Most repository development is performed on Windows, because the Administration Tool runs only on Windows. When you move to a production system, however, you can choose to run the Oracle BI Server on a Linux or UNIX platform. This chapter describes how to set up data sources for use with Oracle Business Intelligence when the Oracle BI Server is running on Linux or UNIX.
See "System Requirements and Certification" for information about supported Linux and UNIX platforms.
This chapter contains the following topics:
When the Oracle BI Server is running on Linux or UNIX, most data source connections are for query-only access. The Administration Tool is used for importing objects and is a Windows-only tool. Because of this, data source connections for import must be set up on Windows.
Note that some data source connections on Linux and UNIX do support write operations for special functions, like data source connections for write-back, usage tracking, and annotations for Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management.
When the Oracle BI Server is running on Linux or UNIX and you need to update database object settings (such as the database type) or connection pool settings, you can copy the repository file to a Windows computer, make the changes using the Administration Tool on Windows, and then copy the repository file back to the Linux or UNIX computer.
There are three types of data source connections on Linux and UNIX platforms:
Native data source gateway connections, such as OCI for Oracle Database or DB2 CLI for IBM DB2
ODBC connections using the DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers that are bundled with Oracle Business Intelligence
Native ODBC connections using external drivers, such as for Teradata data sources
Note that you cannot have a single repository that contains both DataDirect Connect ODBC connections and native ODBC connections.
You can connect to both Oracle Database and DB2 using native gateways (OCI and DB2 CLI, respectively). To configure these connections, install the appropriate database client on the computer running the Oracle BI Server, then edit the file to set environment variables for the database client.
For Oracle Database, ensure the following:
The computer running Oracle Business Intelligence must use the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to connect to the database.
You must install the Oracle Database Client on the computer running the Oracle BI Server to connect to an Oracle Database.
In the tnsnames.ora file, the Oracle Database alias (the defined entry name) must match the Data Source Name used in the repository connection pools of all physical Oracle databases.
When connecting to an Oracle Database data source, you can include the entire connect string, or you can use the net service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file. If you choose to enter only the net service name, you must set up a tnsnames.ora file in the following location within the Oracle Business Intelligence environment, so that the Oracle BI Server can locate the entry:
You might need to create the admin directory, if it does not already exist.
Only certain versions of the Oracle Database Client are supported. See "System Requirements and Certification" for more information.
To connect to Oracle Database or DB2 using native connections:
Open the file. You can find this file at:
Include the appropriate environment variable settings for the database client of your choice. Make sure to point to the appropriate libraries, depending on whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit database. See Example 15-1 for sample values.
For an Oracle database using an OCI connection, establish the Web client before you input the tnsnames entry.
Save and close the file.
Example 15-1 Sample Entries for Oracle Database and DB2 (32-Bit)
This example shows sample entries in for Oracle Database and DB2 on various platforms.
############################################################### # Linux: Oracle BI 32 bit mode ################################################################ #set +u # Oracle Parameters #--------------------------- # Make sure that Oracle DB 32 bit Client is installed #ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/oracle/10g #export ORACLE_HOME #TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin #export TNS_ADMIN #PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/opt/bin:$PATH #export PATH #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # If you have Linux 64 bit Platform, and would like to run Oracle BI 32 bit # then you must install Oracle DB 64 bit client, and this client comes with # 32 bit libraries under $ORACLE_HOME/lib32. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH in this case # shall be like this: #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # DB2 Parameters #--------------------------- #make sure the /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/lib points to 32 lib file #. /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/db2profile #--------------------------- ############################################################### # Solaris: Oracle BI 64 bit mode ############################################################### #set +u # Oracle Parameters #--------------------------- # Make sure to install Oracle DB 64 bit Client #ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/oracle/10g #export ORACLE_HOME #TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin #export TNS_ADMIN #PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/opt/bin:$PATH #export PATH #LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/sparc #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 #--------------------------- # DB2 Parameters #--------------------------- #make sure the /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/lib points to 64 lib file #. /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/db2profile #LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64=/DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 #--------------------------- ############################################################### # HPUX Itanium: Oracle BI 64 bit mode ############################################################### #set +u # Oracle Parameters #--------------------------- #ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/oracle/10g #export ORACLE_HOME #TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin #export TNS_ADMIN #PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/opt/bin:$PATH #export PATH #SHLIB_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$SHLIB_PATH:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/hp700 #export SHLIB_PATH #--------------------------- # DB2 Parameters #--------------------------- #make sure the /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/lib points to 64 lib file #. /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/db2profile #SHLIB_PATH=/DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/lib:$SHLIB_PATH #export SHLIB_PATH #--------------------------- ############################################################### # AIX: Oracle BI 64 bit mode ############################################################### #set +u # Oracle Parameters #--------------------------- #ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/oracle/10g #export ORACLE_HOME #TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin #export TNS_ADMIN #PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/opt/bin:$PATH #export PATH #LIBPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LIBPATH:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/sparc #export LIBPATH #--------------------------- # DB2 Parameters #--------------------------- #make sure the /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/lib points to 64 lib file #. /DB2ISTANCE/sqllib/db2profile #---------------------------
Note that the shell script excerpts shown are examples only and are not recommendations for particular software platforms. See "System Requirements and Certification" for information about supported software platforms.
