first digit is the academic category (A-Z) and the second digit is the degree status (1-5). The degree status variations are:

  • 1: Non-Degree

  • 2: Degree

  • 3: Post Graduate

  • 4: Research

  • 5: Foreign Research

Funding Amount

Enter the MoE funding amount for this funding category.

See Also

(NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Course Classifications

Access the Course Classification NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, Course Classification NZL, Course Classification NZL).

Course Classification

When setting up your classification codes, enter the MoE course classification code.

Classification Type

Select Course or Programme.

Funding Category

Enter the funding category for this course classification. You can enter as many funding categories as needed for each classification.

Note. You must assign at least one funding category to each course classification.

See Also

(NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Programs

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining MoE Subject Codes

Access the MoE Subject NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, MoE Subject NZL, MoE Subject NZL).

Link these subject codes to your institution's plan offerings on the Academic Plan page.

See (NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Field of Study Codes

Access the NZSCED Field of Study page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, NZSCED Field of Study NZL, NZSCED Field of Study).

Important! The NZSCED broad, narrow, and detail codes are defined by the MoE.

NZSCED Broad Code

When setting up the field of study codes, enter the NZSCED broad code for this field of study.

NZSCED Narrow Code

Enter the NZSCED narrow codes for the broad code.

Insert rows to enter all of the narrow codes for this broad code.

Detail Code

Enter the NZSCED detail codes for the narrow code.

Insert rows in the grid to enter all of the detail codes for this narrow code.

Note. You attach the combination of broad, narrow, and detail code to a course at the catalog level. For example, the code 010103 is the NZSCED code for Statistics.

See Also

(NZL) Setting Up Government Reporting Data

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for NZQA Reporting

The NZQA framework consists of fields, subfields, and domains. The codes identify a particular unit standard within the overall framework. You associate milestones with a unit standard using these codes.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



NQF Field/Subfield Domain


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, NQF Field/Subfield Domain NZL, NQF Field/Subfield Domain

Set up NZQA defined field codes, subfields, and domains in the system.

Milestone Table


Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Milestone Table, Milestone Table

Define NQF unit standards as milestones using the milestone type of U.

NQF Detail


Click the NQF Detail link at the bottom of the Milestone Table page.

The link is available only for milestones with the milestone type of U (unit standard).

Link NQF codes to the milestones.

Note. Link milestones to courses on the Course/Milestone Link page in the Course Catalog component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining NQF Fields, Subfields, and Domains

Access the NQF Field/Subfield Domain page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Curriculum Management, NQF Field/Subfield Domain NZL, NQF Field/Subfield Domain).

Field Code

When setting up a new field, enter an NZQA defined field code.

Subfield Code

Enter an NZQA-defined subfield code.

You can enter as many subfield codes as needed for this field.

Domain Code

Enter an NZQA-defined domain code.

You can enter as many domain codes as needed for each subfield.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Unit Standards

Access the Milestone Table page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Student Records, Enrollment, Milestone Table, Milestone Table).

Enter the milestone type U (unit standard) to activate the NQF Detail link at the bottom of the page.

See Defining Milestone Codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLinking NQF Codes to Milestones

Access the NQF Detail page (click the NQF Detail link at the bottom of the Milestone Table page).

Unit Standard Version

Enter the version as defined by the NZQA for this unit standard.

Unit Standard Field Code

Select the appropriate field code.

Only the field codes that are entered on the Field/Subfield Domain page are available for selection.

Unit Standard Subfield Code

Select the appropriate subfield code.

Only the subfield codes that are entered on the Field/Subfield Domain page are available for selection.

Unit Standard Domain Code

Select the appropriate domain code.

Only the domain codes that are entered on the Field/Subfield Domain page are available for selection.

Unit Standard Language

Select the language in which the unit standard is taught.

NQF Credit

Enter the number of NQF credits for this unit standard as provided in the National Qualifications Framework.

See Also

(NZL) Setting Up Government Reporting Data

Click to jump to parent topicPreparing for NZVCC Reporting

Enter subject and qualification codes defined by the NZVCC into your PeopleSoft system, and then link the subject codes to your academic plans and the qualification codes to degree codes.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Prepare for NZVCC Reporting

Page Name

Definition Name



NZVCC Subject Codes NZL


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, NZVCC Subject Codes NZL, NZVCC Subject Codes NZL

Define NZVCC Subject codes to attach to academic plans.

NZVCC Qualification Codes NZL


Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, NZVCC Qualification Codes NZL, NZVCC Qualification Codes NZL

Define NZVCC qualification codes to attach to degrees.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering NZVCC Subject Codes

Access the NZVCC Subject Codes NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, NZVCC Subject Codes NZL, NZVCC Subject Codes NZL).

Enter the subject codes that are provided by the NZVCC. After you have set up all of the codes, you will link the codes to an academic plan on the Acad Plan NZL (academic plan New Zealand) page.

See (NZL) Setting Up New Zealand Academic Plans.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering NZVCC Qualification Codes

Access the NZVCC Qualification Codes NZL page (Set Up SACR, Foundation Tables, Reporting Codes, NZVCC Qualification Codes NZL, NZVCC Qualification Codes NZL).

Enter the qualification codes that are provided by the NZVCC. After you have set up all of the codes, you will link the codes to a degree on the Degree Table page.

See Defining Degrees.