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<%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" %>
<anyxmlelement xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" />
This tag library contains JavaServer Faces component tags for all UIComponent + HTML RenderKit Renderer combinations defined in the JavaServer Faces Specification.
Tag Library Information | |
Display Name | None |
Version | 1.0 |
Short Name | h |
URI | http://java.sun.com/jsf/html |
Tag Summary | |
commandButton |
Renders an HTML "input" element. Decode Behavior Obtain the Encode Behavior Render the clientId of the component as the value of the "name" attribute. Render the current value of the component as the value of the "value" attribute. If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. |
commandLink |
Render an HTML "a" anchor element that acts like a form submit button when clicked. General Behaviour Both the encode and decode behavior require the ability to get the id/name for a hidden field whose value is set by the JavaScript form submit. This name must be constructed as follows:
In the following text, this String is called hiddenFieldName. Decode Behavior Obtain the "clientId" property of the component. Obtain the Encode Behavior Render "#" as the value of the "href" attribute. Render the current value of the component as the link text if it is specified. Render javascript that is functionally equivalent to the following as the value of the "onclick" attribute:
document.forms['CLIENT_ID'].submit()" where hiddenFieldName isas described above, CLIENT_ID is the clientId of the UICommand component, PARAM*_NAME and PARAM*_VALUE are the names and values, respectively, of any nested UIParameter children. The name and the value must be URLEncoded. If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. Render any non-UIParameter children as normal inside of the "a" element. These will appear as the link text. Allow the form renderer to output a single "input" element (for the entire page, regardless of how many command link components are in the page) of "type" "hidden" whose "name" is the value of hiddenFieldName, and which must not have a "value" attribute. Multiple occurrences of command link components in the tree should not cause multiple hiddenFieldName hidden fields. Allow the form renderer to output an "input" element of "type" "hidden" for each of the nested UIParameter children, taking the name property (but not the value) from each one in turn. |
dataTable |
Renders an HTML "table" element compliant with the HTML 401
specification. Please consult the javadoc for Rendering the header If the If any of the child Close out the "thead" element. Rendering the footer Follow the same process as for the header, except replace "header" with "footer", "th" with "td", "thead" with "tfoot", and "headerClass" with "footerClass". Do not render any "scope" attribute for the footer. Rendering the table body Render a "tbody" element. Keep track of the result of the
"rows" property on the When done rendering all the rows, set the "rowIndex" property of
the |
form |
Renders an HTML "form" element. Decode Behavior Obtain the Encode Behavior The value of the "method" attribute must be "post". The value
of the "action" attribute must be the result of passing the view
identifier of the current view to the |
graphicImage |
Renders an HTML "img" element. Render the clientId
as the value of the "id" attribute. Render the value of the
component as the value of the "src" attribute, after passing it
to the getResourceUR() method of the ViewHandler
for this application, and passing the result
through the encodeResourceURL() method of theExternalContext . If present, render the value of the
alt attribute as the value of the "alt" attribute. If the
"styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value
of the "class" attribute.
inputHidden |
Renders an HTML "input" element of type "hidden". Decode Behavior See the decode description for the Input Text renderer. Encode Behavior Render the clientId of the component as the value of the "name" attribute. Render the current value of the component as the value of the "value" attribute. |
inputSecret |
Renders an HTML "input" element of "type" "password". Decode Behavior See the decode description for the Input Text renderer. Encode Behavior Render the clientId of the component as the value of the "name" attribute. Render the current value of the component as the value of the "value" attribute, if and only if the "redisplay" component attribute is the string "true". If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. |
inputText |
Renders an HTML "input" element of "type" "text". Obtain the Encode Behavior Render the clientId of the component as the value of the "name" attribute. Render the current value of the component as the value of the "value" attribute. If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. |
inputTextarea |
Renders an HTML "textarea" element. Decode Behavior See the encode description for the Input Text renderer. Encode Behavior Render the clientId as the value of the "name" attribute. Render the current valu eof the component inside the "textarea" element. |
message |
Render a single message for a specific component. Set-up for Rendering Obtain the "summary" and "detail" properties from Rendering For the message renderer, we only render
one row, for the first message. For the messages renderer, we
render as many rows as we have messages. If either of the "style"
or "styleClass" attributes has a non-null value (as determined
above), render a "span" element, outputting the value of the
"style" attribute as the the value of the "style" attribute, and
outputting the value of the "styleClass" attribute as the value of
the "class" attribute on the "span" element. If the |
messages |
The same as for the Message renderer, but output all the
messages. If the value of the "layout" attribute is "table",
render nested "table", "tr", and "td" elements, in that order,
otherwise, don't render the table. The component is a |
outputFormat |
Render parameterized text. Obtain the |
outputLabel | Renders an HTML "label" element. Render the current value of the component as label text if it is specified. If a "for" attribute is specified, find the component specified by the value of the "for" attribute, and render its client id as the value of the "for" attribute. If "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. |
outputLink |
Render an HTML "a" anchor element. The value of the
component is rendered as the value of the "href" attribute. Any
child UIParameter components are appended to the String to be
output as the value of the "href" attribute as query parameters
before rendering. The entire "href" string must be passed through
a call to the encodeResourceURL() method of theExternalContext . The name of the UIParameter goes on
the left hand side, and the value of the UIParameter on the right
hand side. The name and the value must be URLEncoded. Each
UIParameter instance is separeted by an ampersand, as dictated in
the URL spec. If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render
its value as the value of the "class" attribute.
