Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Transient
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 

Uses of Transient in oracle.javatools.db

Methods in oracle.javatools.db with annotations of type Transient
 java.lang.String PlSqlSubprogram.getBody()
 java.lang.String PlSqlMethod.getBody()
 Column[] ColumnConstraint.getColumns()
          Retrieves the constrained columns.
 Column[] Index.getColumns()
          Deprecated. as of 10.1.3 replaced by getColumnExpressions()
 DataType PlSqlParameter.getDataType()
          Deprecated. use PlSqlParameter.getDataTypeID() instead
 void PlSqlParameter.getDataType(DataType datatype)
          Deprecated. use PlSqlParameter.setDataTypeID(oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectID) instead
 DBObject AbstractChildDBObject.getParent()
 DBObject Index.getParent()
 DeclarativePlSql PlSqlParameter.getPlSql()
          Gets the PL/SQL routine that owns this parameter.
 java.lang.Long Column.getPrecision()
          Deprecated. - use getDataTypeUsage() and then get the appropriate attribute from the DataTypeUsage.
e.g. dataTypeUsage.getAttributeValue( DataTypeAttribute.DATATYPE_PRECISION)
 DBObjectProvider BaseObjectID.getProvider()
Gets the provider this ID exists in.
 Relation Column.getRelation()
          Gets the Relation that owns this Column.
 Relation Constraint.getRelation()
          Gets the Relation that owns this Constraint.
 DataType PlSqlSubprogram.getReturnType()
          Deprecated. - use getReturnTypeID()
 DataType PlSqlMethod.getReturnType()
          Deprecated. - use getReturnTypeID()
 DataType Procedure.getReturnType()
 DBObjectID Procedure.getReturnTypeID()
 java.lang.Long Column.getScale()
          Deprecated. - use getDataTypeUsage() and then get the appropriate attribute from the DataTypeUsage.
e.g. dataTypeUsage.getAttributeValue( DataTypeAttribute.DATATYPE_SCALE)
 java.lang.String PlSqlSubprogram.getSignature()
 java.lang.String PlSqlMethod.getSignature()
 SpecPlSql PlSqlMethod.getSpecPlSql()
          Gets the ComplexType that owns this method.
 SpecPlSql PlSqlAttribute.getSpecPlSql()
          Gets the ComplexType that owns this attribute.
 Table Index.getTable()
          Retrieves the table on which this index is defined.
 java.lang.String View.getViewText()
          Convinience method that returns the view's query in text format.
 void PlSqlSubprogram.setBody(java.lang.String body)
 void PlSqlMethod.setBody(java.lang.String body)
 void CheckConstraint.setCheckCondition(java.lang.String condition)
          Deprecated. - use setCheckConditionFragment(SQLFragment)
 void Index.setColumns(Column[] cols)
          Deprecated. as of 10.1.3 replaced by setColumnExpressions(IndexObject[] colexprs)
 void AbstractChildDBObject.setParent(DBObject parent)
 void Index.setParent(DBObject par)
 void PlSqlParameter.setPlSql(DeclarativePlSql object)
          Sets the ComplexType that owns this attribute.
 void Column.setPrecision(java.lang.Long precision)
          Deprecated. - use getDataTypeUsage() and then set the appropriate attribute from the DataTypeUsage.
e.g. dataTypeUsage.setAttributeValue( DataTypeAttribute.DATATYPE_PRECISION)
 void ProviderUsage.setProvider(DBObjectProvider pro)
          Sets the provider this usage exists within.
 void Trigger.setReferenceNames(java.lang.String[] names)
          Deprecated. - see Trigger.setReferencingOldAs(java.lang.String) and Trigger.setReferencingNewAs(java.lang.String)
 void Column.setRelation(Relation relation)
          Sets the Relation that owns this Column.
 void Constraint.setRelation(Relation relation)
          Sets the Relation that owns this Constraint.
 void PlSqlSubprogram.setReturnType(DataType returnType)
          Deprecated. - use setReturnTypeID()
 void PlSqlMethod.setReturnType(DataType returnType)
          Deprecated. - use setReturnTypeID()
 void Procedure.setReturnType(DataType returnType)
 void Procedure.setReturnTypeID(DBObjectID returnTypeID)
 void PlSqlMethod.setSpecPlSql(SpecPlSql object)
          Sets the ComplexType that owns this method.
 void PlSqlAttribute.setSpecPlSql(SpecPlSql plsql)
          Sets the ComplexType that owns this attribute.
 void Trigger.setTableOwner(Schema owner)
          Deprecated. - see information on Trigger.getTableOwner().
 void View.setViewText(java.lang.String text)
          Convinience method that sets the view's query to a NonDeclarativeSQLQuery from the given text.

