Class TableRowGroupBase

  extended byjavax.faces.component.UIComponent
      extended byjavax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
          extended bycom.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableRowGroupBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class TableRowGroupBase
extends javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase

Use the ui:tableRowGroup tag to define the rows of a table, inside a ui:table tag.  A table must include at least one tableRowGroup component to contain the table row content.

The ui:table tag is used to define the structure and actions of the table, and is a container for ui:tableRowGroup tags.  The ui:tableRowGroup tag is a container for ui:tableColumn tags, which are used to define the columns of the table.  The documentation for the ui:table tag contains detailed information about the table component.  This page provides details about how to create table rows only.

When you use one ui:tableRowGroup tag in the ui:table tag, you create a basic table.  Examples of basic tables are shown in the ui:table tag documentation. When you use multiple ui:tableRowGroup tags, you create a group table, which is discussed in detail in this document.

HTML Elements and Layout

The tableRowGroup component is used to define attributes for XHTML <tr>   elements, which are used to display rows of data. You can specify multiple ui:tableRowGroup tags to create groups of rows. Each group is visually separate from the other groups, but all rows of the table can be sorted and filtered at once, within their respective groups.

UI guidelines recommend that column headers and table column footers are only rendered once for each table. Column headers typically appear at the top of the table, below the Action Bar and above all row groups. Table column footers appear only at the bottom of the table, below all row groups. The column headers and table column footers are defined in the headerText and tableFooterText attributes of the ui:tableColumn tags. To ensure that these headers and footers are rendered only once, you should define the  headerText and tableFooterText attributes only in the ui:tableColumn tags inside the first ui:tableRowGroup tag in the table.  See the
ui:tableColumn documentation for more information.

The following diagram shows the placement of the areas of a table, and highlights the areas that are defined with ui:tableRowGroup tags. This diagram depicts two row groups.

Title Bar 
Action Bar (top)  
Column Header
Column Header
Group Header Bar (specified with headerText attribute and header facet in first ui:tableRowGroup tag)
Table data specified in ui:tableRowGroup

Table data specified in ui:tableRowGroup
Column Footer Column Footer
Group Footer Bar 
Group Header Bar
Table data specified in ui:tableRowGroup

Table data specified in ui:tableRowGroup
Column Footer
Column Footer
Group Footer Bar
Table Column Footer Table Column Footer
Action Bar (bottom) 

Group Header Bar

The Group Header Bar displays a header by default at the top of each group of rows.  The text of the group header is specified with the headerText attribute. You can specify a separate component to provide header content by using the header facet, which overrides the headerText attribute.  You can use the following ui:tableRowGroup attributes to change the appearance of the group header:
Note: Detailed descriptions of the attributes are in the attributes table at the end of this document.

Group Footer Bar

The Group Footer Bar displays an optional footer below each group of rows. The text of the group footer is specified with the footerText attribute. You can specify a separate component to provide the footer content by using the footer facet, which overrides the footerText attribute.  You can use the following ui:tableRowGroup attributes to change the appearance of the group footer:

Table Data

The table data is specified with the sourceData and sourceVar attributes. The sourceData attribute specifies the source of the data that populates the table. The sourceVar attribute specifies the name of the request-scope variable to use for exposing the model data when iterating over table rows. Each table in a JSP page must use a unique sourceVar value. See the Life Cycle section for more information about these attributes.   


The ui:tableRowGroup tag supports the following facets, which allow you to customize the layout  of the component.

Facet Name
Table Item Implemented by the Facet
Footer that applies to the group of rows defined by the ui:tableRowGroup tag.  This facet can be used to  replace the default footer.
header Header that applies to the group of rows defined by the ui:tableRowGroup tag. This facet can be used to replace the default header.

Client Side JavaScript Functions

See the ui:table tag's JavaScript documentation.  The same functions are used for the ui:tableRowGroup tag.

Notes for the ui:tableRowGroup tag

All examples assume that the ui:table tag is contained within a HTML <form> element so actions can submit form data. For basic table and sort examples, see the ui:table tag documentation and ui:tableColumn documentation.

Life Cycle

The sourceData property of tableRowGroup is invoked at least twice during the JavaServer Faces life cycle. The sourceData is invoked once during one of the Apply Request Values, Process Validations, or Update Model Values phases, and once during the Render Response phase. In order to process the previously displayed children during the Apply Request Values, Process Validations, or Update Model Values phases, the table must use the same DataProvider that was used to render the previous page. For example, suppose that sorting, filtering, and pagination were applied on the previous page, and rows 10-20 of 1000 were currently displayed. You want to update only the currently displayed components, rows 10-20. To do this, you must not update the DataProvider until the Invoke Application phase or Render Response phases, when it is safe to render new data.

Note that if the underlying DataProvider has changed in any way, processing of the previously displayed children might not be possible during the Apply Request Values, Process Validations, or Update Model Values phases. In addition, if the DataProvider is null or empty, no children will be processed and their processDecodes(), processValidators(), and processUpdates() methods will not be invoked. If a component has not been decoded (in the Apply Request Values phase), action events might not be received and component properties such as hyperlink query parameters cannot be retrieved.  Also, if a component has not been updated (in the Update Model Values phase), submitted values cannot be retrieved for checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.

