Updated SQLite Version

Upgrading SQL databases to releases after 6.1.19

Berkeley DB's SQL interface includes code from SQLite. The version of SQLite used has been upgraded, so that Berkeley DB SQL is now compatible with SQLite version Please see the release notes at http://sqlite.org/changes.html for further information.

Upgrading SQL databases to releases after 6.1.19

When upgrading from Berkeley DB releases between 5.0 and 6.1.19 to a release after 6.1.19, you must re-index any SQL databases. Non-SQL databases do not require any action.

Upgrading SQL databases on POSIX/UNIX Systems

The shell script upgrade61.sh has been provided to simplify upgrading. Before executing the script, back up all the databases and shut down any applications that access the databases. Then execute the script, passing the path to one or more databases in the command line, as follows:

sh db-x.x.xx/lang/sql/upgrade61.sh <db1.dbsql> <db2.dbsql> ...

The upgrade process can be done by hand by executing the following commands for each database:

  1. Back up the database and shut down any applications accessing it.

  2. Run recovery on the database journal directory as follows:

    db_recover -f -h <database-journal>
  3. Enter the dbsql shell and execute a SQL REINDEX command as follows:

    dbsql <database.dbsql>
    dbsql> REINDEX
    dbsql> .quit 

That completes the upgrade process.

Upgrading SQL databases on Windows Systems

The batch script "upgrade61.bat" has been provided to simplify upgrading. Before executing the script, back up all the databases and shut down any applications that access the databases. Then execute the script, passing the path to one or more databases in the command line, as follows:

db-x.x.xx\lang\sql\upgrade61.bat <db1.dbsql> <db2.dbsql> ...

The upgrade process can be done by hand by executing the following commands for each database:

  1. Back up the database and shut down any applications accessing it.

  2. Run recovery on the database journal directory as follows:

    db_recover.exe -f -h <database-journal>
  3. Enter the dbsql shell and execute a SQL REINDEX command as follows:

    dbsql.exe <database.dbsql>
    dbsql> REINDEX
    dbsql> .quit 

That completes the upgrade process.