addHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Registers an event listener to receive notifications that an SSL handshake has completed on this connection.


Certificate - class javax.security.cert.Certificate.
Abstract class for managing a variety of identity certificates.
Certificate() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.Certificate
CertificateEncodingException - exception javax.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException.
Certificate Encoding Exception.
CertificateEncodingException() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException
Constructs a CertificateEncodingException with no detail message.
CertificateEncodingException(String) - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException
Constructs a CertificateEncodingException with the specified detail message.
CertificateException - exception javax.security.cert.CertificateException.
This exception indicates one of a variety of certificate problems.
CertificateException() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateException
CertificateException(String) - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateException
Constructs a certificate exception with the given detail message.
CertificateExpiredException - exception javax.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException.
Certificate Expired Exception.
CertificateExpiredException() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException
Constructs a CertificateExpiredException with no detail message.
CertificateExpiredException(String) - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException
Constructs a CertificateExpiredException with the specified detail message.
CertificateNotYetValidException - exception javax.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException.
Certificate is not yet valid exception.
CertificateNotYetValidException() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException
Constructs a CertificateNotYetValidException with no detail message.
CertificateNotYetValidException(String) - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException
Constructs a CertificateNotYetValidException with the specified detail message.
CertificateParsingException - exception javax.security.cert.CertificateParsingException.
Certificate Parsing Exception.
CertificateParsingException() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateParsingException
Constructs a CertificateParsingException with no detail message.
CertificateParsingException(String) - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.CertificateParsingException
Constructs a CertificateParsingException with the specified detail message.
checkValidity() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Checks that the certificate is currently valid.
checkValidity(Date) - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Checks that the specified date is within the certificate's validity period.
chooseClientAlias(String, Principal[]) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager
Choose an alias to authenticate the client side of a secure socket given the public key type and the list of certificate issuer authorities recognized by the peer (if any).
chooseServerAlias(String, Principal[]) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager
Choose an alias to authenticate the server side of a secure socket given the public key type and the list of certificate issuer authorities recognized by the peer (if any).
com.sun.net.ssl - package com.sun.net.ssl
Provides classes related to creating and configuring secure socket factories.
createServerSocket(int) - Method in class javax.net.ServerSocketFactory
Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, and is bound to the specified port.
createServerSocket(int, int) - Method in class javax.net.ServerSocketFactory
Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.
createServerSocket(int, int, InetAddress) - Method in class javax.net.ServerSocketFactory
Returns a server socket which uses only the specified network interface on the local host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.
createSocket(InetAddress, int) - Method in class javax.net.SocketFactory
Returns a socket connected to a ServerSocket at the specified network address and port.
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class javax.net.SocketFactory
Returns a socket connected to a ServerSocket at the specified network address and port.
createSocket(Socket, String, int, boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
Returns a socket layered over an existing socket connected to the named host, at the given port.
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class javax.net.SocketFactory
Returns a socket connected to a ServerSocket on the named host, at the given port.
createSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in class javax.net.SocketFactory
Returns a socket connected to a ServerSocket on the named host, at the given port.


engineGetKeyManagers() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactorySpi
Returns one trust manager for each type of trust material.
engineGetServerSocketFactory() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContextSpi
Returns a ServerSocketFactory object for this context.
engineGetSocketFactory() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContextSpi
Returns a SocketFactory object for this context.
engineGetTrustManagers() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactorySpi
Returns one trust manager for each type of trust material.
engineInit(KeyManager[], TrustManager[], SecureRandom) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContextSpi
Initializes this context.
engineInit(KeyStore) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactorySpi
Initializes this factory with a source of certificate authorities and related trust material.
engineInit(KeyStore, char[]) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactorySpi
Initializes this factory with a source of key material.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Compares this certificate for equality with the specified object.


getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509TrustManager
Return an array of certificate authority certificates which are trusted for authenticating peers.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Returns the algorithm name of this KeyManagerFactory object.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Returns the algorithm name of this TrustManagerFactory object.
getCertificateChain(String) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager
Returns the certificate chain associated with the given alias.
getCipherSuite() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the name of the SSL cipher suite which is used for all connections in the session.
getCipherSuite() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedEvent
Returns the cipher suite in use by the session which was produced by the handshake.
getCipherSuite() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Returns the cipher suite in use on this connection.
getClientAliases(String, Principal[]) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager
Get the matching aliases for authenticating the client side of a secure socket given the public key type and the list of certificate issuer authorities recognized by the peer (if any).
getCreationTime() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the time at which this Session representation was created, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getDefault() - Static method in class javax.net.SocketFactory
Returns a copy of the environment's default socket factory.
getDefault() - Static method in class javax.net.ServerSocketFactory
Returns a copy of the environment's default socket factory.
getDefault() - Static method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
Returns the default SSL socket factory.
getDefault() - Static method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory
Returns the default SSL server socket factory.
getDefaultAlgorithm() - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
The default KeyManager can be changed by setting the value of the "sun.ssl.keymanager.type" security property (in the Java security properties file) to the desired name.
getDefaultAlgorithm() - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
The default TrustManager can be changed by setting the value of the "sun.ssl.trustmanager.type" security property (in the Java security properties file) to the desired name.
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
Returns the list of cipher suites which are enabled by default.
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory
Returns the list of cipher suites which are enabled by default.
getDefaultHostnameVerifier() - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Gets the default HostnameVerifier.
getDefaultSSLSocketFactory() - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Gets the default SSL socket factory.
getEnabledCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Returns the list of cipher suites which are currently enabled for use by newly accepted connections.
getEnabledCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Returns the names of the SSL cipher suites which are currently enabled for use on this connection.
getEnableSessionCreation() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Returns true if new SSL sessions may be established by the sockets which are created from this server socket.
getEnableSessionCreation() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Returns true if new SSL sessions may be established by this socket.
getEncoded() - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Returns the encoded form of this certificate.
getHostnameVerifier() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Gets the HostnameVerifier.
getId() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the identifier assigned to this Session.
getIds() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionContext
Returns an Enumeration of all session id's
getInstance(byte[]) - Static method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Instantiates an X509Certificate object, and initializes it with the specified byte array.
getInstance(InputStream) - Static method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Instantiates an X509Certificate object, and initializes it with the data read from the input stream inStream.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Generates a KeyManagerFactory object that implements the specified key management algorithm.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Generates a SSLContext object that implements the specified secure socket protocol.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Generates a TrustManagerFactory object that implements the specified trust management algorithm.
getInstance(String, Provider) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Generates a KeyManagerFactory object for the specified key management algorithm from the specified provider.
getInstance(String, Provider) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Generates a SSLContext object that implements the specified secure socket protocol.
getInstance(String, Provider) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Generates a TrustManagerFactory object for the specified trust management algorithm from the specified provider.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Generates a KeyManagerFactory object for the specified key management algorithm from the specified provider.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Generates a SSLContext object that implements the specified secure socket protocol.
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Generates a TrustManagerFactory object for the specified trust management algorithm from the specified provider.
getIssuerDN() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the issuer (issuer distinguished name) value from the certificate.
getKeyManagers() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Returns one key manager for each type of key material.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the last time this Session representation was accessed by the session level infrastructure, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
getName() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingEvent
Returns the name to which the object is being bound, or the name from which the object is being unbound.
getNeedClientAuth() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Returns true if client authentication is required on newly accepted connections.
getNeedClientAuth() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Returns true if the socket will require client authentication.
getNotAfter() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the notAfter date from the validity period of the certificate.
getNotBefore() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the notBefore date from the validity period of the certificate.
getPeerCertificateChain() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Return the certificate chain presented by the peer.
getPeerCertificateChain() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedEvent
Returns the identity of the peer which was identified as part of defining the session.
getPeerHost() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the host name of the peer in this session.
getPrivateKey(String) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager
getProtocol() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Returns the protocol name of this SSLContext object.
getProvider() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Returns the provider of this KeyManagerFactory object.
getProvider() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Returns the provider of this SSLContext object.
getProvider() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Returns the provider of this TrustManagerFactory object.
getPublicKey() - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Gets the public key from this certificate.
getSerialNumber() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the serialNumber value from the certificate.
getServerAliases(String, Principal[]) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager
Get the matching aliases for authenticating the server side of a secure socket given the public key type and the list of certificate issuer authorities recognized by the peer (if any).
getServerCertificateChain() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Returns the server's X.509 certificate chain, or null if the server did not authenticate.
getServerSocketFactory() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Returns a ServerSocketFactory object for this context.
getSession() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedEvent
Returns the session which was produced by the handshake.
getSession() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Returns the the SSL Session in use by this connection.
getSession() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingEvent
Returns the SSLSession into which the listener is being bound or from which the listener is being unbound.
getSession(byte[]) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionContext
Returns the SSLSession bound to the specified session id, or null if the specified session id does not refer to a valid SSLSession.
getSessionContext() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the context in which this session is bound.
getSigAlgName() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the signature algorithm name for the certificate signature algorithm.
getSigAlgOID() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the signature algorithm OID string from the certificate.
getSigAlgParams() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the DER-encoded signature algorithm parameters from this certificate's signature algorithm.
getSocket() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedEvent
Returns the socket which is the source of this event.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Returns a SocketFactory object for this context.
getSSLSocketFactory() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Gets the SSL socket factory.
getSubjectDN() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the subject (subject distinguished name) value from the certificate.
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use on an SSL connection.
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use on an SSL connection.
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use on an SSL connection.
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory
Returns the names of the cipher suites which could be enabled for use on an SSL connection created by this factory.
getTrustManagers() - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Returns one trust manager for each type of trust material.
getUseClientMode() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Returns true if accepted connections will be in SSL client mode.
getUseClientMode() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Returns true if the socket is set to use client mode in its first handshake.
getValue(String) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns the object bound to the given name in the session's application layer data.
getValueNames() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Returns an array of the names of all the application layer data objects bound into the Session.
getVersion() - Method in class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
Gets the version (version number) value from the certificate.


