Interface InputDevice

public interface InputDevice

InputDevice is the interface through which Java 3D and Java 3D application programs communicate with a device driver. All input devices that Java 3D uses must implement the InputDevice interface and be registered with Java 3D via a call to PhysicalEnvironment.addInputDevice(InputDevice). An input device transfers information to the Java 3D implementation and Java 3D applications by writing transform information to sensors that the device driver has created and manages. The driver can update its sensor information each time the pollAndProcessInput method is called.

Field Summary
static int BLOCKING
          Signifies that the driver for a device is a blocking driver and that it should be scheduled for regular reads by Java 3D.
static int DEMAND_DRIVEN
          Signifies that the Java 3D implementation should not schedule regular reads on the sensors of this device; the Java 3D implementation will only call pollAndProcessInput when one of the device's sensors' getRead methods is called.
static int NON_BLOCKING
          Signifies that the driver for a device is a non-blocking driver and that it should be scheduled for regular reads by Java 3D.
static int POLLED
          Deprecated. Use one of BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN
static int STREAMING
          Deprecated. Use one of BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN
Method Summary
 void close()
          Code to process the clean up of the device and relinquish associated resources.
 int getProcessingMode()
          This method retrieves the device's processing mode: one of BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN.
 Sensor getSensor(int sensorIndex)
          Gets the specified Sensor associated with the device.
 int getSensorCount()
          This method gets the number of sensors associated with the device.
 boolean initialize()
          This method initializes the device.
 void pollAndProcessInput()
          This method causes the device's sensor readings to be updated by the device driver.
 void processStreamInput()
          This method will not be called by the Java 3D implementation and should be implemented as an empty method.
 void setNominalPositionAndOrientation()
          This method sets the device's current position and orientation as the devices nominal position and orientation (establish its reference frame relative to the "Tracker base" reference frame).
 void setProcessingMode(int mode)
          This method sets the device's processing mode to one of: BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN.

Field Detail


public static final int POLLED


public static final int STREAMING


public static final int BLOCKING
Signifies that the driver for a device is a blocking driver and that it should be scheduled for regular reads by Java 3D. A blocking driver is defined as a driver that can cause the thread accessing the driver (the Java 3D implementation thread calling the pollAndProcessInput method) to block while the data is being accessed from the driver.


public static final int NON_BLOCKING
Signifies that the driver for a device is a non-blocking driver and that it should be scheduled for regular reads by Java 3D. A non-blocking driver is defined as a driver that does not cause the calling thread to block while data is being retrieved from the driver. If no data is available from the device, pollAndProcessInput should return without updating the sensor read value.


public static final int DEMAND_DRIVEN
Signifies that the Java 3D implementation should not schedule regular reads on the sensors of this device; the Java 3D implementation will only call pollAndProcessInput when one of the device's sensors' getRead methods is called. A DEMAND_DRIVEN driver must always provide the current value of the sensor on demand whenever pollAndProcessInput is called. This means that DEMAND_DRIVEN drivers are non-blocking by definition.
Method Detail


public boolean initialize()
This method initializes the device. A device should be initialized before it is registered with Java 3D via the PhysicalEnvironment.addInputDevice(InputDevice) method call.
return true for succesful initialization, false for failure


public void setNominalPositionAndOrientation()
This method sets the device's current position and orientation as the devices nominal position and orientation (establish its reference frame relative to the "Tracker base" reference frame).


public void pollAndProcessInput()
This method causes the device's sensor readings to be updated by the device driver. For BLOCKING and NON_BLOCKING drivers, this method is called regularly and the Java 3D implementation can cache the sensor values. For DEMAND_DRIVEN drivers this method is called each time one of the Sensor.getRead methods is called, and is not otherwise called.


public void processStreamInput()
This method will not be called by the Java 3D implementation and should be implemented as an empty method.


public void close()
Code to process the clean up of the device and relinquish associated resources. This method should be called after the device has been unregistered from Java 3D via the PhysicalEnvironment.removeInputDevice(InputDevice) method call.


public int getProcessingMode()
This method retrieves the device's processing mode: one of BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN. The Java 3D implementation calls this method when PhysicalEnvironment.addInputDevice(InputDevice) is called to register the device with Java 3D. If this method returns any value other than BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN (including the deprecated values of POLLED or STREAMING), addInputDevice will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
Returns the devices processing mode, one of BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN


public void setProcessingMode(int mode)
This method sets the device's processing mode to one of: BLOCKING, NON_BLOCKING, or DEMAND_DRIVEN. Many drivers will be written to run in only one mode. Applications using such drivers should not attempt to set the processing mode. This method should throw an IllegalArgumentException if there is an attempt to set the processing mode to anything other than the aforementioned three values, including the deprecated values of POLLED or STREAMING.


public int getSensorCount()
This method gets the number of sensors associated with the device.
the device's sensor count.


public Sensor getSensor(int sensorIndex)
Gets the specified Sensor associated with the device. Each InputDevice implementation is responsible for creating and managing its own set of sensors. The sensor indices begin at zero and end at number of sensors minus one. Each sensor should have had Sensor.setDevice(InputDevice) set properly before addInputDevice is called.
sensorIndex - the sensor to retrieve
Returns the specified sensor.