Class CalendarBase

  extended byjavax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended byjavax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended byjavax.faces.component.UIOutput
              extended byjavax.faces.component.UIInput
                  extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.HiddenFieldBase
                      extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.HiddenField
                          extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.FieldBase
                              extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Field
                                  extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.CalendarBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComplexComponent, javax.faces.component.EditableValueHolder, javax.faces.component.StateHolder, javax.faces.component.ValueHolder
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class CalendarBase
extends Field

Use the ui:calendar when the user needs to select a date. The calendar component displays a text field that expects a date as input, together with an icon that when clicked displays a small calendar. The user can either type directly into the textfield or select a date from the calendar display.

HTML Elements and Layout

The component renders several elements: an optional <label>, an <input type="text"> and an <img> element for the icon. They are laid out inside a HTML <table>.

The pop-up calendar is a complex component also laid out using a HTML <table>. It has child components corresponding to <ui:dropDown> and <ui:iconHyperlink> (please see these for details) and anchors <a> to represent the dates and the "close" button.

Configuring the ui:calendar tag

Use the selectedDate attribute to associate the component with a model object that represents the current value, by setting the attribute's value to an EL expression that corresponds to a property of a backing bean.

By default, the component accepts dates between the current date and four years out. The years shown in the popup calendar reflect this range. If a date outside of the range is entered into the textfield, the component indicates a validation error. To specify a different range of date, use the minDate and maxDate attributes.

To optionally specify a label for the component, use the label attribute, or specify a label facet.


Client-side JavaScript functions

In all the functions below, <id> should be the generated id of the TextField component.

[JSOBJECT_NAME]_setDisabled(<id>, <disabled>) Enable/disable the field. Set <disabled> to true to disable the component, or false to enable it.
component_setVisible(<id>) Hide or show this component.


Example 1: Basic Popup Calendar

The component gets the options from a managed bean called CalendarBean. The value of the component selectedDate is bound to a property of the managed bean. A label for the component as a whole (label) is shown next to the component.

This example shows how to create a simple calendar.

<ui:calendar id="startDate" 
               label="Start Date: " />

Code for the managed bean:

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;

public class CalendarBean {
    public CalendarBean() {
    private Date startDate = null;

    public Date getStartDate() {

        return this.startDate;

    public void setStartDate(Date startDate) {

        this.startDate = startDate;

The selectAll attribute indicates that the Add All and Remove All buttons should be shown. A label for the component as a whole (label) is shown next to the component (labelOnTop is false). Labels have been specified for the list of available items and for the list of selected items. The sorted attribute indicates that the options on the list will be shown in alphabetical order.

Example 2: DateFormat Pattern and Range of Dates configured

The component gets the options from a managed bean called TravelBean. The value of the component selectedDate is bound to a property travelDateof the managed bean. A label for the component as a whole (label) is shown next to the component; the label is retrieved from a message bundle.

The component has been configured to use a pattern for date representation consisting of four digits for the year, two for the month, and two for the day, separated by dashes. This pattern, set using the dateFormatPattern attribute will be used regardless of locale. With this date format pattern, the default help string will be "YYYY-MM-DD", which is suitable for English, but not for other locales where other words are used, so a different message is retrieved for each locale (dateFormatPattern).

The component is also configured to restrict the range of dates that are valid, so that the first valid date is the day after the day the component is viewed, and the last valid date is six months from that date.

     <ui:calendar id="travelDate" 
         maxDate="#{TravelBean.sixMonthsFromNow}" />

Auto-generated component class. Do NOT modify; all changes will be lost!