When obtaining data is expensive, consider caching the DataProvider. A cached DataProvider persists across requests if the backing bean uses session scope, or if the application uses server-side state saving and the TableRowGroup.setSourceData method is set. Note that a phase listener may be used to initialize the DataProvider during the Invoke Application Phase. However, when the underlying DataProvider has changed in any way, UI guidelines recommend that pagination is reset to the first page. You can use the tableRowGroup component's setFirst() method to set the first row to be displayed.


The following examples use a backing bean called TableBean, which is shown in the ui:table tag documentation. Utility classes used in the examples are included in this ui:tableRowGroup page, after the examples.  Additional examples are shown in the ui:table and ui:tableColumn documents.

Examples in this file:

Example 1: Group Table

Example 2: Dynamic Table

Example 3: Dynamic Group Table

Supporting files:

TableBean backing bean in ui:table documentation

Utility classes used in the examples

Example 1: Group Table

This example shows how to create a group table. A group table contains rows of data that are arranged in discrete sections or groups within the table.  In a basic table, each column typically has a header and perhaps a footer. However, in a group table, each group of rows can have its own header and footer. In addition, a group table can display table column footers and an overall table footer below all data groups.  The table column footers are specified in ui:tableColumn tags and the overall footer is specified in the ui:table tag. See the diagram of the table areas.

Additional attributes should be used in the ui:tableColumn tags within each ui:tableRowGroup tag to specify functionality. For example, the selectId and sort  attributes allow column headers to sort on all row groups at once. 

The example uses the backing bean called TableBean for the table data. See the
TableBean backing bean in ui:table documentation.

Note: UI guidelines recommend that items should not remain selected when they cannot be seen by the user. Using the com.sun.rave.web.ui.event.TableSelectPhaseListener object ensures that rows that are hidden from view are deselected because the phase listener clears the table state after the rendering phase. Although pagination is not used for a group table, the TableSelectPhaseListener object is used in this example in the Select util, which is shown in in the ui:table documentation.  Also refer to the JavaDoc for TableSelectPhaseListener for more information. 

<!-- Group Table -->
<ui:table id="table1"
    footerText="Table Footer">

  <!-- Title -->
  <f:facet name="title">
    <ui:staticText text="Group Table"/>

  <ui:tableRowGroup id="rowGroup1"
      footerText="Group Footer"
      headerText="Group Header"

    <ui:tableColumn id="col0"
      <ui:checkbox id="select"
          onClick="setTimeout('initAllRows()', 0)"
    <ui:tableColumn id="col1"
        footerText="Column Footer"
        headerText="Last Name"
      <ui:staticText text="#{name.value.last}"/>
    <ui:tableColumn id="col2"
        footerText="Column Footer"
        headerText="First Name"
      <ui:staticText text="#{name.value.first}"/>

  <ui:tableRowGroup id="rowGroup2"

    <!-- Row group header -->
    <f:facet name="header">
      <ui:panelGroup id="groupHeader">
        <ui:markup tag="span" extraAttributes="class='TblGrpLft'">
          <ui:staticText styleClass="TblGrpTxt" text="Group Header"/>
        <ui:markup tag="span" extraAttributes="class='TblGrpRt'">
          <ui:staticText styleClass="TblGrpMsgTxt" text="Right-Aligned Text"/>

    <!-- Row group footer -->
    <f:facet name="footer">
      <ui:staticText styleClass="TblGrpFtrRowTxt" text="Group Footer"/>

    <ui:tableColumn id="col0"
      <ui:checkbox id="select"
          onClick="setTimeout('initAllRows()', 0)"
    <ui:tableColumn id="col1"
        footerText="Column Footer"
        tableFooterText="Table Column Footer">
      <ui:staticText text="#{name.value.last}"/>
    <ui:tableColumn id="col2"
        footerText="Column Footer"
        tableFooterText="Table Column Footer">
      <ui:staticText text="#{name.value.first}"/>


This example shows the contents of the select.js file used in the example above.

// Use this function to initialize all rows displayed in the table when the
// state of selected components change (i.e., checkboxes or radiobuttons used to
// de/select rows of the table). This functionality requires the selectId
// property of the tableColumn component to be set.
// Note: Use setTimeout when invoking this function. This will ensure that
// checkboxes and radiobutton are selected immediately, instead of waiting for
// the onClick event to complete. For example:
// onClick="setTimeout('initAllRows(); disableActions()', 0)"
function initAllRows() {
    // Disable table actions by default.
    var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");

Example 2: Dynamic Table

This example shows how to use the ui:table tag to create a binding to a backing bean to dynamically create a table layout. The dynamic table is created as needed and can be changed each time the page is rendered.  

