
High-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources.


Interface Summary
Entity<T> An abstraction for the immutable entity of a HTTP request.

Exception Summary
NotFoundException A HTTP 404 (Not Found) exception.
WebApplicationException Runtime exception for applications.

Annotation Types Summary
ConsumeMime Defines the MIME types that the methods of a resource class can accept.
DefaultValue Defines the default value of a method parameter, field or bean property that is bound from a URI query or matrix parameter or a HTTP header using the @QueryParam, @MatrixParam or @HeaderParam annotations respectively.
HeaderParam Binds a HTTP header to a Java method parameter, class field or bean property.
HttpMethod Indicates that the annotated Java method should be used to handle HTTP requests.
MatrixParam Binds a URI matrix parameter to a Java method parameter, class field or bean property.
ProduceMime Defines the MIME type(s) that the methods of a resource class can produce.
QueryParam Binds a HTTP query parameter to a Java method parameter, class field or bean property.
SubResources Defines the set static sub-resource class of a resource class.
UnmatchedPath Binds the unmatched path to a Java method parameter.
UriParam Binds a method parameter, class field or property to a URI template parameter value.
UriTemplate Identifies the URI path that a resource class or class method will serve requests for.

Package Description

High-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources. E.g.:

public class WidgetResource {

  public Representation getWidget(@UriParam("widgetid") String id) {
    String replyStr = getWidgetAsXml(id);
    StringRepresentation reply = new StringRepresentation(replyStr,
    return reply;
  public void updateWidget(@UriParam("widgetid") String id,
    Representation<Source> update) {
    updateWidgetFromXml(id, update);