If you are having trouble connecting to an Oracle Database using OCI, check to ensure that the following conditions are true:
The computer running the Oracle BI Server must use Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to connect to the database.
If you choose not to use the entire connect string in the repository connection pool, you must ensure that a valid tnsnames.ora file is set up in the following location within the Oracle Business Intelligence environment, so that the Oracle BI Server can locate the entry:
If you choose not to use the entire connect string in the repository connection pool, ensure that the net service name in the tnsnames.ora file matches the Data Source Name used in the connection pool.
For example, in the following example of a tnsnames.ora entry, the corresponding Oracle BI repository connection pool Data Source Name is ITQA2.
The following procedure shows how to check repository database and connection pool settings against the Oracle tnsnames.ora settings.
To check that the repository database and connection pool settings are correct:
Open your repository in the Administration Tool.
In the Physical layer, double-click the database you want to check to display the Database dialog.
On the General tab, in the Data source definition: Database field, ensure that the appropriate Oracle Database version is selected. Then, click OK.
Open the Connection Pool dialog for this data source. You might need to expand the database object in the Physical layer to see the Connection Pool object.
In the Connection Pool dialog, check that the following is true:
The Call interface field displays the appropriate value for the release of the Oracle Database you are using.
The Data source name field displays the Oracle Database net service name that you defined in the tnsnames.ora entry.
The User name and password fields contain the correct values.
Change the values if necessary, then click OK.
In the Oracle Business Intelligence environment, open the tnsnames.ora file located in the following directory:
Check that a valid net service name exists with the following characteristics:
Matches the connection pool settings for the Data Source Name
Specifies the targeted Oracle physical database
This topic applies if both of the following are true:
You are using the Update Rowcount functionality in the Administration Tool in offline mode
You are running a heterogeneous environment, such as the Oracle BI Server on UNIX, while remote administrators run the Administration Tool on Windows computers.
When using the Update Rowcount functionality in offline mode, the Administration Tool uses local data sources on the client computer, not the server data sources. Therefore, Oracle Database or DB2 clients must be configured on the Windows computer running the Administration Tool so that the following conditions are true:
Data sources point to the same database identified in the Oracle Business Intelligence file on the UNIX server.
The name of the local data source must also match the name of the data source defined in the Connection Pool object in the physical layer of the Oracle BI repository (.rpd) file.
If these conditions are not true, and if the server and client data sources are pointing at different databases, then erroneous updated row counts or incorrect results appear.
Oracle Business Intelligence provides DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers and driver managers for Linux and UNIX operating systems for connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE, and Informix databases.
After Oracle Business Intelligence is installed, the DataDirect Connect ODBC 32-bit drivers are installed in ORACLE_HOME/odbc/lib. The 64-bit drivers are installed in ORACLE_HOME/odbc/lib64.
