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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)




scheduleReport(ScheduleRequest, DeliveryChannels, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_PortType
scheduleReport(ScheduleRequest, DeliveryChannels, String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub
ScheduleRequest - Class in oracle.xdo.service.v2
ScheduleRequest() - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
ScheduleRequest(boolean, Calendar, String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, int, int, ReportRequest, boolean, boolean, boolean, Calendar, boolean, String) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
ScheduleService_PortType - Interface in oracle.xdo.service.v2
ScheduleService_Service - Interface in oracle.xdo.service.v2
ScheduleService_ServiceLocator - Class in oracle.xdo.service.v2
ScheduleService_ServiceLocator() - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
ScheduleService_ServiceLocator(EngineConfiguration) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
ScheduleService_ServiceLocator(String, QName) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub - Class in oracle.xdo.service.v2
ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub() - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub
ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub(URL, Service) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub
ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub(Service) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub
SecurityService_PortType - Interface in oracle.xdo.service.v2
SecurityService_Service - Interface in oracle.xdo.service.v2
SecurityService_ServiceLocator - Class in oracle.xdo.service.v2
SecurityService_ServiceLocator() - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
SecurityService_ServiceLocator(EngineConfiguration) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
SecurityService_ServiceLocator(String, QName) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub - Class in oracle.xdo.service.v2
SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub() - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub
SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub(URL, Service) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub
SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub(Service) - Constructor for class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityServiceSoapBindingStub
SERVER_NAME - Static variable in interface
Server name.
set_public(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the _public value for this JobInfo.
setAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the absolutePath value for this ItemData.
setAccessPermissions(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogObjectInfo
Sets the accessPermissions value for this CatalogObjectInfo.
setAliases(Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets fieldName aliases.
setAttributeCalendar(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the attributeCalendar value for this ReportRequest.
setAttributeFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the attributeFormat value for this ReportRequest.
setAttributeLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the attributeLocale value for this ReportRequest.
setAttributeTemplate(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the attributeTemplate value for this ReportRequest.
setAttributeTimezone(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the attributeTimezone value for this ReportRequest.
setAutoRun(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the autoRun value for this ReportDefinition.
setAvailableLocales(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogObjectInfo
Sets the availableLocales value for this CatalogObjectInfo.
setBackground(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets the background PDF document.
setBookBindingOutputOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the bookBindingOutputOption value for this ScheduleRequest.
setBurstingJob(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the burstingJob value for this JobInfo.
setBurstKey(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the burstKey value for this JobOutput.
setByPassCache(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the byPassCache value for this ReportRequest.
setCacheDocument(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the cacheDocument value for this ReportDefinition.
setCatalogContents(ItemData[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogContents
Sets the catalogContents value for this CatalogContents.
setCatalogServiceEndpointAddress(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogService_ServiceLocator
setCatalogServiceWSDDServiceName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogService_ServiceLocator
setConfig(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature
Sets property and value.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature
setConfig(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets properties such as security and temporary directory information.
setConfig(Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Deprecated. since 4.5
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets properties such as security and temporary directory information.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets properties for this object.
setConfig(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets a configuration for each document or template.
setConfig(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets a configuration for each document or template.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets a configuration for each document or template.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setConfig(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the configuration for the document to be processed.
setContentType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryRequest
Sets the contentType value for this DeliveryRequest.
setCoverPageTemplate(String) - Method in class
setCoverPageTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class
setCreated(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the created value for this JobInfo.
setCreated(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the created value for this JobOutput.
setCreated(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the created value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setCreationDate(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the creationDate value for this ItemData.
setData(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets Input XML File.
setData(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets XML Data Input Stream.
setData(Reader) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets XML Data Reader.
setData(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input XML File.
setData(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets XML Data Input Stream.
setData(Reader) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets XML Data Reader.
setData(InputStream[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets XML Data Input Streams.
setData(Reader[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets XML Data Input Readers.
setData(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input XML Files.
setData(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the data file path itself.
setData(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the data InputStream itself.
setData(Reader) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass a Reader instance.
setData(Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the data as Hashtable type.
setDataSourceName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JDBCDataSource
Sets the dataSourceName value for this JDBCDataSource.
