MySQL Connector/C++ Release Notes

4.6 Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 1.1.8 (2016-12-16, General Availability)

Security Notes

  • OpenSSL is ending support for version 1.0.1 in December 2016; see Consequently, Connector/C++ Commercial builds now use version 1.0.2 rather than version 1.0.1, and the linked OpenSSL library for the Connector/C++ Commercial has been updated from version 1.0.1 to version 1.0.2j. For a description of issues fixed in this version, see

    This change does not affect Oracle-produced MySQL Community builds of Connector/C++, which use the yaSSL library instead.

Functionality Added or Changed

  • Connector/C++ now supports a OPT_TLS_VERSION connection option for specifying the protocols permitted for encrypted connections. The option value is string containing a comma-separated list of one or more protocol versions. Example:

    connection_properties["OPT_TLS_VERSION"] = sql::SQLString("TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2");

    The permitted values depend on the SSL library used to compile MySQL: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 if OpenSSL was used; TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 if yaSSL was used. The default is to permit all available protocols.

    For more information about TLS protocols in MySQL, see Encrypted Connection TLS Protocols and Ciphers. (Bug #23496967)

  • Connector/C++ now supports a OPT_SSL_MODE connection option for specifying the security state of the connection to the server. Permitted option values are SSL_MODE_PREFERRED (the default), SSL_MODE_DISABLED, SSL_MODE_REQUIRED, SSL_MODE_VERIFY_CA, and SSL_MODE_VERIFY_IDENTITY. These values correspond to the values of the --ssl-mode option supported by MySQL client programs; see Command Options for Encrypted Connections. For example, this setting specifies that the connection should be unencrypted:

    connection_properties["OPT_SSL_MODE"] = sql::SSL_MODE_DISABLED;

    The OPT_SSL_MODE option comprises the capabilities of the sslEnforce and sslVerify connection options. Consequently, both of those options are now deprecated. (Bug #23496952)

  • Connector/C++ now supports OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET and OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH connection options. Each option takes a numeric value. They correspond to the MYSQL_OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET and MYSQL_OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH options for the mysql_options() C API function.

  • Issues compiling Connector/C++ under Visual Studio 2015 were corrected.

Bugs Fixed

  • A segmentation fault could occur for attempts to insert a large string using a prepared statement. (Bug #23212333, Bug #81213)

  • The certification verification checks that are enabled by the verifySSL connection option were not performed properly. (Bug #22931974)

  • Connector/C++ failed to compile against a version of the MySQL C API older than 5.7. (Bug #22838573, Bug #80539, Bug #25201287)