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Oracle® Real User Experience Insight Installation Guide
Release 6.5.0 for Linux x86-64

Part Number E17370-02
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5 Upgrading to RUEI 6.5

This chapter describes the procedure for upgrading an existing RUEI 5.x or 6.0.x installation to release 6.5. The post-installation configuration procedure is described in Chapter 6, "Configuring RUEI".

If the DVD is not automatically mounted, use the following commands to mount it:

mkdir -p /mnt/dvd
mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd


In the rest of this chapter it is assumed that the RUEI DVD is mounted on /mnt/dvd.

Note that the upgrade procedure described below should be performed as the root user unless indicated otherwise.

Upgrading From RUEI 5.x to 6.5

This section describes the procedure for upgrading from an existing RUEI 5.x installation to release 6.5.


Before proceeding with the upgrade, make a backup of your configuration. Select Configuration, then System, then Maintenance, and then Backup and restore. The configuration backup is required in case of a rollback. In addition, it is strongly recommended that you create a database backup. Information on database backup procedures is available at

Upgrading Accelerator packages

If your RUEI installation makes use of accelerator packages (such as for Oracle E-Business Suite or Siebel), these must be upgraded at the same time as the RUEI system. Ensure you follow the sequence of steps described in the rest of this section.

Upgrading the Reporter System

Do the following:

  1. Copy the RUEI distribution pack ( to the Reporter system /root directory, and unzip it. Repeat the unzip action for all required accelerator packages. Issue the following commands:

    cd /root
  2. Install the XML::Twig module by issuing the following commands:

    cd /mnt/dvd/Server
    rpm -Uhv perl-XML-Twig-3.26-*.fc6.noarch.rpm \
  3. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Note that this step can be skipped if you are upgrading from RUEI 5.1. Issue the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/Java
    chmod +x ./jre-1_5_0_21-linux-amd64-rpm.bin
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_21 /usr/java/jre

    Note you are prompted to accept the Java license agreement. You cannot continue until you have done so.

    This installs the JRE from a standalone package bundled with the RUEI distribution set, rather than the one built into the database.

  4. Temporarily stop all processing by issuing the following command:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x
    ./ stop_ruei
  5. For each Collector system, issue the following commands:

    ./ stop_collector Collector-IP-address

    where Collector-IP-address is the IP address of the collector system. Note that this command must also be issued for the local Collector (localhost).

  6. Note that this step can be skipped if you are upgrading from RUEI 5.1. Update the /etc/ruei.conf file by issuing the following commands:

    cp /etc/ruei.conf /etc/ruei.conf.50
    cp /root/RUEI/extra/ruei.conf.upgrade /etc/ruei.conf
    chmod 644 /etc/ruei.conf
    source /etc/ruei.conf
    chown $RUEI_USER:$RUEI_GROUP /etc/ruei.conf
  7. Update the RUEI database instance by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/65
    cp /home/oracle
    cp /home/oracle
    chmod +x /home/oracle/ruei-*.sh
    su - oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1

    Upon completion, you should again be the root user.

  8. Upgrade the RUEI Reporter RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ rpm_pre_install
    cd /root/RUEI/65
    chmod u+x ./
    ./ *.rpm
    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ rpm_post_install


    When upgrading a Reporter system that has little or no replay data on its local Collector, "*LTS?*" errors can be reported. These can be safely ignored.
  9. Important: if you do not perform the action described in this step, the currently defined Error Page Replay (EPR) and Full Session Replay (FSR) settings are applied for each monitored application. Depending on the number of monitored applications, and your previous settings, the amount of required disk space can significantly increase. For example, if data retention was set to 50 GB, and five applications are monitored by a Collector, the Collector will reserve up to 50 GB per application upon upgrading to version 6.5 (that is, a total Collector disk space of 250 GB).

    If this would require too much disk space to be reserved on a Collector system, you can issue the following command to limit the total reserved disk space to its current defined setting:

    ./ resize_replay_store

    In this case, the total reserved disk space is shared equally among the currently defined applications. For example, if the current data retention setting was 100 GB, and there are 10 monitored applications, this would result in 10 GB of disk space being available for each application. Note that, if you choose to use the above command, it may result in the loss of existing (the oldest) replay data.

