13 VirtualContentRepository Services

This chapter describes the services used by applications that work with the VirtualContentRepository service provider interface, which is used by the Oracle WebLogic Portal as a way to expose content from different repositories.

This chapter covers the following topics:

13.1 VirtualContentRepository Services

The following services are described in this section:


Service that requests detailed information about a particular VCR content type. Returned data includes the VcrContentType ResultSet, the VcrProperties ResultSet, and the VcrPropertyChoices:FIELDNAME ResultSet.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • vcrContentType: The ID of the content type; also referred to as the content type's name.


Service that requests a list of all Virtual Content Repository content types defined by the system. Returned data includes the VcrContentTypes ResultSet.


Service that retrieves content item information for a specific revision of a content item. Returned data includes the VcrPropertyValues ResultSet and the REVISION_HISTORY ResultSet.

This service is almost identical to the DOC_INFO service, however, the data returned is modified to be easier to work with in a Virtual Content Repository context.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dID: The generated content item revision ID.


  • Result Sets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • REVISION_HISTORY (dFormat, dInDate, dOutDate, dStatus, dProcessingState, dRevLabel, dID, dDocName, dRevisionID for all non-deleted revisions)

    • If item is in workflow: WF_INFO (all fields from Workflows and WorkflowDocuments for the specified revision)

  • Local Data:

    • Oracle Content Server:

    • AuthorAddress

    • dDocFormats

    • dDocTitle

    • dID

    • DocUrl

    • dStatus

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionID

    • dSubscriptionType

    • dUser

    • If item is in workflow:

    • dWfCurrentStepID

    • dWfDocState

    • dWfID

    • dWfName

    • dWfStatus

    • wfStepCheckinType

    • dWfStepDescription

    • dWfStepID

    • dWfStepIsAll

    • dWfStepName

    • dWfStepType

    • dWfStepWeight

    • dWfType,

    • IsWorkflow

  • Response Template: DOC_INFO (doc_info.htm)


Service that retrieves information about the latest revision of a content item based on the content ID (the dDocName) as a parameter. Returned information includes the VcrPropertyValues ResultSet and the REVISION_HISTORY ResultSet.

This service is almost identical to DOC_INFO_BY_NAME service, however, the data returned is modified to be easier to work with in a Virtual Content Repository context.

Additional Required Service Parameters

  • dDocName: The content item name.

Optional Service Parameters

  • RevisionSelectionMethod: Can be set to Latest to retrieve the most recent version, or LatestReleased to retrieve the most recently released version, or Specific (if set to Specific, a dID must be provided). If set to Specific, dID can be used instead of dDocName to point to a specific revision.

  • Results

  • Result Sets:

    • DOC_INFO (all fields from Revisions and DocMeta for the specified revision)

    • REVISION_HISTORY (dFormat, dInDate, dOutDate, dStatus, dProcessingState, dRevLabel, dID, dDocName, dRevisionID for all non-deleted revisions)

    • If item is in workflow: WF_INFO (all fields from Workflows and WorkflowDocuments for the specified revision)

  • Local Data:

    • Oracle Content Server:

    • AuthorAddress

    • dDocFormats

    • dDocTitle

    • dID

    • DocUrl, dStatus

    • dSubscriptionAlias

    • dSubscriptionID

    • dSubscriptionType

    • dUser

    • If item is in workflow:

    • dWfStatus

    • dWfCurrentStepID

    • dWfDocState

    • dWfID

    • dWfName

    • dWfStepDescription

    • dWfStepID

    • dWfStepIsAll

    • dWfStepName

    • dWfStepType

    • dWfStepWeight

    • dWfType

    • IsWorkflow

    • wfStepCheckinType

  • Response Template: DOC_INFO (doc_info.htm)