Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model 11g Release 1 ( E10653-05 |
Interface Summary | |
AccessorTraversal | |
AccTravDef | This interface is used to describe ViewLink accessor traversal in batch mode. |
AccTravInvoke | This interface describes the actual ViewLink accessor to invoke. |
AccTravQualifier | This interface is used to see if a row qualifies for accessor invocation. |
AppModuleRequestHandler | |
DataCollector | |
DataDocumentWriter | |
IDiagnostic | Defines methods for logging diagnostic messages. |
IDiagnostic2 | Defines methods for logging diagnostic messages. |
JBOClassLoader | |
JboMessage | Defines methods for localizing exception messages for various target languages, and for message formatting. |
Marshallable | |
MetaObjectBase | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
ObjectMarshaller | Defines the interface for marshalling custom objects |
PropertyConstants | Defines constants used by various BC4J properties. |
PropertyContext | Defines methods for logging diagnostic messages. |
PropertyMetadataDelegate | Implementing this interface allows to override the method getDefaults() in PropertyMetadata. |
PropertyMetadataInfoProvider | A property info provider can register itself with a PropertyMetadataDelegate, if the delegate implements PropertyMetadataListener. |
PropertyMetadataListener | This interface allows a component in the runtime environment to register with a PropertyMetadataDelegate in the design environment |
ResourceBundleDef | Interface to be implemented by different Resource Bundledefs |
ResourceBundleDefFactory | Factory to create a resource bundle def. |
ResourceBundleOwner | |
TransactionControl | |
TransPostControl | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
TypeSQLNative | |
ViewCriteriaClauseBuilder | |
ViewCriteriaManagerOwner | |
ViewObjectDynAttr |
Class Summary | |
AbstractListBinding | |
AccessorNameTokenizer | |
AccTravDefImpl | This class is a base implementation of the AccTravDef
interface. |
AccTravInvokeImpl | This class is a base implementation of the AccTravInvoke
interface. |
AccTravQualAllImpl | This accessor traversal qualifier class matches any row. |
AccTravQualBaseImpl | This abstract class is a base implementation of the AccTravQualifier
interface. |
AccTravQualByAttrValuesImpl | This accessor traversal qualifier class matches by the row's attribute values. |
AccTravQualByDefFullNameImpl | This accessor traversal qualifier class matches by the row's definition full name. |
ADFLoggerDiagnosticImpl | The class logs information by using ADFLogger starting in JDev 10.1.3. |
ApplicationModuleHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
ArrayMarshaller | The ArrayMarshaller is a helper class to marshall array of java types into byte streams and vice versa. |
ArrayResourceBundle | ArrayResourceBundle is an abstract subclass of
ResourceBundle that manages locale-dependent resources
in an array. |
AttributeCategoryManagerImpl | |
AttributeDefHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
AttributeDefValue | AttributeDefValue describes the View Object attribute. |
AttributeHintsMap | |
AttributeInfo | |
Base64 | Helper class to handle the task of making a serialized byte[] blob into a string (by overriding toString) on the OutputStream and unmaking the string back to byte[] so the objects can be read back in. |
BaseScriptViewObjectHelper | |
BaseViewCriteriaManagerImpl | This class provides implementation for most of the ViewCriteriaManager interface for a View Object. |
CallAnalyzer | Provides a method for extracting function-call information from the the current stack. |
CharacterEncodingMapping | Provides two static conversion functions to translate between IANA names for character set encodings and JDK names. |
CheckedListResourceBundle | A helper class to aid with keeping our NLSable resources consistent. |
ClientDocument | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
ClientElement | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
CommonCriteriaAdapter | |
CommonMessageBundle | |
Configuration | Deprecated. since 5.0 Use Configuration instead. |
ConsoleDiagnosticImpl | The superclass for classes that display diagnostics in a console. |
ContextUtil | |
DataDocument | |
DBSortCriteriaCollection | |
DBSortCriteriaImpl | |
DebugDiagnostic | Provides tracing and logging methods for use during application development. |
DeclarativeWhereClause | A jbo designtime base class for reference objects. |
DefaultResourceFactory | The default factory to create a resource bundle def. |
DefaultSessionContextImpl | |
DefLocaleContext | |
DependencyGraph | This implements a directed graph which can be used to determine a partial ordering of the nodes using a topological sort. |
Diagnostic | The Diagnostic class contains static tracing methods. |
DiagnosticFactory | Creates instances of implementations of the IDiagnostic
interface. |
DiagnosticStream | This class allows you to pass an instance of itself to code that expects to be using a PrintStream, and to indirect through the Diagnostic facility: hence the output can be controlled using the system properties jbo.diagnostic.logging etcetera. |
EventGroup | This class provides a typesafe enumeration of instrumented event groups |
ExpressionDef | |
FileDiagnosticImpl | A Diagnostic implementation that routes output to a file. |
GenericResourceBundleDef | |
GraphicsUtils | GraphicsUtils defines common user-interface related utility
functions. |
GroovyParserUtil | Utility class to get parsed content of Groovy scripts |
IASDiagnosticImpl | The superclass for classes that display diagnostics in a console. |
InternedString | |
JavaTypeMapEntries | Populates TypeMap Entries for BC4J Designtime and Runtime to map a Database column type to a java-class type and also to jdbc-sqltype and id. |
JboAbstractMap | |
JboBeanUtils | |
JBOClass | |
JboCompOper | |
JboEnvUtil | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboExceptionHelper | The top-level class for Business Component exceptions. |
