
Interface Summary
BufferTransferHandler Implements the callback from a PushBufferStream.
CachedStream This interface is implemented by a SourceStream that caches downloaded data for fast delivery to the handler.
CaptureDevice CaptureDevice is the interface for all capture devices.
Controls It extends
Positionable A media object implements the Positionable interface if it supports changing the media position within the stream.
PullBufferStream Abstracts a read interface that data is pulled from in the form of Buffer objects This interface allows a sourcestream to transfer data in the form of an entire media chunk to the user of this sourcestream.
PullSourceStream Abstracts a read interface that data is pulled from.
PushBufferStream Abstracts a read interface that pushes data in the form of Buffer objects This interface allows a source stream to transfer data in the form of an entire media chunk to the user of this source stream.
RateConfiguration A configuration of streams for a particular rate.
RateConfigureable DataSources support the RateConfigureable interface if they use different rate-configurations to support multiple media display speeds.
Seekable A media object will implement this interface if it is capable of seeking to a particular position in the stream.
SourceCloneable An interface that a DataSource should implement if it needs to be cloneable.
SourceStream Abstracts a single stream of media data.
SourceTransferHandler Implements the callback from a PushSourceStream.

Class Summary
ContentDescriptor A ContentDescriptor identifies media data containers.
DataSource A DataSource is an abstraction for media protocol-handlers.
FileTypeDescriptor This sub-class of ContentDescriptor enumerates those content descriptors that are file formats.
InputSourceStream Build a source stream out of an input stream.
PullBufferDataSource Abstracts a media data-source that contains one or more PullBufferStreams and delivers data as Buffer objects.
PullDataSource Abstracts a media data-source that only supports pull data-streams.
PushBufferDataSource Abstracts a data source that manages data in the form of push streams.
PushDataSource Abstracts a data source that manages PushDataStreams.
RateRange Describes the speed at which data flows.
URLDataSource A default data-source created directly from a URL using URLConnection.

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