handshakeCompleted(HandshakeCompletedEvent) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedListener
This method is invoked on objects waiting for an SSL handshake to complete upon completion.
HandshakeCompletedEvent - class javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedEvent.
This event indicates that an SSL handshake completed on a given SSL connection.
HandshakeCompletedEvent(SSLSocket, SSLSession) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedEvent
Constructs a new HandshakeCompletedEvent.
HandshakeCompletedListener - interface javax.net.ssl.HandshakeCompletedListener.
This interface is implemented by any class which wants to receive notifications about the completion of an SSL protocol handshake on a given SSL connection.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Returns a hashcode value for this certificate from its encoded form.
hostnameVerifier - Variable in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
HostnameVerifier - interface com.sun.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier.
HostnameVerifier provides a callback mechanism so that implementers of this interface can supply a policy for handling the case where the host to connect to and the server name from the certificate mismatch.
HttpsURLConnection - class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.
HTTP URL connection with support for HTTPS-specific features.
HttpsURLConnection(URL) - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection


init(KeyManager[], TrustManager[], SecureRandom) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Initializes this context.
init(KeyStore) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Initializes this factory with a source of certificate authorities and related trust material.
init(KeyStore, char[]) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Initializes this factory with a source of key material.
invalidate() - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Invalidates the session.
isClientTrusted(X509Certificate[]) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509TrustManager
Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return true if it can be validated and is trusted for client SSL authentication.
isServerTrusted(X509Certificate[]) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509TrustManager
Given the partial or complete certificate chain provided by the peer, build a certificate path to a trusted root and return true if it can be validated and is trusted for server SSL authentication.


javax.net - package javax.net
Provides optional classes for networking applications.
javax.net.ssl - package javax.net.ssl
Provides the classes for the secure socket optional package.
javax.security.cert - package javax.security.cert
Provides optional classes for public key certificates.


KeyManager - interface com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManager.
Base interface for JSSE key managers.
KeyManagerFactory - class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory.
This class acts as a factory for key managers based on a source of key material.
KeyManagerFactory(KeyManagerFactorySpi, Provider, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactory
Creates a KeyManagerFactory object.
KeyManagerFactorySpi - class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactorySpi.
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the KeyManagerFactory class.
KeyManagerFactorySpi() - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.KeyManagerFactorySpi


putValue(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Binds the specified object into the session's application layer data with the given name.


removeHandshakeCompletedListener(HandshakeCompletedListener) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Removes a previously registered handshake completion listener.
removeValue(String) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession
Removes the object bound to the given name in the session's application layer data.


