Class RotPosScalePathInterpolator


public class RotPosScalePathInterpolator
extends PathInterpolator

RotPosScalePathInterpolation behavior. This class defines a behavior that varies the rotational, translational, and scale components of its target TransformGroup by linearly interpolating among a series of predefined knot/position, knot/orientation, and knot/scale pairs (using the value generated by the specified Alpha object). The interpolated position, orientation, and scale are used to generate a transform in the local coordinate system of this interpolator. The first knot must have a value of 0.0. The last knot must have a value of 1.0. An intermediate knot with index k must have a value strictly greater than any knot with index less than k.

Fields inherited from class
currentInterpolationValue, currentKnotIndex
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
RotPosScalePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha, TransformGroup target, Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale, float[] knots, Quat4f[] quats, Point3f[] positions, float[] scales)
          Constructs a new RotPosScalePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
Method Summary
 Node cloneNode(boolean forceDuplicate)
          Used to create a new instance of the node.
 void duplicateNode(Node originalNode, boolean forceDuplicate)
          Copies all node information from originalNode into the current node.
 Transform3D getAxisOfRotPosScale()
          This method retrieves this interpolator's axis of rotation, translation, and scale.
 void getPosition(int index, Point3f position)
          This method retrieves the position value at the specified index.
 void getQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          This method retrieve the quat value at the specified index.
 float getScale(int index)
          This method retrieves the scale at the specified index.
 TransformGroup getTarget()
          This method retrieves this interpolator's target TransformGroup reference.
 void processStimulus(java.util.Enumeration criteria)
          This method is invoked by the behavior scheduler every frame.
 void setAxisOfRotPosScale(Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale)
          This method sets the axis of rotation, translation, and scale for this interpolator, RotPosScale, which defines the local coordinate system in which this interpolator operates.
 void setPosition(int index, Point3f position)
          This method sets the position value at the specified index for this interpolator.
 void setQuat(int index, Quat4f quat)
          This method sets the quat value at the specified index for this interpolator.
 void setScale(int index, float scale)
          This method sets the scale at the specified index for this interpolator.
 void setTarget(TransformGroup target)
          This method sets the target TransformGroup for this interpolator.
 void updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
          Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree.
Methods inherited from class
computePathInterpolation, getArrayLengths, getKnot, setKnot
Methods inherited from class
getAlpha, initialize, setAlpha
Methods inherited from class
getEnable, getSchedulingBoundingLeaf, getSchedulingBounds, getView, postId, setEnable, setSchedulingBoundingLeaf, setSchedulingBounds, wakeupOn
Methods inherited from class
cloneTree, cloneTree, cloneTree, getBounds, getBoundsAutoCompute, getCollidable, getLocalToVworld, getLocalToVworld, getParent, getPickable, setBounds, setBoundsAutoCompute, setCollidable, setPickable
Methods inherited from class
clearCapability, duplicateSceneGraphObject, getCapability, getUserData, isCompiled, isLive, setCapability, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RotPosScalePathInterpolator(Alpha alpha,
                                   TransformGroup target,
                                   Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale,
                                   float[] knots,
                                   Quat4f[] quats,
                                   Point3f[] positions,
                                   float[] scales)
Constructs a new RotPosScalePathInterpolator object that varies the rotation, translation, and scale of the target TransformGroup's transform.
alpha - the alpha object for this interpolator
target - the TransformGroup node affected by this interpolator
axisOfRotPosScale - the transform that specifies the local coordinate system in which this interpolator operates
knots - an array of knot values that specify a spline
quats - an array of quaternion values at the knots
positions - an array of position values at the knots
scales - an array of scale component values
Method Detail


public void setScale(int index,
                     float scale)
This method sets the scale at the specified index for this interpolator.
index - the index to be changed
scale - the new scale at index


public float getScale(int index)
This method retrieves the scale at the specified index.
index - the index of the value requested
the interpolator's scale value at index