<ui:table id="table1" binding="#{DynamicTableBean.table}"/>

The backing bean, DynamicTableBean, is shown in the following class. This bean is used only to create the table layout, and shows how to use the tableRowGroup component directly through Java code instead of through the JSP tag  ui:tableRowGroup. The utility class provides the functionality for adding properties to the table.  The table also uses methods that are defined in the TableBean shown in the ui:table documentation. Backing Bean

package table;

import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Table;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableRowGroup;

import table.util.Dynamic;

// Backing bean for dynamic table examples.
// Note: To simplify the example, this bean is used only to create the table
// layout. The resulting table will use methods already defined in TableBean.
public class DynamicTableBean {
    private Dynamic dynamic = null; // Dynamic util.
    private Table table = null; // Table component.

    // Default constructor.
    public DynamicTableBean() {
        dynamic = new Dynamic();

    // Get Table component.
    public Table getTable() {
        if (table == null) {
            // Get table row group.
            TableRowGroup rowGroup1 = dynamic.getTableRowGroup("rowGroup1",
                "#{}", null);

            // Set table row group properties.
                "#{TableBean.groupB.actions.action}", true);

            // Get table.
            table = dynamic.getTable("table1", "Dynamic Table");
        return table;

    // Set Table component.
    // @param table The Table component.
    public void setTable(Table table) {
        this.table = table;

Example 3: Dynamic Group Table

This example shows how to use the ui:table tag to create a binding to a backing bean to dynamically create a group table layout. The dynamic group table is created as needed and can be changed each time the page is rendered.

<ui:table id="table1" binding="#{DynamicGroupTableBean.table}"/>

The backing bean, DynamicGroupTableBean, is shown in the following class. This bean is used only to create the table layout, and shows how to use the tableRowGroup component directly through Java code instead of through the JSP tag  ui:tableRowGroup. The utility class provides the functionality for adding properties to the table.  The table also uses methods that are defined in the TableBean shown in the ui:table documentation. Backing Bean

package table;

import table.util.Dynamic;

import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Table;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableRowGroup;

// Backing bean for dynamic group table examples.
// Note: To simplify the example, this bean is used only to create the table
// layout. The resulting table will use methods already defined in TableBean.
public class DynamicGroupTableBean {
    private Dynamic dynamic = null; // Dynamic util.
    private Table table = null; // Table component.

    // Default constructor.
    public DynamicGroupTableBean() {
        dynamic = new Dynamic();

    // Get Table component.
    public Table getTable() {
        if (table == null) {
            // Get table row group.
            TableRowGroup rowGroup1 = dynamic.getTableRowGroup("rowGroup1",
                "Group Header");
            TableRowGroup rowGroup2 = dynamic.getTableRowGroup("rowGroup2",
                "Group Header");

            // Set table row group properties.
                "#{}", null, true);
                "#{}", null, false);

            // Set select and row group toggle buttons.

            // Get table.
            table = dynamic.getTable("table1", null);

            // Add title facet.
            StaticText title = new StaticText();
            title.setText("Dynamic Group Table");
            table.getFacets().put(Table.TITLE_FACET, title);
        return table;

    // Set Table component.
    // @param table The Table component.
    public void setTable(Table table) {
        this.table = table;

faces_config.xml Entry for Managed Beans

The examples are based on managed beans, such as the example below, added to the faces_config.xml file.

<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
    '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN'

        <description>Backing bean for the group table example</description>

        <description>Backing bean for the dynamic table example</description>

        <description>Backing bean for the dynamic group table example</description>

Utility Classes used in the examples

The  following utility class is used in the group table examples shown in this page.

The following utility classes are shown in the ui:table documentation, and used in the examples for the table tags ui:table, ui:tableRowGroup, and ui:tableColumn. Utility Class

package table.util;

import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Checkbox;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Hyperlink;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Table;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableColumn;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableRowGroup;

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIParameter;
import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;

// This class provides functionality for dynamic tables.
public class Dynamic {
    public static final String CHECKBOX_ID = "select";
    public static final String HYPERLINK_ID = "link";

    // Default constructor.
    public Dynamic() {

    // Note: When using tags in a JSP page, UIComponentTag automatically creates
    // a unique id for the component. However, when dynamically creating
    // components, via a backing bean, the id has not been set. In this
    // scenario, allowing JSF to create unique Ids may cause problems with
    // Javascript and components may not be able to maintain state properly.
    // For example, if a component was assigned "_id6" as an id, that means
    // there were 5 other components that also have auto-generated ids. Let us
    // assume one of those components was a complex component that, as part of
    // its processing, adds an additional non-id'd child before redisplaying the
    // view. Now, the id of this component will be "_id7" instead of "_id6".
    // Assigning your own id ensures that conflicts do not occur.

