
Interface Summary
AudioDevice The AudioDevice Class defines an audio device and encapsulates the audio device's basic information and characteristics.
AudioDevice3D The methods in this interface SHOULD NOT BE CALLED BY AN APPLICATION.
GeometryUpdater The GeometryUpdater interface is used in updating geometry data that is accessed by reference from a live or compiled GeometryArray object.
InputDevice InputDevice is the interface through which Java 3D and Java 3D application programs communicate with a device driver.

Class Summary
Alpha The alpha NodeComponent object provides common methods for converting a time value into an alpha value (a value in the range 0 to 1).
AlternateAppearance The AlternateAppearance leaf node is used for overriding the Appearance component of selected nodes.
AmbientLight An ambient light source object.
Appearance The Appearance object defines all rendering state that can be set as a component object of a Shape3D node.
AuralAttributes The AuralAttributes object is a component object of a Soundscape node that defines environmental audio parameters that affect sound rendering.
Background The Background leaf node defines either a solid background color or a background image that is used to fill the window at the beginning of each new frame.
BackgroundSound A BackgroundSound node defines an unattenuated, nonspatialized sound source that has no position or direction.
Behavior Behavior is an abstract class that contains the framework for all behavioral components in Java 3D.
Billboard The Billboard behavior node operates on the TransformGroup node to cause the local +z axis of the TransformGroup to point at the viewer's eye position.
BoundingBox This class defines an axis aligned bounding box which is used for bounding regions.
BoundingLeaf The BoundingLeaf node defines a bounding region object that can be referenced by other nodes to define a region of influence (Fog and Light nodes), an activation region (Background, Clip, and Soundscape nodes), or a scheduling region (Sound and Behavior nodes).
BoundingPolytope A BoundingPolytope defines a polyhedral bounding region using the intersection of three or more half spaces.
BoundingSphere This class defines a spherical bounding region which is defined by a center point and a radius.
Bounds The abstract base class for bounds objects.
BranchGroup The BranchGroup serves as a pointer to the root of a scene graph branch; BranchGroup objects are the only objects that can be inserted into a Locale's set of objects.
Canvas3D The Canvas3D class provides a drawing canvas for 3D rendering.
Clip The Clip leaf node defines the back, or far, clip distance in the virtual universe.
ColoringAttributes The ColoringAttributes object defines attributes used in color selection and shading model.
ColorInterpolator Color interpolation behavior.
CompressedGeometry The compressed geometry object is used to store geometry in a compressed format.
CompressedGeometryHeader The CompressedGeometrHeader object is used in conjunction with the CompressedGeometry object.
ConeSound The ConeSound node object defines a PointSound node whose sound source is directed along a specific vector in space.
DecalGroup The DecalGroup node is an ordered group node used for defining decal geometry on top of other geometry.
DepthComponent Abstract base class that defines a 2D array of depth (Z) values.
DepthComponentFloat A 2D array of depth (Z) values in floating point format in the range [0,1].
DepthComponentInt A 2D array of depth (Z) values in integer format.
DepthComponentNative A 2D array of depth (Z) values stored in the most efficient format for a particular device.
DirectionalLight A DirectionalLight node defines an oriented light with an origin at infinity.
DistanceLOD This class defines a distance-based LOD behavior node that operates on a Switch group node to select one of the children of that Switch node based on the distance of this LOD node from the viewer.
ExponentialFog The ExponentialFog leaf node extends the Fog leaf node by adding a fog density that is used as the exponent of the fog equation.
Fog The Fog leaf node defines a set of fog parameters common to all types of fog.
Font3D The Font3D object is used to store extruded 2D glyphs.
FontExtrusion The FontExtrusion object is used to describe the extrusion path for a Font3D object.
Geometry Geometry is an abstract class that specifies the geometry component information required by a Shape3D node.
GeometryArray The GeometryArray object contains separate arrays of positional coordinates, colors, normals, and texture coordinates that describe point, line, or polygon geometry.
GeometryStripArray The GeometryStripArray object is an abstract class that is extended for a set of GeometryArray strip primitives.
GraphicsConfigTemplate3D This class is used to obtain a valid GraphicsConfiguration that can be used by Java 3D.
GraphicsContext3D A GraphicsContext3D object is used for immediate mode rendering into a 3D canvas.
Group The Group node object is a general-purpose grouping node.
HiResCoord The HiResCoord object specifies the location of scene components within the Virtual Universe.
ImageComponent Abstract class that is used to define 2D or 3D ImageComponent classes used in a Java 3D scene graph.
ImageComponent2D This class defines a 2D image component.
ImageComponent3D This class defines a 3D image component.
IndexedGeometryArray The IndexedGeometryArray object contains separate integer arrays that index into the arrays of positional coordinates, colors, normals, and texture coordinates.
IndexedGeometryStripArray The IndexedGeometryStripArray object is an abstract class that is extended for a set of IndexedGeometryArray strip primitives.