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Field
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIInput
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new CalendarBase.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDateFormatPattern()
          The date format pattern to use (i.e.
 java.lang.String getDateFormatPatternHelp()
          A message below the textfield for the date, indicating the string format to use when entering a date as text into the textfield.
 java.lang.String getFamily()
          Return the family for this component.
 java.util.Date getMaxDate()
          A java.util.Date object representing the last selectable day.
 java.util.Date getMinDate()
          A java.util.Date object representing the first selectable day.
 java.util.Date getSelectedDate()
          A java.util.Date object representing the currently selected calendar date.
 java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
          The java.util.TimeZone used with this component.
 javax.faces.el.ValueBinding getValueBinding(java.lang.String name)
          Return the ValueBinding stored for the specified name (if any), respecting any property aliases.
 void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context, java.lang.Object _state)
          Restore the state of this component.
 java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context)
          Save the state of this component.
 void setDateFormatPattern(java.lang.String dateFormatPattern)
          The date format pattern to use (i.e.
 void setDateFormatPatternHelp(java.lang.String dateFormatPatternHelp)
          A message below the textfield for the date, indicating the string format to use when entering a date as text into the textfield.
 void setMaxDate(java.util.Date maxDate)
          A java.util.Date object representing the last selectable day.
 void setMinDate(java.util.Date minDate)
          A java.util.Date object representing the first selectable day.
 void setSelectedDate(java.util.Date selectedDate)
          A java.util.Date object representing the currently selected calendar date.
 void setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone timeZone)
          The java.util.TimeZone used with this component.
 void setValueBinding(java.lang.String name, javax.faces.el.ValueBinding binding)
          Set the ValueBinding stored for the specified name (if any), respecting any property aliases.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Field
getColumns, getLabelComponent, getPrimaryElementID, getReadOnlyComponent, log, setText
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.FieldBase
getLabel, getLabelLevel, getMaxLength, getOnBlur, getOnChange, getOnClick, getOnDblClick, getOnFocus, getOnKeyDown, getOnKeyPress, getOnKeyUp, getOnMouseDown, getOnMouseMove, getOnMouseOut, getOnMouseOver, getOnMouseUp, getOnSelect, getStyle, getStyleClass, getTabIndex, getText, getToolTip, isDisabled, isReadOnly, isTrim, isVisible, setColumns, setDisabled, setLabel, setLabelLevel, setMaxLength, setOnBlur, setOnChange, setOnClick, setOnDblClick, setOnFocus, setOnKeyDown, setOnKeyPress, setOnKeyUp, setOnMouseDown, setOnMouseMove, setOnMouseOut, setOnMouseOver, setOnMouseUp, setOnSelect, setReadOnly, setStyle, setStyleClass, setTabIndex, setToolTip, setTrim, setVisible
Methods inherited from class com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.HiddenField
getConvertedValue, getReadOnlyValueString, getValueAsString
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIInput
addValidator, addValueChangeListener, broadcast, compareValues, decode, getSubmittedValue, getValidator, getValidators, getValueChangeListener, getValueChangeListeners, isImmediate, isLocalValueSet, isRequired, isValid, processDecodes, processUpdates, processValidators, removeValidator, removeValueChangeListener, setImmediate, setLocalValueSet, setRequired, setSubmittedValue, setValid, setValidator, setValue, setValueChangeListener, updateModel, validate, validateValue
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIOutput
getConverter, getLocalValue, getValue, setConverter
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
addFacesListener, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientId, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, getRendersChildren, isRendered, isTransient, processRestoreState, processSaveState, queueEvent, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.faces.component.ValueHolder
getConverter, getLocalValue, getValue, setConverter

Constructor Detail


public CalendarBase()

Construct a new CalendarBase.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFamily()

Return the family for this component.

getFamily in class FieldBase


public javax.faces.el.ValueBinding getValueBinding(java.lang.String name)

Return the ValueBinding stored for the specified name (if any), respecting any property aliases.

getValueBinding in class FieldBase
name - Name of value binding to retrieve


public void setValueBinding(java.lang.String name,
                            javax.faces.el.ValueBinding binding)

Set the ValueBinding stored for the specified name (if any), respecting any property aliases.

setValueBinding in class FieldBase
name - Name of value binding to set
binding - ValueBinding to set, or null to remove


public java.lang.String getDateFormatPattern()

The date format pattern to use (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd). The component uses an instance of java.text.SimpleDateFormat and you may specify a pattern to be used by this component, with the following restriction: the format pattern must include yyyy (not yy), MM, and dd; and no other parts of time may be displayed. If a pattern is not specified, a locale-specific default is used.