    // Get Table component.
    // @param id The component id.
    // @param title The table title text.
    public Table getTable(String id, String title) {
        // Get table.
        Table table = new Table();
        table.setDeselectMultipleButton(true); // Show deselect multiple button.
        table.setSelectMultipleButton(true); // Show select multiple button.
        table.setTitle(title); // Set title text.

        return table;

    // Get TableRowGroup component with header.
    // @param id The component id.
    // @param sourceData Value binding expression for model data.
    // @param selected Value binding expression for selected property.
    // @param header Value binding expression for row group header text.
    public TableRowGroup getTableRowGroup(String id, String sourceData,
            String selected, String header) {
        // Get table row group.
        TableRowGroup rowGroup = new TableRowGroup();
        rowGroup.setId(id); // Set id.
        rowGroup.setSourceVar("name"); // Set source var.
        rowGroup.setHeaderText(header); // Set header text.
        setValueBinding(rowGroup, "selected", selected); // Set row highlight.
        setValueBinding(rowGroup, "sourceData", sourceData); // Set source data.

        return rowGroup;

    // Get TableColumn component.
    // @param id The component id.
    // @param sort Value binding expression for column sort.
    // @param align The field key for column alignment.
    // @param header The column header text.
    // @param selectId The component id used to select table rows.
    public TableColumn getTableColumn(String id, String sort, String align,
            String header, String selectId) {
        // Get table column.
        TableColumn col = new TableColumn();
        col.setId(id); // Set id.
        col.setSelectId(selectId); // Set id used to select table rows.
        col.setHeaderText(header); // Set header text.
        col.setAlignKey(align); // Set align key.
        setValueBinding(col, "sort", sort); // Set sort.

        return col;

    // Get Checkbox component used for select column.
    // @param id The component id.
    // @param selected Value binding expression for selected property.
    // @param selectedValue Value binding expression for selectedValue property.
    public Checkbox getCheckbox(String id, String selected,
            String selectedValue) {
        // Get checkbox.
        Checkbox cb = new Checkbox();
        cb.setId(id); // Set id here and set row highlighting below.
        cb.setOnClick("setTimeout('initAllRows()', 0)");
        setValueBinding(cb, "selected", selected); // Set selected.
        setValueBinding(cb, "selectedValue", selectedValue); // Set selected value.

        return cb;

    // Get Hyperlink component.
    // @param id The component id.
    // @param text Value binding expression for text.
    // @param action Method binding expression for action.
    // @param parameter Value binding expression for parameter.
    public Hyperlink getHyperlink(String id, String text, String action,
            String parameter) {
        // Get hyperlink.
        Hyperlink hyperlink = new Hyperlink();
        hyperlink.setId(id); // Set id.
        setValueBinding(hyperlink, "text", text); // Set text.
        setMethodBinding(hyperlink, "action", action); // Set action.

        // Create paramerter.
        UIParameter param = new UIParameter();
        param.setId(id + "_param");
        setValueBinding(param, "value", parameter); // Set parameter.

        return hyperlink;

    // Get StaticText component.
    // @param text Value binding expression for text.
    public StaticText getText(String text) {
        // Get static text.
        StaticText staticText = new StaticText();
        setValueBinding(staticText, "text", text); // Set text.

        return staticText;

    // Set TableRowGroup children.
    // @param rowGroup The TableRowGroup component.
    // @param cbSort Value binding expression for cb sort.
    // @param cbSelected Value binding expression for cb selected property.
    // @param cbSelectedValue Value binding expression for cb selectedValue property.
    // @param action The Method binding expression for hyperlink action.
    // @param showHeader Flag indicating to display column header text.
    public void setTableRowGroupChildren(TableRowGroup rowGroup, String cbSort,
        String cbSelected, String cbSelectedValue, String action,
            boolean showHeader) {
        // UI guidelines recomend no headers for second row group.
        String header1 = showHeader ? "Last Name" : null;
        String header2 = showHeader ? "First Name" : null;

        // Get columns.
        TableColumn col1 = getTableColumn(
            "col0", cbSort, null, null, CHECKBOX_ID);
        TableColumn col2 = getTableColumn(
            "col1", "#{name.value.last}", "last", header1, null);           
        TableColumn col3 = getTableColumn(
            "col2", "#{name.value.first}", "first", header2, null);

        // Get column components.
        Checkbox cb = getCheckbox(CHECKBOX_ID, cbSelected, cbSelectedValue);
        StaticText firstName = getText("#{name.value.first}");
        // If action was provided, add a hyperlink; otherwise, use static text.
        if (action != null) {
            Hyperlink lastName = getHyperlink(HYPERLINK_ID,
                "#{name.value.last}", action,
        } else {
            StaticText lastName = getText("#{name.value.last}");

        // Add Children.

    // Helper method to set value bindings.
    // @param component The UIComponent to set a value binding for.
    // @param name The name of the value binding.
    // @param value The value of the value binding.
    protected void setValueBinding(UIComponent component, String name,
            String value) {
        if (value == null) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        component.setValueBinding(name, context.getApplication().

    // Helper method to set method bindings.
    // @param component The UIComponent to set a value binding for.
    // @param name The name of the method binding.
    // @param action The action of the method binding.
    protected void setMethodBinding(UIComponent component, String name,
            String action) {
        if (action == null) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        component.getAttributes().put(name, context.getApplication().
            createMethodBinding(action, new Class[0]));

Auto-generated component class. Do NOT modify; all changes will be lost!

