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Class SimpleJavaFileObject

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
FileObject JavaFileObject , JavaFileObject

public abstract class SimpleJavaFileObject
extends Object
implements JavaFileObject

Provides simple implementations for most methods in JavaFileObject. This class is designed to be subclassed and used as a basis for JavaFileObject implementations. See JavaFileObject for a definition of extensions. Subclasses can override the implementation and specification of any method of this class as long as the general contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface JavaFileObject
Field Summary
protected   JavaFileObject.Kind kind
          The kind of this file object.
protected   URI String uri name
          A URI for           The name of this file object.
Constructor Summary
protected SimpleJavaFileObject SimpleJavaFileObject ( URI String  uri, JavaFileObject.Kind
          Construct a SimpleJavaFileObject of the given kind and with the given URI. name.
SimpleJavaFileObject ( String  name, JavaFileObject.Kind
          Construct a SimpleJavaFileObject of the given and with the given name.
Method Summary
 boolean delete ()
          This implementation does nothing.
  Modifier getAccessLevel ()
          This implementation returns null.
  CharSequence getCharContent (boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
          This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException
  JavaFileObject.Kind getKind ()
          Gets the kind of this file object.
 long   String getLastModified getName ()
          This implementation returns 0L.           Gets the base name of this file object.
  String getName getNameWithoutExtension ()
          Gets a user-friendly the base name for of this file object. object without any extension.
  NestingKind String getNestingKind getPath ()
          This implementation returns null.           Gets the path to this file object.
 boolean isNameCompatible ( String  simpleName, JavaFileObject.Kind
          This implementation compares the path of its URI to the given simple name.
 long lastModified ()
          This implementation returns 0L.
  InputStream openInputStream ()
          This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 long lengthInBytes ()
          Gets the length of this file object in bytes, if byte access is supported.
  OutputStream openOutputStream ()
          This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException
 boolean matches ( String  simpleName, JavaFileObject.Kind
          Checks if the name of this file object matches the specified simple name and kind.
  Reader openReader openReader (boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) ()
          Wraps the result of getCharContent(boolean) getCharContent in a Reader.
  Writer openWriter ()
          Wraps the result of openOutputStream in a Writer.
  String toString ()
          Returns a string representation of the object.
  URI toUri ()
          Returns a URI identifying this file object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone , equals , finalize , getClass , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait
Methods inherited from interface JavaFileObject
getCharContent , openInputStream , openOutputStream

Field Detail

uri name

protected final URIStringuri name 
A URI for this file object. The name of this file object. The name is without extension unless the kind is OTHER.


protected final JavaFileObject.Kind kind
The kind of this file object.

Constructor Detail


public SimpleJavaFileObject( URIString uri,
 JavaFileObject.Kind kind)
Construct a SimpleJavaFileObject of the given kind and with the given URI. name. Unless the kind is OTHER the name must be without extension.

uri name - the URI for name of this file object
kind - the kind of this file object
Method Detail


public URItoUri () 
Description copied from interface: FileObject
Returns a URI identifying this file object.

Specified by:
toUri in interface FileObject

getName SimpleJavaFileObject

public StringgetName SimpleJavaFileObject () ( String name) 
Description copied from interface: FileObject
Gets a user-friendly name for this file object. The exact value returned is not specified but implementations should take care to preserve names as given by the user. For example, if the user writes the filename "BobsJavaApp\" on the command line, this method should return "BobsJavaApp\" whereas the toUri method might return file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/UncleBob/BobsJavaApp/ Construct a SimpleJavaFileObject with the given name. If the name includes an extension which matches an extension of a particular kind (JavaFileObject.Kind), then that kind is the kind of this object; otherwise the kind is OTHER.

Specified by: Parameters:
getName in interface FileObject name - the name of this file object
a user-friendly name

Method Detail

openInputStream delete

public InputStream
public boolean openInputStream delete ()
 throws IOException() 
This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException . Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed. This implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
openInputStream delete in interface FileObject JavaFileObject
an InputStream
IOException - if an I/O error occurred false

openOutputStream getKind

public OutputStreamJavaFileObject.KindopenOutputStream getKind ()
 throws IOException() 
This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException . Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed. Gets the kind of this file object.

