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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Metric Reference Manual for Non-Oracle Middleware Management
Release 12 (12.0)
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10 Microsoft Internet Information Services Metrics

This chapter provides descriptions for all Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category. The tables also provide user actions if any of the metrics for a particular category support user actions.

ASP Metrics

If you are running Active Server Pages (ASP) on your server, ASP metrics can help you determine how well the server or site is responding to ASP requests. ASP metrics monitor server performance; you cannot monitor individual ASP applications because ASP metrics collect global data across the entire WWW service.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-1 ASP Metrics

Metric Description

Errors Per Sec

Number of errors generated per second during the execution of HTTP requests.

Errors Total

Total number of errors that occurred during the execution of HTTP requests. This includes parser, compilation, or run-time errors. This counter represents the sum of the Errors During Compilation, Errors During Preprocessing, and Errors During Execution counters. A well-functioning Web server should not generate errors.

Request Wait Time

Time consume by the request in the "wait" state.

Requests Disconnected

Number of requests that were disconnected because a communication failure occurred.

Requests Executing

Number of requests currently executing.

Requests Failed Total

Number of requests that failed because of errors, authorization failure, and rejections.

Requests Not Authorized

Number of requests that failed because access rights were insufficient.

Requests Not Found

Number of requests made for files that were not found.

Requests Per Sec

Number of requests that were executed per second.

Requests Queued

Number of requests in the queue waiting to be serviced. If this number increases as the number of client requests increases, the Web server has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process. The default maximum for this counter is 5,000 requests. You can change this setting in the computer's Machine.config file.

Requests Rejected

Total number of requests that were not executed because insufficient server resources existed to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, which indicates that the server is too busy.

Requests Succeeded

Number of requests that executed successfully.

Requests Timed Out

Number of requests that timed out.

Requests Total

Number of requests made since the service was started.

Session Duration

Length of time in milliseconds that the most recent session lasted.

Sessions Current

Number of sessions currently being serviced.

Sessions Timed Out

Number of sessions that have timed out.

Sessions Total

Number of sessions that have run since the service was started.

Transactions Per Sec

Average number of transactions per second that have been started.

ASP.Net Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about all ASP.Net applications on a Web server computer.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-2 ASP.Net Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

ASP.Net: Application Restarts

Number of times the applications restarts. An application can restart because changes were made to the Web.config file or to assemblies stored in the application's \Bin directory, or because too many changes occurred in Web Forms pages. Sudden increases in this counter can mean that your Web application is shutting down. If an unexpected increase occurs, be sure to investigate it promptly. This value resets every time IIS is restarted. Recreating the application domain and recompiling pages requires time. Therefore, unforeseen restarts should be investigated.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements for the adequate 'application restarts' value.

ASP.Net: Applications Running

Number of applications running on the server computer.

ASP.Net: Request Execution Time

Number of milliseconds required to execute the last request. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net: Request Wait Time

Number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net: Requests Current

Number of requests currently handled by the ASP.Net ISAPI. This includes those that are queued, executing, or waiting to be written to the client. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net: Requests Queued

Number of requests in the queue waiting to be serviced. If this number increases as the number of client requests increases, the Web server has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process. The default maximum for this counter is 5,000 requests. You can change this setting in the computer's Machine.config file.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net: Requests Rejected

Total number of requests that were not executed because insufficient server resources existed to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, which indicates that the server is too busy.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net: Worker Process Restarts

Number of times that a worker process restarted on the server computer. A worker process can be restarted if it fails unexpectedly or when it is intentionally recycled. If worker process restarts increase unexpectedly, investigate immediately.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net: Worker Processes Running

Number of worker processes running on the server computer. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net Applications Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor the performance of a single instance of an ASP.Net application.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-3 ASP.Net Applications Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

ASP.Net Apps: Anonymous Requests

Number of requests that use anonymous authentication.

ASP.Net Apps: Anonymous Requests/sec

Average number of requests made per second that use anonymous authentication.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache API Entries

Number of entries currently in the user cache.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache API Hit Ratio

Total hit-to-miss ratio of user cache requests.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache API Turnover Rate

Number of additions and removals to the user cache per second. A high turnover rate indicates that items are being quickly added and removed, which can be expensive.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache Total Entries

Total number of entries in the cache. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by the ASP.Net framework and external use of the cache through exposed APIs.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache Total Hit Ratio

Ratio of cache hits to cache misses. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by ASP.Net and external use of the cache through exposed APIs.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache Total Hits

Total number of responses served from the cache. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by the ASP.Net framework and external use of the cache through exposed APIs.

