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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (

Class MigrateRuleRepository

  extended by

public class MigrateRuleRepository
extends java.lang.Object

Migrate an SDK1 format repository to a SDK2 format repository.
The conversion process relies on the use of Map (from which SDK1 classes are descended) to retrieve the instance data for a SDK1 class instance. Migration, with some special exceptions, copies the key - value pairs from the SDK1 object to an SDK2 object.

 P Code to desribe conversion
 //create a Migrateer instance
 RepositoryMigrateer conv = new MigrateRuleRepository();
 //set the output buffer

 //set input repository (SDK1 format)
 conv.setOriginLocation( String-file-repo-file-and-path )

 conv.setDestinationLocation( string-directory-path )
 //the output pkg and dictionary will be created from the origin
 //version and dictionary by mkDefaultPackageName()

 try {
   String results = conv.getTotalStats()
   display results;
   catch (MigrationException e)
   display exception;
   display some-writer-instance;

The SDK1 dictionary name is used for the SDK2 dictionary name and the SDK1 version name is used as part of the SDK2 package name.

 SDK1               SDK2
 dictionary name  --->  dictionary name
 version name    --->  package name :=   version name + "." + dictionary name

The SDK2 package name and dictionary name will form the directory structure for SDK2 File dictionaries.
Migration may operate on a single SDK1 dictionary/version from a repository. In such a case the OriginDictionaryName and OriginVersionName must be set to a specifidc dictionary/version pair.
If greater program control is required, the getDictionaryNames() and getVersionNames() methods return a list of the names and versions found in a SDK1 repository. These names may be used to set the origin properties and migrateSingleDictionary() may be invoked to migrate a single dictionary/version.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String FILE
          An xml file containing a dictionary.
static java.lang.String FILE_REPO
          Indicates an Oracle Business Rules file based repository.
static java.lang.String MIGRATE_ALL
          Value used to indicate all.
static java.lang.String WEBDAV_REPO
          An Oracle Business Rules WebDav based repository.


Constructor Summary
          Migrates an SDK1 Oracle Rules Repository to SDK2 format.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDestinationDictionaryName()
          return the destination dictionary name property.
 java.lang.String getDestinationLocation()
          return the destination location String.
 java.lang.String getDestinationPackageName()
          return the destination package name property.
 java.lang.String getDestinationType()
 java.lang.String getImportedClasspath()
          return the imported classpath String.
 java.lang.String getOriginDictionaryName()
          return the orgin dictionary name.
 java.lang.String getOriginLocation()
          return the origin location String.
 java.lang.String getOriginPassword()
          returns the specified WebDav passwd.
 java.lang.String getOriginPasswordSource()
          returns the specified WebDav passwd source file
 java.lang.String getOriginProxyHost()
          returns the specified WebDav proxyhost.
 java.lang.String getOriginProxyPassword()
          returns the specified proxy password.
 java.lang.String getOriginProxyPort()
          returns the specified WebDav proxyport.
 java.lang.String getOriginProxyUserid()
          returns the specified WebDav proxy userid.
 java.lang.String getOriginType()
          return the type of origin repository
 java.lang.String getOriginUserid()
          returns the specified WebDav userid.
 java.lang.String getOriginVersionName()
          return the origin version name getOutLog()
 java.lang.String getTotalStats()
          Return a String with the numbers of each type of first class object migrateed.
 java.lang.String getXSDLocation()
          return the imported xsds String.
 java.lang.String getXSDOutputDir()
          return the imported xsds String.
 boolean isLogWithStackTrace()
          Gets the boolean property that controls if logging should log the stack trace of an exception.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Migration of a repository may be invoked by main.
 void migrate()
 void migrateSingleDictionary()
 java.lang.String mkDefaultPackageName(java.lang.String verName, java.lang.String dictName)
          Create a package name for SDK2 dictionaries.
static oracle.rules.sdk.dictionary.RuleDictionary openDict(oracle.rules.sdk.repository.RuleRepository repo, java.lang.String dictName, java.lang.String verName)
          open load the origin SDK1 version dictionary.
 void setDestinationDictionaryName(java.lang.String odictName)
          set the dictionary name for destination dictionary If this is not set (null) then the dictionary name from the origin dictionary will be used.
 void setDestinationLocation(java.lang.String loc)
          set the String with the location of the destination Repository.
 void setDestinationPackageName(java.lang.String opkg)
          set the destination package name.
 void setDestinationType(java.lang.String otype)
 void setExecuteRL(boolean b)
          Sets the boolean property that controls if the migrated dictionary should generate and execute RL as part of validation
 void setImportedClasspath(java.lang.String loc)
          set the String with the location of the classes in the the Datamodel.
 void setLogWithStackTrace(boolean b)
          Sets the boolean property that controls if logging should log the stack trace of an exception.
 void setOriginDictionaryName(java.lang.String odictName)
          set the dictionary name for origin dictionary.
 void setOriginLocation(java.lang.String loc)
          set the String with the location of the origin repository.
 void setOriginPassword(java.lang.String passw)
          set the WebDav password.
 void setOriginPasswordSource(java.lang.String passw)
          set the WebDav password source file
 void setOriginProxyHost(java.lang.String proxyhost)
          set the WebDav proxy host
 void setOriginProxyPassword(java.lang.String passw)
          set the WebDav proxy password.
 void setOriginProxyPort(java.lang.String proxyport)
          set the WebDav proxy port
 void setOriginProxyUserid(java.lang.String uid)
          set the WebDav Proxy userid
 void setOriginType(java.lang.String otype)
          set the String denoting origin repository type.
 void setOriginUserid(java.lang.String uid)
          set the WebDav userid
 void setOriginVersionName(java.lang.String over)
          set the origin version name. if this is MigrateRuleRepository.MIGRATE_ALL and dictionary name is MigrateRuleRepository.MIGRATE_ALL, all versions and all dictionaries will be migrateed.
 void setOutLog( tw)
          Set the output message Writer.
 void setXSDLocation(java.lang.String loc)
          set the String with the location of the XSDs in the the Datamodel.
 void setXSDOutputDir(java.lang.String loc)
          set the String with the location of the XSDs in the the Datamodel.
 boolean shouldExecuteRL()
          Gets the boolean property that controls if the migrated dictionary should generate and execute RL as part of validation
static java.lang.String usageAll()
          return usage for migrating all dicitonaries in a origin repository