Note that communication between database clients and servers is typically independent of the widths and data paths. In other words, the 32-bit database drivers can communicate with 64-bit database servers, and vice versa.
You do not need to set the ODBCINI environment variable to set up the DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers. This variable is set automatically during installation.
Refer to "System Requirements and Certification" for information about supported operating systems, databases, and driver versions for the DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers.
This section contains the following topics:
Configuring the DataDirect Connect ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server Database
Configuring the DataDirect Connect ODBC Driver for Sybase ASE Database
Configuring the DataDirect Connect ODBC Driver for Informix Database
The name of the DataDirect ODBC driver file to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database is ( on HP-UX PA-RISC). See "System Requirements and Certification" for supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
To configure the DataDirect Connect ODBC Driver to connect to Microsoft SQL Server:
Open the file. You can find this file at:
In the section for your operating system, include the appropriate library path environment variable for the DataDirect Connect libraries. Make sure to point to the appropriate library, depending on whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit database. Note the following:
For Solaris and Linux, the library path variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH
For HP-UX, the library path variable is SHLIB_PATH
For AIX, the library path variable is LIBPATH
For example, to set the library path variable for the 32-bit driver on Linux:
#################################################### # Linux: Oracle BI 32 bit mode #################################################### #SQLServer 2000 Parameters #--------------------------------------- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/user/local/OracleBI/odbc/lib:$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Save and close the file.
Open the odbc.ini file. You can find this file at:
Create an entry for your database, ensuring that the ODBC connection name is identical to the data source name specified in the connection pool defined in the repository. Be sure to set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the DataDirect Connect driver for Microsoft SQL Server. In the following example, the Driver parameter is set to the 64-bit DataDirect Connect driver, and the data source name is SQLSERVER_DB.
[SQLSERVER_DB] Driver=/usr/OracleBI/odbc/lib64/ Description=DataDirect 5.1 SQL Server Wire Protocol Address=,1433 AlternateServers= AnsiNPW=Yes ConnectionRetryCount=0 ConnectionRetryDelay=3 Database=dbschema_name LoadBalancing=0 LogonID= Password= QuoteID=No ReportCodePageConversionErrors=0
Save and close the odbc.ini file.
Open your repository in the Administration Tool on a Windows computer.
In the Physical layer, double-click the database object for the Microsoft SQL Server database.
Click the Features tab and scroll to the IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
parameter. Then, replace the value for this parameter with ' ' (single quotes). The default value is double quotes (" ").
Click OK.
Save and close the repository.
On the Linux or UNIX computer, shut down Oracle Business Intelligence.
Copy the repository from the Windows computer to the Linux or UNIX computer.
Start Oracle Business Intelligence on the Linux or UNIX computer.
The name of the DataDirect ODBC driver file to connect to a Sybase ASE database is See "System Requirements and Certification" for information about supported versions of Sybase ASE.
To configure the DataDirect Connect ODBC Driver to connect to Sybase ASE Database:
Open the file. You can find this file at:
In the section for your operating system, include the appropriate library path environment variable for the DataDirect Connect libraries. Make sure to point to the appropriate library, depending on whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit database. Note the following:
For Solaris and Linux, the library path variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH
For HP-UX, the library path variable is SHLIB_PATH
For AIX, the library path variable is LIBPATH
For example, to set the library path variable for the 32-bit driver on Linux:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/user/local/OracleBI/odbc/lib:$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Save and close the file.
Open the odbc.ini file. You can find this file at:
Create an entry for your database, ensuring that the ODBC connection name is identical to the data source name specified in the connection pool defined in the repository. Be sure to set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the DataDirect Connect driver for Sybase ASE Database. For NetworkAddress, provide the IP address or fully qualified host name and the port number.
In the following example, the Driver parameter is set to the 64-bit DataDirect Connect driver, and the data source name is SybaseASE_DB.