ASP.Net Apps: Cache Total Turnover Rate

Number of additions to and removals from the cache per second. Use this counter to help determine how efficiently the cache is being used. If the turnover rate is high, the cache is not being used efficiently.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net Apps: Compilations Total

Number of errors that occurred during dynamic compilation. Excludes parser and run-time errors.

ASP.Net Apps: Errors

Number of errors that occurred during parsing. Excludes compilation and run-time errors.

ASP.Net Apps: Output Cache Entries

Total number entries in the output cache. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net Apps: Output Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of total requests that were serviced from the output cache.

ASP.Net Apps: Output Cache Turnover Rate

Average number of additions to and removals from the output cache per second. If the turnover is large, the cache is not being used effectively.

ASP.Net Apps: Pipeline Instance Count

Number of request pipeline instances that exist for this application. Since only one thread of execution can run within a pipeline instance, this number provides the maximum number of concurrent requests being processed for a given application. It is often better for this number to be low when under load, which signifies that the CPU is being well utilized.

ASP.Net Apps: Requests

Number of requests waiting to be processed. When this number starts to increment linearly with respect to client load, the limit of concurrent requests processed on the machine has been reached.

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Executing

Number of requests that are currently executing.

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Failed

Total number of failed requests. All status codes greater than or equal to 400 increment this counter.

Requests that cause a 401 status code increment this counter and the Requests Not Authorized counter. Requests that cause a 404 or 414 status code increment this counter and the Requests Not Found counter. Requests that cause a 500 status code increment this counter and the Requests Timed Out counter.

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Not Authorized

Number of requests that failed because of a lack of authorization (status code 401).

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Not Found

Number of requests that failed because resources were not found (status codes 404 and 414).

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Per Sec

Current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so forth).

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Succeeded

Number of requests that executed successfully (status code 200).

ASP.Net Apps: Requests Timed Out

Number of requests that timed out.

ASP.Net Apps: Requests in Application Queue

Number of requests in the application request queue.

ASP.Net Apps: Total Errors

Total number of errors that occurred during the execution of HTTP requests, which includes parser, compilation, or run-time errors. This counter represents the sum of the Errors During Compilation, Errors During Preprocessing, and Errors During Execution counters. A well-functioning Web server should not generate errors.

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests

Total number of requests made since the service started.

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests Executing

Sum of all requests executing since the server started.

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests Failed

Sum of all requests that failed since the server started.

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests in Application Queue

Sum of requests in the application request queue since the server started.

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests Not Authorized

Total number of requests that failed because of lack of authorization since the server started (status code 401).

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests Not Found

Sum of requests that failed because resources were not found since the server started (status codes 404 and 414).

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests Succeeded

Total number of requests that executed successfully since the server started (status code 200).

ASP.Net Apps: Total Requests Timed Out

Total number of requests that timed out since the server started (status code 500).

ASP.Net V1.1.4322 Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor the performance of a single instance of an ASP.Net 1.1 application. The 1.1 designation in the Metric column below indicates the version of the ASP .NET framework.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-4 ASP.Net V1.1.4322 Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

ASP.Net 1.1: Application Restarts

Number of times the application restarts. An application can restart because changes were made to the Web.config file or to assemblies stored in the application's \Bin directory, or because too many changes occurred in Web Forms pages. Sudden increases in this counter can mean that your Web application is shutting down. If an unexpected increase occurs, be sure to investigate it promptly. This value resets every time IIS is restarted. Recreating the application domain and recompiling pages requires time; therefore, unforeseen restarts should be investigated.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Applications Running

Number of applications that are running on the server computer.

ASP.Net 1.1: Request Execution Time

Number of milliseconds required to execute the last request.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Request Wait Time

Number of milliseconds that the most recent request waited in the queue for processing.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Requests Current

Number of requests currently handled by the ASP.Net ISAPI. This includes those that are queued, executing, or waiting to be written to the client.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Requests Queued

Number of requests in the queue waiting to be serviced. If this number increases as the number of client requests increases, the Web server has reached the limit of concurrent requests that it can process. The default maximum for this counter is 5,000 requests. You can change this setting in the computer's Machine.config file.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Requests Rejected

Total number of requests that were not executed because of insufficient server resources to process them. This counter represents the number of requests that return a 503 HTTP status code, which indicates that the server is too busy.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Worker Process Restarts

Number of times that a worker process restarted on the server computer. A worker process can be restarted if it fails unexpectedly or when it is intentionally recycled. If worker process restarts increase unexpectedly, investigate immediately.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1: Worker Processes Running

Number of worker processes that are running on the server computer.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and requirements.