  10. Note that this step can be skipped if you are upgrading from RUEI 5.1. Enable additional fonts for PDF generation. Because the PDF generator uses Java libraries, these need to be made available to Java. Copy (or move) the RUEI included fonts to the appropriate Java directory. For example:

    cp /opt/ruei/gui/include/bi_publisher/fonts/* \
  11. Note that this step can be skipped if you are upgrading from 5.1. If the export report functionality has been customized with a .htaccess file (described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight User's Guide), you will need to move the RUEI configuration file to its new location. For example:

    mv /var/www/ruei/.htaccess /opt/ruei/gui
  12. Restart the Apache Web server by issuing the following command:

    /sbin/service httpd restart


    At this point you should complete the Collector upgrade procedure described below before proceeding with step 13.
  13. Restart processing (after you have upgraded all Collector systems) by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ start_ruei

The procedure for upgrading the Reporter system is complete.


After completion of the upgrade procedure, it is recommended that you pay particular attention to the following:

  • The default URL prefix masking action is set to "No replay". Review this setting (as described in the Oracle Real User Experience Insight User's Guide) to determine whether it meets your operational requirements.

  • During and after the upgrade procedure, if error or information messages appear in the event log (select System, then Status, and then Event log), you should mark them as read after completing the upgrade procedure, and monitor whether new messages are reported. In the event of re-occurring error messages, you should contact Customer Support.

  • For each Collector system, review its data retention policies (select Configuration, then General, then Advanced settings, and then Collector data retention policy).

Upgrading the Collector System(s)

Note that steps 1 through 4 are only required if you are upgrading from RUEI version 5.0. If you are upgrading from RUEI version 5.1, you should proceed directly to step 5.

Do the following:

  1. Remove the line containing the entry /home/oracle/bin/ from Oracle's crontab file by issuing the following commands:

    su - oracle
    crontab -e
  2. Stop the Oracle database, and remove the installation script so that it will no longer be started after a reboot, by issuing the following commands:

    service oracledb stop
    chkconfig --del oracledb

    Note that if stopping the Oracle database service seems to take an usually long period of time, you should open a second terminal and kill any running process called rsynclogdird.

  3. Stop the Apache Web server by issuing the following commands:

    service httpd stop
    chkconfig --del httpd
  4. De-install all RUEI RPMs (except ux-collector) by issuing the following command:

    rpm -qa | grep ^ux-.*-5.0 | grep -v ^ux-collector | xargs rpm -e
  5. Copy the RUEI distribution pack ( to the Collector system /root directory, and unzip it. Issue the following commands:

    cd /root
    cd /root/RUEI/65
  6. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Note that this step can be skipped if you are upgrading from RUEI 5.1. Issue the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/Java
    chmod +x ./jre-1_5_0_21-linux-amd64-rpm.bin
    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_21 /usr/java/jre

    Note you are prompted to accept the Java license agreement. You cannot continue until you have done so.

    This installs the JRE from a standalone package bundled with the RUEI distribution set, rather than the one built into the database.

  7. Note that this step can be skipped if you are upgrading from RUEI 5.1. Update the /etc/ruei.conf file by issuing the following commands:

    cp /etc/ruei.conf /etc/ruei.conf.50
    cp /root/RUEI/extra/ruei.conf.upgrade /etc/ruei.conf
    chmod 644 /etc/ruei.conf
    source /etc/ruei.conf
    chown $RUEI_USER:$RUEI_GROUP /etc/ruei.conf
  8. Convert the Replay store and upgrade the RUEI Collector RPM by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x
    ./ convert_replay_store
    cd /root/RUEI/65
    chmod +x
    ./ collector
    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ convert_replay_store2

Repeat the above steps for each Collector system in your RUEI infrastructure.

Note steps 1 through 4 are only required if you are upgrading from RUEI 5.0. If you are upgrading from RUEI 5.1, you should proceed directly to step 5.

At this point, you should return to step 13 of the Reporter system upgrade procedure.

Upgrading From RUEI 6.0.x to 6.5

The upgrade procedure from version 6.0.x to 6.5 only takes a few minutes. There is a short interruption of the Collector service, but it is automatically restarted during the upgrade.


Before proceeding with the upgrade, make a backup of your configuration. Select Configuration, then System, then Maintenance, and then Backup and restore. The configuration backup is required in case of a rollback.

Upgrading Accelerator packages

If your RUEI installation makes use of accelerator packages (such as for Oracle E-Business Suite or Siebel), these must be upgraded at the same time as the RUEI system. Ensure you follow the sequence of steps described in the rest of this section.

Upgrading the Reporter System

The Reporter upgrade procedure described in this section applies to both single server installations as well as dedicated Reporter systems.

Do the following:

  1. Login to the Reporter as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Repeat the unzip action for all required accelerator packages. Use the following commands:

    cd /root
  2. Update the RUEI database instance by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/65
    cp /home/oracle
    cp /home/oracle
    chmod +x /home/oracle/ruei-*.sh
    su - oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1

    Upon completion, you should again be the root user.