ServerSocketFactory - class javax.net.ServerSocketFactory.
This class creates server sockets.
ServerSocketFactory() - Constructor for class javax.net.ServerSocketFactory
Constructor is used only by subclasses.
setDefaultHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Sets the default HostnameVerifier inherited when an instance of this class is created.
setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Static method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Sets the default SSL socket factory inherited when an instance of this class is created.
setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Controls which particular SSL cipher suites are enabled for use by accepted connections.
setEnabledCipherSuites(String[]) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Controls which particular cipher suites are enabled for use on this connection.
setEnableSessionCreation(boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Controls whether new SSL sessions may be established by the sockets which are created from this server socket.
setEnableSessionCreation(boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Controls whether new SSL sessions may be established by this socket.
setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Sets the HostnameVerifier.
setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Controls whether the connections which are accepted must include client authentication.
setNeedClientAuth(boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Configures the socket to require client authentication.
setSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
Sets the SSL socket factory.
setUseClientMode(boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Controls whether accepted connections are in the (default) SSL server mode, or the SSL client mode.
setUseClientMode(boolean) - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Configures the socket to use client (or server) mode in its first handshake.
SocketFactory - class javax.net.SocketFactory.
This class creates sockets.
SocketFactory() - Constructor for class javax.net.SocketFactory
Constructor is used only by subclasses.
SSLContext - class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext.
Instances of this class represent a secure socket protocol implementation which acts as a factory for secure socket factories.
SSLContext(SSLContextSpi, Provider, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext
Creates an SSLContext object.
SSLContextSpi - class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContextSpi.
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the SSLContext class.
SSLContextSpi() - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContextSpi
SSLException - exception javax.net.ssl.SSLException.
Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem.
SSLException(String) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLException
Constructs an exception reporting an error found by an SSL subsystem.
SSLHandshakeException - exception javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException.
Indicates that the client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security.
SSLHandshakeException(String) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException
Constructs an exception reporting an error found by an SSL subsystem during handshaking.
SSLKeyException - exception javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException.
Reports a bad SSL key.
SSLKeyException(String) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLKeyException
Constructs an exception reporting a key management error found by an SSL subsystem.
SSLPeerUnverifiedException - exception javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException.
Indicates that the peer's identity has not been verified.
SSLPeerUnverifiedException(String) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException
Constructs an exception reporting that the SSL peer's identity has not been verifiied.
SSLPermission - class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLPermission.
This class is for various network permissions.
SSLPermission(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLPermission
Creates a new SSLPermission with the specified name.
SSLPermission(String, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.SSLPermission
Creates a new SSLPermission object with the specified name.
SSLProtocolException - exception javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException.
Reports an error in the operation of the SSL protocol.
SSLProtocolException(String) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException
Constructs an exception reporting an SSL protocol error detected by an SSL subsystem.
SSLServerSocket - class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket.
This class is extended by server sockets which return connections which are protected using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, and which extend the SSLSocket class.
SSLServerSocket(int) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLServerSocket(int, int) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLServerSocket(int, int, InetAddress) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLServerSocketFactory - class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory.
This class creates SSL server sockets.
SSLServerSocketFactory() - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLServerSocketFactory
Constructor is used only by subclasses.
SSLSession - interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSession.
In SSL, sessions are used to describe an ongoing relationship between two entities.
SSLSessionBindingEvent - class javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingEvent.
This event is communicated to a SSLSessionBindingListener whenever such a listener is bound to or unbound from a SSLSession value.
SSLSessionBindingEvent(SSLSession, String) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingEvent
Constructs a new SSLSessionBindingEvent
SSLSessionBindingListener - interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingListener.
This is interface is implemented by objects which want to know when they are being bound or unbound from a SSLSession.
SSLSessionContext - interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionContext.
A SSLSessionContext is a grouping of SSLSessions associated with a single entity.
SSLSocket - class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket.
SSLSocket is a class extended by sockets which support the "Secure Sockets Layer" (SSL) or IETF "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) protocols.
SSLSocket() - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(String, int) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(String, int, InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Used only by subclasses.
sslSocketFactory - Variable in class com.sun.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection
SSLSocketFactory - class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.
Instances of this kind of socket factory return SSL sockets.
SSLSocketFactory() - Constructor for class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
startHandshake() - Method in class javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket
Starts an SSL handshake on this connection.


toString() - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Returns a string representation of this certificate.
TrustManager - interface com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManager.
Base interface for JSSE trust managers which manage authentication trust decisions for different types of authentication material.
TrustManagerFactory - class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory.
This class acts as a factory for trust managers based on a source of trust material.
TrustManagerFactory(TrustManagerFactorySpi, Provider, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory
Creates a TrustManagerFactory object.
TrustManagerFactorySpi - class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactorySpi.
This class defines the Service Provider Interface (SPI) for the TrustManagerFactory class.
TrustManagerFactorySpi() - Constructor for class com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactorySpi


valueBound(SSLSessionBindingEvent) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingListener
This is called to notify the listener that it is being bound into an SSLSession.
valueUnbound(SSLSessionBindingEvent) - Method in interface javax.net.ssl.SSLSessionBindingListener
This is called to notify the listener that it is being unbound from a SSLSession.
verify(PublicKey) - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Verifies that this certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to the specified public key.
verify(PublicKey, String) - Method in class javax.security.cert.Certificate
Verifies that this certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to the specified public key.
verify(String, String) - Method in interface com.sun.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier
Verify that the hostname from the URL is an acceptable match with the value from the common name entry in the server certificate's distinguished name.


X509Certificate - class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate.
Abstract class for X.509 v1 certificates.
X509Certificate() - Constructor for class javax.security.cert.X509Certificate
X509KeyManager - interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509KeyManager.
Instances of this interface manage which X509 certificate-based key pairs are used to authenticate the local side of a secure socket.
X509TrustManager - interface com.sun.net.ssl.X509TrustManager.
Instance of this interface manage which X509 certificates may be used to authenticate the remote side of a secure socket.