ASP.Net V1.1.4322 Applications Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor the performance of a single instance of an ASP.Net application. The 1.1 designation in the Metric column below indicates the version of ASP .NET.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-5 ASP.Net V1.1.4322 Applications Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Anonymous Requests

Number of requests that use anonymous authentication.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Anonymous Requests Per Sec

Average number of requests made per second that use anonymous authentication.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache API Entries

Number of entries currently in the user cache.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache API Hit Ratio

Total hit-to-miss ratio of user cache requests.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache API Turnover Rate

Number of additions and removals to the user cache per second. A high turnover rate indicates that items are being quickly added and removed, which can be expensive.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an UnDefined value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache Total Entries

Total number of entries in the cache. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by the ASP.Net framework and external use of the cache through exposed APIs.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache Total Hit Ratio

Ratio of cache hits to cache misses. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by ASP.Net and external use of the cache through exposed APIs.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache Total Hits

Total number of responses served from the cache. This counter includes both internal use of the cache by ASP.Net and external use of the cache through exposed APIs.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Cache Total Turnover Rate

Number of additions to and removals from the cache per second. Use this counter to help determine how efficiently the cache is being used. If the turnover rate is high, the cache is not being used efficiently.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an UnDefined value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Compilations Total

Number of errors that occurred during dynamic compilation. Excludes parser and run-time errors.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Errors

Number of errors that occurred during parsing. Excludes compilation and run-time errors.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Output Cache Entries

Total number of entries in the output cache. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an UnDefined value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Output Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of total requests that were serviced from the output cache.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Output Cache Turnover Rate

Average Number of additions to and removals from the output cache per second. If the turnover is high, the cache is not being used effectively.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Pipeline Instance Count

This metric pertains to .NET version 1.1, and shows the number of request pipeline instances that exist for this application. Since only one thread of execution can run within a pipeline instance, this number provides the maximum number of concurrent requests being processed for a given application. It is often better for this number to be low when under load, which signifies that the CPU is being well utilized.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests

This metric pertains to .NET version 1.1, and shows the number of requests waiting to be processed. When this number starts to increment linearly with respect to client load, the limit of concurrent requests processed on the machine has been reached.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Executing

Number of requests that are currently executing.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Failed

Total number of failed requests. All status codes greater than or equal to 400 increment this counter.

Requests that cause a 401 status code increment this counter and the Requests Not Authorized counter. Requests that cause a 404 or 414 status code increment this counter and the Requests Not Found counter. Requests that cause a 500 status code increment this counter and the Requests Timed Out counter.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests in Application Queue

Number of requests in the application request queue.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Not Auth

Number of requests that failed because of lack of authorization (status code 401).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Not Found

Number of requests that failed because resources were not found (status code 404 and 414).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Per Sec

This metric pertains to .NET version 1.1 and the current throughput of the application. Under constant load, this number should remain within a certain range, barring other server work (garbage collection, cache cleanup thread, external server tools, and so forth).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Succeeded

Number of requests that executed successfully (status code 200).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Requests Timed Out

Number of requests that timed out (status code 500).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Errors

Total number of errors that occurred during the execution of HTTP requests, which includes parser, compilation, or run-time errors. This counter represents the sum of the Errors During Compilation, Errors During Preprocessing, and Errors During Execution counters. A well-functioning Web server should not generate errors.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests

Total number of requests made since the service started.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests Executing

Sum of requests executing since the server started.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests Failed

Sum of all requests that failed since the server started.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests in Application Queue

Sum of requests in the application request queue since the server started.

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests Not Authorized

Total number of requests that failed because of a lack of authorization since the server started (status code 401).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests Not Found

Sum of requests that failed because resources were not found since the server started (status codes 404 and 414).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests Succeeded

Total number of requests that executed successfully since the server started (status code 200).

ASP.Net 1.1 Apps: Total Requests Timed Out

Total number of requests that timed out since the server started (status code 500).

FTP Service Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the FTP service (number of total files received, sent, and so forth).

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-6 FTP Service Metrics

Metric Description

Bytes Received Per Sec

Rate the FTP service receives data bytes.

Bytes Sent Per Sec

Rate the FTP service sends data bytes.

Bytes Total Per Sec

Sum of Bytes Sent Per Sec and Bytes Received Per Sec. This is the total rate of bytes the FTP service has transferred.

Current Anonymous Users

Number of users that currently have an anonymous connection using the FTP service.

Current Connections

Current number of connections established with the FTP service.

Current Non Anonymous Users

Number of users that currently have a non anonymous connection using the FTP service.

Maximum Connections

Maximum number of simultaneous connections established with the FTP service.

Total Connection Attempts (All Instances)

Number of connections attempted using the FTP service since service startup. This counter is for all instances listed.

Total Files Received

Total number of files the FTP service received since service startup.

Total Files Sent

Total number of files the FTP service sent since service startup.

