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Class RequiredModelMBean

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamicMBean , MBeanRegistration , ModelMBean , ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster , NotificationBroadcaster , NotificationEmitter , PersistentMBean

public class RequiredModelMBean
extends Object
implements ModelMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationEmitter

This class is the implementation of a ModelMBean. An appropriate implementation of a ModelMBean must be shipped with every JMX Agent and the class must be named RequiredModelMBean.

Java resources wishing to be manageable instantiate the RequiredModelMBean using the MBeanServer's createMBean method. The resource then sets the MBeanInfo and Descriptors for the RequiredModelMBean instance. The attributes and operations exposed via the ModelMBeanInfo for the ModelMBean are accessible from MBeans, connectors/adaptors like other MBeans. Through the Descriptors, values and methods in the managed application can be defined and mapped to attributes and operations of the ModelMBean. This mapping can be defined in an XML formatted file or dynamically and programmatically at runtime.

Every RequiredModelMBean which is instantiated in the MBeanServer becomes manageable:
its attributes and operations become remotely accessible through the connectors/adaptors connected to that MBeanServer.

A Java object cannot be registered in the MBeanServer unless it is a JMX compliant MBean. By instantiating a RequiredModelMBean, resources are guaranteed that the MBean is valid. MBeanException and RuntimeOperationsException must be thrown on every public method. This allows for wrapping exceptions from distributed communications (RMI, EJB, etc.)


Constructor Summary
RequiredModelMBean ()
          Constructs an RequiredModelMBean with an empty ModelMBeanInfo.
RequiredModelMBean ( ModelMBeanInfo  mbi)
          Constructs a RequiredModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
Method Summary
 void addAttributeChangeNotificationListener ( NotificationListener  inlistener, String  inAttributeName, Object  inhandback)
          Registers an object which implements the NotificationListener interface as a listener.
 void addNotificationListener ( NotificationListener  listener, NotificationFilter  filter, Object  handback)
          Registers an object which implements the NotificationListener interface as a listener.
  Object getAttribute ( String  attrName)
          Returns the value of a specific attribute defined for this ModelMBean.
  AttributeList getAttributes ( String [] attrNames)
          Returns the values of several attributes in the ModelMBean.
protected   ClassLoaderRepository getClassLoaderRepository ()
          Return the Class Loader Repository used to perform class loading.
  MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo ()
          Returns the attributes, operations, constructors and notifications that this RequiredModelMBean exposes for management.
  MBeanNotificationInfo [] getNotificationInfo ()
          Returns the array of Notifications always generated by the RequiredModelMBean.
  Object invoke ( String  opName, Object [] opArgs, String [] sig)
          Invokes a method on or through a RequiredModelMBean and returns the result of the method execution.
 void load ()
          Instantiates this MBean instance with the data found for the MBean in the persistent store.
 void postDeregister ()
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been unregistered in the MBean server.
 void postRegister ( Boolean  registrationDone)
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.
 void preDeregister ()
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations it needs before being unregistered by the MBean server.
  ObjectName preRegister ( MBeanServer  server, ObjectName  name)
          Allows the MBean to perform any operations it needs before being registered in the MBean server.
 void removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener ( NotificationListener  inlistener, String  inAttributeName)
          Removes a listener for attributeChangeNotifications from the RequiredModelMBean.
 void removeNotificationListener ( NotificationListener  listener)
          Removes a listener for Notifications from the RequiredModelMBean.
 void removeNotificationListener ( NotificationListener  listener, NotificationFilter  filter, Object  handback)
          Removes a listener from this MBean.
 void sendAttributeChangeNotification ( Attribute  inOldVal, Attribute  inNewVal)
          Sends an attributeChangeNotification which contains the old value and new value for the attribute to the registered AttributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
 void sendAttributeChangeNotification ( AttributeChangeNotification  ntfyObj)
          Sends an attributeChangeNotification which is passed in to the registered attributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
 void sendNotification ( Notification  ntfyObj)
          Sends a Notification which is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean as a jmx.modelmbean.generic notification.
 void sendNotification ( String  ntfyText)
          Sends a Notification which contains the text string that is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean.
 void setAttribute ( Attribute  attribute)
          Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named ModelMBean.
  AttributeList setAttributes ( AttributeList  attributes)
          Sets the values of an array of attributes of this ModelMBean.
 void setManagedResource ( Object  mr, String  mr_type)
          Sets the instance handle of the object against which to execute all methods in this ModelMBean management interface (MBeanInfo and Descriptors).
 void setModelMBeanInfo ( ModelMBeanInfo  mbi)
          Initializes a ModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
 void store ()
          Captures the current state of this MBean instance and writes it out to the persistent store.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait

Constructor Detail


public RequiredModelMBean()
                   throws MBeanException,
Constructs an RequiredModelMBean with an empty ModelMBeanInfo.

The RequiredModelMBean's MBeanInfo and Descriptors can be customized using the setModelMBeanInfo( method. After the RequiredModelMBean's MBeanInfo and Descriptors are customized, the RequiredModelMBean can be registered with the MBeanServer.

MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a RuntimeException during the construction of the object.


public RequiredModelMBean(ModelMBeanInfo mbi)
                   throws MBeanException,
Constructs a RequiredModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in. As long as the RequiredModelMBean is not registered with the MBeanServer yet, the RequiredModelMBean's MBeanInfo and Descriptors can be customized using the setModelMBeanInfo( method. After the RequiredModelMBean's MBeanInfo and Descriptors are customized, the RequiredModelMBean can be registered with the MBeanServer.

mbi - The ModelMBeanInfo object to be used by the RequiredModelMBean. The given ModelMBeanInfo is cloned and modified as specified by setModelMBeanInfo(
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an {link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException}: The MBeanInfo passed in parameter is null.
Method Detail


public void setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo mbi)
                       throws MBeanException,
Initializes a ModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in. This method makes it possible to set a customized ModelMBeanInfo on the ModelMBean as long as it is not registered with the MBeanServer.
Once the ModelMBean's ModelMBeanInfo (with Descriptors) are customized and set on the ModelMBean, the ModelMBean be registered with the MBeanServer.

If the ModelMBean is currently registered, this method throws a RuntimeOperationsException wrapping an IllegalStateException

If the given inModelMBeanInfo does not contain any ModelMBeanNotificationInfo for the GENERIC or ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE notifications, then the RequiredModelMBean will supply its own default ModelMBeanNotificationInfo s for those missing notifications.

Specified by:
setModelMBeanInfo in interface ModelMBean
mbi - The ModelMBeanInfo object to be used by the ModelMBean.
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException -


public void setManagedResource(Object mr,
                               String mr_type)
                        throws MBeanException,
Sets the instance handle of the object against which to execute all methods in this ModelMBean management interface (MBeanInfo and Descriptors).

Specified by:
setManagedResource in interface ModelMBean
mr - Object that is the managed resource
mr_type - The type of reference for the managed resource.
Can be: "ObjectReference", "Handle", "IOR", "EJBHandle", or "RMIReference".
In this implementation only "ObjectReference" is supported.
MBeanException - The initializer of the object has thrown an exception.
InstanceNotFoundException - The managed resource object could not be found
InvalidTargetObjectTypeException - The managed resource type should be "ObjectReference".
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps a RuntimeException when setting the resource.


public void load()
          throws MBeanException,

Instantiates this MBean instance with the data found for the MBean in the persistent store. The data loaded could include attribute and operation values.

This method should be called during construction or initialization of this instance, and before the MBean is registered with the MBeanServer.

If the implementation of this class does not support persistence, an MBeanException wrapping a ServiceNotFoundException is thrown.