IndexedLineArray The IndexedLineArray object draws the array of vertices as individual line segments.
IndexedLineStripArray The IndexedLineStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected line strips.
IndexedPointArray The IndexedPointArray object draws the array of vertices as individual points.
IndexedQuadArray The IndexedQuadArray object draws the array of vertices as individual quadrilaterals.
IndexedTriangleArray The IndexedTriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual triangles.
IndexedTriangleFanArray The IndexedTriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle fans.
IndexedTriangleStripArray The IndexedTriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle strips.
Interpolator Interpolator is an abstract class that extends Behavior to provide common methods used by various interpolation subclasses.
J3DGraphics2D The J3DGraphics2D class extends Graphics2D to provide 2D rendering into a Canvas3D.
Leaf The Leaf node is an abstract class for all scene graph nodes that have no children.
Light The Light leaf node is an abstract class that defines a set of parameters common to all types of light.
LinearFog The LinearFog leaf node defines fog distance parameters for linear fog.
LineArray The LineArray object draws the array of vertices as individual line segments.
LineAttributes The LineAttributes object defines all rendering state that can be set as a component object of a Shape3D node.
LineStripArray The LineStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected line strips.
Link A Link leaf node allows an application to reference a shared graph, rooted by a SharedGroup node, from within a branch graph or another shared graph.
Locale A Locale object defines a high-resolution position within a VirtualUniverse, and serves as a container for a collection of BranchGroup-rooted subgraphs (branch graphs), at that position.
LOD An LOD leaf node is an abstract behavior class that operates on a list of Switch group nodes to select one of the children of the Switch nodes.
Material The Material object defines the appearance of an object under illumination.
MediaContainer The MediaContainer object defines all sound data: cached state flag, and associated sound media.
ModelClip The ModelClip leaf node defines a set of 6 arbitrary clipping planes in the virtual universe.
Morph The Morph leaf node permits an application to morph between multiple GeometryArrays.
Node The Node class provides an abstract class for all Group and Leaf Nodes.
NodeComponent NodeComponent is a common superclass for all scene graph node component objects such as: Geometry, Appearance, Material, Texture, etc.
NodeReferenceTable The NodeReferenceTable object is used by a leaf node's updateNodeReferences method called by the cloneTree method.
OrderedGroup The OrderedGroup node is a Group that ensures its children render in increasing index order.
OrientedShape3D The OrientedShape3D leaf node is a Shape3D node that is oriented along a specified axis or about a specified point.
PathInterpolator PathInterpolator behavior.
PhysicalBody This object contains a specification of the user's head.
PhysicalEnvironment This object contains a specification of the physical environment in which the view will be generated.
PickBounds PickBounds is a finite pick shape defined with a Bounds object.
PickCone PickCone is the abstract base class of all cone pick shapes.
PickConeRay PickConeRay is an infinite cone ray pick shape.
PickConeSegment PickConeSegment is a finite cone segment pick shape.
PickCylinder PickCylinder is the abstract base class of all cylindrical pick shapes.
PickCylinderRay PickCylinderRay is an infinite cylindrical ray pick shape.
PickCylinderSegment PickCylinderSegment is a finite cylindrical segment pick shape.
PickPoint PickPoint is a pick shape defined as a single point.
PickRay PickRay is an infinite ray pick shape.
PickSegment PickSegment is a line segment pick shape.
PickShape An abstract class for describing a pick shape that can be used with the BranchGroup and Locale picking methods.
PointArray The PointArray object draws the array of vertices as individual points.
PointAttributes The PointAttributes object defines all attributes that apply to point primitives.
PointLight The PointLight object specifies an attenuated light source at a fixed point in space that radiates light equally in all directions away from the light source.
PointSound The PointSound node (a sub-class of the Sound node) defines a spatially located sound source whose waves radiate uniformly in all directions from a given location in space.
PolygonAttributes The PolygonAttributes object defines attributes for rendering polygon primitives.
PositionInterpolator Position interpolator behavior.
PositionPathInterpolator PositionPathInterpolator behavior.
QuadArray The QuadArray object draws the array of vertices as individual quadrilaterals.
Raster The Raster object extends Geometry to allow drawing a raster image that is attached to a 3D location in the virtual world.
RenderingAttributes The RenderingAttributes object defines common rendering attributes for all primitive types.
RotationInterpolator Rotation interpolator behavior.
RotationPathInterpolator RotationPathInterpolator behavior.
RotPosPathInterpolator RotPosPathInterpolator behavior.
RotPosScalePathInterpolator RotPosScalePathInterpolation behavior.
ScaleInterpolator Scale interpolation behavior.
SceneGraphObject SceneGraphObject is a common superclass for all scene graph component objects.
SceneGraphPath A SceneGraphPath object represents the path from a Locale to a terminal node in the scene graph.
Screen3D The Screen3D Object contains all information about a particular screen.
Sensor The Sensor Class encapsulates an object that provides real-time data.