Constructor Summary
          Construct a new TableRowGroupBase.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAlign()
          Sets the horizontal alignment (left, right, justify, center) for the cell contents
 java.lang.String getBgColor()
 java.lang.String getChar()
 java.lang.String getCharOff()
 java.lang.String getEmptyDataMsg()
          The text to be displayed when the table does not contain data.
 java.lang.String getExtraFooterHtml()
          Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group footer.
 java.lang.String getExtraHeaderHtml()
          Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group header.
 java.lang.String getFamily()
          Return the family for this component.
 int getFirst()
          Use the first attribute to specify which row should be the first to be displayed.
 java.lang.String getFooterText()
          The text to be displayed in the group footer.
 java.lang.String getHeaderText()
          The text to be displayed in the group header.
 java.lang.String getOnClick()
          Scripting code executed when a mouse click occurs over this component.
 java.lang.String getOnDblClick()
          Scripting code executed when a mouse double click occurs over this component.
 java.lang.String getOnKeyDown()
          Scripting code executed when the user presses down on a key while the component has focus.
 java.lang.String getOnKeyPress()
          Scripting code executed when the user presses and releases a key while the component has focus.
 java.lang.String getOnKeyUp()
          Scripting code executed when the user releases a key while the component has focus.
 java.lang.String getOnMouseDown()
          Scripting code executed when the user presses a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.
 java.lang.String getOnMouseMove()
          Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer while over the component.
 java.lang.String getOnMouseOut()
          Scripting code executed when a mouse out movement occurs over this component.
 java.lang.String getOnMouseOver()
          Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer into the boundary of this component.
 java.lang.String getOnMouseUp()
          Scripting code executed when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.
 int getRows()
          The number of rows per page to be displayed for a paginated table. getSourceData()
          The sourceData attribute is used to specify the data source to populate the table.
 java.lang.String getSourceVar()
          Use the sourceVar attribute to specify the name of the request-scope attribute under which model data for the current row will be exposed when iterating.
 java.lang.String getStyleClasses()
          Use the styleClasses attribute to specify a list of CSS style classes to apply to the rows of the group. getTableDataFilter()
          The tableDataFilter attribute is used to define filter critera and mechanism for filtering the contents of a TableDataProvider. getTableDataSorter()
          The tableDataSorter attribute is used to define sort critera and the mechanism for sorting the contents of a TableDataProvider.
 java.lang.String getToolTip()
          Display the text as a tooltip for this component
 java.lang.String getValign()
          Vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the content of each cell in the column
 boolean isAboveColumnFooter()
          Set the aboveColumnFooter attribute to true to display the group footer bar above the column footers bar.
 boolean isAboveColumnHeader()
          Set the aboveColumnHeader attribute to true to display the group header bar above the column headers bar.
 boolean isCollapsed()
          Use the collapsed attribute to initially render the group as collapsed, so that the data rows are hidden and only the header row is visible.
 boolean isGroupToggleButton()
          Use the groupToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to collapse and expand the group of rows.
 boolean isMultipleColumnFooters()
          Use the multipleColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown.
 boolean isMultipleTableColumnFooters()
          Use the multipleTableColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the table footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown.
 boolean isSelected()
          Flag indicating that the current row is selected.
 boolean isSelectMultipleToggleButton()
          Use the selectMultipleToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to select all rows of the group at once.
 boolean isVisible()
          Use the visible attribute to indicate whether the component should be viewable by the user in the rendered HTML page.
 void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context, java.lang.Object _state)
          Restore the state of this component.
 java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context)
          Save the state of this component.
 void setAboveColumnFooter(boolean aboveColumnFooter)
          Set the aboveColumnFooter attribute to true to display the group footer bar above the column footers bar.
 void setAboveColumnHeader(boolean aboveColumnHeader)
          Set the aboveColumnHeader attribute to true to display the group header bar above the column headers bar.
 void setAlign(java.lang.String align)
          Sets the horizontal alignment (left, right, justify, center) for the cell contents
 void setBgColor(java.lang.String bgColor)
 void setChar(java.lang.String _char)
 void setCharOff(java.lang.String charOff)
 void setCollapsed(boolean collapsed)
          Use the collapsed attribute to initially render the group as collapsed, so that the data rows are hidden and only the header row is visible.
 void setEmptyDataMsg(java.lang.String emptyDataMsg)
          The text to be displayed when the table does not contain data.
 void setExtraFooterHtml(java.lang.String extraFooterHtml)
          Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group footer.
 void setExtraHeaderHtml(java.lang.String extraHeaderHtml)
          Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group header.
 void setFirst(int first)
          Use the first attribute to specify which row should be the first to be displayed.
 void setFooterText(java.lang.String footerText)
          The text to be displayed in the group footer.
 void setGroupToggleButton(boolean groupToggleButton)
          Use the groupToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to collapse and expand the group of rows.
 void setHeaderText(java.lang.String headerText)
          The text to be displayed in the group header.
 void setMultipleColumnFooters(boolean multipleColumnFooters)
          Use the multipleColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown.
 void setMultipleTableColumnFooters(boolean multipleTableColumnFooters)
          Use the multipleTableColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the table footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown.
 void setOnClick(java.lang.String onClick)
          Scripting code executed when a mouse click occurs over this component.
 void setOnDblClick(java.lang.String onDblClick)
          Scripting code executed when a mouse double click occurs over this component.
 void setOnKeyDown(java.lang.String onKeyDown)
          Scripting code executed when the user presses down on a key while the component has focus.
 void setOnKeyPress(java.lang.String onKeyPress)
          Scripting code executed when the user presses and releases a key while the component has focus.
 void setOnKeyUp(java.lang.String onKeyUp)
          Scripting code executed when the user releases a key while the component has focus.
 void setOnMouseDown(java.lang.String onMouseDown)
          Scripting code executed when the user presses a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.
 void setOnMouseMove(java.lang.String onMouseMove)
          Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer while over the component.
 void setOnMouseOut(java.lang.String onMouseOut)
          Scripting code executed when a mouse out movement occurs over this component.
 void setOnMouseOver(java.lang.String onMouseOver)
          Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer into the boundary of this component.
 void setOnMouseUp(java.lang.String onMouseUp)
          Scripting code executed when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.
 void setRows(int rows)
          The number of rows per page to be displayed for a paginated table.
 void setSelected(boolean selected)
          Flag indicating that the current row is selected.
 void setSelectMultipleToggleButton(boolean selectMultipleToggleButton)
          Use the selectMultipleToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to select all rows of the group at once.
 void setSourceData( sourceData)
          The sourceData attribute is used to specify the data source to populate the table.
 void setSourceVar(java.lang.String sourceVar)
          Use the sourceVar attribute to specify the name of the request-scope attribute under which model data for the current row will be exposed when iterating.
 void setStyleClasses(java.lang.String styleClasses)
          Use the styleClasses attribute to specify a list of CSS style classes to apply to the rows of the group.
 void setTableDataFilter( tableDataFilter)
          The tableDataFilter attribute is used to define filter critera and mechanism for filtering the contents of a TableDataProvider.
 void setTableDataSorter( tableDataSorter)
          The tableDataSorter attribute is used to define sort critera and the mechanism for sorting the contents of a TableDataProvider.
 void setToolTip(java.lang.String toolTip)
          Display the text as a tooltip for this component
 void setValign(java.lang.String valign)
          Vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the content of each cell in the column
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          Use the visible attribute to indicate whether the component should be viewable by the user in the rendered HTML page.
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase
addFacesListener, broadcast, decode, encodeBegin, encodeChildren, encodeEnd, findComponent, getAttributes, getChildCount, getChildren, getClientId, getFacesContext, getFacesListeners, getFacet, getFacets, getFacetsAndChildren, getId, getParent, getRenderer, getRendererType, getRendersChildren, getValueBinding, isRendered, isTransient, processDecodes, processRestoreState, processSaveState, processUpdates, processValidators, queueEvent, removeFacesListener, restoreAttachedState, saveAttachedState, setId, setParent, setRendered, setRendererType, setTransient, setValueBinding
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TableRowGroupBase()