Specified by:
load in interface PersistentMBean
MBeanException - Wraps another exception, or persistence is not supported
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps exceptions from the persistence mechanism
InstanceNotFoundException - Could not find or load this MBean from persistent storage


public void store()
           throws MBeanException,

Captures the current state of this MBean instance and writes it out to the persistent store. The state stored could include attribute and operation values.

If the implementation of this class does not support persistence, an MBeanException wrapping a ServiceNotFoundException is thrown.

Persistence policy from the MBean and attribute descriptor is used to guide execution of this method. The MBean should be stored if 'persistPolicy' field is:

  != "never"
   = "always"
   = "onTimer" and now > 'lastPersistTime' + 'persistPeriod'
   = "NoMoreOftenThan" and now > 'lastPersistTime' + 'persistPeriod'
   = "onUnregister"

Do not store the MBean if 'persistPolicy' field is:

    = "never"
    = "onUpdate"
    = "onTimer" && now < 'lastPersistTime' + 'persistPeriod'

Specified by:
store in interface PersistentMBean
MBeanException - Wraps another exception, or persistence is not supported
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps exceptions from the persistence mechanism
InstanceNotFoundException - Could not find/access the persistent store


public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo()
Returns the attributes, operations, constructors and notifications that this RequiredModelMBean exposes for management.

Specified by:
getMBeanInfo in interface DynamicMBean
An instance of ModelMBeanInfo allowing retrieval all attributes, operations, and Notifications of this MBean.


public Object invoke(String opName,
                     Object[] opArgs,
                     String[] sig)
              throws MBeanException,
Invokes a method on or through a RequiredModelMBean and returns the result of the method execution.

If the given method to be invoked, together with the provided signature, matches one of RequiredModelMbean accessible methods, this one will be call. Otherwise the call to the given method will be tried on the managed resource.

The last value returned by an operation may be cached in the operation's descriptor which is in the ModelMBeanOperationInfo's descriptor. The valid value will be in the 'value' field if there is one. If the 'currencyTimeLimit' field in the descriptor is:

Note: because of inconsistencies in previous versions of this specification, it is recommended not to use negative or zero values for currencyTimeLimit. To indicate that a cached value is never valid, omit the currencyTimeLimit field. To indicate that it is always valid, use a very large number for this field.

Specified by:
invoke in interface DynamicMBean
opName - The name of the method to be invoked. The name can be the fully qualified method name including the classname, or just the method name if the classname is defined in the 'class' field of the operation descriptor.
opArgs - An array containing the parameters to be set when the operation is invoked
sig - An array containing the signature of the operation. The class objects will be loaded using the same class loader as the one used for loading the MBean on which the operation was invoked.
The object returned by the method, which represents the result of invoking the method on the specified managed resource.
MBeanException - Wraps one of the following Exceptions:
  • An Exception thrown by the managed object's invoked method.
  • ServiceNotFoundException : No ModelMBeanOperationInfo or no descriptor defined for the specified operation or the managed resource is null.
  • InvalidTargetObjectTypeException : The 'targetType' field value is not 'objectReference'.
ReflectionException - Wraps an Exception thrown while trying to invoke the method.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException Method name is null.


public Object getAttribute(String attrName)
                    throws AttributeNotFoundException,
Returns the value of a specific attribute defined for this ModelMBean. The last value returned by an attribute may be cached in the attribute's descriptor. The valid value will be in the 'value' field if there is one. If the 'currencyTimeLimit' field in the descriptor is:

Note: because of inconsistencies in previous versions of this specification, it is recommended not to use negative or zero values for currencyTimeLimit. To indicate that a cached value is never valid, omit the currencyTimeLimit field. To indicate that it is always valid, use a very large number for this field.

If the 'getMethod' field contains the name of a valid operation descriptor, then the method described by the operation descriptor is executed. The response from the method is returned as the value of the attribute. If the operation fails or the returned value is not compatible with the declared type of the attribute, an exception will be thrown.

If no 'getMethod' field is defined then the default value of the attribute is returned. If the returned value is not compatible with the declared type of the attribute, an exception will be thrown.