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String FILE_REPO
Indicates an Oracle Business Rules file based repository. Both SDK1 and SDK2 support this style of repository. Both origin and destination type may have this value. When this is used as an origin or destination value, then the associated repository location is expected to contain the complete path to an Oracle Business Rule repository file. If both the origin and destinations use this repository type, they man not point to the same file.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String WEBDAV_REPO
An Oracle Business Rules WebDav based repository. Only SDK1 supports this style of repository, therefore, only the origin repository type may have this value. When this value is used for type the origin repository location should have a a URL of the WebDav installation containing the repository.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String FILE
An xml file containing a dictionary. Only SDK2 libraries can output a dictionary as a file. Therefore, this value may only be used for destination type. When destination type property uses this value, the destination location should contain a path (a directory, NOT a file).
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String MIGRATE_ALL
Value used to indicate all. When used for origin dictionary name, all dictionaries in the origin repository will be migrated.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public MigrateRuleRepository()
Migrates an SDK1 Oracle Rules Repository to SDK2 format.

Method Detail


public void setOutLog( tw)
Set the output message Writer. Used for error, warning, and summary messages. The user of the MigrateRuleRepository can use this to display the results of a run to a user.
tw - a Writer instance to receive errors, warnings, and progress messages


public getOutLog()


public void setExecuteRL(boolean b)
Sets the boolean property that controls if the migrated dictionary should generate and execute RL as part of validation
b - a boolean value, true means RL will be generated and executed false is it will not.


public boolean shouldExecuteRL()
Gets the boolean property that controls if the migrated dictionary should generate and execute RL as part of validation
value of validate execute RL flag


public void setLogWithStackTrace(boolean b)
Sets the boolean property that controls if logging should log the stack trace of an exception.
b - true means the stack trace will be logged, false means it will not


public boolean isLogWithStackTrace()
Gets the boolean property that controls if logging should log the stack trace of an exception.
value of log with stack trace


public java.lang.String getTotalStats()
Return a String with the numbers of each type of first class object migrateed. These are the total number of items migrateed for dictionaries migrateed by a single migrate invocation.


public void setOriginLocation(java.lang.String loc)
set the String with the location of the origin repository. The requirements for the content of this string are dependent on the m_originType property.


public java.lang.String getOriginLocation()
return the origin location String.


public void setImportedClasspath(java.lang.String loc)
set the String with the location of the classes in the the Datamodel. The requirements for the content of this string are dependent on the m_originType property.


public java.lang.String getImportedClasspath()
return the imported classpath String.


public void setXSDLocation(java.lang.String loc)
set the String with the location of the XSDs in the the Datamodel. The requirements for the content of this string are dependent on the m_originType property.


public java.lang.String getXSDLocation()
return the imported xsds String.


public void setXSDOutputDir(java.lang.String loc)
set the String with the location of the XSDs in the the Datamodel. The requirements for the content of this string are dependent on the m_originType property.


public java.lang.String getXSDOutputDir()
return the imported xsds String.


public void setOriginType(java.lang.String otype)
set the String denoting origin repository type. This must be set for a migration. One of MigrateRuleRepository.FILE_REPO or MigrateRuleRepository.WEBDAV_REPO.
For type FILE_REPO the location should contain a complete path to a SDK1 File based repository.
For type WEBDAV_REPO the location should contain a URL that points to the webdav location containing a repository.


public java.lang.String getOriginType()
return the type of origin repository


public void setOriginDictionaryName(java.lang.String odictName)
set the dictionary name for origin dictionary. if set to MigrateRuleRepository.MIGRATE_ALL all dictionaries in the origin repository will be migrateed.


