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Interface SipServletRequest

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, SipServletMessage

public interface SipServletRequest
extends SipServletMessage

Represents SIP request messages. When receiving an incoming SIP request the container creates a SipServletRequest and passes it to the handling servlet. For outgoing, locally initiated requests, applications call SipFactory.createRequest to obtain a SipServletRequest that can then be modified and sent.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface javax.servlet.sip.SipServletMessage


Method Summary
 void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse, AuthInfo authInfo)
          This method allows the addition of the appropriate authentication header(s) to the request that was challenged with a challenge response.
 void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          This method allows the addition of the appropriate authentication header(s) to the request that was challenged with a challenge response without needing the creation and/or maintenance of the AuthInfo object.
 SipServletRequest createCancel()
          Returns a CANCEL request object.
 SipServletResponse createResponse(int statuscode)
          Creates a response for this request with the specifies status code.
 SipServletResponse createResponse(int statusCode, java.lang.String reasonPhrase)
          Creates a response for this request with the specifies status code and reason phrase.
 B2buaHelper getB2buaHelper()
          Returns the B2buaHelper associated with this request.
 Address getInitialPoppedRoute()
          If a top route header had been removed by the container upon initially receiving this request, then this method can be used to retrieve it.
 ServletInputStream getInputStream()
          Always returns null.
 int getMaxForwards()
          Returns the value of the Max-Forwards header.
 Address getPoppedRoute()
          If a top route header had been removed by the container upon receiving this request, then this method can be used to retrieve it.
 Proxy getProxy()
          Returns the Proxy object associated with this request.
 Proxy getProxy(boolean create)
          Returns the Proxy object associated with this request. getReader()
          Always returns null.
 SipApplicationRoutingRegion getRegion()
          This method allows the application to obtain the region it was invoked in for this SipServletRequest.
 URI getRequestURI()
          Returns the request URI of this request.
 SipApplicationRoutingDirective getRoutingDirective()
          Returns the SipApplicationRoutingDirective associated with this request.
 URI getSubscriberURI()
          Returns the URI of the subscriber for which this application is invoked to serve.
 boolean isInitial()
          Returns true if this is an initial request.
 void pushPath(Address uri)
          Adds a Path header field value to this request.
 void pushRoute(Address uri)
          Adds a Route header field value to this request with Address argument.
 void pushRoute(SipURI uri)
          Adds a Route header field value to this request.
 void send()
          Causes this request to be sent.
 void setMaxForwards(int n)
          Sets the value of the Max-Forwards header.
 void setRequestURI(URI uri)
          Sets the request URI of this request.
 void setRoutingDirective(SipApplicationRoutingDirective directive, SipServletRequest origRequest)
          Sets the application routing directive for an outgoing request.


Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.sip.SipServletMessage
addAcceptLanguage, addAddressHeader, addHeader, addParameterableHeader, getAcceptLanguage, getAcceptLanguages, getAddressHeader, getAddressHeaders, getApplicationSession, getApplicationSession, getAttribute, getAttributeNames, getCallId, getCharacterEncoding, getContent, getContentLanguage, getContentLength, getContentType, getExpires, getFrom, getHeader, getHeaderForm, getHeaderNames, getHeaders, getInitialRemoteAddr, getInitialRemotePort, getInitialTransport, getLocalAddr, getLocalPort, getMethod, getParameterableHeader, getParameterableHeaders, getProtocol, getRawContent, getRemoteAddr, getRemotePort, getRemoteUser, getSession, getSession, getTo, getTransport, getUserPrincipal, isCommitted, isSecure, isUserInRole, removeAttribute, removeHeader, setAcceptLanguage, setAddressHeader, setAttribute, setCharacterEncoding, setContent, setContentLanguage, setContentLength, setContentType, setExpires, setHeader, setHeaderForm, setParameterableHeader


Method Detail


URI getRequestURI()
Returns the request URI of this request.
request URI of this SipServletRequest


void setRequestURI(URI uri)
Sets the request URI of this request. This then becomes the destination used in a subsequent invocation of send.
uri - new request URI of this SipServletRequest
java.lang.NullPointerException - on null uri


void pushRoute(SipURI uri)
Adds a Route header field value to this request. The new value is added ahead of any existing Route header fields. If this request does not already contains a Route header, one is added with the value as specified in the argument.