setDataString(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass data as a String type.
setDataType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the dataType value for this ParamNameValue.
setDateFormatString(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the dateFormatString value for this ParamNameValue.
setDateFrom(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the dateFrom value for this ParamNameValue.
setDateTo(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the dateTo value for this ParamNameValue.
setDefaultOutputFormat(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the defaultOutputFormat value for this ReportDefinition.
setDefaultServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the defaultServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setDefaultTemplateId(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the defaultTemplateId value for this ReportDefinition.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the defaultValue value for this ParamNameValue.
setDeleted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the deleted value for this JobInfo.
setDeleted(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the deleted value for this JobOutput.
setDeliveryAuthType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.WebDAVDeliveryOption
Sets the deliveryAuthType value for this WebDAVDeliveryOption.
setDeliveryChannels(DeliveryChannels) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryRequest
Sets the deliveryChannels value for this DeliveryRequest.
setDeliveryID(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the deliveryID value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setDeliveryParameters(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the deliveryParameters value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogObjectInfo
Sets the description value for this CatalogObjectInfo.
setDestination(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.LocalDeliveryOption
Sets the destination value for this LocalDeliveryOption.
setDiagnostics(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the diagnostics value for this ReportDefinition.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the displayName value for this ItemData.
setDocument(String, String) - Method in class
Sets document to the request.
setDocument(InputStream) - Method in class
Sets document to the request.
setDocument(String) - Method in class
Sets the document.
setDocument(InputStream) - Method in interface
Sets document to the request.
setDocument(String) - Method in interface
Sets the document.
setDocument(String, String) - Method in interface
Sets the document.
setDocumentData(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryRequest
Sets the documentData value for this DeliveryRequest.
setDocumentDataAvailable(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the documentDataAvailable value for this JobOutput.
setDocumentDataCompressed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the documentDataCompressed value for this JobOutput.
setDocumentDataContentType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the documentDataContentType value for this JobOutput.
setDynamicDataSource(BIPDataSource) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryRequest
Sets the dynamicDataSource value for this DeliveryRequest.
setDynamicDataSource(BIPDataSource) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the dynamicDataSource value for this ReportRequest.
setDynamicDataSourcePath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FileDataSource
Sets the dynamicDataSourcePath value for this FileDataSource.
setEmailBCC(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailBCC value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEmailBody(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailBody value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEmailCC(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailCC value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEmailFrom(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailFrom value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEmailOptions(EMailDeliveryOption[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryChannels
Sets the emailOptions value for this DeliveryChannels.
setEmailReplyTo(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailReplyTo value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEmailServerName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailServerName value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEMailServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the EMailServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setEmailSubject(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailSubject value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEmailTo(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.EMailDeliveryOption
Sets the emailTo value for this EMailDeliveryOption.
setEndDate(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the endDate value for this JobInfo.
setEndDate(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the endDate value for this ScheduleRequest.
setEndPage(int) - Method in class
setEndPageTemplate(String) - Method in class
setEndPageTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class
setEndpointAddress(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(QName, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(QName, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(QName, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndpointAddress(QName, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
Set the endpoint address for the specified port name.
setEndTime(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the endTime value for this JobFilterProperties.
setEndTimeOperator(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the endTimeOperator value for this JobFilterProperties.
setExtractAttributeSet(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
setExtractXLIFF(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the flag to extract xliff file or not
setExtraPages(int) - Method in class
setFaxNumber(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FaxDeliveryOption
Sets the faxNumber value for this FaxDeliveryOption.
setFaxOptions(FaxDeliveryOption[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryChannels
Sets the faxOptions value for this DeliveryChannels.
setFaxServer(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FaxDeliveryOption
Sets the faxServer value for this FaxDeliveryOption.
setFaxServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the faxServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setFieldSize(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the fieldSize value for this ParamNameValue.
setFileDataSource(FileDataSource) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.BIPDataSource
Sets the fileDataSource value for this BIPDataSource.
setFileName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the fileName value for this ItemData.
setFlattenXML(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the flattenXML value for this ReportRequest.
setFtpOptions(FTPDeliveryOption[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryChannels
Sets the ftpOptions value for this DeliveryChannels.
setFtpServerName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FTPDeliveryOption
Sets the ftpServerName value for this FTPDeliveryOption.
setFTPServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the FTPServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setFtpUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FTPDeliveryOption
Sets the ftpUserName value for this FTPDeliveryOption.
setFtpUserPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FTPDeliveryOption
Sets the ftpUserPassword value for this FTPDeliveryOption.
setHTTPServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the HTTPServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setImageWatermark(InputStream, float[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets WaterMark with image.
setInputPDF(String) - Method in class
setInputPDF(InputStream) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the instanceId value for this JobInfo.
setInterweave(boolean) - Method in class
setJDBCDataSource(JDBCDataSource) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.BIPDataSource
Sets the JDBCDataSource value for this BIPDataSource.
setJDBCDriverClass(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JDBCDataSource
Sets the JDBCDriverClass value for this JDBCDataSource.
setJDBCDriverType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JDBCDataSource
Sets the JDBCDriverType value for this JDBCDataSource.
setJDBCPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JDBCDataSource
Sets the JDBCPassword value for this JDBCDataSource.
setJDBCURL(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JDBCDataSource
Sets the JDBCURL value for this JDBCDataSource.
setJDBCUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JDBCDataSource
Sets the JDBCUserName value for this JDBCDataSource.
setJobId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the jobId value for this JobFilterProperties.
setJobId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the jobId value for this JobInfo.
setJobId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the jobId value for this JobOutput.
setJobInfoList(JobInfo[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfosList
Sets the jobInfoList value for this JobInfosList.
setJobLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the jobLocale value for this ScheduleRequest.
setJobName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the jobName value for this JobFilterProperties.
setJobName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the jobName value for this JobOutput.
setJobNameOperator(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the jobNameOperator value for this JobFilterProperties.
setJobOutputDeliveryList(JobOutputDelivery[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDeliverysList
Sets the jobOutputDeliveryList value for this JobOutputDeliverysList.
setJobOutputList(JobOutput[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputsList
Sets the jobOutputList value for this JobOutputsList.
setJobType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the jobType value for this JobInfo.
setJobTZ(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the jobTZ value for this ScheduleRequest.
setLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the label value for this ParamNameValue.
setLastModified(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the lastModified value for this ItemData.
setLastModifier(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the lastModifier value for this ItemData.
setLastUpdated(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the lastUpdated value for this JobInfo.
setLastUpdated(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the lastUpdated value for this JobOutput.
setLastUpdated(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the lastUpdated value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setListOfParamNameValues(ParamNameValue[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValues
Sets the listOfParamNameValues value for this ParamNameValues.
setListOfTemplateFormatLabelValue(TemplateFormatLabelValue[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatsLabelValues
Sets the listOfTemplateFormatLabelValue value for this TemplateFormatsLabelValues.
setListOfTemplateFormatsLabelValues(TemplateFormatsLabelValues[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the listOfTemplateFormatsLabelValues value for this ReportDefinition.
setLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature
setLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets locale information for text WaterMark.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets the locale.
setLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets the locale setting.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets the locale.
setLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets a locale for each document or template.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets the locale.
setLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the locale setting.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the locale.
setLocalOptions(LocalDeliveryOption[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryChannels
Sets the localOptions value for this DeliveryChannels.
setLOV(String, Hashtable) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets the lov values for a combo box or list box field.
setLOV(String, Vector, Vector) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets the lov values for a combo box or list box.
setLOV(String, Vector, Vector, Object) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets the lov values for a combo box or list box.
setLovLabels(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the lovLabels value for this ParamNameValue.
setMainDocument(InputStream) - Method in class
setMainPDFParser(PDFParser) - Method in class
setMaxPages(int) - Method in class
setMergeBookmarks(boolean) - Method in class
setMergeBookmarks(boolean) - Method in class
setMergeOutputOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the mergeOutputOption value for this ScheduleRequest.
setMetaInfo(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the file path to meta information(XTM).
setMetaInfo(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass meta information as an InputStream.
setMultiValuesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the multiValuesAllowed value for this ParamNameValue.
setName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the name value for this ParamNameValue.
setNotificationPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notificationPassword value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotificationServer(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notificationServer value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotificationTo(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notificationTo value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotificationUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notificationUserName value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotifyHttpWhenFailed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notifyHttpWhenFailed value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotifyHttpWhenSuccess(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notifyHttpWhenSuccess value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotifyHttpWhenWarning(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notifyHttpWhenWarning value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotifyWhenFailed(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notifyWhenFailed value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotifyWhenSuccess(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notifyWhenSuccess value for this ScheduleRequest.
setNotifyWhenWarning(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the notifyWhenWarning value for this ScheduleRequest.
setObjectAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogObjectInfo
Sets the objectAbsolutePath value for this CatalogObjectInfo.
setObjectName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.CatalogObjectInfo
Sets the objectName value for this CatalogObjectInfo.
setOnLine(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the onLine value for this ReportDefinition.
setOpenLinkInNewWindow(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the openLinkInNewWindow value for this ReportDefinition.
setOutput(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets output file path.
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets output stream.
setOutput(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets output file path.
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets output stream.
setOutput(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the new document file name.
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the new document OutputStream instead of the path.
setOutput(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Set the output XSL file's path
setOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Set the output stream for XSL file
setOutputDir(String) - Method in class
setOutputFormat(byte) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets the output format type.
setOutputFormat(byte) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Sets the output format type.
setOutputId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the outputId value for this JobOutput.
setOutputID(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the outputID value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setOutputName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the outputName value for this JobOutput.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class
setOverlayOnTop(boolean) - Method in class
setOverlayTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class
setOwner(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the owner value for this ItemData.
setOwner(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the owner value for this JobFilterProperties.
setOwner(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the owner value for this JobInfo.
setOwnerOperator(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the ownerOperator value for this JobFilterProperties.
setPageNumberCoordinates(float, float) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets the coordination information on the page numbering.
setPageNumberFontInfo(String, float) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets the font information on the page numbering.
setPageNumberValue(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets an initial number from which the page numbering starts.
setPageNumberValue(int, int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets an initial number from which the page numbering starts from and the page index from which you want to start the page numbering.
setPageNumTemplate(String) - Method in class
setPageNumTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class
setParameterColumns(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the parameterColumns value for this ReportDefinition.
setParameterNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the parameterNames value for this ReportDefinition.
setParameterNameValues(ParamNameValue[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the parameterNameValues value for this ReportRequest.
setParentAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the parentAbsolutePath value for this ItemData.
setParentDeliveryID(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the parentDeliveryID value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setParentDeliveryId(long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the parentDeliveryId value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setParentJobId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the parentJobId value for this JobInfo.
setParentOutputId(Long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the parentOutputId value for this JobOutput.
setPassword(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.WebDAVDeliveryOption
Sets the password value for this WebDAVDeliveryOption.
setPDFInput(InputStream) - Method in class
setPDFOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class
setPDFOutput(String) - Method in class
setPDFParser(PDFParser) - Method in class
setPrinterName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.PrintDeliveryOption
Sets the printerName value for this PrintDeliveryOption.
setPrinterNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the printerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setPrintNumberOfCopy(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.PrintDeliveryOption
Sets the printNumberOfCopy value for this PrintDeliveryOption.
setPrintOptions(PrintDeliveryOption[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryChannels
Sets the printOptions value for this DeliveryChannels.
setPrintOrientation(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.PrintDeliveryOption
Sets the printOrientation value for this PrintDeliveryOption.
setPrintRange(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.PrintDeliveryOption
Sets the printRange value for this PrintDeliveryOption.
setPrintSide(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.PrintDeliveryOption
Sets the printSide value for this PrintDeliveryOption.
setPrintTray(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.PrintDeliveryOption
Sets the printTray value for this PrintDeliveryOption.
setProperties(Hashtable) - Method in class
Sets the prooperies.
setRecurrenceExpression(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the recurrenceExpression value for this ScheduleRequest.
setRecurrenceExpressionType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the recurrenceExpressionType value for this ScheduleRequest.
setRefreshParamOnChange(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the refreshParamOnChange value for this ParamNameValue.
setRemoteFile(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FTPDeliveryOption
Sets the remoteFile value for this FTPDeliveryOption.
setRemoteFilePath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.WebDAVDeliveryOption
Sets the remoteFilePath value for this WebDAVDeliveryOption.
setRepeatCount(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the repeatCount value for this ScheduleRequest.
setRepeatInterval(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the repeatInterval value for this ScheduleRequest.
