MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Developer Guide

3.4 Installing from Source


To just get MySQL Connector/J up and running on your system, install Connector/J using a standard binary release distribution. Instructions in this section is only for users who, for various reasons, want to compile Connector/J from source.

The requirements and steps for installing from source Connector/J 5.1.37 or later, 5.1.34 to 5.1.36, and 5.1.33 or earlier are different; check the section below that is relevant for the version you want.

Installing Connector/J 5.1.37 or later from source.  To install MySQL Connector/J from its source tree on GitHub, you need to have the following software on your system:

To check out and compile MySQL Connector/J, follow these steps:

  1. Check out the code from the source code repository for MySQL Connector/J located on GitHub at; for the latest release of the Connector/J 5.1 series, use the following command:

    shell> git clone

    To check out a release other than the latest one, use the --branch option to specify the revision tag for it:

    shell> git clone --branch 5.1

    Under the current directory, the commands create a mysql-connector-j subdirectory , which contains the code you want.

  2. Make sure that you have both JDK 1.8.x AND JDK 1.5.x installed. You need both JDKs because besides supporting JDBC from 4.0 to 4.2, Connector/J 5.1 also supports JDBC 3.0, which is an older version and requires the older JDK 1.5.x.

  3. Consider also having JRE 1.6.x installed. This is optional: if JRE 1.6.x is not available or not supplied to Ant with the property com.mysql.jdbc.java6.rtjar, the Java 8 bootstrap classes will be used. A warning will be returned, saying that the bootstrap class path was not set with the option to compile sources written for Java 6.

  4. Place the required junit.jar file in a separate directory—for example, /home/username/ant-extralibs.

  5. In the same directory for extra libraries described in the last step, create a directory named hibernate4, and put under it all the .jar files you can find under the /lib/required/ folder in the Hibernate ORM 4 Final release bundle.

  6. Change your current working directory to the mysql-connector-j directory created in step 1 above.

  7. In the directory, create a file named to indicate to Ant the locations of the root directories for your JDK 1.8.x and JDK 1.5.x installations, the location of the rt.jar of your JRE 1.6.x (optional), and the location of the extra libraries. The file should contain the following property settings, with the path_to_* parts replaced by the appropriate filepaths:


    Alternatively, you can set the values of those properties through the Ant -D options.

  8. Issue the following command to compile the driver and create a .jar file for Connector/J:

    shell> ant dist

    This creates a build directory in the current directory, where all the build output goes. A directory is created under the build directory, whose name includes the version number of the release you are building. That directory contains the sources, the compiled .class files, and a .jar file for deployment. For more information and other possible targets, including those that create a fully packaged distribution, issue the following command:

    shell> ant -projecthelp
  9. Install the newly created .jar file for the JDBC driver as you would install a binary .jar file you download from MySQL by following the instructions given in Section 3.2, “Installing the Driver and Configuring the CLASSPATH.

Note that a package containing both the binary and source code for Connector/J 5.1 can also be downloaded from the Connector/J Download page.

Installing Connector/J 5.1.34 to 5.1.36 from source.  To install MySQL Connector/J 5.1.34 to 5.1.36 from the Connector/J source tree on GitHub, make sure that you have the following software on your system:

To check out and compile MySQL Connector/J, follow these steps:

  1. Check out the code from the source code repository for MySQL Connector/J located on GitHub at, using the --branch option to specify the revision tag for release 5.1.xx:

    shell> git clone --branch 5.1.xx

    Under the current directory, the commands create a mysql-connector-j subdirectory , which contains the code you want.

  2. Make sure that you have both JDK 1.6.x AND JDK 1.5.x installed. You need both JDKs because Connector/J 5.1 supports both JDBC 3.0 (which has existed prior to JDK 1.6.x) and JDBC 4.0.

  3. Place the required junit.jar file in a separate directory—for example, /home/username/ant-extralibs.

  4. In the same directory for extra libraries described in the last step, create a directory named hibernate4, and put under it all the .jar files you can find under the /lib/required/ folder in the Hibernate ORM 4 Final release bundle.

  5. Change your current working directory to the mysql-connector-j directory created in step 1 above.

  6. In the directory, create a file named to indicate to Ant the locations of the root directories for your JDK 1.5.x and JDK 1.6.x installations, as well as the location of the extra libraries. The file should contain the following property settings, with the path_to_* parts replaced by the appropriate filepaths:


    Alternatively, you can set the values of those properties through the Ant -D options.

  7. Issue the following command to compile the driver and create a .jar file for Connector/J:

    shell> ant dist

    This creates a build directory in the current directory, where all the build output goes. A directory is created under the build directory, whose name includes the version number of the release you are building. That directory contains the sources, the compiled .class files, and a .jar file for deployment. For more information and other possible targets, including those that create a fully packaged distribution, issue the following command:

    shell> ant -projecthelp
  8. Install the newly created .jar file for the JDBC driver as you would install a binary .jar file you download from MySQL by following the instructions given in Section 3.2, “Installing the Driver and Configuring the CLASSPATH.

Installing Connector/J 5.1.33 or earlier from the source tree.  To install MySQL Connector/J 5.1.33 or earlier from the Connector/J source tree on GitHub, make sure that you have the following software on your system:

To check out and compile a specific branch of MySQL Connector/J, follow these steps:

  1. Check out the code from the source code repository for MySQL Connector/J located on GitHub at, using the --branch option to specify the revision tag for release 5.1.xx:

    shell> git clone --branch 5.1.xx

    Under the current directory, the commands create a mysql-connector-j subdirectory , which contains the code you want.

  2. To build Connector/J 5.1, make sure that you have both JDK 1.6.x AND JDK 1.5.x installed. You need both JDKs because Connector/J 5.1 supports both JDBC 3.0 (which has existed prior to JDK 1.6.x) and JDBC 4.0. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path to the JDK 1.5.x installation.

  3. Place the required ant-contrib.jar file (in exactly that name, without the version number in it; rename the jar file if needed) and junit.jar file in a separate directory—for example, /home/username/ant-extralibs.

  4. In the same directory for extra libraries described in the last step, create a directory named hibernate4, and put under it all the .jar files you can find under the /lib/required/ folder in the Hibernate ORM 4 Final release bundle.

  5. Change your current working directory to the mysql-connector-j directory created in step 1 above.

  6. In the directory, create a file named to indicate to Ant the locations of the Javac and rt.jar of your JDK 1.6.x, as well as the location of the extra libraries. The file should contain the following property settings, with the path_to_* parts replaced by the appropriate filepaths:


    Alternatively, you can set the values of those properties through the Ant -D options.

  7. Issue the following command to compile the driver and create a .jar file for Connector/J:

    shell> ant dist

    This creates a build directory in the current directory, where all the build output goes. A directory is created under the build directory, whose name includes the version number of the release you are building. That directory contains the sources, the compiled .class files, and a .jar file for deployment. For more information and other possible targets, including those that create a fully packaged distribution, issue the following command:

    shell> ant -projecthelp
  8. Install the newly created .jar file for the JDBC driver as you would install a binary .jar file you download from MySQL by following the instructions given in Section 3.2, “Installing the Driver and Configuring the CLASSPATH.