MySQL 5.6 C API Developer Guide

7.39 mysql_library_end()



This function finalizes the MySQL library. Call it when you are done using the library (for example, after disconnecting from the server). The action taken by the call depends on whether your application is linked to the MySQL client library or the MySQL embedded server library. For a client program linked against the libmysqlclient library by using the -lmysqlclient flag, mysql_library_end() performs some memory management to clean up. For an embedded server application linked against the libmysqld library by using the -lmysqld flag, mysql_library_end() shuts down the embedded server and then cleans up.


To avoid memory leaks after the application is done using the library (for example, after closing the connection to the server), be sure to call mysql_library_end() explicitly. This enables memory managment to be performed to clean up and free resources used by the library.

For usage information, see Chapter 6, C API Function Overview, and Section 7.40, “mysql_library_init()”.