  3. Stop all processing on the Reporter and Collector system(s) using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x
    ./ stop_ruei
  4. For each required Collector system, perform the steps indicated in the following section. Upon completion, proceed to step 4.

  5. Install the new versions of the RPMs using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/65
    chmod +x
    ./ *.rpm
  6. Perform the necessary upgrade actions by executing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ rpm_post_install
  7. Important: if you do not perform the action described in this step, the currently defined Error Page Replay (EPR) and Full Session Replay (FSR) settings are applied for each monitored application. Depending on the number of monitored applications, and your previous settings, the amount of required disk space can significantly increase. For example, if data retention was set to 50 GB, and five applications are monitored by a Collector, the Collector will reserve up to 50 GB per application upon upgrading to version 6.5 (that is, a total Collector disk space of 250 GB).

    If this would require too much disk space to be reserved on a Collector system, you can issue the following command to limit the total reserved disk space to its currently defined settings:

    ./ resize_replay_store

    In this case, the total reserved disk space for each application becomes the current setting divided by the current number of applications. For example, if the current data retention setting was 100 GB, and there are currently 10 monitored applications, this would result in 10 GB of disk space being available for each application. Note that, if you choose to use the above command, it may result in the loss of existing (the oldest) replay data.

  8. Restart processing using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ start_ruei

Upgrading the Remote Collector System(s)

For each required remote Collector system, login as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI zip file, go to the directory containing the application files, and install the new versions of the RPMs. Do the following:

  1. Unzip the RUEI distribution package using the following commands:

    cd /root
  2. Upgrade the Collector RPMs using the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/65
    chmod +x
    ./ collector
  3. Convert the Replay store by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x
    ./ convert_replay_store


    The script may fail if there is no replay data on the system, or if executed twice.

Rolling Back to Version 6.0

This section describes the procedure to rollback to version 6.0 after upgrading to version 6.5. Note that the Collector included in the Reporter installation is automatically rolled back during the described procedure. However, remote Collector systems must be individually rolled back. The procedure to do this is described later in this section.


Be aware that it may not be possible to restore your system to its exact state prior to upgrading. It is strongly recommended that you contact Customer Support before rolling back an upgrade.
  1. Login to the Reporter system as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the RUEI 6.5 distribution zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Use the following commands:

    cd /root


    Ensure that the directory where you place the 6.0 distribution pack does not conflict with the 6.5 release. In addition, if your RUEI installation makes use of accelerator packages (such as Oracle E-Business Suite or Siebel), repeat the unzipping for all previously installed accelerator packages.
  2. Stop all processing on the Reporter system by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ stop_ruei
    chmod +x
    ./ convert_replay_store 
  3. Restore the previous RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/60
    rpm -e ux-lang-zh_cn
    chmod +x
    ./ *.rpm
  4. Rollback all required remote Collectors (using the procedure described in the next section). Upon completion, continue to step 5. If your installation does not make use of a remote Collector, proceed directly to step 5.

  5. Restore the RUEI configuration backup you created prior to upgrading by selecting Configuration, then System, then Maintenance, then Backup and restore, and then select Restore system from file.

  6. Restart processing by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ start_ruei

Rolling Back Remote Collector Systems

Do the following:

  1. Login to the remote Collector system as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the 6.0 distribution zip file, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    cd /root


    Ensure that the directory where you place the 6.0 distribution pack does not conflict with the 6.5 release.
  2. Restore the previous RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x
    ./ convert_replay_store 
    cd /root/RUEI/60
    chmod +x
    ./ ux-collector-*.rpm

Upon completion for all required Collectors, return to step 5 above.

Rolling Back From 6.5.x to 5.1.x

This section describes the procedure to rollback to version 5.1.x after upgrading to version 6.5.x. Note that the Collector included in the Reporter installation is automatically rolled back during the described procedure. However, remote Collector systems must be individually rolled back. The procedure to do this is described later in this section.


Be aware that it may not be possible to restore your system to its exact state prior to upgrading. It is strongly recommended that you contact Customer Support before rolling back an upgrade.

In addition, you will require a configuration backup of your 5.1.x installation, as well as the 5.1.x and 6.5.x distribution packages to perform the described rollback procedure.