This method allows a UAC or a proxy to specify that the request should visit one or more proxies before being delivered to the destination.

uri - the address that is added as a Route header value
See Also:
"RFC 3261, section 16.6", pushRoute(Address)


void pushRoute(Address uri)
Adds a Route header field value to this request with Address argument. The new value is added ahead of any existing Route header fields. If this request does not already contains a Route header, one is added with the value as specified in the argument.

This method allows a UAC or a proxy to specify that the request should visit one or more proxies before being delivered to the destination.

uri - the address that is added as a Route header value
See Also:
"RFC 3261, section 16.6", pushRoute(SipURI)


int getMaxForwards()
Returns the value of the Max-Forwards header.
the value of the Max-Forwards header, or -1 if there is no such header in this message


void setMaxForwards(int n)
Sets the value of the Max-Forwards header. Max-Forwards serves to limit the number of hops a request can make on the way to its destination. It consists of an integer that is decremented by one at each hop.

This method is equivalent to:

   setHeader("Max-Forwards", String.valueOf(n));
n - new value of the Max-Forwards header
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is not in the range 0 to 255


void send()
Causes this request to be sent. This method is used by SIP servlets acting as user agent clients (UACs) only. Proxying applications use Proxy.proxyTo(javax.servlet.sip.URI) instead.
Specified by:
send in interface SipServletMessage
Throws: - if a transport error occurs when trying to send this request


boolean isInitial()
Returns true if this is an initial request. An initial request is one that is dispatched to applications based on the containers configured rule set, as opposed to subsequent requests which are routed based on the application path established by a previous initial request.
true if this is an initial request


ServletInputStream getInputStream()
Always returns null. SIP is not a content transfer protocol and having stream based content accessors is of little utility.

Message content can be retrieved using SipServletMessage.getContent() and SipServletMessage.getRawContent().


getReader getReader()
Always returns null. SIP is not a content transfer protocol and having stream based content accessors is of little utility.

Message content can be retrieved using SipServletMessage.getContent() and SipServletMessage.getRawContent().



Proxy getProxy()
               throws TooManyHopsException
Returns the Proxy object associated with this request. A Proxy instance will be created if one doesn't already exist. This method behaves the same as getProxy(true).

Note that the container must return the same Proxy instance whenever a servlet invokes getProxy on messages belonging to the same transaction. In particular, a response to a proxied request is associated with the same Proxy object as is the original request.

This method throws an IllegalStateException if the Proxy object didn't already exist and the transaction underlying this SIP message is in a state which doesn't allow proxying, for example if this is a SipServletRequest for which a final response has already been generated.

If the request contains a Max-Forwards header field value of 0, then this method will generate a 483 (Too many hops) error response and throw TooManyHopsException.

Proxy object associated with this request
TooManyHopsException - if the request has a Max-Forwards header field value of 0.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the transaction underlying this message isn't already associated with a Proxy object and its state disallows proxying to be initiated, for example, because a final response has already been generated. Also if the application previously accessed the B2buaHelper by invoking getB2buaHelper().
See Also:


Proxy getProxy(boolean create)
               throws TooManyHopsException
Returns the Proxy object associated with this request. If no Proxy object has yet been created for this request, the create argument specifies whether a Proxy object is to be created or not.

Once a Proxy object has been associated with a request subsequent invocations of this method will yield the same Proxy object, as will the no-argument getProxy() method and SipServletResponse.getProxy() for responses received to proxied requests.

create - indicates whether the servlet engine should create a new Proxy object if one does not already exist
Proxy object associated with this request
TooManyHopsException - if this request has a Max-Forwards header field value of 0.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the transaction has already completed


SipServletResponse createResponse(int statuscode)
Creates a response for this request with the specifies status code.
statuscode - status code for the response
response object with specified status code
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the statuscode is not a valid SIP status code
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this request has already been responded to with a final status code


SipServletResponse createResponse(int statusCode,
                                  java.lang.String reasonPhrase)
Creates a response for this request with the specifies status code and reason phrase.
statusCode - status code for the response
reasonPhrase - reason phrase to appear in response line
response object with specified status code and reason phrase
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the statuscode is not a valid SIP status code
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this request has already been responded to with a final status code


SipServletRequest createCancel()
Returns a CANCEL request object. This method is used by applications to cancel outstanding transactions for which they act as a user agent client (UAC). The CANCEL request is sent when the application invokes send() on it.

Note that proxy applications MUST use Proxy.cancel() to cancel outstanding branches.

