Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Service
javax.ide The ide package is where all JSR 198 packages are rooted. The build system interfaces that extension writers need to implement in order to listen for build events. 
javax.ide.command Command execution classes. 
javax.ide.debug Debbuger API used by extensions to initiate a debugging session. 
javax.ide.editor The editor interfaces that extension writers need to implement in order to add a new editor to an IDE. 
javax.ide.extension Classes and interfaces used by extensions to extend an IDE with new functionality. 
javax.ide.log The interfaces that extension writers use and need to implement in order to add a new log pages to an IDE. The menu registration classes that extension writers use to find information about actions and menus. 
javax.ide.model The interfaces and classes implementing an IDE's data model. Virtual file system. The property page extension classes that extension writers need to implement in order to add their own property panels to an IDE preferences UI and to the project settings UI. 
javax.ide.view IDE view support classes and interfaces. 
javax.ide.wizard The wizard interfaces that extension writers use and need to implement in order to add a new wizards to an IDE. 

Uses of Service in javax.ide

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide
 class IDE
          This is the object that centralizes general IDE environment information and services.

Methods in javax.ide that return Service
protected static Service Service.getService(java.lang.Class serviceClass)
          Get a service.

Uses of Service in

Subclasses of Service in
 class BuildSystem
          The BuildSystem service allows extension writers to initiate a build and query information from the build system.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.command

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.command
 class CommandProcessor
          The CommandProcessor is responsible for managing the execution of the IDE commands and maintining the undo stack.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.debug

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.debug
 class Debugger
          The Debugger can be used to start the debuggee or to retrieve command line options so the extension can start the debuggee itself.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.editor

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.editor
 class EditorManager
          The EditorManager manages the life cycle of Editors.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.extension

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.extension
 class ExtensionRegistry
          The extension registry provides access to information about installed extensions.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.log

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.log
 class LogManager
          The LogManager provides the interface through which the IDE manipulates LogPages.

Uses of Service in

Subclasses of Service in
 class ActionRegistry
          Action lookup service.
 class MenuManager
          The menu manager is responsible for installing menu bars and toolbars into Views.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.model

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.model
 class DocumentFactory
          The DocumentFactory interface is responsible for creating intances of Documents.

Uses of Service in

Subclasses of Service in
 class VirtualFileSystem
          The VirtualFileSystem class is responsible for encapsulating the notion of file system operations on content that is pointed to by an URI.

Uses of Service in

Subclasses of Service in
 class PropertyPageRegistry
          The PropertyPageRegistry is the registry of information describing what extension specific property pages have been added to an IDE.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.view

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.view
 class GUIUtilities
          The GUIUtilities provide access to the IDEDialogs, a WaitCursor and a ProgressMonitor objects that extension writers use for * time consuming tasks.

Uses of Service in javax.ide.wizard

Subclasses of Service in javax.ide.wizard
 class WizardManager
          The WizardManager provides the interface through which the IDE invokes Wizards.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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