Do the following:

  1. Login to the Reporter system as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the previous 5.1.x distribution package, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    mkdir /root/rollback51
    cd /root/rollback51


    If your RUEI installation makes use of accelerator packages (such as Oracle E-Business Suite or Siebel), repeat the unzipping for all previously installed accelerator packages.
  2. Stop all RUEI processing by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x ./
    ./ stop_ruei
  3. Execute the RPM pre-install phase by issuing the following command:

    ./ rpm_pre_install
  4. Remove the ADF RPM and downgrade existing Reporter RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    rpm -e ux-adf
    cd /root/RUEI/65
    ./ /root/roolback51/RUEI/51/*.rpm
  5. Execute the RPM post-install phase by issuing the following commands:

    cd/ root/RUEI/extra
    ./ rpm_post_install
  6. Re-start the Apache Web server by issuing the following command:

    service httpd restart

    At this point, you should rollback all remote Collector systems (using the procedure described below). Proceed to step 7 after you have rolled back all remote Collector systems. If your installation does not make use of remote Collector systems, you should proceed directly to step 7.

  7. Restart RUEI processing by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    chmod +x ./
    ./ start_ruei

    Be aware that this phase can take a considerable amount of time.

  8. Restore the RUEI configuration backup you created prior to upgrading by selecting Configuration, then System, then Maintenance, then Backup and restore, and then select Restore system from file.

Troubleshooting Rollback Problems

The rollback script logs its actions in the file /tmp/ruei-rollback-6.5-5.x.log. If you encountered any problems during the rollback, please attach this file to any request to Customer Support.

Rolling Back Remote Collector Systems

This section describes the procedure to rollback remote Collector systems to version 5.1.x after upgrading to version 6.5.x.

Do the following:

  1. Login to the remote Collector system as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the previous 5.1.x distribution package, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    mkdir /root/rollback51
    cd /root/rollback51
  2. Restore the Collector replay store by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ convert_replay_store
  3. Restore the previous Collector RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/65
    ./ /root/rollback51/RUEI/51/ux-collector-*.rpm

Repeat the above procedure for each required remote Collector system. When ready, return to the Reporter rollback procedure.

Rolling Back From 6.5.x to 5.0.x

This section describes the procedure to rollback to version 5.0.x after upgrading to version 6.5.x. Note that the Collector included in the Reporter installation is automatically rolled back during the described procedure. However, remote Collector systems must be individually rolled back. The procedure to do this is described later in this section.


Be aware that it may not be possible to restore your system to its exact state prior to upgrading. It is strongly recommended that you contact Customer Support before rolling back an upgrade.

In addition, you will require a configuration backup of your 5.0.x installation, as well as the 5.0.x and 6.5.x distribution packages to perform the described rollback procedure.

Do the following:

  1. Login to the Reporter system as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the previous 5.0.x distribution package, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    mkdir /root/rollback50
    cd /root/rollback50


    If your RUEI installation makes use of accelerator packages (such as Oracle E-Business Suite or Siebel), repeat the unzipping for all previously installed accelerator packages.
  2. Stop all RUEI processing by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra/
    chmod +x ./
    ./ stop_ruei
  3. Execute the RPM pre-install phase by issuing the following command:

    / rpm_pre_install
  4. Restore the previous RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    rpm -e ux-wlp
    rpm -e ux-adf
    cd /root/rollback50/RUEI/50
    rpm -Uhv --oldpackage ux-*
  5. Execute the RPM post-install phase by issuing the following command:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra/
    ./ rpm_post_install

    At this point, you should rollback all remote Collector systems (using the procedure described in Rolling Back Remote Collector Systems). Proceed to step 7 after you have rolled back all remote Collector systems. If your installation does not make use of remote Collector systems, you should proceed directly to step 7.

  6. Re-start the Apache Web server by issuing the following command:

    service httpd restart
  7. Restart RUEI processing by issuing the following command:

    ./ start_ruei
  8. Restore the backup of the /etc/ruei.conf file (as the root user) you created at the start of the upgrade procedure by issuing the following commands:

    mv /etc/ruei.conf /etc/ruei.conf.65.backup
    cp /etc/ruei.conf.50 /etc/ruei.conf
  9. Restore the RUEI configuration backup you created prior to upgrading by selecting Configuration, then System, then Maintenance, then Backup and restore, and then select Restore system from file.

Rolling Back Remote Collector Systems

This section describes the procedure to rollback remote Collector systems to version 5.0.x after upgrading to version 6.5.x.

Do the following:

  1. Login to the remote Collector system as root. Within the /root directory, unzip the previous 5.0.x distribution package, and go to the directory containing the application files. Issue the following commands:

    mkdir /root/rollback50
    cd /root/rollback50
  2. Restore the Collector replay store by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/extra
    ./ stop_collector
    ./ convert_replay_store
  3. Restore the previous Collector RPMs by issuing the following commands:

    cd /root/RUEI/65
    ./ /root/rollback50/RUEI/50/ux-collector-*.rpm

Repeat the above procedure for each required remote Collector system. When ready, return to the Reporter rollback procedure.