Total Files Transferred

Sum of Total Files Sent and Total Files Received. This is the total number of files the FTP service has transferred since service startup.

FTP and WWW Service Error Events Metrics

The metrics in this category show the error events generated by the World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW service) in the Windows event log file.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 10-7 FTP and WWW Service Error Events Metrics

Metric Description


Date and time when the error was generated.


Description text of the error mentioned in the event log file.

Event ID

Every error generated has an event ID or record number. Using this event ID, you can search for more information on the web and MSN technet.

Log Name

Name of the log file where the error was generated.


Component that generated the error or warning (that is, NTDS Inter-site messaging).

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the error.

FTP and WWW Service Warning Events Metrics

The metrics in this category provide the names of the various domain controllers in the forest and the role they are playing.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 10-8 FTP and WWW Service Warning Events Metrics

Metric Description


Date and time when the warning was generated.


Description text of the warning mentioned in the event log file.

Event ID

Every warning generated has an event ID or record number. Using this event ID, you can search for more information on the web and MSN technet.

Log Name

Name of the log file where the warning was generated.


Component that generated the warning (that is, NTDS Inter-site messaging).

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the warning.

IIS Global Service Metrics

Global Service metrics help to monitor FTP, SMTP, and NNTP services as a whole. The metrics in this category provide performance information for these services. If the service that you want to monitor (FTP, SMTP, or NNTP) is not installed or is not running, a zero value will be returned for the columns of these metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-9 IIS Global Service Metrics

Metric Description

Active Flushed Entries

Number of user-mode cache entries that have been flushed, though memory is still allocated for these entries. The allocated memory is released after all current transfers are complete.

BLOB Cache Hit Ratio

Ratio of BLOB cache hits to total cache requests.

BLOB Cache Hits Percent

Percentage of BLOB cache hits to total cache requests.

Current BLOBs Cached

BLOB information blocks currently in the cache.

Current File Cache Memory Usage

Number of bytes currently used for the user-mode file cache.

Current Files Cached

Number of files whose content is currently in the user-mode cache.

Current URIs Cached

Number of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) information blocks currently stored in the user-mode cache.

File Cache Flushes

Number of file cache flushes after server startup.

File Cache Hits Percent

Ratio of user-mode file cache hits to total cache requests made since the WWW service started up.

URI Cache Hits Percent

Ratio of URI cache hits to total cache requests made since the WWW service started up.

IIS Response Metrics

The metric in the IIS Response category provides information about the current status of the IIS server.

Default Collection Interval — Every minute

Table 10-10 IIS Response Metrics

Metric Description


If the value is 1, IIS is up. Otherwise, it is down.

IPV4 Transport Layer Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor IP datagrams, which are the units of data that IP sends down the protocol stack to the network interface, such as a network adapter.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-11 IPV4 Transport Layer Metrics

Metric Description

IPV4: Datagrams Per Sec

Overall transmission rate for IP datagrams being sent and received over the network interfaces. This is the sum of Datagrams Sent Per Sec and Datagrams Received Per Sec.

IPV4: Datagrams Received Per Sec

Rate at which IP datagrams are received from the network interfaces. This counter does not include datagrams forwarded to another server.

IPV4: Datagrams Sent Per Sec

Rate at which IP datagrams are sent to the network interfaces. This counter does not include datagrams forwarded to another server.

IPV6 Transport Layer Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor IP datagrams, which are the units of data that IP sends down the protocol stack to the network interface, such as a network adapter.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-12 IPV6 Transport Layer Metrics

Metric Description

IPV6: Datagrams Per Sec

Overall transmission rate for IP datagrams being sent and received over the network interfaces. This is the sum of Datagrams Sent Per Sec and Datagrams Received Per Sec.

IPV6: Datagrams Received Per Sec

Rate at which IP datagrams are received from the network interfaces. This counter does not include datagrams forwarded to another server.

IPV6: Datagrams Sent Per Sec

Rate at which IP datagrams are sent to the network interfaces. This counter does not include datagrams forwarded to another server.

Logical Disk Metrics

The metrics in the Logical Disk category provide information about the logical drives in the system, such as C:\.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-13 Logical Disk Metrics

Metric Description

Logical Disk: Average Disk Bytes Per Transfer

Speed of the disk drives.

Logical Disk: Average Disk Queue Length

Performance of the disk. The number of disk commands waiting in the queue is normally the factor that slows disk performance by increasing the average disk queue time.

Logical Disk: Percent Disk Time

Amount of processor time spent serving disk requests. Measured against Processor:% processor time, it indicates whether disk requests are consuming processor time. If over 90%, the disk or controller is a bottleneck.