If you change the date format pattern, you may also need to change the dateFormatPatternHelp attribute. See the documentation for that attribute.


public void setDateFormatPattern(java.lang.String dateFormatPattern)

The date format pattern to use (i.e. yyyy-MM-dd). The component uses an instance of java.text.SimpleDateFormat and you may specify a pattern to be used by this component, with the following restriction: the format pattern must include yyyy (not yy), MM, and dd; and no other parts of time may be displayed. If a pattern is not specified, a locale-specific default is used.

If you change the date format pattern, you may also need to change the dateFormatPatternHelp attribute. See the documentation for that attribute.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getDateFormatPatternHelp()

A message below the textfield for the date, indicating the string format to use when entering a date as text into the textfield.

If the dateFormatPattern attribute has not been set, there is no need to set this attribute, as an appropriate locale-specific help string will be shown.

However, if the default dateFormatPattern has been overridden, then you may need to override this attribute also. The default behavior of the component is to show the pattern but capitalize it, so for example, if the value of dateFormatPattern is yyyy-MM-dd, then the default help text will be YYYY-MM-DD. This is likely to be inadequate for languages other than English, in which you may use this attribute to provide descriptions that are appropriate for each locale.


public void setDateFormatPatternHelp(java.lang.String dateFormatPatternHelp)

A message below the textfield for the date, indicating the string format to use when entering a date as text into the textfield.

If the dateFormatPattern attribute has not been set, there is no need to set this attribute, as an appropriate locale-specific help string will be shown.

However, if the default dateFormatPattern has been overridden, then you may need to override this attribute also. The default behavior of the component is to show the pattern but capitalize it, so for example, if the value of dateFormatPattern is yyyy-MM-dd, then the default help text will be YYYY-MM-DD. This is likely to be inadequate for languages other than English, in which you may use this attribute to provide descriptions that are appropriate for each locale.

See Also:


public java.util.Date getMaxDate()

A java.util.Date object representing the last selectable day. The default value is four years after the minDate (which is evaluated first).

The value of this attribute is reflected in the years that are available for selection in the month display. In future releases of this component, web application users will also not be able to view months after this date, or select days that follow this date. At present such dates can be selected, but will not be validated when the form is submitted.


public void setMaxDate(java.util.Date maxDate)

A java.util.Date object representing the last selectable day. The default value is four years after the minDate (which is evaluated first).

The value of this attribute is reflected in the years that are available for selection in the month display. In future releases of this component, web application users will also not be able to view months after this date, or select days that follow this date. At present such dates can be selected, but will not be validated when the form is submitted.

See Also:


public java.util.Date getMinDate()

A java.util.Date object representing the first selectable day. The default value is today's date.

The value of this attribute is reflected in the years that are available for selection in the month display. In future releases of this component, web application users will also not be able to view months before this date, or select days that precede this date. At present such dates can be selected, but will not be validated when the form is submitted.


public void setMinDate(java.util.Date minDate)

A java.util.Date object representing the first selectable day. The default value is today's date.

The value of this attribute is reflected in the years that are available for selection in the month display. In future releases of this component, web application users will also not be able to view months before this date, or select days that precede this date. At present such dates can be selected, but will not be validated when the form is submitted.

See Also:


public java.util.Date getSelectedDate()

A java.util.Date object representing the currently selected calendar date.


public void setSelectedDate(java.util.Date selectedDate)

A java.util.Date object representing the currently selected calendar date.

See Also:


public java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()

The java.util.TimeZone used with this component. Unless set, the default TimeZone for the locale in javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot is used.


public void setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone timeZone)

The java.util.TimeZone used with this component. Unless set, the default TimeZone for the locale in javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot is used.

See Also:


public void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context,
                         java.lang.Object _state)

Restore the state of this component.

Specified by:
restoreState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
restoreState in class FieldBase


public java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context)

Save the state of this component.

Specified by:
saveState in interface javax.faces.component.StateHolder
saveState in class FieldBase