public void setQuat(int index,
                    Quat4f quat)
This method sets the quat value at the specified index for this interpolator.
index - the index to be changed
quat - the new quat value at index


public void getQuat(int index,
                    Quat4f quat)
This method retrieve the quat value at the specified index.
index - the index of the value requested
the interpolator's quat value at the index


public void setPosition(int index,
                        Point3f position)
This method sets the position value at the specified index for this interpolator.
index - the index to be changed
position - the new position value at index


public void getPosition(int index,
                        Point3f position)
This method retrieves the position value at the specified index.
index - the index of the value requested
the interpolator's position value at the index


public void setAxisOfRotPosScale(Transform3D axisOfRotPosScale)
This method sets the axis of rotation, translation, and scale for this interpolator, RotPosScale, which defines the local coordinate system in which this interpolator operates.
axisOfRotPosScale - the interpolators axis of RotPosScale


public Transform3D getAxisOfRotPosScale()
This method retrieves this interpolator's axis of rotation, translation, and scale.
the interpolator's axis of RotPosScale


public void setTarget(TransformGroup target)
This method sets the target TransformGroup for this interpolator.
target - the target TransformGroup reference


public TransformGroup getTarget()
This method retrieves this interpolator's target TransformGroup reference.
the interpolator's target TransformGroup reference


public void processStimulus(java.util.Enumeration criteria)
This method is invoked by the behavior scheduler every frame. It maps the alpha value that corresponds to the current time into translation, rotation, and scale values, computes a transform based on these values, and updates the specified TransformGroup node with this new transform.
processStimulus in class Behavior
criteria - enumeration of criteria that have triggered this wakeup


public Node cloneNode(boolean forceDuplicate)
Used to create a new instance of the node. This routine is called by cloneTree to duplicate the current node.
cloneNode in class Node
forceDuplicate - when set to true, causes the duplicateOnCloneTree flag to be ignored. When false, the value of each node's duplicateOnCloneTree variable determines whether NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
See Also:
Node.cloneTree(), Node.cloneNode(boolean), Node.duplicateNode(, boolean), NodeComponent.setDuplicateOnCloneTree(boolean)


public void duplicateNode(Node originalNode,
                          boolean forceDuplicate)
Copies all node information from originalNode into the current node. This method is called from the cloneNode method which is, in turn, called by the cloneTree method.

For any NodeComponent objects contained by the object being duplicated, each NodeComponent object's duplicateOnCloneTree value is used to determine whether the NodeComponent should be duplicated in the new node or if just a reference to the current node should be placed in the new node. This flag can be overridden by setting the forceDuplicate parameter in the cloneTree method to true.

duplicateNode in class PathInterpolator
originalNode - the original node to duplicate.
forceDuplicate - when set to true, causes the duplicateOnCloneTree flag to be ignored. When false, the value of each node's duplicateOnCloneTree variable determines whether NodeComponent data is duplicated or copied.
See Also:
Node.cloneTree(), Node.cloneNode(boolean), NodeComponent.setDuplicateOnCloneTree(boolean)


public void updateNodeReferences(NodeReferenceTable referenceTable)
Callback used to allow a node to check if any scene graph objects referenced by that node have been duplicated via a call to cloneTree. This method is called by cloneTree after all nodes in the sub-graph have been duplicated. The cloned Leaf node's method will be called and the Leaf node can then look up any object references by using the getNewObjectReference method found in the NodeReferenceTable object. If a match is found, a reference to the corresponding object in the newly cloned sub-graph is returned. If no corresponding reference is found, either a DanglingReferenceException is thrown or a reference to the original object is returned depending on the value of the allowDanglingReferences parameter passed in the cloneTree call.
updateNodeReferences in class Behavior
referenceTable - a NodeReferenceTableObject that contains the getNewObjectReference method needed to search for new object instances.
See Also:
NodeReferenceTable, Node.cloneTree(), DanglingReferenceException