Memory Metrics

The metrics in the Memory category represent calculated metrics that described the behavior of physical and virtual memory on the computer.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-14 Memory Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Available Mega Bytes

Total physical memory available to the operating system. This amount of available memory is compared with the memory required to run all of the processes and applications on your server. Try to keep at least 10 percent of memory available for peak use. Keep in mind that by default, IIS 5.0 uses up to 50 percent of available memory for its file cache, leaving the remaining memory available for other applications running on the server.

Cache Bytes

Current size in bytes of the file system cache. By default, the cache uses up to 50 percent of available physical memory. The counter value is the sum of Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes, Memory\System Driver Resident Bytes, Memory\System Code Resident Bytes, and Memory\Pool Paged Resident Bytes.

Committed Bytes

Amount of committed virtual memory in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging file(s). There can be one or more paging files on each physical drive. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.

Page Faults Per Sec

Memory bottleneck due to page faults. If a process requests a page in memory and the system cannot find it at the requested location, this constitutes a page fault. If the page is elsewhere in memory, it is called a soft page fault. If the page must be retrieved from disk, it is called a hard page fault.

Most processors can handle large numbers of soft page faults without consequences, but hard page faults can cause significant delays. If the number of hard page faults is high, you might have dedicated too much memory to the caches, not leaving enough memory for the rest of the system.

Sustained hard page fault rates of over five per second are a key indicator of insufficient RAM. Try increasing the amount of RAM on your server or lowering cache sizes. Other counters that can indicate a memory bottleneck are Memory:Pages Input/sec, Memory:Page Reads/sec, and Memory:Pages per second.

Page Reads Per Sec

Number of times the disk was read to resolve hard page faults.

Pages Input Per Sec

Total number of pages read from disk to resolve hard page faults.

Pages Output Per Sec

Rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. Pages are written back to disk only if they are changed in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, not code. A high rate of pages output might indicate a memory shortage. Windows writes more pages back to disk to free up space when physical memory is in short supply. This counter shows the number of pages, and can be compared to other counts of pages without conversion.

Pages Per Sec

Number of pages retrieved per second. The number should be less than one per second.

Pool Nonpaged Bytes

Monitor the pool space for all processes on the server.

Pool Paged Bytes

Shows the size, in bytes, of the paged pool. Pool Paged Bytes is calculated differently than Process\Pool Paged Bytes, so it might not equal Process(_Total )\Pool Paged Bytes.

Pool Paged Resident Bytes

Current size in bytes of the paged pool. The paged pool is an area of system memory (physical memory used by the operating system) reserved for objects that can be written to disk when they are not in use. The space used by the paged and nonpaged pools is taken from physical memory; thus, a pool that is too large denies memory space to processes.

System Cache Resident Bytes

Current size in bytes of the pageable operating system code in the file system cache. This value includes only current physical pages and excludes any virtual memory pages not currently resident.

System Code Resident Bytes

Current size in bytes of the operating system code currently in physical memory than can be written to disk when not in use. This value is a component of Memory\System Code Total Bytes.

System Driver Resident Bytes

The current size in bytes of the pageable physical memory in use by device drivers. This represents the working set (physical memory area) of the drivers. This value is a component of Memory\System Driver Total Bytes.

Transition Faults Per Sec

Rate at which page faults are resolved by recovering pages without incurring additional disk activity. Transition faults, which measure soft page faults, are counted in numbers of faults because only one page is faulted in each operation; the number of transition faults is equal to the number of pages faulted.

NBT Connection Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the network connectivity. If NBT connection: Bytes total/sec is close to the bandwidth of your network adapter and the other two performance counters are moderate, the network connection may be a bottleneck.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-15 NBT Connection Metrics

Metric Description

Bytes Total Per Sec

Rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec is a sum of Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec.

Network Interface Metrics

The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) segments are sent and received using TCP. It includes metrics that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-16 Network Interface Metrics

Metric Description

Bytes Received Per Sec

Rate in seconds at which bytes are sent over this network adapter. Counted bytes include framing characters. This counter is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.

Bytes Sent Per Sec

Rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec.

Bytes Total Per Sec

Rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec is a sum of Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec.

Packets Received Per Sec

Rate at which packets are received on the network interface.

Packets Sent Per Sec

Rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.

NNTP Service Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor posting, authentication, and connection activity on a Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) Server. The NNTP service is an optional component of Internet Information Services (IIS).

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-17 NNTP Service Metrics

Metric Description

Articles Deleted Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which articles were deleted from the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Articles Posted Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which articles were posted to the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Articles Received Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which files were received by the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Articles Sent Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which files were sent by the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Control Messages Failed

Total number of control messages failed or not applied by the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Current Anonymous Users

Number of users who currently have an anonymous connection using the FTP service.

Current Connections

Current number of connections established with the FTP service.