Construct a new TableRowGroupBase.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFamily()

Return the family for this component.


public boolean isAboveColumnFooter()

Set the aboveColumnFooter attribute to true to display the group footer bar above the column footers bar. The default is to display the group footer below the column footers.


public void setAboveColumnFooter(boolean aboveColumnFooter)

Set the aboveColumnFooter attribute to true to display the group footer bar above the column footers bar. The default is to display the group footer below the column footers.

See Also:


public boolean isAboveColumnHeader()

Set the aboveColumnHeader attribute to true to display the group header bar above the column headers bar. The default is to display the group header below the column headers.


public void setAboveColumnHeader(boolean aboveColumnHeader)

Set the aboveColumnHeader attribute to true to display the group header bar above the column headers bar. The default is to display the group header below the column headers.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getAlign()

Sets the horizontal alignment (left, right, justify, center) for the cell contents


public void setAlign(java.lang.String align)

Sets the horizontal alignment (left, right, justify, center) for the cell contents

See Also:


public java.lang.String getBgColor()


public void setBgColor(java.lang.String bgColor)


public java.lang.String getChar()


public void setChar(java.lang.String _char)


public java.lang.String getCharOff()


public void setCharOff(java.lang.String charOff)


public boolean isCollapsed()

Use the collapsed attribute to initially render the group as collapsed, so that the data rows are hidden and only the header row is visible. The default is to show the group expanded.


public void setCollapsed(boolean collapsed)

Use the collapsed attribute to initially render the group as collapsed, so that the data rows are hidden and only the header row is visible. The default is to show the group expanded.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getEmptyDataMsg()

The text to be displayed when the table does not contain data. The text is displayed left-aligned in a single row that contains one cell that spans all columns. The emptyDataMsg text might be something similar to "No items found." If users can add items to the table, the message might include instructions, such as "This table contains no files. To add a file to monitor, click the New button."


public void setEmptyDataMsg(java.lang.String emptyDataMsg)

The text to be displayed when the table does not contain data. The text is displayed left-aligned in a single row that contains one cell that spans all columns. The emptyDataMsg text might be something similar to "No items found." If users can add items to the table, the message might include instructions, such as "This table contains no files. To add a file to monitor, click the New button."

See Also:


public java.lang.String getExtraFooterHtml()

Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group footer. Use only code that is valid in an HTML <td> element. The code you specify is inserted in the HTML element, and is not checked for validity. For example, you might set this attribute to "nowrap=`nowrap'".


public void setExtraFooterHtml(java.lang.String extraFooterHtml)

Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group footer. Use only code that is valid in an HTML <td> element. The code you specify is inserted in the HTML element, and is not checked for validity. For example, you might set this attribute to "nowrap=`nowrap'".