[SybaseASE_DB] Driver=/usr/OracleBI/odbc/lib64/ Description=DataDirect 5.3 Sybase Wire Protocol AlternateServers= ApplicationName= ApplicationUsingThreads=1 ArraySize=50 AuthenticationMethod=0 Charset= ConnectionRetryCount=0 ConnectionRetryDelay=3 CursorCacheSize=1 Database=Paint DefaultLongDataBuffLen=1024 EnableDescribeParam=0 EnableQuotedIdentifiers=0 EncryptionMethod=0 GSSClient=native HostNameInCertificate= InitializationString= Language= LoadBalancing=0 LogonID=my_id NetworkAddress=,5005 OptimizePrepare=1 PacketSize=0 Password= RaiseErrorPositionBehavior=0 ReportCodePageConversionErrors=0 SelectMethod=0 ServicePrincipalName= TruncateTimeTypeFractions=0 TrustStore= TrustStorePassword= ValidateServerCertificate=1 WorkStationID=
Save and close the odbc.ini file.
The name of the DataDirect ODBC driver file to connect to an Informix database is See "System Requirements and Certification" for information about supported versions of Informix.
To configure the DataDirect Connect ODBC Driver to connect to Informix:
Open the file. You can find this file at:
In the section for your operating system, include the appropriate library path environment variable for the DataDirect Connect libraries. Make sure to point to the appropriate library, depending on whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit database. Note the following:
For Solaris and Linux, the library path variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH
For HP-UX, the library path variable is SHLIB_PATH
For AIX, the library path variable is LIBPATH
For example, to set the library path variable for the 32-bit driver on Linux:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/user/local/OracleBI/odbc/lib:$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Save and close the file.
Open the odbc.ini file. You can find this file at:
Create an entry for your database, ensuring that the ODBC connection name is identical to the data source name specified in the connection pool defined in the repository. Be sure to set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the DataDirect Connect driver for Informix. Also, you must specify the HostName parameter (you can use the fully qualified host name or the IP address) and the PortNumber parameter.
In the following example, the Driver parameter is set to the 64-bit DataDirect Connect driver, and the data source name is Informix_DB.
[Informix_DB] Driver=/usr/OracleBI/odbc/lib64/ Description=DataDirect Informix Wire Protocol AlternateServers= ApplicationUsingThreads=1 CancelDetectInterval=0 ConnectionRetryCount=0 ConnectionRetryDelay=3 Database= HostName= LoadBalancing=0 LogonID=informix Password=mypassword PortNumber=1526 ReportCodePageConversionErrors=0 ServerName= TrimBlankFromIndexName=1
Save and close the odbc.ini file.
Oracle Business Intelligence bundles UNIX ODBC drivers for some data sources, but not all. For these data sources, including Teradata, you must install your own ODBC driver, then update the and odbc.ini files to configure the data source.
To configure a database connection using a native ODBC driver:
Install the ODBC driver for your data source.
Open the file. You can find this file at:
In the section for your operating system, include the appropriate library path environment variable for the native ODBC driver. Make sure to point to the appropriate library, depending on whether you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit database. Note the following:
For Solaris and Linux, the library path variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH
For HP-UX, the library path variable is SHLIB_PATH
For AIX, the library path variable is LIBPATH
For example, to set the library path variable for Teradata on Linux:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/odbc/lib:/usr/lpp/tdodbc/odbc/drivers:$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Note that for Teradata in particular, you need to put /usr/odbc/lib at the beginning of the library path variable before all other entries. This step is only required for Teradata.
Save and close the file.
Open the odbc.ini file. You can find this file at:
Create an entry for your database, ensuring that the ODBC connection name is identical to the data source name specified in the connection pool defined in the repository. Be sure to set the Driver parameter to the file name and location of the native ODBC driver for your database, with the library suffix appropriate for your operating system (for example, .so
for Solaris and AIX, or .sl
for HP-UX).
The following example provides details for a Teradata data source on Solaris, with a data source name of Terav502.
Description=NCR 3600 running Teradata V2R5.2
Note that the DefaultDatabase parameter can be left empty only if you have selected the option Require fully qualified table names in the General tab of the Connection Pool dialog for this data source in the Administration Tool.
Still in the odbc.ini file, add an entry to the section [ODBC Data Sources] with the details appropriate for your data source. The following example provides details for a Teradata data source with a data source name of Terav502.