Current Non Anonymous Users

Number of users who currently have a non anonymous connection using the FTP service.

Maximum Connections

Maximum number of simultaneous connections established with the FTP service.

Moderated Postings Failed

Total number of moderated postings the NNTP Server failed to send to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Total Passive Feeds

Number of passive feeds accepted by the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Total Pull Feeds

Number of pull feeds made by the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Total Push Feeds

Number of push feeds made by the NNTP Server since the NNTP service was last started.

Paging File Metrics

The metrics in this category are useful in examining paging file usage. Paging files store pages of memory used by a process that are not contained in other files. Paging files are shared by all processes, and the lack of space in paging files can prevent processes from allocating memory.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-18 Paging File Metrics

Metric Description

Percent Usage

Percentage of the page file instance that is in use.

Percent Usage Peak

Peak usage of the page file instance expressed as a percentage of total file size.

Physical Disk Metrics

The PhysicalDisk performance object consists of counters that monitor hard or fixed disk drives. Disks store file, program, and paging data. They are read to retrieve these items, and are written to record changes to them. The values of physical disk counters are sums of the values of the logical disks (or partitions) into which they are divided.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-19 Physical Disk Metrics

Metric Description

Physical Disk: Average Disk Bytes Per Transfer

Average number of bytes that were transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations.

Physical Disk: Average Disk Queue Length

Average number of both read and write requests queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.

Physical Disk: Percent Disk Time

Percentage of elapsed time the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests.

Process Metrics

The metrics in this category monitor running application program and system processes. All the threads in a process share the same address space and have access to the same data.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-20 Process Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Handle Count

Total number of handles currently open by this process. This number is equal to the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Page File Bytes

Current amount of virtual memory in bytes that a process has reserved for use in the paging file(s). Paging files store pages of memory used by the process. Paging files are shared by all processes, and the lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory. If there is no paging file, this metric reflects the current amount of virtual memory that the process has reserved for use in physical memory.

Page File Bytes Peak

Maximum amount of virtual memory in bytes that a process has reserved for use in the paging file(s). Paging files store pages of memory used by the process. Paging files are shared by all processes, and the lack of space in paging files can prevent other processes from allocating memory. If there is no paging file, this counter reflects the maximum amount of virtual memory that the process has reserved for use in physical memory.

Percent Processor Time

Percentage of time that the processor was executing a non-idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the duration that the idle thread is active during the sample interval, and subtracting that time from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run.) This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Private Bytes

Size in bytes that this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Thread Count

Number of threads that were active in this process. A thread is the object that executes instructions, which are the basic units of execution in a processor. Every running process has at least one thread.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Virtual Bytes

Size in bytes of the virtual address space that the process is using. Use of virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. Virtual space is finite, and by using too much space, the process can limit its ability to load libraries.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Working Set

Current size of the memory area that the process is utilizing for code, threads, and data. The size of the working set grows and shrinks as the VMM permits. When memory is becoming scarce, the working sets of the applications are trimmed. When memory is plentiful, the working sets are allowed to grow. Larger working sets mean more code and data in memory, which increases the overall performance of the applications. However, a large working set that does not shrink appropriately is usually an indication of a memory leak.

Processor Metrics

The metrics in this category measure aspects of processor activity. The processor is the part of the computer that performs arithmetic and logical computations, initiates operations on peripherals, and runs the threads of processes. A computer can have multiple processors. The Processor object represents each processor as an instance of the object.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-21 Processor Metrics

Metric Description

Interrupts Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts.

Percent DPC Time

Percentage of time the processor received and serviced deferred procedure calls (DPCs) during the sample interval. DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts.

Percent Processor Time

Percentage of elapsed time that this thread used the processor to execute instructions.

SMTP Service Metrics

The metrics in this category describe the activity of the Exchange NTFS store driver, which is responsible for storing queued messages that the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service is processing.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-22 SMTP Service Metrics

Metric Description

Average Retries Per Message Delivered

Average number of retries per local delivery.

Average Retries Per Message Sent

Number of retries per outbound message sent.

Bad Mailed Messages General Failure

Number of messages sent to badmail for reasons not associated with a specific counter.

Bytes Received Per Sec

Rate at which the SMTP server is receiving data in bytes per second.

Bytes Sent Per Sec

Rate at which the SMTP server is sending data in bytes per second.

Bytes Total Per Sec

Rate at which the SMTP server is sending and receiving data in bytes per second (sum of SMTP Service\Bytes Sent/sec and SMTP Service\Bytes Received/sec).

Cat LDAP Connections

Total number of LDAP connections opened since the computer was last started.

Cat LDAP Search Failures

Number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous LDAP search.

Cat LDAP Searches Per Sec

Number of LDAP searches that were successfully dispatched.