See Also:


public java.lang.String getExtraHeaderHtml()

Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group header. Use only code that is valid in an HTML <td> element. The code you specify is inserted in the HTML element, and is not checked for validity. For example, you might set this attribute to "nowrap=`nowrap'".


public void setExtraHeaderHtml(java.lang.String extraHeaderHtml)

Extra HTML code to be appended to the <tr> HTML element that is rendered for the group header. Use only code that is valid in an HTML <td> element. The code you specify is inserted in the HTML element, and is not checked for validity. For example, you might set this attribute to "nowrap=`nowrap'".

See Also:


public int getFirst()

Use the first attribute to specify which row should be the first to be displayed. This value is used only when the table is paginated. By default, the first row (0) is displayed first. The value of this property is maintained as part of the table's state, and the value is updated when the user clicks on buttons to page through the table.


public void setFirst(int first)

Use the first attribute to specify which row should be the first to be displayed. This value is used only when the table is paginated. By default, the first row (0) is displayed first. The value of this property is maintained as part of the table's state, and the value is updated when the user clicks on buttons to page through the table.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getFooterText()

The text to be displayed in the group footer.


public void setFooterText(java.lang.String footerText)

The text to be displayed in the group footer.

See Also:


public boolean isGroupToggleButton()

Use the groupToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to collapse and expand the group of rows.


public void setGroupToggleButton(boolean groupToggleButton)

Use the groupToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to collapse and expand the group of rows.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getHeaderText()

The text to be displayed in the group header.


public void setHeaderText(java.lang.String headerText)

The text to be displayed in the group header.

See Also:


public boolean isMultipleColumnFooters()

Use the multipleColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown. The default is to show the footers of only the innermost level of nested ui:tableColumn tags.


public void setMultipleColumnFooters(boolean multipleColumnFooters)

Use the multipleColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown. The default is to show the footers of only the innermost level of nested ui:tableColumn tags.

See Also:


public boolean isMultipleTableColumnFooters()

Use the multipleTableColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the table footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown. The default is to show the table footers of only the innermost level of nested ui:tableColumn tags.


public void setMultipleTableColumnFooters(boolean multipleTableColumnFooters)

Use the multipleTableColumnFooters attribute when the ui:tableRowGroup contains nested ui:tableColumn tags, and you want the table footers of all the ui:tableColumn tags to be shown. The default is to show the table footers of only the innermost level of nested ui:tableColumn tags.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnClick()

Scripting code executed when a mouse click occurs over this component.


public void setOnClick(java.lang.String onClick)

Scripting code executed when a mouse click occurs over this component.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnDblClick()

Scripting code executed when a mouse double click occurs over this component.


public void setOnDblClick(java.lang.String onDblClick)

Scripting code executed when a mouse double click occurs over this component.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnKeyDown()

Scripting code executed when the user presses down on a key while the component has focus.


public void setOnKeyDown(java.lang.String onKeyDown)

Scripting code executed when the user presses down on a key while the component has focus.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnKeyPress()

Scripting code executed when the user presses and releases a key while the component has focus.


public void setOnKeyPress(java.lang.String onKeyPress)

Scripting code executed when the user presses and releases a key while the component has focus.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnKeyUp()

Scripting code executed when the user releases a key while the component has focus.


public void setOnKeyUp(java.lang.String onKeyUp)

Scripting code executed when the user releases a key while the component has focus.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnMouseDown()

Scripting code executed when the user presses a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.


public void setOnMouseDown(java.lang.String onMouseDown)

Scripting code executed when the user presses a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnMouseMove()

Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer while over the component.


public void setOnMouseMove(java.lang.String onMouseMove)

Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer while over the component.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnMouseOut()

Scripting code executed when a mouse out movement occurs over this component.


public void setOnMouseOut(java.lang.String onMouseOut)

Scripting code executed when a mouse out movement occurs over this component.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnMouseOver()

Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer into the boundary of this component.


public void setOnMouseOver(java.lang.String onMouseOver)

Scripting code executed when the user moves the mouse pointer into the boundary of this component.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getOnMouseUp()

Scripting code executed when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.


public void setOnMouseUp(java.lang.String onMouseUp)

Scripting code executed when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse pointer is on the component.

See Also:


public int getRows()

The number of rows per page to be displayed for a paginated table. The default value is 25 per page.


public void setRows(int rows)

The number of rows per page to be displayed for a paginated table. The default value is 25 per page.

See Also:


public boolean isSelectMultipleToggleButton()

Use the selectMultipleToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to select all rows of the group at once. The button toggles a column of checkboxes using the id that is given to the selectId attribute of the ui:tableColumn tag.


public void setSelectMultipleToggleButton(boolean selectMultipleToggleButton)

Use the selectMultipleToggleButton attribute to display a button in the group header to allow users to select all rows of the group at once. The button toggles a column of checkboxes using the id that is given to the selectId attribute of the ui:tableColumn tag.

