TopBlend: Here is the first difference. There are 6 differences. is old. is new.

Interface Iterable<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
BeanContext , BeanContextServices , BlockingDeque <E>, BlockingQueue <E>, Collection <E>, DataSet <T>, DataSetResolver <T>, Deque <E>, List <E>, NavigableSet <E>, Queue <E>, Set <E>, SortedSet <E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCollection , AbstractList , AbstractQueue , AbstractSequentialList , AbstractSet , ArrayBlockingQueue , ArrayDeque , ArrayList , AttributeList , BatchUpdateException , BeanContextServicesSupport , BeanContextSupport , ClientInfoException , ConcurrentLinkedQueue , ConcurrentSkipListSet , CopyOnWriteArrayList , CopyOnWriteArraySet , DataTruncation , DelayQueue , EnumSet , HashSet , JobStateReasons , LinkedBlockingDeque , LinkedBlockingQueue , LinkedHashSet , LinkedList , PriorityBlockingQueue , PriorityQueue , RoleList , RoleUnresolvedList , RowSetWarning , SerialException , ServiceLoader Service , SQLClientInfoException , SQLDataException , SQLException , SQLFeatureNotSupportedException , SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException , SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException , SQLNonTransientConnectionException , SQLNonTransientException , SQLRecoverableException , SQLSyntaxErrorException , SQLTimeoutException , SQLTransactionRollbackException , SQLTransientConnectionException , SQLTransientException , SQLWarning , Stack , SyncFactoryException , SynchronousQueue , SyncProviderException , TreeSet , Vector

public interface Iterable<T>

Implementing this interface allows an object to be the target of the "foreach" statement.


Method Summary
  Iterator < T > iterator ()
          Returns an iterator over a set of elements of type T.

Method Detail


Iterator<T> iterator()
Returns an iterator over a set of elements of type T.

an Iterator.