Specified by:
openOutputStream getKind in interface FileObject JavaFileObject
an OutputStream
IOException - if an I/O error occurred this.kind

openReader getName

public ReaderStringopenReader getName (boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
 throws IOException() 
Wraps the result of getCharContent(boolean) Description copied from interface: JavaFileObject in a Reader. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.
Gets the base name of this file object. Similar to

Specified by:
openReader getName in interface FileObject JavaFileObject
ignoreEncodingErrors - ignore encoding errors if true
a Reader wrapping the result of getCharContent the base name
Throws: See Also:
IllegalStateException File.getName() - if this file object was opened for writing and does not support reading
UnsupportedOperationException - if this kind of file object does not support character access
IOException - if an I/O error occurred

getCharContent getNameWithoutExtension

public CharSequenceStringgetCharContent getNameWithoutExtension (boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
 throws IOException() 
This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException . Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed. Gets the base name of this file object without any extension.

Specified by:
getCharContent getNameWithoutExtension in interface FileObject JavaFileObject
ignoreEncodingErrors - ignore encoding errors if true
a CharSequence if available; null otherwise the name without extension
Throws: See Also:
IOException JavaFileObject.getName() - if an I/O error occurred

openWriter getPath

public WriterStringopenWriter getPath ()
 throws IOException() 
Wraps the result of openOutputStream in a Writer. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed. Gets the path to this file object. Similar to

Specified by:
openWriter getPath in interface FileObject JavaFileObject
a Writer wrapping the result of openOutputStream the same as getName
Throws: See Also:
IllegalStateException File.getPath() - if this file object was opened for reading and does not support writing
UnsupportedOperationException - if this kind of file object does not support character access
IOException - if an I/O error occurred

getLastModified lastModified

public long getLastModified lastModified ()
This implementation returns 0L. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed.

Specified by:
getLastModified lastModified in interface FileObject JavaFileObject

delete lengthInBytes

public boolean long delete lengthInBytes ()
This implementation does nothing. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of FileObject is obeyed. Gets the length of this file object in bytes, if byte access is supported.

This implemenation calls getCharContent(true).length() to get the length.

Specified by:
delete lengthInBytes in interface FileObject JavaFileObject
false the length in bytes if byte access is supported; -1 otherwise

getKind matches

public JavaFileObject.Kind
public boolean getKind matches () ( String simpleName,
 JavaFileObject.Kind kind) 
Description copied from interface: JavaFileObject
Gets the kind of this file object. Checks if the name of this file object matches the specified simple name and kind.

Compares this.kind to kind and to simpleName.

Specified by:
getKind matches in interface JavaFileObject
simpleName - a simple name of a class
kind - a kind
this.kind true if this file object matches; false otherwise

isNameCompatible toString

public boolean 
public StringisNameCompatible toString ( String simpleName,
 JavaFileObject.Kind kind) () 
This implementation compares the path of its URI to the given simple name. This method returns true if the given kind is equal to the kind of this object, and if the path is equal to simpleName + kind.extension or if it ends with "/" + simpleName + kind.extension. Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

This method calls getKind() and toUri() and does not access the fields uri and kind directly. The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed. The exact value returned by this method is unspecified.

Specified by: Overrides:
isNameCompatible toString in interface JavaFileObject in class Object
simpleName - a simple name of a class
kind - a kind
true if this file object is compatible; false otherwise a string representation of the object.

getNestingKind openReader

public NestingKindReadergetNestingKind openReader () ()
 throws IOException,
This implementation returns null. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed. Wraps the result of getCharContent in a Reader.

Specified by:
getNestingKind openReader in interface JavaFileObject
the nesting kind, or null if the nesting kind is not known a Reader wrapping the result of getCharContent
IOException - if an I/O error occurred
IllegalStateException - if this file object was opened for writing and doesn't support reading
UnsupportedOperationException - if this kind of file object doesn't support character access

getAccessLevel openWriter

public ModifierWritergetAccessLevel openWriter () ()
 throws IOException,
This implementation returns null. Subclasses can change this behavior as long as the contract of JavaFileObject is obeyed. Wraps the result of openOutputStream in a Writer.

Specified by:
getAccessLevel openWriter in interface JavaFileObject
the access level a Writer wrapping the result of openOutputStream


public StringtoString () 
Description copied from class: Object
Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:

 getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

toString in class Object
a string representation of the object.