setReportAbsolutePath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the reportAbsolutePath value for this ReportRequest.
setReportBytes(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportResponse
Sets the reportBytes value for this ReportResponse.
setReportContentType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportResponse
Sets the reportContentType value for this ReportResponse.
setReportData(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the reportData value for this ReportRequest.
setReportDataChunk(byte[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDataChunk
Sets the reportDataChunk value for this ReportDataChunk.
setReportDataFileID(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDataChunk
Sets the reportDataFileID value for this ReportDataChunk.
setReportDataOffset(long) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDataChunk
Sets the reportDataOffset value for this ReportDataChunk.
setReportDefnTitle(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the reportDefnTitle value for this ReportDefinition.
setReportDescription(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the reportDescription value for this ReportDefinition.
setReportFileID(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportResponse
Sets the reportFileID value for this ReportResponse.
setReportLocale(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportResponse
Sets the reportLocale value for this ReportResponse.
setReportName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the reportName value for this JobFilterProperties.
setReportName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the reportName value for this ReportDefinition.
setReportNameOperator(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the reportNameOperator value for this JobFilterProperties.
setReportOutputPath(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the reportOutputPath value for this ReportRequest.
setReportParameterNameValues(ParamNameValue[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the reportParameterNameValues value for this ReportDefinition.
setReportRawData(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the reportRawData value for this ReportRequest.
setReportRequest(ReportRequest) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the reportRequest value for this ScheduleRequest.
setReportServiceEndpointAddress(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportService_ServiceLocator
setReportServiceWSDDServiceName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportService_ServiceLocator
setReportType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the reportType value for this ReportDefinition.
setReportUrl(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the reportUrl value for this JobInfo.
setRequestId(int) - Method in class
Sets request ID <p/>
setRequestId(int) - Method in interface
Sets request ID <p/>
setRotation(int) - Method in class
setSaveDataOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the saveDataOption value for this ScheduleRequest.
setScheduleBurstringOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the scheduleBurstringOption value for this ScheduleRequest.
setSchedulePublicOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the schedulePublicOption value for this ScheduleRequest.
setScheduleServiceEndpointAddress(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
setScheduleServiceWSDDServiceName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_ServiceLocator
setScope(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the scope value for this JobFilterProperties.
setSecurityServiceEndpointAddress(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
setSecurityServiceWSDDServiceName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.SecurityService_ServiceLocator
setSelectAll(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the selectAll value for this ParamNameValue.
setSequenceID(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Sets the sequence ID of current RTF template for sub-template generation
setServer(String) - Method in class
Sets the server name defined in the config file.
setServer(String) - Method in interface
Sets the server name defined in the config file.
setServer(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.WebDAVDeliveryOption
Sets the server value for this WebDAVDeliveryOption.
setSftpOption(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FTPDeliveryOption
Sets the sftpOption value for this FTPDeliveryOption.
setSFTPServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the SFTPServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setShowControls(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the showControls value for this ReportDefinition.
setShowReportLinks(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the showReportLinks value for this ReportDefinition.
setSizeOfDataChunkDownload(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportRequest
Sets the sizeOfDataChunkDownload value for this ReportRequest.
setStartDate(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the startDate value for this JobInfo.
setStartDate(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the startDate value for this ScheduleRequest.
setStartingVolumeNumber(int) - Method in class
setStartPage(int) - Method in class
setStartTime(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the startTime value for this JobFilterProperties.
setStartTimeOperator(Calendar) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the startTimeOperator value for this JobFilterProperties.
setStatus(int) - Method in class
Sets the request status
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobFilterProperties
Sets the status value for this JobFilterProperties.
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the status value for this JobInfo.
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the status value for this JobOutput.
setStatus(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the status value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setStatusDetail(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the statusDetail value for this JobInfo.
setStatusDetail(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutput
Sets the statusDetail value for this JobOutput.
setStatusDetail(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobOutputDelivery
Sets the statusDetail value for this JobOutputDelivery.