CANCEL request object corresponding to this request
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the transaction state is such that it doesn't allow a CANCEL request to be sent


void pushPath(Address uri)
Adds a Path header field value to this request. The new value is added ahead of any existing Path header fields. If this request does not already contain a Path header, one is added with the value specified in the argument. This method allows a UAC or a proxy to add Path on a REGISTER Request.
uri - The address that is added as a Route header value
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if invoked on non-REGISTER Request.


B2buaHelper getB2buaHelper()
Returns the B2buaHelper associated with this request. Invocation of this method also indicates to the container that the application wishes to be a B2BUA, and any subsequent call to getProxy() will result in IllegalStateException.
the B2buaHelper for this request
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if getProxy() had already been called


Address getPoppedRoute()
If a top route header had been removed by the container upon receiving this request, then this method can be used to retrieve it. Otherwise, if no route header had been popped then this method will return null.

Note that the URI parameters added to the Record-Route header using Proxy.getRecordRouteURI() should be retrieved from the URI of the popped route Address using poppedRoute.getURI().getParameter() and not using poppedRoute.getParameter().

the popped top route header, or null if none


Address getInitialPoppedRoute()
If a top route header had been removed by the container upon initially receiving this request, then this method can be used to retrieve it. Otherwise, if no route header had been popped then this method will return null.
Unlike getPoppedRoute(), this method returns the same value regardless of which application invokes it in the same application composition chain.

Note that the URI parameters added to the Record-Route header using Proxy.getRecordRouteURI() should be retrieved from the URI of the popped route Address using initialPoppedRoute.getURI().getParameter() and not using initialPoppedRoute.getParameter().

the popped top route header, or null if none


void setRoutingDirective(SipApplicationRoutingDirective directive,
                         SipServletRequest origRequest)
                         throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Sets the application routing directive for an outgoing request.

By default, a request created by SipFactory.createRequest(SipServletRequest origRequest, boolean sameCallId) continues the application selection process from origRequest, i.e. directive is CONTINUE. A request created by the other SipFactory.createRequest() methods starts the application selection process afresh, i.e. directive is NEW.

This method allows the servlet to assign a routing directive different from the default.

If directive is NEW, origRequest parameter is ignored. If directive is CONTINUE or REVERSE, the parameter origRequest must be an initial request dispatched by the container to this application, i.e. origRequest.isInitial() must be true. This request must be a request created in a new SipSession or from an initial request, and must not have been sent. If any one of these preconditions are not met, the method throws an IllegalStateException.

Note that when a servlet acts as a proxy and calls Proxy.proxyTo() to proxy a request, the request is always a continuation.

directive - Routing directive
origRequest - An initial request that the application received
java.lang.IllegalStateException - when given directive cannot be set


SipApplicationRoutingDirective getRoutingDirective()
                                                   throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Returns the SipApplicationRoutingDirective associated with this request.
SipApplicationRoutingDirective associated with this request.
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if called on a request that is not initial


SipApplicationRoutingRegion getRegion()
This method allows the application to obtain the region it was invoked in for this SipServletRequest. This information helps the application to determine the location of the subscriber returned by SipServletRequest.getSubscriberURI().

If this SipServletRequest is an initial request, this method returns the region in which this servlet is invoked. The SipApplicationRoutingRegion is only available for initial requests. For all other requests, this method throws IllegalStateException.

The routing region (ORIGINATING, NEUTRAL, TERMINATING or their sub-regions)
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on a request that is not initial.


URI getSubscriberURI()
Returns the URI of the subscriber for which this application is invoked to serve. This is only available if this SipServletRequest received is an initial request. For all other requests, this method throws IllegalStateException.
URI of the subscriber
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this method is called on a request that is not initial.


void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse,
                   AuthInfo authInfo)
This method allows the addition of the appropriate authentication header(s) to the request that was challenged with a challenge response.
challengeResponse - The challenge response (401/407) receieved from a UAS/Proxy.
authInfo - The AuthInfo object that will add the Authentication headers to the request.


void addAuthHeader(SipServletResponse challengeResponse,
                   java.lang.String username,
                   java.lang.String password)
This method allows the addition of the appropriate authentication header(s) to the request that was challenged with a challenge response without needing the creation and/or maintenance of the AuthInfo object.
challengeResponse - the challenge response (401/407) receieved from a UAS/Proxy.
username -
password -

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Java SIP Servlet API 1.1 Reference

Part Number E17883-01