JboExHelperLocalized | The superclass for localized exceptions for Business Components. |
JboHome | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboInitialContext | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboInitialContextFactory | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboNameUtil | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboObjectInputStream | |
JboObjectOutputStream | |
JboPropertiesResourceBundle | A helper class to aid with keeping our NLSable resources consistent. |
JboResourceBundle | A helper class to aid with keeping our NLSable resources consistent. |
JboServiceMessage | |
JBOSessionFactoryHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboStringUtil | |
JboTypeMap | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
JboTypeMapEntries | |
JboXMLUtil | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
ListBindingDef | |
ListBindingDefSerializer | |
Lock | |
LoopDiagnostic | Allow an accumulation of individual debug messages before dumping to the Diagnostic stream to allow for easy wrapping of loops etc. |
MasterRowHandles | |
MessageBundleDef | MessageBundleDef implements ResourceBundleDef |
MOMProperties | This static class exists purely to keep the properties out of the way of MetaObjectManager's static initializer |
MsgBundleKey | MsgBundleKey is used as a key for any msg bundle it stores locale and bundlename |
NamedObjectImpl | The base class for all business objects. |
ObjectTypeHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
OracleAppsTypeMapEntries | Populates Oracle-database specific TypeMap Entries for BC4J Designtime and Runtime to map a Database column type to a java-class type and also to jdbc-sqltype and id. |
OracleTypeMapEntries | Populates Oracle-database specific TypeMap Entries for BC4J Designtime and Runtime to map a Database column type to a java-class type and also to jdbc-sqltype and id. |
Owner | This is a simple example of a java type-safe constant. |
PiggybackClsCheckWrapper | |
PiggybackInput | This is a helper class for piggybacking input. |
PiggybackInputStream | This class is a helper class for Client Service to do piggybacking. |
PiggybackObjectOutputStream | This class is a helper class for Client Service to do piggybacking. |
PiggybackOutput | This is a helper class for piggybacking output. |
PipeDiagnosticImpl | The superclass for classes that act as a stream for diagnostic messages. |
PrintVersion | Prints the current BC4J version number. |
PropertiesBundleDef | PropertiesBundleDef implements ResourceBundleDef |
PropertiesHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
PropertyDefaultContext | temporary (Nov02) implementation to hold a default property context. |
PropertyEnums | |
PropertyGroup | This is an example of a java type-safe constant. |
PropertyManager | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
PropertyMetadata | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
PropertyMetadataType | This class registers the type for BC4J properties. |
RepConversion | Numbers' representation conversion/manipulation routines. |
ResourceConfigCallback | |
ResourceFactoryManager | A manager class used to register and unregister ResourceFactories based on NameSpace |
ResourceManager | Used by the generated implementations of the ArrayResourceBundle
which is the ResourceBundle flavor in use by the IDE. |
ResourceUtils | Utility class to make using resources easier. |
ROTEntry | |
RowSetHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
RowSetIteratorHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
SerializationUtils | Mainly used in the client/server remoting classes as a helper |
SessionContextManagerImpl | |
SharedFileDiagnosticImpl | A Diagnostic implementation that routes output to a file. |
SilentDiagnosticImpl | The superclass for classes that act as null output devices. |
StringManager | Provides methods for managing localizable messages. |
StringManagerFactory | The factory for creating StringManager instances. |
StructureDefHelper | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
SvcMethodRequest | |
SvcMethodResponse | |
SvcMsgDataRow | |
SvcMsgIteratorState | |
SvcMsgNoData | |
SvcMsgRequest | |
SvcMsgRequestParams | |
SvcMsgResponse | |
SvcMsgResponseByValueRowSet | |
SvcMsgResponseEvent | |
SvcMsgResponseException | |
SvcMsgResponseFullRef | |
SvcMsgResponseNavig | This class is a helper class for Client Service to do piggybacking. |
SvcMsgResponseRef | |
SvcMsgResponseRowEvent | |
SvcMsgResponseValues | |
SvcMsgVariable | |
Timer | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
TypeMarshaller | Provides methods for passing primitive Java values between the client and middle tier as byte streams. |
UsageInfo | |
UserAznUtil | |
UUID | |
VariableImpl | |
VariableManagerImpl | |
VariableValueManagerImpl | |
ViewCriteriaImpl | |
ViewCriteriaItemCompoundImpl | |
ViewCriteriaItemImpl | |
ViewCriteriaItemValueImpl | |
ViewCriteriaMarshaller | |
ViewCriteriaRowImpl | |
ViewCriteriaUsageImpl | |
ViewDefInfo | |
ViewObjectSubclassDef | |
WeakHashlist | |
WeakHashtable | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
WeakHashtableImpl | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
WeakKeyHashtable | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
WeakKeyHashtableImpl | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
WeakVector | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
WeakVectorImpl | Internal: Applications should not use this class. |
XliffResourceBundleDef | |
XmlInterfaceCriteria |
Enum Summary | |
PropertyEnums.FETCH_MODE |
Exception Summary | |
GraphCycleException | |
JboAssert | Indicates that an ASSERT() statement has failed. |
JboExMsgCarrier | |
JboUnexpectedException | Indicates an unspecified fatal error. |
UnknownSQLTypeException | Indicates that an attempt has been made to use a unknown or unimplemented SQL data type. |
Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model 11g Release 1 ( E10653-05 |