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the request status message.
setStylesheet(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.pdf.xfdf.XFDFObject
Sets the XSL stylesheet for XML data.
setStylesheet(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.pdf.xfdf.XFDFObject
Sets the XSL stylesheet for XML data.
setStylesheet(XMLDocument) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.pdf.xfdf.XFDFObject
Sets the XSL stylesheet for XML data.
setStyleTemplate(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
set Master Template File's path
setStyleTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
setTemplate(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets Input Template File.
setTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets Input Stream for Template data.
setTemplate(Reader) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
Sets Reader for XSL data.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input XSL File.
setTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input Stream for XSL data.
setTemplate(Reader) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Reader for XSL data.
setTemplate(InputStream[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets array of InputStream for input XSL data.
setTemplate(Reader[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets array of Reader for input XSL data.
setTemplate(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input XSL Files.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass the template as a path.
setTemplate(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FormProcessor
Allows you to pass a template as an InputStream.
setTemplateAvailableLocales(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatsLabelValues
Sets the templateAvailableLocales value for this TemplateFormatsLabelValues.
setTemplateFormatLabel(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatLabelValue
Sets the templateFormatLabel value for this TemplateFormatLabelValue.
setTemplateFormatValue(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatLabelValue
Sets the templateFormatValue value for this TemplateFormatLabelValue.
setTemplateID(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatsLabelValues
Sets the templateID value for this TemplateFormatsLabelValues.
setTemplateIds(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ReportDefinition
Sets the templateIds value for this ReportDefinition.
setTemplateParam(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the templateParam value for this ParamNameValue.
setTemplateType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatsLabelValues
Sets the templateType value for this TemplateFormatsLabelValues.
setTemplateURL(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.TemplateFormatsLabelValues
Sets the templateURL value for this TemplateFormatsLabelValues.
setTemporaryDataSource(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.FileDataSource
Sets the temporaryDataSource value for this FileDataSource.
setTextDefaultWatermark(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets WaterMark text with specific behavior.
setTextWatermark(String, float, float) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets WaterMark text with default attributes.
setTextWatermarkAngle(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets an angle measured in degree.
setTextWatermarkColor(float, float, float) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets color with r,g,b.
setTextWatermarkFont(String, int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets font face name with font size.
setTransparency(double) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ItemData
Sets the type value for this ItemData.
setUIType(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the UIType value for this ParamNameValue.
setUseNullForAll(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the useNullForAll value for this ParamNameValue.
setUserJobName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.JobInfo
Sets the userJobName value for this JobInfo.
setUserJobName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the userJobName value for this ScheduleRequest.
setUserName(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.WebDAVDeliveryOption
Sets the userName value for this WebDAVDeliveryOption.
setUseScalable(boolean) - Method in class
setUseUTF8Option(boolean) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleRequest
Sets the useUTF8Option value for this ScheduleRequest.
setValues(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ParamNameValue
Sets the values value for this ParamNameValue.
setWatermarks(Hashtable[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets multiple watermarks at once.
setWatermarkTo(int) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.util.PDFDocMerger
Sets the page index in which the watermark is specified.
setWebDAVOptions(WebDAVDeliveryOption[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryChannels
Sets the webDAVOptions value for this DeliveryChannels.
setWebDAVServerNames(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.DeliveryServiceDefinition
Sets the webDAVServerNames value for this DeliveryServiceDefinition.
setXLIFF(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets XLIFF File.
setXLIFF(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input Stream for XLIFF data.
setXLIFF(Reader) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets Input Stream for XLIFF data.
setXLIFF(InputStream[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets array of InputStream for input XLIFF data.
setXLIFF(Reader[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets array of Reader for input XLIFF data.
setXLIFF(String[]) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor
Sets array of file path strings forinput XLIFF data.
setXLIFFOutput(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Set the output XLIFF file's path.
setXLIFFOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.RTFProcessor
Set the output stream for XLIFF file Calling this method will automatically turn on the xliff extraction flag.
setXMLInput(InputStream) - Method in class
setXMLInput(String) - Method in class
setXMLInput(InputStream) - Method in class
setXSL(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
setXSL(InputStream) - Method in class oracle.xdo.template.EFTProcessor
SFTP_AUTH_TYPE - Static variable in interface
SFTP_AUTH_TYPE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
SFTP_AUTH_TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY - Static variable in interface
SFTP_FILE_PERMISSION - Static variable in interface
SFTP_HOST - Static variable in interface
SFTP_METHOD - Static variable in interface
SFTP_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
SFTP_PORT - Static variable in interface
SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Static variable in interface
SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
SFTP_REMOTE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface
SFTP_REMOTE_FILENAME - Static variable in interface
SFTP_USERNAME - Static variable in interface
SFTPPropertyDefinitions - Interface in
SSH Protocol Suite specific definitions
sign(String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature
sign(String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature.PDFSignature
Signs the signatureFieldName.