Cat Messages Submitted Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which messages were submitted to the organizer.

Categorizer Queue Length

Number of messages in the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Categorizer queue waiting for directory service attribute searches using global catalog servers. As a general guideline, the maximum value should be less than 10.

Connection Errors Per Sec

Rate, in incidents per second, at which connection errors occurred.

DNS Queries Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second of DNS lookups.

Local Queue Length

Number of messages in the local queue.

Local Retry Queue Length

Number of messages in the local retry queue.

Message Delivery Retries

Total number of local deliveries that were retried.

Message Send Retries

Total number of outbound message sends that were retried.

Messages Delivered Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which messages were delivered to local mailboxes.

Messages Received Per Sec

Rate, in incidents per second, at which inbound messages were being received.

Messages Sent Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which outbound messages were sent.

Remote Queue Length

Number of messages that were in the remote queue.

Remote Retry Queue Length

Number of messages that were in the retry queue for remote delivery.

Routing Table Lookups Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second of routing table lookups.

Total Connection Errors

Total number of connection errors.

Total DSN Failures

Total number of failed DSN generation attempts.

System Metrics

The System performance object consists of counters that apply to more than one component of the computer. The data collected by the system counters is derived from activity in the processor, memory, or disk subsystems.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-23 System Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Context Switches Per Sec

Shows the combined rate in incidents per second at which all processors on the computer were switched from one thread to another.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements.

Processor Queue Length

Number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running.

System Calls Per Sec

Combined rate in incidents per second of calls to operating system service routines by all processes running on the computer.

TCPV4 Network Layer Metrics

The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) segments are sent and received using TCP. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-24 TCPV4 Network Layer Metrics

Metric Description

TCPV4: Connection Established

Number of TCP connections for which the state was either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT since the server was last started.

TCPV4: Connection Failures

Number of times that TCP connections have directly transitioned to the CLOSED state from the SYN-SENT or SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have directly transitioned to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state since the server was last started.

TCPV4: Connection Reset

Number of times that TCP connections have directly transitioned to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT state since the server was last started.

TCPV4: Segments Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which TCP segments were sent or received using the TCP protocol. Segments/sec is the sum of the values of Segments Received/sec and Segments Sent/sec.

TCPV4: Segments Received Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which segments were received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connections. Segments Received/sec is a subset of Segments/sec.

TCPV4: Segments Retransmitted Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which segments containing one or more previously transmitted bytes were retransmitted.

TCPV4: Segments Sent Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which segments were sent. This value includes those on current connections, but excludes those containing only retransmitted bytes. Segments Sent/sec is a subset of Segments/sec.

TCPV6 Network Layer Metrics

The TCP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) segments are sent and received using TCP. It includes counters that monitor the number of TCP connections in each TCP connection state.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-25 TCPV6 Network Layer Metrics

Metric Description

TCPV6: Connection Established

Number of TCP connections for which the state was either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT since the server was last started.

TCPV6: Connection Failures

Number of times that TCP connections have directly transitioned to the CLOSED state from the SYN-SENT or SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have directly transitioned to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state since the server was last started.

TCPV6: Connection Reset

Number of times that TCP connections have directly transitioned to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT state since the server was last started.

TCPV6: Segments Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which TCP segments were sent or received using the TCP protocol. Segments/sec is the sum of the values of Segments Received/sec and Segments Sent/sec.

TCPV6: Segments Received Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which segments were received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connections. Segments Received/sec is a subset of Segments/sec.

TCPV6: Segments Retransmitted Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which segments containing one or more previously transmitted bytes were retransmitted.

TCPV6: Segments Sent Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which segments were sent. This value includes those on current connections, but excludes those containing only retransmitted bytes. Segments Sent/sec is a subset of Segments/sec.

Thread Performance Metrics

The Thread performance object consists of counters that measure aspects of thread behavior. A thread is the basic object that executes instructions on a processor. All running processes have at least one thread.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-26 Thread Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Context Switches Per Sec

Combined rate in incidents per second at which all processors on the computer were switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, or is preempted by a higher priority ready thread.

Percent Processor Time

Percentage of time all threads are using the processors.

WWW Service Metrics

The Web Service performance object counters (installed with Internet Information Services) monitor file transfer rates, bandwidth usage, connection rates, errors, and numbers and types of users. You can view performance data for all instances of this object (using the _Total instance) or for specific instances, such as the Default Web Site or Administration Web Site instances.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-27 WWW Service Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

400 Series Errors

Total errors generated in the 400 series, such as 404, 403, and so forth.

404 Errors

Number of requests since the service started that the server did not satisfy because the requested document was not found. This type of request is usually reported to the client as an HTTP 404 error message.