public java.lang.String getOriginDictionaryName()
return the orgin dictionary name.


public void setOriginVersionName(java.lang.String over)
set the origin version name. if this is MigrateRuleRepository.MIGRATE_ALL and dictionary name is MigrateRuleRepository.MIGRATE_ALL, all versions and all dictionaries will be migrateed.


public java.lang.String getOriginVersionName()
return the origin version name


public void setDestinationLocation(java.lang.String loc)
set the String with the location of the destination Repository. This is dependent on the type of destination repository For MigrateRuleRepository.FILE_REPO this must be an SDK2 repository file.


public java.lang.String getDestinationLocation()
return the destination location String. This is the repository location.
a String containing the destination location


public void setDestinationType(java.lang.String otype)


public java.lang.String getDestinationType()


public void setDestinationDictionaryName(java.lang.String odictName)
set the dictionary name for destination dictionary If this is not set (null) then the dictionary name from the origin dictionary will be used.


public java.lang.String getDestinationDictionaryName()
return the destination dictionary name property.


public void setDestinationPackageName(java.lang.String opkg)
set the destination package name. If this is set to null, then MigrateRuleRespository will create a package name from the version and dictionary names of the origin. mkDefauiltPackageName()
If this is set to an 0 length string ("") the migrated dictionary will have no package name.


public java.lang.String getDestinationPackageName()
return the destination package name property.


public void setOriginPasswordSource(java.lang.String passw)
set the WebDav password source file
passw - a string with password used to login to the WebDav server


public java.lang.String getOriginPasswordSource()
returns the specified WebDav passwd source file
String with origin WebDav password property


public void setOriginUserid(java.lang.String uid)
set the WebDav userid
uid - a string with userid used to login to the WebDav server


public java.lang.String getOriginUserid()
returns the specified WebDav userid.
String with origin WebDav property


public void setOriginPassword(java.lang.String passw)
set the WebDav password.
passw - a string with password used to login to the WebDav server


public java.lang.String getOriginPassword()
returns the specified WebDav passwd.
String with origin WebDav password property


public void setOriginProxyHost(java.lang.String proxyhost)
set the WebDav proxy host
proxyhost - a string with proxy host required to contact to the WebDav server containing the origin repository. This is only required if the migration must contact the WebDav server through a proxy.


public java.lang.String getOriginProxyHost()
returns the specified WebDav proxyhost.
String with origin proxyhost WebDav property


public void setOriginProxyPort(java.lang.String proxyport)
set the WebDav proxy port
proxyport - a string with proxy port to login to the WebDav server. This only required if the WebDav based repository must be contacted via a proxy server.


public java.lang.String getOriginProxyPort()
returns the specified WebDav proxyport.
String with origin WebDav proxyport property


public void setOriginProxyUserid(java.lang.String uid)
set the WebDav Proxy userid
uid - a string with userid used to login to the proxy server specified in ProxyHost. This is only required if the proxy server is specified that requires authentication.


public java.lang.String getOriginProxyUserid()
returns the specified WebDav proxy userid.
String with origin WebDav proxy userid property


public void setOriginProxyPassword(java.lang.String passw)
set the WebDav proxy password.
passw - a string with password required to login to specified proxy server. If no proxy server is in use or the specified proxy server does not use authentication, then this property is not necessary.


public java.lang.String getOriginProxyPassword()
returns the specified proxy password.
String with origin WebDav Proxy password property


public static oracle.rules.sdk.dictionary.RuleDictionary openDict(oracle.rules.sdk.repository.RuleRepository repo,
                                                                  java.lang.String dictName,
                                                                  java.lang.String verName)
                                                           throws MigrationException
open load the origin SDK1 version dictionary. This loads the specified dictionary and version from the already open repository.
When this has suceeded, the origin dictionary has been set. A SDK1 repository MUST be connected.
MigrationException - when the dicitonary/version can not be loaded


public static java.lang.String usageAll()
return usage for migrating all dicitonaries in a origin repository


public java.lang.String mkDefaultPackageName(java.lang.String verName,
                                             java.lang.String dictName)
Create a package name for SDK2 dictionaries. Use the a dictionary name and version name parameters to create a valid SDK2 package name. SDK2 repositories have package names (like a java package). An SDK2 repository is thought of as residing in a package. See the SDK2 repository documentation for more detailed explanations.
For a dictionary name of "dict" and a version name of "ver1", the generted package name would be: "dict.ver1".
NOTE: SDK2 package names must be valid java identifiers any non-valid java identifier in the version or dictionary name will be replaced by an underscore ("_").
dictName - String containing a dictionary name
verName - String containing aversion name
String containing a legal package name


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Migration of a repository may be invoked by main. This is only supported for testing. Command line invocation of MigrateRuleRepository is through the ASCTL utility.


public void migrateSingleDictionary()
                             throws MigrationException


public void migrate()
             throws MigrationException

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Rules
11g Release 1 (


Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.