TopBlend: Here is the first difference. There are 4 differences. is old. is new.
Class SSLServerSocketFactory

  extended by
      extended by

public abstract class SSLServerSocketFactory
extends ServerSocketFactory

SSLServerSocketFactorys create SSLServerSockets.

See Also:
SSLSocket , SSLServerSocket

Constructor Summary
protected SSLServerSocketFactory ()
          Constructor is used only by subclasses.
Method Summary
static  ServerSocketFactory getDefault ()
          Returns the default SSL server socket factory.
abstract   String [] getDefaultCipherSuites ()
          Returns the list of cipher suites which are enabled by default.
abstract   String [] getSupportedCipherSuites ()
          Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use on an SSL connection created by this factory.
Methods inherited from class ServerSocketFactory
createServerSocket , createServerSocket , createServerSocket , createServerSocket
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait

Constructor Detail


protected SSLServerSocketFactory()
Constructor is used only by subclasses.

Method Detail


public static ServerSocketFactory getDefault()
Returns the default SSL server socket factory. The default implementation can be changed by setting the value of the "ssl.ServerSocketFactory.provider" security property (in the Java security properties file) to the desired class.

The first time this method is called, the security property "ssl.ServerSocketFactory.provider" is examined. If it is non-null, a class by that name is loaded and instantiated. If that is successful and the object is an instance of SSLServerSocketFactory, it is made the default SSL server socket factory. If SSL has not been configured properly for this virtual machine, the factory will be inoperative (use of which will report instantiation exceptions).

Otherwise, this method returns SSLContext.getDefault().getServerSocketFactory(). If that call fails, an inoperative factory is returned.

the default ServerSocketFactory
See Also:


public abstract String[] getDefaultCipherSuites()
Returns the list of cipher suites which are enabled by default. Unless a different list is enabled, handshaking on an SSL connection will use one of these cipher suites. The minimum quality of service for these defaults requires confidentiality protection and server authentication (that is, no anonymous cipher suites).

array of the cipher suites enabled by default
See Also:


public abstract String[] getSupportedCipherSuites()
Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use on an SSL connection created by this factory. Normally, only a subset of these will actually be enabled by default, since this list may include cipher suites which do not meet quality of service requirements for those defaults. Such cipher suites are useful in specialized applications.

an array of cipher suite names
See Also: