Uses of Class

Uses of CommandInfo in javax.activation

Methods in javax.activation that return CommandInfo
 CommandInfo[] MailcapCommandMap.getPreferredCommands(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Get the preferred command list for a MIME Type.
 CommandInfo[] MailcapCommandMap.getAllCommands(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Get all the available commands in all mailcap files known to this instance of MailcapCommandMap for this MIME type.
 CommandInfo MailcapCommandMap.getCommand(java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String cmdName)
          Get the command corresponding to cmdName for the MIME type.
abstract  CommandInfo[] CommandMap.getPreferredCommands(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Get the preferred command list from a MIME Type.
 CommandInfo[] CommandMap.getPreferredCommands(java.lang.String mimeType, DataSource ds)
          Get the preferred command list from a MIME Type.
abstract  CommandInfo[] CommandMap.getAllCommands(java.lang.String mimeType)
          Get all the available commands for this type.
 CommandInfo[] CommandMap.getAllCommands(java.lang.String mimeType, DataSource ds)
          Get all the available commands for this type.
abstract  CommandInfo CommandMap.getCommand(java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String cmdName)
          Get the default command corresponding to the MIME type.
 CommandInfo CommandMap.getCommand(java.lang.String mimeType, java.lang.String cmdName, DataSource ds)
          Get the default command corresponding to the MIME type.
 CommandInfo[] DataHandler.getPreferredCommands()
          Return the preferred commands for this type of data.
 CommandInfo[] DataHandler.getAllCommands()
          Return all the commands for this type of data.
 CommandInfo DataHandler.getCommand(java.lang.String cmdName)
          Get the command cmdName.

Methods in javax.activation with parameters of type CommandInfo
 java.lang.Object DataHandler.getBean(CommandInfo cmdinfo)
          A convenience method that takes a CommandInfo object and instantiates the corresponding command, usually a JavaBean component.