The declared type of the attribute is the String returned by MBeanAttributeInfo.getType() . A value is compatible with this type if one of the following is true:

In this implementation, in every case where the getMethod needs to be called, because the method is invoked through the standard "invoke" method and thus needs operationInfo, an operation must be specified for that getMethod so that the invocation works correctly.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface DynamicMBean
attrName - A String specifying the name of the attribute to be retrieved. It must match the name of a ModelMBeanAttributeInfo.
The value of the retrieved attribute from the descriptor 'value' field or from the invocation of the operation in the 'getMethod' field of the descriptor.
AttributeNotFoundException - The specified attribute is not accessible in the MBean. The following cases may result in an AttributeNotFoundException:
  • No ModelMBeanInfo was found for the Model MBean.
  • No ModelMBeanAttributeInfo was found for the specified attribute name.
  • The ModelMBeanAttributeInfo isReadable method returns 'false'.
MBeanException - Wraps one of the following Exceptions:
  • InvalidAttributeValueException : A wrong value type was received from the attribute's getter method or no 'getMethod' field defined in the descriptor for the attribute and no default value exists.
  • ServiceNotFoundException : No ModelMBeanOperationInfo defined for the attribute's getter method or no descriptor associated with the ModelMBeanOperationInfo or the managed resource is null.
  • InvalidTargetObjectTypeException The 'targetType' field value is not 'objectReference'.
  • An Exception thrown by the managed object's getter.
ReflectionException - Wraps an Exception thrown while trying to invoke the getter.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException : The attribute name in parameter is null.
See Also:


public AttributeList getAttributes(String[] attrNames)
Returns the values of several attributes in the ModelMBean. Executes a getAttribute for each attribute name in the attrNames array passed in.

Specified by:
getAttributes in interface DynamicMBean
attrNames - A String array of names of the attributes to be retrieved.
The array of the retrieved attributes.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException : The object name in parameter is null or attributes in parameter is null.
See Also:


public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
                  throws AttributeNotFoundException,
Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named ModelMBean. If the 'setMethod' field of the attribute's descriptor contains the name of a valid operation descriptor, then the method described by the operation descriptor is executed. In this implementation, the operation descriptor must be specified correctly and assigned to the modelMBeanInfo so that the 'setMethod' works correctly. The response from the method is set as the value of the attribute in the descriptor.

If currencyTimeLimit is > 0, then the new value for the attribute is cached in the attribute descriptor's 'value' field and the 'lastUpdatedTimeStamp' field is set to the current time stamp.

If the persist field of the attribute's descriptor is not null then Persistence policy from the attribute descriptor is used to guide storing the attribute in a persistent store.
Store the MBean if 'persistPolicy' field is:

Do not store the MBean if 'persistPolicy' field is:

The ModelMBeanInfo of the Model MBean is stored in a file.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface DynamicMBean
attribute - The Attribute instance containing the name of the attribute to be set and the value it is to be set to.
AttributeNotFoundException - The specified attribute is not accessible in the MBean.
The following cases may result in an AttributeNotFoundException:
  • No ModelMBeanAttributeInfo is found for the specified attribute.
  • The ModelMBeanAttributeInfo's isWritable method returns 'false'.
InvalidAttributeValueException - No descriptor is defined for the specified attribute.
MBeanException - Wraps one of the following Exceptions:
ReflectionException - Wraps an Exception thrown while trying to invoke the setter.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException : The attribute in parameter is null.
See Also:


public AttributeList setAttributes(AttributeList attributes)
Sets the values of an array of attributes of this ModelMBean. Executes the setAttribute() method for each attribute in the list.

Specified by:
setAttributes in interface DynamicMBean
attributes - A list of attributes: The identification of the attributes to be set and the values they are to be set to.
The array of attributes that were set, with their new values in Attribute instances.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException : The object name in parameter is null or attributes in parameter is null.
See Also:


public void addNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener,
                                    NotificationFilter filter,
                                    Object handback)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException
Registers an object which implements the NotificationListener interface as a listener. This object's 'handleNotification()' method will be invoked when any notification is issued through or by the ModelMBean. This does not include attributeChangeNotifications. They must be registered for independently.

