Using Self-Service Transfer Credit

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Transfer Credit Reports Through Self-Service Pages

Students can view transfer credit reports through pages in Campus Self Service.

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View Transfer Credit Report


Self Service, Transfer Credit

Students can view all of their course, test, and other transfer credit that your academic institution has submitted for posting to their student enrollment records.

Click to jump to parent topicEvaluating Transfer Credit Through Self-Service Pages

This section provides an overview of the Self-Service Modeling Transfer Credit feature and discusses how students, applicants, prospects, and visitors can use this feature.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Self-Service Modeling Transfer Credit Feature

The Self-Service Modeling Transfer Credit feature enables users to enter and process "what-if" course transfer credit evaluations over the internet. Students, applicants, prospects, and visitors can use the Evaluate Transfer Credit self-service pages to create course transfer credit models based on transfer courses from external organizations or from internal academic careers and programs. These individuals can then process their transfer credit models, view their transfer credit evaluation summaries, and use the evaluation results to run what-if degree progress reports.

Within the what-if model, users can run a degree progress analysis that also includes all courses on the individual's record that are in a "completed" or "posted" transfer model. This way, for prospects and applicants with completed (but not posted) transfer models on file, the system automatically articulates and includes these courses in the what-if degree audit.

Users have access to the self-service Modeling Transfer Credit feature based on their role. Visitors—individuals who have not formally applied to your institution—can access the Evaluate Transfer Credit self-service pages once the visitor has been assigned an ID. Prospects, applicants, and students can also access the Evaluate Transfer Credit self-service pages.

The Self-Service Modeling Transfer Credit feature stores the data it creates in its own tables separate from the tables the Student Records feature uses. This separation ensures the data integrity of official transfer credit records. However, the page elements of the self-service feature prompt against the setup tables of the Student Records Transfer Credit feature, making the setup for the Transfer Credit feature a prerequisite for the self-service feature. Before a user can evaluate transfer credit scenarios, you must define academic institutions, careers, programs, terms, courses, course transfer equivalency rules, and academic program and source equivalencies.

Because the course transfer rules associated with an external organization or internal academic institution are based on effective dates and grade points, the articulation term, external term, external year, unit, and grading information that individuals enter into their models is critical. The self-service pages have onscreen instructions that guide individuals through these data entry requirements so that they can receive accurate information.

Note. Transfer model self-service reports always include both posted and completed transfer models, regardless of the Incl Completed Transfer Models check box setting on the Transcript Type–Basic Data page.

See Also

Setting Up Transfer Credit Processing

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Before individuals can process self-service transfer credit modelling, you must:

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Evaluate My Transfer Credit


Self Service, Transfer Credit

Individuals can use this page to edit or delete an existing course transfer credit model that they have previously created, or begin creating a new model.

Transfer Credit Model Information


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Click the Create New Model button on the Evaluate My Transfer Credit page.

Individuals can use this page to select the required target information for their course transfer credit model. Target information includes the academic career, program, and plan to which they want to apply the course transfer credit, and the articulation term. To assist individuals in entering this information, the page elements prompt against the academic institution, academic career, academic program, academic plan and term tables.

The term that the individual entered determines which values appear in the Program and Plan fields based on the Last Admit Term on the Academic Program and Academic Plan pages. If the individual is a current student, the system displays all active programs and plans.

Transfer Credit Source Information


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Click the Next button on the Transfer Credit Model Information page.

Individuals can use this page to enter the external organization or internal academic institution from which the individual is transferring. To assist individuals in entering this information, the page elements prompt against the course transfer rules tables to ensure that you institution has established a course transfer rule for the external organization or internal academic institution.

Current Coursework


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Select a source career and institution and click the Next button on the Transfer Credit Source Information page.

Individuals who are creating internal course transfer credit models can use this page to view their coursework for at the specified internal academic institution. The system automatically loads their enrollment information into the page.

Education Data


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Select an external institution and click the Next button on the Transfer Credit Source Information page.

Individuals who are creating external course transfer credit models can use this page to enter their external education information. This information includes the external year and term, term type, external subject area, course number, units taken, and grade received. The system does not uses the education data table to retrieve and store this information. The system instead requires the individual to enter the information, which it then stores on a set of tables unique to the Self-Service Modeling Transfer Credit feature.

Transfer Credit Results


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Click the Submit button on the Education Data page or on the Current Coursework page.

Individuals can use this page to view the results of the Self-Service Transfer Credit Evaluation process for the model. The system displays the transfer credit summary report in a grid at the bottom of the page. Individuals can use the browser print function to print the page. Individuals can click the View Details button to see additional information about the incoming courses and their internal equivalents. The evaluation is tentative pending final review by your academic institution.

Transfer Credit Results Detail


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Click the View Transfer Equivalency Details button on the Transfer Credit Results page.

Individuals can use this page to view incoming course and internal equivalent information. The system displays each incoming course beside its internal equivalent course. The system captures but hides the valid attempts, earn credit, and include in GPA fields.

Process A Degree Progress Report


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Click the Next button on the Transfer Credit Results page.

Individuals can use this page to run a degree progress audit report to see how the internal equivalents of their transfer credit model apply towards their degree requirements. The report process combines PeopleSoft Academic Advisement what-if and course list what-if functionality. In PeopleSoft Academic Advisement, you can apply degree requirements to students based on their academic career, program, plan, and subplan. A what-if scenario enables you to select this academic structure information and run a process to see what requirements a student needs for graduation.

Modeling Transfer Credit - View Degree Progress Report


  • Self Service, Transfer Credit

  • Click the Next button on the Process A Degree Progress Report page.

Individuals can use this page to view the what-if degree progress report, showing them their possible degree progress based on the transfer credit model. For visitors, the process uses the target academic program and internal equivalent courses, which become the what-if courses, during the creation of the degree progress report. For applicants and students, the process uses the target academic program and internal equivalent courses of the model, completed and posted transfer credit models, and enrollment records during the creation of the degree progress report.