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Oracle® Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-in Metric Reference Manual for Non-Oracle Middleware Management
Release 12 (12.0)
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9 Microsoft Exchange Server Metrics

Microsoft Exchange Server is a messaging and collaborative software product developed by Microsoft. It is commonly used by organizations and businesses that need to manage and store emails for multiple people. Enterprise Manager Grid Control allows you to discover and monitor Microsoft Exchange Servers that are in your environment

This chapter provides descriptions for all Microsoft Exchange Server metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category.

DSAccess Domain Controllers Reachability Metrics

This category provides reachability metrics for DSAccess Domain Controllers.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 9-1 DSAccess Domain Controllers Reachability Metrics

Metric Description


When True, shows the domain controller response time has been less than two seconds.


Shows if the domain controller is synchronized with the Global Catalog server and with the Configuration domain controller.


Shows whether the domain controller was available the last time Exchange attempted to access it.

Exchange - Cluster Resource State Metrics

This category provides metrics about Microsoft Exchange Cluster resource.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 9-2 Exchange - Cluster Resource State Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the current state of the cluster resource.

Exchange - Connectors Status Metrics

This category provides connectors status metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 9-3 Exchange - Connectors Status Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the distinguished Name (DN) in Active Directory of the routing group.

Is Up

Shows that the Exchange Connector is operating normally.


Shows the name of the Exchange Connector.

Exchange - Directory Service Flags Metrics

This category provides metrics related to directory service flags.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-4 Exchange - Directory Service Flags Metrics

Metric Description

Critical-Data Flag

Shows 1 if the Domain Controller contains the Exchange server account, 0 otherwise.

GC-Capable Flag

Shows 1 if the Domain Controller is also a Global Catalog Server, 0 otherwise.

Is-Synchronized Flag

Shows 1 if the Domain Controller is synchronized.

Netlogon Flag

Shows 1 when DsGetDcName to the DC succeeds, indicating that NetLogon service is running, 0 otherwise.

OS Version Flag

Shows 1 when the DC satisfies DSAccess OS/Service Pack requirements, 0 otherwise.

SACL-Right Flag

Shows 1 if the Exchange server has a SeSecurityPrivilege on the Domain Controller, 0 otherwise.

Exchange - Directory Service Performance Metrics

This category provides directory service performance metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-5 Exchange - Directory Service Performance Metrics

Metric Description

LDAP Read Time(in ms)

Shows the time (in ms) taken to send an LDAP read request to the specified Domain Controller and receive a response.

LDAP Read calls Per Second

Shows the number of Depth 0 LDAP search calls made by this process per second.

LDAP Search Calls Per Second

Shows the number of Depth 1 or 2 LDAP Search calls made by this process per second.

LDAP Search Time(in ms)

Shows the time (in ms) taken to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.

Exchange - Links Performance Metrics

This category provides metrics links performance metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-6 Exchange - Links Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Global Stop

Shows whether the virtual server for the link is in disabled mode. If True, the virtual server is disabled.


Shows the time (in milliseconds) that the number of messages waiting to be transferred by the link has been increasing.

Number Of Messages

Shows the number of messages that are waiting for transmission across the link.

Oldest Message

Shows the date and time when the oldest message, which is still waiting to be transmitted, was received into the link.

Size Of Queue(Bytes)

Shows the total size of the messages in the link (in bytes).

Size Of Queue(MB)

Shows the total size of the messages in the link (in megabytes).

State Active

Shows if the link is active. If True, then it is active.

State Frozen

Shows whether the link is currently frozen.

State Ready

Shows if the link is ready to accept new messages. If True, then is it ready.

State Remote

Shows if the destination for messages in this link is on a remote server.

State Retry

Shows if the link is retrying a transmission that was unsuccessful. If True, then it is retrying.

State Scheduled

When True, shows that the link is scheduled for periodic activation, as compared with asynchronous, on-demand activation.

Exchange - Server State Metrics

This category provides information about the host running Microsoft Exchange Server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 9-7 Exchange - Server State Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the Microsoft Active Directory distinguished name (DN) of the Exchange server object.


Shows the GUID of the Exchange Server object in Active Directory.

Group DN

Shows the DN of the Exchange Server routing group in Active Directory.

Group GUID

Shows the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the Exchange Server routing group in Active Directory.

Server Maintenance

Shows if the notifications set up in the Exchange Server System Manager Monitoring and Status page have been disabled.

Server State

Shows the current status of Microsoft Exchange Server.

Server State String

Shows the current state of the computer running Exchange Server.

Services State

Shows the current state of the monitoring services running on the Exchange Server host.

Services State String

Shows the current state of the monitoring services running on the Exchange Server host.

Exchange - Top Sized Mailboxes Metrics

This category provides metrics about the top sized mailboxes.

Default Collection Interval — Every 60 minutes

Table 9-8 Exchange - Top Sized Metrics

Metric Description

Mailbox Display Name

Shows the name of the Mailbox.

Size (MB)

Shows the cumulative size of all of the messages in the Mailbox (in megabytes).

Size (bytes)

Shows the cumulative size of all of the messages in the Mailbox (in bytes).

Exchange - Top Sized Public Folders Metrics

This category provides metrics about the top sized public folders in the exchange server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 60 minutes

Table 9-9 Exchange - Top Sized Public Folders Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the name of the Public Folder.

Total Message Size

Shows the total size of the folder (in bytes).

Total Message Size (MB)

Shows the total size of the folder (in megabytes).

Exchange Core Processes Performance Metrics

This category provides exchange core processes performance metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-10 Exchange Core Processes Performance Metrics

Metric Description

CPU utilization(%)

Shows the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execute instructions.

Virtual Bytes (MB)

Shows the current size (in megabytes) of the virtual address space the process is using.

Working Set (MB)

Shows the current size (in megabytes) of the Working Set of this process.

Exchange File System Driver Status Metrics

This category provides metrics related to exchange file system driver status.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-11 Exchange File System Driver Status Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the current status of the object.

Exchange Host Metrics

This category provides metrics about the host on which Microsoft Exchange Server is running.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-12 Exchange Host Metrics

Metric Description

CPU Utilization (%)

Shows the total CPU utilization (in percentage) by all the processes running on the host.

Memory Utilization

Shows the total memory utilization (in megabytes) of all processes.

Memory Utilization (%)

Shows the percentage of main memory used by the processes running on the host.

Total Physical Memory

Shows the total main memory installed on the host.

Exchange Services Metrics

This category provides metrics related to information on the performance of Exchange Services.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 9-13 Exchange Services Metrics

Metric Description


Shows a short textual description (one-line string) of the Service.


Shows the description of the Service.


Shows the fully qualified path to the service binary file that implements the service.


Shows the process identifier of the service.


Shows the current state of the base service.


Shows the current status of the object.

Information Store General Metrics

This category provides information store general metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-14 information Store General Metrics

Metric Description

Active Connection Count

Shows the number of connections that have shown some activity in the last 10 minutes.

Active User Count

Shows the number of user connections that have shown some activity in the last 10 minutes.

Connection Count

Shows the number of client processes connected to the information store.

RPC Averaged Latency

Shows the RPC latency (in milliseconds) averaged for the past 1024 packets.

RPC Operations Per second

Shows the rate at which the RPC operations occur.

User Count

Shows the number of users connected to the information store.

Virus Scan Files Quarantined Per Second

Shows the rate at which separate files are put into quarantine by virus scanner.

Virus Scan Files Scanned Per Second

Shows the rate at which separate files are processed by virus scanner.

Virus Scan Queue Length

Shows the current number of outstanding requests that are queued for virus scanning.

Information Store Mailbox Stores Metrics

This category provides metrics related to information store mailbox stores.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-15 Information Store Mailbox Stores Metrics

Metric Description

Average Delivery Time

Shows the average time (in milliseconds) between the submission to the mailbox store and the delivery to all local recipients for the last 10 messages.

Local Delivery Rate

Shows the rate at which messages are delivered locally.

Messages Delivered Per Second

Shows the rate at which messages are delivered to all recipients.

Messages Submitted Per Second

Shows the rate at which clients submit messages.

Receive Queue Size

Shows the number of messages in the mailbox store's receive queue.

Send Queue Size

Shows the number of messages in the mailbox store's send queue.

Information Store Public Stores Metrics

This category provides metrics related to information store public stores metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-16 Information Store Public Stores Metrics

Metric Description

Average Delivery Time(ms)

Shows the average time (in milliseconds) between the submission to the public store and the delivery to all local recipients for the last 10 messages.

Messages Delivered Per Minute

Shows the rate at which messages are delivered to all recipients.

Messages Delivered Per Second

Shows the rate at which messages are delivered to all recipients.

Messages Submitted Per Minute

Shows the rate at which messages are submitted by clients.

Messages Submitted Per Second

Shows the rate at which messages are submitted by clients.

Receive Queue Size

Shows the number of messages in the public store's receive queue.

Send Queue Size

Shows the number of messages in the public store's send queue.

Logical Disk Performance Metrics

This category provides logical disk performance metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-17 Logical Disk Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Disk Reads Per Second

Shows the number of disk reads per second.

Disk Size(MB)

Shows the size of the logical disk.

Disk Writes Per Second

Shows the number of disk writes per second.

Free Space (%)

Shows the percentage of free Space on the disk.

Free Space (MB)

Shows the amount of free space on the logical disk in MB.

MTA Connections Metrics

This category provides metrics related to MTA Connections.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-18 MTA Connections Metrics

Metric Description

Connector Index

Shows the unique index associated with a connector entity.

Current Inbound Connections

Shows the current number of inbound (remote initiated) associations with the entity.

Current Outbound Connections

Shows the current number of outbound (locally initiated) associations with the entity.

Messages Received Per Second

Shows the rate at which the messages are received from the connected entity.

Messages Sent Per Second

Shows the rate at which the messages are sent to the connected entity.

Size of OutBound Messages Queue

Shows the number of outstanding messages queued for transfer to the entity.

Response Metrics

This category provides status metrics for the Microsoft Exchange Server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 9-19 Response Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the current status of Microsoft Exchange Server. The status can be Agent Unreachable, Under Blackout, Metric Collection Error, Up, Down, Partially Up, Agent Down, or Status Pending.

SMTP Server Metrics

This category provides SMTP server metrics.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-20 SMTP Server Metrics

Metric Description

Inbound Connections Current

Shows the total number of connections currently inbound.

Local Queue Length

Shows the number of messages in the local queue.

Messages Received Per Second

Shows the rate at which inbound messages are being received.

Messages Sent Per Second

Shows the rate at which outbound messages are being sent.

Outbound Connections Current

Shows the number of connections currently outbound.

Remote Queue Length

Shows the number of messages in the remote queue.

Windows Event log - MS Exchange Error Events Metrics

This category provides metrics related to MS Exchange error events.

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 9-21 Windows Event log - MS Exchange Error Events Metrics

Metric Description


Shows the event message as it appears in the NT Eventlog.

Record Number

Shows the event within the NT Eventlog logfile.

Windows Event Severity

Shows the severity of the windows event.