423 Errors

Number of requests since the service started that the server did not satisfy because the requested document was not locked. This type of request is usually reported to the client as an HTTP 423 error message.

Bytes Received Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which data bytes were received by the web service.

Bytes Sent Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which data bytes were sent by the web service.

Bytes Total Per Sec

Sum of Web Service\Bytes Sent/sec and Web Service\Bytes Received/sec. This is the total rate in incidents per second at which bytes were transferred by the Web service.

CGI Requests

Rate in incidents per second at which the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) requests were being simultaneously processed by the Web service.

Current Anonymous Users

Number of users who had an anonymous connection using the Web service.

Current CGI Requests

Current number of CGI requests that were being simultaneously processed by the Web service.

Current Connections

Current number of connections established with the Web service. The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements for the adequate current connections number.

Current ISAPI Extension Requests

Current number of Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extension requests that were being simultaneously processed by the Web service.

Current Non Anonymous Users

Number of users who currently have a non-anonymous connection using the Web service.

Files Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which files were transferred; that is, sent and received by the Web service.

Files Received Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which files were received by the Web service.

Files Sent Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which files were sent by the Web service.

Get Requests

Number of incidents whereby HTTP requests were made on the server using the GET method.

Get Requests Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which HTTP requests were made using the GET method. GET requests are generally used for basic file retrievals or image maps, though they can be used with forms.

Head Requests

Rate HTTP requests are made using the HEAD method. HEAD requests generally indicate that a client is querying the state of a document it already has so that the client can determine if the document needs to be refreshed.

Head Requests Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which HTTP requests are made using the HEAD method. HEAD requests generally indicate that a client is querying the state of a document it already has so that the client can determine if the document needs to be refreshed.

ISAPI Extension Requests Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which ISAPI Extension Requests were being simultaneously processed by the Web service.

Maximum Connections

Maximum number of simultaneous connections established with the Web service.

Post Requests

Number of HTTP requests using the POST method, which is generally used for forms or gateway requests.

Post Requests Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which HTTP requests using the POST method were made. POST requests are generally used for forms or gateway requests.

Total CGI Requests

Total number of CGI requests.

Total Connection Attempts (All Instances)

Number of connections attempted using the Web service (counted since service startup). This counter is for all instances listed.

Total Get Requests

Total number of HTTP requests using the GET method (counted since service startup).

Total Head Requests

Total number of HTTP requests using the HEAD method (counted since service startup). HEAD requests generally indicate that a client is querying the state of a document it already has to determine if the document needs to be refreshed.

Total ISAPI Extension Requests

Total number of ISAPI Extension Requests. ISAPI Extension Requests are custom gateway dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that the administrator can install to add forms processing or other dynamic data sources.

The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements for the adequate Total ISAPI Extension Requests.

Total Locked Errors

Total number of requests that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked. These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client. The count is the total since service startup.

Total Method Requests

Total number of all HTTP requests (counted since service startup). The default warning and critical threshold values for this metric are set to an 'UnDefined' value. You can provide a value for the warning and critical thresholds based on your current environment and your requirements for the adequate "total method requests."

Total Method Requests Per Sec

Rate in incidents per second at which all HTTP requests were made.

Total Not Found Errors

Total number of requests that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client. The count is the total since service startup.

Total Post Requests

Total number of HTTP requests using the POST method (counted since service startup). POST requests are generally used for forms or gateway requests.

WWW Service Cache Metrics

The WWW service and FTP service do not share a common cache. Instead, the caches are split into two separate performance objects: one for FTP service and one for the WWW service. WWW service cache counters only monitor server performance. Therefore, you cannot configure them to monitor individual sites.

Table 10-28 WWW Service Cache Metrics

Metric Description

Active Flushed Entries

Number of flushed user-mode cache entries, though memory is still allocated for these entries. The allocated memory is released after all current transfers are complete.

File Cache Hits Percent

Ratio of user-mode file cache hits to total cache requests that have been made since the WWW service started up.

Kernel: URI Cache Flushes

Total number of URI cache flushes that have occurred since the WWW service started.

Kernel: URI Cache Hits Percent

Ratio of URI cache hits to total cache requests that have occurred since the WWW service started.

Kernel: URI Cache Misses

Number of unsuccessful lookups that have been made in the user-mode URI cache since the WWW service started.

WWW Service Worker Process and ASP Error Events Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the errors pertaining to the worker process and ASP errors.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-29 WWW Service Worker Process and ASP Error Events Metrics

Metric Description


Description message for the error.

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the error.

WWW Service Worker Process and ASP Warning Events Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about the warnings pertaining to the worker process and ASP errors.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 10-30 WWW Service Worker Process and ASP Warning Events Metrics

Metric Description


Description message for the warning.

Windows Event Severity

Severity of the warning.