Interface GlobalReceptionStats

public interface GlobalReceptionStats

Interface GlobalReceptionStats--- encapsulates data reception statistics as well as RTCP statistics prepared by the RTPSM.

Method Summary
 int getBadRTCPPkts()
          The total number of RTCP packets that failed the RTCP header validity check such as RTP version number or length consistency
 int getBadRTPkts()
          The total number of RTP data packets that failed the RTP header validation check such as RTP version number or length consistency
 int getBytesRecd()
          The total number of bytes received on the RTP session socket before any validation of packets.
 int getLocalColls()
          The total number of local collisions as seen by the RTPSM
 int getMalformedBye()
          The total number of invalid BYE RTCP packets received by the RTPSM.
 int getMalformedRR()
          The total number of invalid ReceiverReports received by the RTPSM.
 int getMalformedSDES()
          The total number of invalid SDES packets received by the RTPSM.
 int getMalformedSR()
          The total number of invalid Sender Reports received by the RTPSM.
 int getPacketsLooped()
          The total number of packets looped as seen by the RTPSM
 int getPacketsRecd()
          The total number of RTP and RTCP packets received on the RTP Session socket before any packet validation
 int getRemoteColls()
          The total number of remote collisions as seen by the RTPPSM
 int getRTCPRecd()
          The total number of RTCP packets received on the RTP Session control socket before any header validation
 int getSRRecd()
          The total number of Sender Reports received on the RTCP socket
 int getTransmitFailed()
          The number of packets that failed to get transmitted.
 int getUnknownTypes()
          The total number of individual RTCP packets types that were not implemented or not recognized by the RTPSM.

Method Detail


public int getPacketsRecd()
The total number of RTP and RTCP packets received on the RTP Session socket before any packet validation


public int getBytesRecd()
The total number of bytes received on the RTP session socket before any validation of packets.


public int getBadRTPkts()
The total number of RTP data packets that failed the RTP header validation check such as RTP version number or length consistency


public int getLocalColls()
The total number of local collisions as seen by the RTPSM


public int getRemoteColls()
The total number of remote collisions as seen by the RTPPSM


public int getPacketsLooped()
The total number of packets looped as seen by the RTPSM


public int getTransmitFailed()
The number of packets that failed to get transmitted. In the current implementation, this implies RTCP packets that failed transmission


public int getRTCPRecd()
The total number of RTCP packets received on the RTP Session control socket before any header validation


public int getSRRecd()
The total number of Sender Reports received on the RTCP socket


public int getBadRTCPPkts()
The total number of RTCP packets that failed the RTCP header validity check such as RTP version number or length consistency


public int getUnknownTypes()
The total number of individual RTCP packets types that were not implemented or not recognized by the RTPSM.


public int getMalformedRR()
The total number of invalid ReceiverReports received by the RTPSM. Invalidity is due to length inconsistency


public int getMalformedSDES()
The total number of invalid SDES packets received by the RTPSM. Invalidity is due to length inconsistency


public int getMalformedBye()
The total number of invalid BYE RTCP packets received by the RTPSM. Invalidity is due to length inconsistency


public int getMalformedSR()
The total number of invalid Sender Reports received by the RTPSM. Invalidity is due to length inconsistency

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