See Also:


public boolean isSelected()

Flag indicating that the current row is selected. If the value is set to true, the row will appear highlighted.


public void setSelected(boolean selected)

Flag indicating that the current row is selected. If the value is set to true, the row will appear highlighted.

See Also:


public getSourceData()

The sourceData attribute is used to specify the data source to populate the table. The value of the sourceData attribute must be a JavaServer Faces EL expression that resolves to a backing bean of type

The sourceData property is referenced during multiple phases of the JavaServer Faces life cycle while iterating over the rows. The TableDataProvider object that is bound to this attribute should be cached so that the object is not created more often than needed.


public void setSourceData( sourceData)

The sourceData attribute is used to specify the data source to populate the table. The value of the sourceData attribute must be a JavaServer Faces EL expression that resolves to a backing bean of type

The sourceData property is referenced during multiple phases of the JavaServer Faces life cycle while iterating over the rows. The TableDataProvider object that is bound to this attribute should be cached so that the object is not created more often than needed.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getSourceVar()

Use the sourceVar attribute to specify the name of the request-scope attribute under which model data for the current row will be exposed when iterating. During iterative processing over the rows of data in the data provider, the TableDataProvider for the current row is exposed as a request attribute under the key specified by this property. Note: This value must be unique for each table in the JSP page.


public void setSourceVar(java.lang.String sourceVar)

Use the sourceVar attribute to specify the name of the request-scope attribute under which model data for the current row will be exposed when iterating. During iterative processing over the rows of data in the data provider, the TableDataProvider for the current row is exposed as a request attribute under the key specified by this property. Note: This value must be unique for each table in the JSP page.

See Also:


public java.lang.String getStyleClasses()

Use the styleClasses attribute to specify a list of CSS style classes to apply to the rows of the group. You can apply all the styles in the list to each row by separating the class names with commas. Each row looks the same when commas are used to delimit the styles. You can apply alternating styles to individual rows by separating the style class names with spaces. You can create a pattern of shading alternate rows, for example, to improve readability of the table. For example, if the list has two elements, the first style class in the list is applied to the first row, the second class to the second row, the first class to the third row, the second class to the fourth row, etc. The tableRowGroup component iterates through the list of styles and repeats from the beginning until a style is applied to each row.


public void setStyleClasses(java.lang.String styleClasses)

Use the styleClasses attribute to specify a list of CSS style classes to apply to the rows of the group. You can apply all the styles in the list to each row by separating the class names with commas. Each row looks the same when commas are used to delimit the styles. You can apply alternating styles to individual rows by separating the style class names with spaces. You can create a pattern of shading alternate rows, for example, to improve readability of the table. For example, if the list has two elements, the first style class in the list is applied to the first row, the second class to the second row, the first class to the third row, the second class to the fourth row, etc. The tableRowGroup component iterates through the list of styles and repeats from the beginning until a style is applied to each row.

See Also:


public getTableDataFilter()

The tableDataFilter attribute is used to define filter critera and mechanism for filtering the contents of a TableDataProvider. The value of the tableDataFilter attribute must be a JavaServer Faces EL expression that resolves to a backing bean of type


public void setTableDataFilter( tableDataFilter)

The tableDataFilter attribute is used to define filter critera and mechanism for filtering the contents of a TableDataProvider. The value of the tableDataFilter attribute must be a JavaServer Faces EL expression that resolves to a backing bean of type

See Also:


public getTableDataSorter()

The tableDataSorter attribute is used to define sort critera and the mechanism for sorting the contents of a TableDataProvider. The value of the tableDataSorter attribute must be a JavaServer Faces EL expression that resolves to a backing bean of type


public void setTableDataSorter( tableDataSorter)

The tableDataSorter attribute is used to define sort critera and the mechanism for sorting the contents of a TableDataProvider. The value of the tableDataSorter attribute must be a JavaServer Faces EL expression that resolves to a backing bean of type

See Also:


public java.lang.String getToolTip()

Display the text as a tooltip for this component


public void setToolTip(java.lang.String toolTip)

Display the text as a tooltip for this component

See Also:


public java.lang.String getValign()

Vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the content of each cell in the column


public void setValign(java.lang.String valign)

Vertical alignment (top, middle, bottom) for the content of each cell in the column

See Also:


public boolean isVisible()

Use the visible attribute to indicate whether the component should be viewable by the user in the rendered HTML page. If set to false, the HTML code for the component is present in the page, but the component is hidden with style attributes. By default, visible is set to true, so HTML for the component HTML is included and visible to the user. If the component is not visible, it can still be processed on subsequent form submissions because the HTML is present.


public void setVisible(boolean visible)

Use the visible attribute to indicate whether the component should be viewable by the user in the rendered HTML page. If set to false, the HTML code for the component is present in the page, but the component is hidden with style attributes. By default, visible is set to true, so HTML for the component HTML is included and visible to the user. If the component is not visible, it can still be processed on subsequent form submissions because the HTML is present.

See Also:


public void restoreState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context,
                         java.lang.Object _state)

Restore the state of this component.


public java.lang.Object saveState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext _context)

Save the state of this component.