SensorRead A SensorRead encapsulates all the information associated with a single reading of a sensor, including a timestamp, a transform, and, optionally, button values.
Shape3D The Shape3D leaf node specifies all geometric objects.
SharedGroup The SharedGroup provides the ability to manipulate an instanced scene graph.
Sound Sound node is an abstract class that defines the properties common to all sound sources.
Soundscape The Soundscape Leaf Node defines the attributes that characterize the listener's environment as it pertains to sound.
SpotLight The SpotLight object specifies an attenuated light source at a fixed point in space that radiates light in a specified direction from the light source.
Switch The Switch node controls which of its children will be rendered.
SwitchValueInterpolator SwitchValueInterpolator behavior.
TexCoordGeneration The TexCoordGeneration object contains all parameters needed for automatic texture coordinate generation.
Text3D A Text3D object is a text string that has been converted to 3D geometry.
Texture The Texture object is a component object of an Appearance object that defines the texture properties used when texture mapping is enabled.
Texture2D Texture2D is a subclass of Texture class.
Texture3D Texture3D is a subclass of Texture class.
TextureAttributes The TextureAttributes object defines attributes that apply to to texture mapping.
TextureUnitState The TextureUnitState object defines all texture mapping state for a single texture unit.
Transform3D A generalized transform object represented internally as a 4x4 double-precision floating point matrix.
TransformGroup Group node that contains a transform.
TransparencyAttributes The TransparencyAttributes object defines all attributes affecting transparency of the object.
TransparencyInterpolator TransparencyInterpolator behavior.
TriangleArray The TriangleArray object draws the array of vertices as individual triangles.
TriangleFanArray The TriangleFanArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle fans.
TriangleStripArray The TriangleStripArray object draws an array of vertices as a set of connected triangle strips.
View The View object contains all parameters needed in rendering a three dimensional scene from one viewpoint.
ViewPlatform The ViewPlatform leaf node object controls the position, orientation and scale of the viewer.
VirtualUniverse A VirtualUniverse object is the top-level container for all scene graphs.
WakeupAnd Class specifying any number of wakeup conditions ANDed together.
WakeupAndOfOrs Class specifying any number of OR wakeup conditions ANDed together.
WakeupCondition An abstract class specifying a single wakeup Condition.
WakeupCriterion An abstract class specifying a singleton wakeup Criterion.
WakeupOnActivation Class specifying a wakeup the first time the Viewplatform's activation region intersects with this object's scheduling region.
WakeupOnAWTEvent Class that specifies a Behavior wakeup when a specific AWT event occurs.
WakeupOnBehaviorPost Class that specifies a Behavior wakeup when a specific behavior object posts a specific event
WakeupOnCollisionEntry Class specifying a wakeup when the specified object collides with any other object in the scene graph.
WakeupOnCollisionExit Class specifying a wakeup when the specified object no longer collides with any other object in the scene graph.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement Class specifying a wakeup when the specified object moves while in collision with any other object in the scene graph.
WakeupOnDeactivation Class specifying a wakeup on first detection of a Viewplatform's activation region no longer intersecting with this object's scheduling region.
WakeupOnElapsedFrames Class specifying a wakeup when a specific number of frames have elapsed.
WakeupOnElapsedTime Class specifying a wakeup when a specific number of milliseconds have elapsed.
WakeupOnSensorEntry Class specifying a wakeup on first sensor intersection with the specified boundary.
WakeupOnSensorExit Class specifying a wakeup on first detection of sensors no longer intersecting the specified boundary.
WakeupOnTransformChange Class specifying a wakeup when the transform within a specified TransformGroup changes
WakeupOnViewPlatformEntry Class specifying a wakeup on first Viewplatform intersection with the specified boundary.
WakeupOnViewPlatformExit Class specifying a wakeup on first detection of a Viewplatform no longer intersecting the specified boundary.
WakeupOr Class specifying any number of wakeup conditions ORed together.
WakeupOrOfAnds Class specifying any number of AND wakeup conditions ORed together.

Exception Summary
BadTransformException Indicates an attempt to use a Tranform3D object that is inappropriate for the object in which it is being used.
CapabilityNotSetException Indicates an access to a live or compiled Scene Graph object without the required capability set.
DanglingReferenceException During a cloneTree call an updated reference was requested for a node that did not get cloned.
IllegalRenderingStateException Indicates an illegal state for rendering This includes: - lighting without specifying normals in geometry array object - texturing without specifying texture coordinates in geometry array object
IllegalSharingException Indicates an illegal attempt to share a scene graph object.
MultipleParentException Indicates an attempt to add a node that is already a child of one group node, into another group node.
RestrictedAccessException Indicates an attempt to access or modify a state variable without permission to do so.
SceneGraphCycleException Indicates that one of the live scene graphs attached to a viewable Locale has a cycle in it.
SoundException Indicates a problem in loading or playing a sound sample.