Uses of Transient in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with annotations of type Transient
 void ComplexType.addDeclaratorError(java.lang.String error)
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> ComplexType.getDeclaratorErrors()
 boolean ComplexType.isMadeDeclarative()
 void ComplexType.setMadeDeclarative(boolean madeDeclarative)

Uses of Transient in oracle.javatools.db.ora

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ora with annotations of type Transient
 int MaterializedView.getIndexPercentUsed()
          Deprecated. You cannot specify the Percent Used for an Index. This method has been deprecated
 java.lang.String OracleExternalTableProperties.LocationSpecifier.getName()
 java.lang.String MaterializedView.getNextRefresh()
          Deprecated. use getNextRefreshDate()
 java.lang.String MaterializedView.getViewText()
          Convinience method that returns the view's query in text format.
 void MaterializedView.setIndexInitTrans(int indexInitTrans)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
 void MaterializedView.setIndexMaxExtent(int indexMaxExtent)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
 void MaterializedView.setIndexMinExtent(int indexMinExtent)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
 void MaterializedView.setIndexPercentFree(int indexPctFree)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
 void MaterializedView.setIndexPercentUsed(int indexPctUsed)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
 void MaterializedView.setInitExtent(int initExtent)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
 void MaterializedView.setMaxTrans(int maxTrans)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
 void MaterializedView.setMinTrans(int minTrans)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
 void MaterializedView.setNextExtent(int nextExtent)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.KEY
 void MaterializedView.setNextRefresh(java.lang.String nextStr)
          Deprecated. use setNextRefreshDate()
 void MaterializedView.setTablespace(java.lang.String tablespace)
          Deprecated. Storage properties of the Materialized View Index are stored on an OracleStorageProperties object in the Materialized View property map, keyed by OracleStorageProperties.MV_INDEX_KEY
 void OracleStorageProperties.setTablespace(java.lang.String tablespace)

Uses of Transient in oracle.javatools.db.sql

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with annotations of type Transient
 DataMiningFunction.DataMiningArguments DataMiningFunction.getDataMiningArguments()
          Deprecated. use getDmSpecificArgs
 FromObject AbstractFromObjectUsage.getFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID() instead
 FromObject FKUsage.getLeftFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use getLeftFromObjectID or resolveLeftFromObject
 java.lang.String AbstractAliasFragment.getName()
          Returns a String that can be used to alias columns that depend on this fragment.
 FromObject FKUsage.getRightFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use getRightFromObjectID or resolveRightFromObject
 SelectObject SelectObjectUsage.getSelectObject()
          Deprecated. - use getSelectObjectID or resolveSelectObjectID
 void ColumnUsage.setAlwaysQuote(boolean boo)
 void Comparison.setArguments(SQLFragment[] arguments)
 void AbstractFromObjectUsage.setFromObject(FromObject from)
          Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID() instead
 void FKUsage.setLeftFromObject(FromObject obj)
          Deprecated. - use getLeftFromObjectID or resolveLeftFromObject
 void AbstractAliasFragment.setName(java.lang.String name)
          Does nothing for this fragment - an alias fragment's name is derived from it's alias or expression.
 void AbstractSQLFragment.setParent(DBObject parent)
 void FKUsage.setRightFromObject(FromObject obj)
          Deprecated. - use setRightFromObjectID
 void SelectObjectUsage.setSelectObject(SelectObject used)
          Deprecated. - use setSelectObjectID

Uses of Transient in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with annotations of type Transient
 void OfflineDBObjectID.setID(java.lang.String id)
          Deprecated. use setIdentifer

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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