Specified by:
addNotificationListener in interface NotificationBroadcaster
listener - The listener object which will handles notifications emitted by the registered MBean.
filter - The filter object. If null, no filtering will be performed before handling notifications.
handback - The context to be sent to the listener with the notification when a notification is emitted.
IllegalArgumentException - The listener cannot be null.
See Also:


public void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener)
                                throws ListenerNotFoundException
Removes a listener for Notifications from the RequiredModelMBean.

Specified by:
removeNotificationListener in interface NotificationBroadcaster
listener - The listener name which was handling notifications emitted by the registered MBean. This method will remove all information related to this listener.
ListenerNotFoundException - The listener is not registered in the MBean or is null.
See Also:
addNotificationListener(,, java.lang.Object)


public void removeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener,
                                       NotificationFilter filter,
                                       Object handback)
                                throws ListenerNotFoundException
Description copied from interface: NotificationEmitter

Removes a listener from this MBean. The MBean must have a listener that exactly matches the given listener, filter, and handback parameters. If there is more than one such listener, only one is removed.

The filter and handback parameters may be null if and only if they are null in a listener to be removed.

Specified by:
removeNotificationListener in interface NotificationEmitter
listener - A listener that was previously added to this MBean.
filter - The filter that was specified when the listener was added.
handback - The handback that was specified when the listener was added.
ListenerNotFoundException - The listener is not registered with the MBean, or it is not registered with the given filter and handback.


public void sendNotification(Notification ntfyObj)
                      throws MBeanException,
Description copied from interface: ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
Sends a Notification which is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean as a jmx.modelmbean.generic notification.

Specified by:
sendNotification in interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
ntfyObj - The notification which is to be passed to the 'handleNotification' method of the listener object.
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: The Notification object passed in parameter is null.


public void sendNotification(String ntfyText)
                      throws MBeanException,
Description copied from interface: ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
Sends a Notification which contains the text string that is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean.

Specified by:
sendNotification in interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
ntfyText - The text which is to be passed in the Notification to the 'handleNotification' method of the listener object. the constructed Notification will be: type "jmx.modelmbean.generic" source this ModelMBean instance sequence 1
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: The Notification text string passed in parameter is null.


public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo()
Returns the array of Notifications always generated by the RequiredModelMBean.

RequiredModelMBean may always send also two additional notifications:

Thus these two notifications are always added to those specified by the application.

Specified by:
getNotificationInfo in interface NotificationBroadcaster


public void addAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener inlistener,
                                                   String inAttributeName,
                                                   Object inhandback)
                                            throws MBeanException,
Description copied from interface: ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
Registers an object which implements the NotificationListener interface as a listener. This object's 'handleNotification()' method will be invoked when any attributeChangeNotification is issued through or by the ModelMBean. This does not include other Notifications. They must be registered for independently. An AttributeChangeNotification will be generated for this attributeName.

Specified by:
addAttributeChangeNotificationListener in interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
inlistener - The listener object which will handles notifications emitted by the registered MBean.
inAttributeName - The name of the ModelMBean attribute for which to receive change notifications. If null, then all attribute changes will cause an attributeChangeNotification to be issued.
inhandback - The context to be sent to the listener with the notification when a notification is emitted.
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException The attribute name passed in parameter does not exist.
IllegalArgumentException - The listener cannot be null.
See Also:
ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener(, java.lang.String)


public void removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener inlistener,
                                                      String inAttributeName)
                                               throws MBeanException,
Description copied from interface: ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
Removes a listener for attributeChangeNotifications from the RequiredModelMBean.

Specified by:
removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener in interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
inlistener - The listener name which was handling notifications emitted by the registered MBean. This method will remove all information related to this listener.
inAttributeName - The attribute for which the listener no longer wants to receive attributeChangeNotifications. If null the listener will be removed for all attributeChangeNotifications.
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException If the inAttributeName parameter does not correspond to an attribute name.
ListenerNotFoundException - The listener is not registered in the MBean or is null.
See Also:
ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.addAttributeChangeNotificationListener(, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public void sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification ntfyObj)
                                     throws MBeanException,
Description copied from interface: ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
Sends an attributeChangeNotification which is passed in to the registered attributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.

Specified by:
sendAttributeChangeNotification in interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
ntfyObj - The notification which is to be passed to the 'handleNotification' method of the listener object.
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: The AttributeChangeNotification object passed in parameter is null.


public void sendAttributeChangeNotification(Attribute inOldVal,
                                            Attribute inNewVal)
                                     throws MBeanException,
Description copied from interface: ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
Sends an attributeChangeNotification which contains the old value and new value for the attribute to the registered AttributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.

Specified by:
sendAttributeChangeNotification in interface ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster
inOldVal - The original value for the Attribute
inNewVal - The current value for the Attribute

 The constructed attributeChangeNotification will be:
   type        "jmx.attribute.change"
   source      this ModelMBean instance
   sequence    1
   attributeName oldValue.getName()
   attributeType oldValue's class
   attributeOldValue oldValue.getValue()
   attributeNewValue newValue.getValue()
MBeanException - Wraps a distributed communication Exception.
RuntimeOperationsException - Wraps an IllegalArgumentException: An Attribute object passed in parameter is null or the names of the two Attribute objects in parameter are not the same.


protected ClassLoaderRepository getClassLoaderRepository()
Return the Class Loader Repository used to perform class loading. Subclasses may wish to redefine this method in order to return the appropriate ClassLoaderRepository that should be used in this object.

the Class Loader Repository.


public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server,
                              ObjectName name)
                       throws Exception
Allows the MBean to perform any operations it needs before being registered in the MBean server. If the name of the MBean is not specified, the MBean can provide a name for its registration. If any exception is raised, the MBean will not be registered in the MBean server.

In order to ensure proper run-time semantics of RequireModelMBean, Any subclass of RequiredModelMBean overloading or overriding this method should call super.preRegister(server, name) in its own preRegister implementation.

Specified by:
preRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
server - The MBean server in which the MBean will be registered.
name - The object name of the MBean. This name is null if the name parameter to one of the createMBean or registerMBean methods in the MBeanServer interface is null. In that case, this method must return a non-null ObjectName for the new MBean.
The name under which the MBean is to be registered. This value must not be null. If the name parameter is not null, it will usually but not necessarily be the returned value.
Exception - This exception will be caught by the MBean server and re-thrown as an MBeanRegistrationException .


public void postRegister(Boolean registrationDone)
Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been registered in the MBean server or after the registration has failed.

In order to ensure proper run-time semantics of RequireModelMBean, Any subclass of RequiredModelMBean overloading or overriding this method should call super.postRegister(registrationDone) in its own postRegister implementation.

Specified by:
postRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
registrationDone - Indicates whether or not the MBean has been successfully registered in the MBean server. The value false means that the registration phase has failed.


public void preDeregister()
                   throws Exception
Allows the MBean to perform any operations it needs before being unregistered by the MBean server.

In order to ensure proper run-time semantics of RequireModelMBean, Any subclass of RequiredModelMBean overloading or overriding this method should call super.preDeregister() in its own preDeregister implementation.

Specified by:
preDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration
Exception - This exception will be caught by the MBean server and re-thrown as an MBeanRegistrationException .


public void postDeregister()
Allows the MBean to perform any operations needed after having been unregistered in the MBean server.

In order to ensure proper run-time semantics of RequireModelMBean, Any subclass of RequiredModelMBean overloading or overriding this method should call super.postDeregister() in its own postDeregister implementation.

Specified by:
postDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration