Interface PacketSizeControl

public interface PacketSizeControl
extends Control

This interface is a Control for specifying the parameters for packet size. This control is useful for specifying the MTU of RTP channel.

JMF 2.0

Method Summary
 int getPacketSize()
          Retrieve the maximum packet size used by this encoder.
 int setPacketSize(int numBytes)
          Sets the desired maximum data size on the data that is output by this encoder.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


public int setPacketSize(int numBytes)
Sets the desired maximum data size on the data that is output by this encoder. This parameter is to be used as a means to convey the preferred size of individual data units (packets) that are output by this encoder. Returns the actual packet size that was set.
numBytes - The number of bytes the maximum packet size is set to
the actual packet size in bytes set by the encoder


public int getPacketSize()
Retrieve the maximum packet size used by this encoder.
Maximum packet size in bytes used by this encoder.

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