SignatureField - Class in oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature
This class provides a signature field's information.
SignatureFields - Class in oracle.xdo.common.pdf.signature
This class provides a signature field's information.
SMTP_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in interface
Email attachment.
SMTP_ATTACHMENT_FIRST - Static variable in interface
SMTP_BCC_RECIPIENTS - Static variable in interface
BCC recipients, either String or String[] for the value.
SMTP_CC_RECIPIENTS - Static variable in interface
CC recipients, either String or String[] for the value.
SMTP_CHARACTER_ENCODING - Static variable in interface
Deprecated. Use SMTP_CHARSET
SMTP_CHARSET - Static variable in interface
Character set used for from/to/cc/subject such as "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1" or "EUC-KR".
SMTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION - Static variable in interface
Content disposition of the document.
SMTP_CONTENT_FILENAME - Static variable in interface
Filename for the document Since 5.6.3 patch for 6135146, it is optional.
SMTP_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface
Content type of the document
SMTP_CURRENT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface
Property to tell the current directory.
SMTP_DIRECTORY_MAPPINGS - Static variable in interface
Directory mapping table for HTML attachment.
SMTP_ENCODING - Static variable in interface
Character encoding used for from/to/cc/subject.
SMTP_FROM - Static variable in interface
Sender (FROM) address
SMTP_HOST - Static variable in interface
Target server host name
SMTP_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
Password for SMTP authentication.
SMTP_PORT - Static variable in interface
Target server port
SMTP_REPLY_TO - Static variable in interface
Reply-TO address
SMTP_SECURE_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface
This property controls secure connection method to use.
SMTP_SECURE_CONNECTION_NONE - Static variable in interface
SMTP_SECURE_CONNECTION_SSL - Static variable in interface
SMTP_SECURE_CONNECTION_TLS - Static variable in interface
SMTP_SECURE_CONNECTION_TLS_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface
SMTP_SSL_TRUST - Static variable in interface
When SMTP_SECURE_CONNECTION = "ssl", detemines host to trust.
SMTP_SUBJECT - Static variable in interface
Email subject
SMTP_TO_RECIPIENTS - Static variable in interface
TO recipients, either String or String[] for the value.
SMTP_USERNAME - Static variable in interface
Username for SMTP authentication.
SMTPPropertyDefinitions - Interface in
SMTP delivery property definitions.
startElement(String, AttributeList) - Method in class
Do not call this method!
STATUS_CLIENT_IN_PROCESS - Static variable in interface
The delivery request stream is in process in the client side.
STATUS_FAILED_BUSY - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because the device ,network or line was busy.
STATUS_FAILED_CLIENT_ERROR - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because of client error
STATUS_FAILED_INVALID_RECIPIENT - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because the receipant setting was wrong.
STATUS_FAILED_INVALID_REQUEST - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because of the invalid request
STATUS_FAILED_INVALID_USER - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because of invalid username or password.
STATUS_FAILED_IO_ERROR - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because of the IO error.
STATUS_FAILED_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because of the error in the server side.
STATUS_FAILED_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was failed because of request timeout
STATUS_NOT_DELIVERED - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was not sent yet.
STATUS_SERVER_IN_PROCESS - Static variable in interface
The delivery request is in process in the server side.
STATUS_SUCCESSFUL - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was done sucessfully without warnings.
STATUS_SUCCESSFUL_WITH_WARNINGS - Static variable in interface
The delivery request was done sucessfully with some minor warnings.
submit(DeliveryResponseListener) - Method in class
submit() - Method in class
submit() - Method in interface
Submits the request (Synchronus).
submit(DeliveryResponseListener) - Method in interface
Submits the request (Asynchronus).
submitRequest(DeliveryRequest) - Method in interface
Submits the request.
suspendSchedule(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleService_PortType
suspendSchedule(String, String, String) - Method in class oracle.xdo.service.v2.ScheduleServiceSoapBindingStub

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)



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