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Interface Flushable

All Known Subinterfaces: Implementing Classes:
JavaFileManager BufferedOutputStream , StandardJavaFileManager BufferedWriter , ByteArrayOutputStream , CharArrayWriter , CheckedOutputStream , CipherOutputStream , Console , DataOutputStream , DeflaterOutputStream , DigestOutputStream , FileOutputStream , FileWriter , FilterOutputStream , FilterWriter , Formatter , GZIPOutputStream , JarOutputStream , LogStream , ObjectOutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStreamWriter , PipedOutputStream , PipedWriter , PrintStream , PrintWriter , StringWriter , Writer , ZipOutputStream
All Known Implementing Classes:
BufferedOutputStream , BufferedWriter , ByteArrayOutputStream , CharArrayWriter , CheckedOutputStream , CipherOutputStream , Console , DataOutputStream , DeflaterOutputStream , DigestOutputStream , FileOutputStream , FileWriter , FilterOutputStream , FilterWriter , Formatter , ForwardingJavaFileManager , GZIPOutputStream , InflaterOutputStream , JarOutputStream , LogStream , ObjectOutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStream , OutputStreamWriter , PipedOutputStream , PipedWriter , PrintStream , PrintWriter , StringWriter , Writer , ZipOutputStream

public interface Flushable

A Flushable is a destination of data that can be flushed. The flush method is invoked to write any buffered output to the underlying stream.


Method Summary
 void flush ()
          Flushes this stream by writing any buffered output to the underlying stream.

Method Detail


void flush()
           throws IOException
Flushes this stream by writing any buffered output to the underlying stream.

IOException - If an I/O error occurs