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AWT Monitor

The AWT Monitor allows you to obtain information about objects being displayed on the screen by a particular JavaTM Virtual Machine, and does not require the Java Foundation Classes.
Java Monitor
The Java Monitor allows you to obtain information about objects being displayed on the screen by a particular Java Virtual Machine, and provides extended support for the Java Foundation Classes.
Explorer uses the Java Accessibility Utilities to examine accessible information about the objects in the Java Virtual Machine. It allows the user to select different methods for selecting the object to be examined:  by following focus, by following the mouse, by following caret position, or by pressing the F1 when the pointer is over an object.  Once an object has been selected for examination, Explorer displays the results of calling Java Accessibility API methods on that object.
Like a monkey, Monkey "swings" through the component trees in a particular Java Virtual Machine and presents the hierarchy in two different ways. The first is the actual Component hierarchy and the second is the hierarchy viewed as Accessible objects.  In addition, if the user clicks the right mouse button over a tree node in Monkey, Monkey will present the user with a popup menu containing options for manipulating the object.
AccessibilityMonitor will monitor all accessible property change events on all of the non-transient objects in the virtual machine.  In addition, if the user clicks the right mouse over the events presented in the table provided by AccessibilityMonitor, AccessibilityMonitor will present the user with a popup menu containing options for manipulating the associated object.
Linker captures the Accessible hypertext information contained in the object underneath the mouse (the user the presses the F1 key), and displays a list of the the Accessible hyperlinks within that object in a table. Selecting one of the links and clicking "Activate Selected Link" will cause the hypertext object to follow the link selected (to update the display, move the mouse over the object and press F1 again). 

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