outputText | If the "styleClass" or "style" attributes are present, render a "span" element. If the "styleClass" attribute is present, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. If the "style" attribute is present, pass it thru. If the "escape" attribute is not present, or it is present and its value is "true" all angle brackets should be converted to the ampersand xx semicolon syntax when rendering the value of the "value" attribute as the value of the component. If the "escape" attribute is present and is "false" the value of the component should be rendered as text without escaping. |
panelGrid |
Renders an HTML "table" element, conforming to the
rules in the HTML 401 specification. If the "styleClass"
attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the
"class" attribute. Render the pass-through attributes in the
table below. Render the "header" facet, if present, inside of
"thead", "tr", and "th" elements, nested in that order. If the
"headerClass" attribute is specifed, render its value as the value
of the "class" attribute on the "th" element. Render "colgroup"
as the value of the "scope" attribute. Render the value of the
"columns" attribute as the value of the "colspan" attribute on the
"th" element. Render the "footer" facet if present, using similar
logic to the rendering of the "header", but replacing "thead" with
"tfoot", "th" with "td", and "headerClass" with "footerClass".
Render the children of the UIPanel component inside
of a "tbody" element. Render the children based on the value of
the "columns" attribute, creating a new row each time a "columns"
worth of children have been rendered. Each child is rendered
inside of a "td" element. If a child has "rendered==false" it is
not rendered, and the column counter must not be incremented.
panelGroup | Intended for use in situations when only one UIComponent child can be nested, such as in the case of facets. If the "style" or "styleClass" attributes are present, render a "span" element, outputting the value of the "style" attribute as the value of the "style" attribute, and the value of the "styleClass" attribute as the value of the "class" attribute. |
selectBooleanCheckbox |
Renders an HTML "input" element of type "checkbox". Decode Behavior Obtain the Encode Behavior Render the clientId of the component as the value of the "name" attribute. If the current value of the component is "true", output the "checked" attribute. If the "styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class" attribute. |
selectManyCheckbox |
Render an HTML checkbox list. See the "Decode Behavior for UISelectMany Components" section. Encode Behavior Render a "table" element. If the "styleClass" is specified, render the
value of the "styleClass" attribute as the value of the "class" attribute
on the "table" element. If the "style", "border" attributes are specified,
pass them thru. If the "layout" attribute is specified, and its
value is "pageDirection", render the children elements vertically,
otherwise horizontally, in the table. If any of the children are
an instance of SelectItemGroup, render them as a nested table.
Each of the children are ultimately rendererd as follows. Render
a "label" element. Inside of the "label", render an "input" element
of "type" "checkbox" for each child component. As an exception to
the general rules about how to handle the "id" attribute, render it
as an attribute on the outer "table" element, the value of which is the |
selectManyListbox |
Render an HTML option list. Decode Behavior This section documents the decode behavior for all renderers
that handle Decode Behavior for Obtain the Decode Behavior for Obtain the Encode Behavior Render an HTML "select" element. Render the clientId of
the component as the value of the "name" attribute. If the "styleClass"
attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class"
attribute on the "select" element. If the component is a Rendering the "option" elements The only valid children of this component are |
selectManyMenu |
Render an HTML option list. See the "Decode Behavior for UISelectMany Components" section. Encode Behavior Render an HTML "select" element. Render the clientId of
the component as the value of the "name" attribute. If the "styleClass"
attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class"
attribute on the "select" element. If the component
to be rendered is a UISelectMany, render "true" as the value of
the "multiple" attribute. Render "1" as the value of the "size"
attribute. See the "Rendering the option
elements" specification for |
selectOneListbox |
Render an HTML option list. See the "Decode Behavior for UISelectOne Components" section. Encode Behavior Render an HTML "select" element. Render the clientId of
the component as the value of the "name" attribute. If the "styleClass"
attribute is specified, render its value as the value of the "class"
attribute on the "select" element. If the component
to be rendered is a UISelectMany, render "true" as the value of
the "multiple" attribute. If the "size" attribute is specified,
render its value as the value of the "size" attribute. Otherwise
use the number of items as the value of the "size" attribute. See
the "Rendering the option
elements" specification for |
selectOneMenu |
Render an HTML option list. See the "Decode Behavior for UISelectOne Components" section. Encode Behavior Render an HTML "select" element. Render the clientId of the
component as the value of the "name" attribute. If the
"styleClass" attribute is specified, render its value as the value
of the "class" attribute on the "select" element. If the component
to be rendered is a UISelectMany, render "true" as the value of
the "multiple" attribute. Use the number of items as the value of
the "size" attribute. See the "Rendering
the option elements" specification for |
selectOneRadio |
Render a set of html "input" elements of type "radio". See the "Decode Behavior for UISelectOne Components" section. Encode Behavior Render a "table" element. If the "styleClass" is specified, render the
value of the "styleClass" attribute as the value of the "class" attribute
on the "table" element. If the "style", "border" attributes are specified,
pass them thru. If the "layout" attribute is specified, and its
value is "pageDirection", render the children elements
vertically, otherwise horizontally, in the table. If any of the
children are an instance of SelectItemGroup, render them as a
nested table. Render a "label" element. Each of the children are
ultimately rendererd as an "input" element of "type" "radio". As an
exception to the general rules about how to handle the "id" attribute,
render it as an attribute on the outer "table" element, the value of which
is the |
column |
Renders a UIComponent that represents a single column of data within a parent |
Tag Library Validator | |
com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.HtmlBasicValidator | No Description |
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