Using the Administration Tool, open the repository and add the new DSN you created as the Connection Pool Data source name for the appropriate physical databases. See "Creating or Changing Connection Pools" for more information.
Restart the Oracle BI Server.
You can access Oracle RPAS ODBC data sources when the Oracle BI Server is running on an AIX UNIX platform. To configure this database connection, first update the odbc.ini file to configure the Oracle RPAS ODBC data source, then use the rdaadmin tool to define dimension tables as not normalized at run time.
See "Setting Up Oracle RPAS Data Sources" for information about configuring Oracle RPAS ODBC data sources on Windows.
To configure Oracle RPAS ODBC as a data source on AIX UNIX:
Log on as a separate telnet session.
Open the odbc.ini file. You can find this file at:
In the RPAS data source section, edit the values. For example:
[RPAS Sample]
Data Source Name=RPAS Sample
Driver=[client RPASClient/lib/raix/
Description=OpenRDA DSN
The Data Source Name
you provide must match the value entered for DATABASE:
in Step 3 of the following procedure. Also, you must add the line DriverUnicodeType=1
as shown in the preceding example.
To use the rdaadmin client tool to define dimension tables as not normalized at run time:
Locate the rdaadmin client tool in the following location:
Run the rdaadmin client tool by typing the following command:
Enter appropriate text when prompted, as follows:
The database name must match the name given for the Data Source Name in the previous task (for example, RPAS Sample).
An example port number value is 1707.
This value treats dimension tables as not normalized at run time.
TYPE: []
The RPAS environment variable OPENRDA
should be declared in the Oracle BI Server session on UNIX. For example, declare the variable as follows using the 64 bit rdaadmin client tool:
OPENRDA_INI=/rpasclient64/config/raix/openrda.ini export OPENRDA_INI
The Oracle BI Server uses the Essbase client libraries to connect to Essbase data sources. You must ensure that the Essbase client libraries are installed on the computer running the Oracle BI Server before you can set up a connection to Essbase data sources. See "System Requirements and Certification" for information about supported versions of the Essbase Client for use with Oracle Business Intelligence.
After you install the Essbase client libraries, ensure that the PATH
environment variable includes the location of the Essbase client driver. For example, to configure access to Essbase client libraries on Linux for Oracle BI 32-bit mode, add the Essbase Client Libraries directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
For example:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/export/home/Hyperion/AnalyticServicesClient/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
You also need to ensure that an additional environment variable is set appropriately (either ESSBASEPATH
, depending on your client version). For more information, see Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide (or the equivalent title for your client version).
Finally, you need to update opmn.xml with the appropriate Essbase client library information. See "Updating Essbase Information in opmn.xml" for more information.
IBM DB2 Connect does not support the option of automatically disconnecting when an application using it receives an interrupt request.
When the native database uses DB2 Connect workstation, then you must change the setting of the parameter INTERRUPT_ENABLED
. This parameter must be changed on any Oracle Business Intelligence computer if the database or any data source resides on IBM DB2 on a mainframe running z/OS or s/390 platforms.
If IBM DB2 is used, DB2 Connect must be installed on the Oracle BI Server computer. The version of DB2 Connect must match the most recent DB2 instance that was configured as a data source.To configure the INTERRUPT_ENABLED parameter:
Configure a database alias to be used as the native CLI Data Source Name. For example, create a new database entry using DB2 Configuration Assistant.
Using the database alias created and the name of the actual target DB2 database, set the INTERRUPT_ENABLED
parameter using the following syntax:
uncatalog dcs db local_dcsnamecatalog dcs db local_dcsname as target_dbname parms \",,INTERRUPT_ENABLED\"
represents the local name of the host or database (database alias name)
represents the name of database on the host or database system
Be sure to use backslashes to pass the quotation marks as part of the string.The following example uses an OS390 DB2 instance:
uncatalog dcs db DB2_390 catalog dcs db DB2_390 as Q10B parms \",,INTERRUPT_ENABLED,,,,,\" catalog database DB2_390 as DB2_390 at node NDE1EF20 authentication dcs