Package javax.xml.bind.helpers

JAXB Provider Use Only: Provides partial default implementations for some of the javax.xml.bind interfaces.


Class Summary
AbstractMarshallerImpl Partial default Marshaller implementation.
AbstractUnmarshallerImpl Partial default Unmarshaller implementation.
DefaultValidationEventHandler This is the JAXB 1.0 default validation event handler that will be used by the Unmarshaller and Validator if the client application doesn't specify their own.
NotIdentifiableEventImpl Default implementation of the NotIdentifiableEvent interface.
ParseConversionEventImpl Default implementation of the ParseConversionEvent interface.
PrintConversionEventImpl Default implementation of the PrintConversionEvent interface.
ValidationEventImpl Default implementation of the ValidationEvent interface.
ValidationEventLocatorImpl Default implementation of the ValidationEventLocator interface.

Package javax.xml.bind.helpers Description

JAXB Provider Use Only: Provides partial default implementations for some of the javax.xml.bind interfaces.

JAXB Providers can extend these classes and implement the abstract methods.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

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