MySQL Connector/J 5.1 Developer Guide

Chapter 2 Connector/J Versions, and the MySQL and Java Versions They Require

Two versions of MySQL Connector/J are available:

The following table summarizes the Connector/J versions available, along with the compatibility information for different versions of JDBC, MySQL Server, and Java, as well as the support status for each of the Connector/J versions:

Table 2.1 Summary of Connector/J Versions

Connector/J versionJDBC versionMySQL Server versionJRE RequiredJDK Required for CompilationStatus
5.13.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.25.61, 5.71, 8.01JRE 5 or higher1JDK 5.0 AND JDK 8.0 or higher2, 3General availability, 5.7, 8.0JRE 8 or higherJDK 8.0 or higher2General availability. Recommended version.

  • 1 JRE 8 or higher is required for Connector/J 5.1 to connect to MySQL 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 with SSL/TLS when using some cipher suites.

  • 2 A customized JSSE provider might be required to use some later TLS versions and cipher suites when connecting to MySQL servers. For example, because Oracle's Java 8 is shipped with a JSSE implementation that only supports TLSv1.2 and lower, you need a customized JSSE implementation to use TLSv1.3 on Oracle's Java 8 platform.

  • 3 If you are building Connector/J 5.1 from source code using the source distribution, you must have both JDK 8.0 or higher AND JDK 5.0 installed. It is also good to have JRE 6 for compiling Connector/J 5.1. See Section 3.4, “Installing from Source” for details.

This guide also covers earlier versions of Connector/J, with specific notes given where a setting applies to a specific version.